Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Socialism is easy to research, a prime example is what Trump did the other day, By using the Media's own broadcast of False statements and there propaganda. The rise of the Third Reich, Joseph Goebbels was the Minster of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. That person today is George Soros who funds Black Lives Matter, and Media Matters the Propaganda Machine of the Democratic Party
Also, the think tank New America is funded also by Soros who sends the story of the day to the media outlets as to what the news of the day is to be, If you notice on every media propaganda outlet CNN, MSN, Bloomberg, ABC, CBS, NBC. All the big newspaper outlet Times and Post every one almost verbatim says exactly the same words. That Proves The Propaganda Machine. Only a fool would hear the same words from so many people all with the same verbiage and think it was a different opinion, or thought.

As a side note understand George Soros links back to Nazi Germany and the Propaganda machine of the Third Reich. The Democratic Party of Today, wants Socialism, Trump screwed them badly.Obama had America on the ropes, until Trump showed America the truth of what the Democrats had done, beginning with Clinton and NAFTA. Companies shipped Manufacturing jobs out of the Country Big Corporations began moving out of America. The middle class jobs were leaving, America's workers were put out to pasture, Unemployment grew, Welfare Grew, Food Stamps. Then came food and utility increases, Gas rose our National debt rose People could no longer afford homes and walked away. Cities emptied as jobs left. The Idea of Socialism is only Government can help people, The idea is to remove Hope, Religion, Work. until despair. The election of Clinton would finally end Capitalism, and the Government would then step in and assume control of America's big Business and put people back to work at their dream wage of 15 dollars an hour for all. Remember hearing this preached? Trump blew that up and turned the Country around.

Socialism is but FOOL's GOLD. and The Democratic Party is but the Ship Of Fool's chasing the pot of Gold Our Education in Public Schools and Most Colleges is joke, and I consider it shameful The Public school teachers union is the lowest class of professional's in America today. They no longer educate they simply spew forth Daily Propaganda to children And the Socialist so-called Professors of these left Propaganda Colleges are worse. This is the first generation of America's children who are being less educated than their parents. The proof is in the world rankings of the highest educated group of children in grades 1-12 we have over the last 18 years either remained the same rank or dropped the ratings as of last year we stood 18 in the world. I wonder why all Democrats oppose charter schools, could be there children test higher every year than public schools?

you are so biased....and full of right wing bullshit....you would not know facts if you saw them

If people feel it is worth the risk to go places, how does that endanger you, unless you too are out and about. So I don't see why it is a big deal if people are doing what people do. In fact, letting younger and healthy people mingle will get us past the curve, and get us tribe immunity faster.
I myself will stay isolated and not venture out unless absolutely necessary. However I don't have an issue with those that do continue to not isolate. If they feel the risk is worth it, let them. There are many experts (that don't work for the government) are saying to isolate the elderly and immunity compromised, but let the younger healthier and chi ldren to go about daily activities. very few "healthy" people have died from this.

The entire reason for shutting down was to help prevent health care systems from being overwhelmed, and give them time to prepare. The shutdown will NOT make the virus go away. In fact, it almost guarantees a resurgence in the fall. Hospitals are now better prepared so let the curve peek I say.

the reason you don't think a big deal....wouldn't be worried about your own biz would it?....of course not
don't suppose you gave any thought to the idea part of the stay at home was to stop the spread......if someone gets sick let them go to hospital.....if they are not sick stay home for a while so they don't get it

and it has already been proved age is no facter in people getting it and dying!
you are so biased....and full of right wing bullshit....you would not know facts if you saw them
Deaf ears. Once they go into Soros mode, it's all red. They believe all Democrats have been in on it for years and the Republicans are just now waking up to it. Just watch the bullshit surrounding the election.
Trump has ******* the bed completely this year. There is no enticement to support him except from his hardcorse followers.

If people feel it is worth the risk to go places, how does that endanger you, unless you too are out and about. So I don't see why it is a big deal if people are doing what people do. In fact, letting younger and healthy people mingle will get us past the curve, and get us tribe immunity faster.
I myself will stay isolated and not venture out unless absolutely necessary. However I don't have an issue with those that do continue to not isolate. If they feel the risk is worth it, let them. There are many experts (that don't work for the government) are saying to isolate the elderly and immunity compromised, but let the younger healthier and chi ldren to go about daily activities. very few "healthy" people have died from this.

The entire reason for shutting down was to help prevent health care systems from being overwhelmed, and give them time to prepare. The shutdown will NOT make the virus go away. In fact, it almost guarantees a resurgence in the fall. Hospitals are now better prepared so let the curve peek I say.
Also, you should remove any negligence or wrongful death lawsuit protection off these companies, and business owners who ******* their workers to come back or be fired.
If the businesses are held accountable for their negligence then they will do a true cost benefit analysis before going back.
The unfortunate part is that innocent people will get sick and die. Having Covid but being healthy, does NOT stop you from spreading to someone who is more vulnerable. That's about the only thing we know about it.
It's ignorant to think that this is about individual freedom. But, that's a Trumper for ya.
It's been Republican Administrations that led us into bankruptcy each and every time over the last century.
It's been Democratic Administrations that has delivered us out of each recession and the great depression. Each and every time.
(Recession = 3% decline or more in GDP or double digit unemployment. Aside from 1945, wartime spending switch to peacetime spending)
This is why it's not worth responding to you. You're a fucking head case.
Again, each and every time we went into recession and the great depression it's been Republican policies. Trump is only following in a long line of fuck ups.

I notice how you had to jump back 90 years to FDR to try to back your point.

And what did FDR do to "end the Great Depression"? What was that, oh yeah got us into WW2.

In the process he and the Dems, once again, proceed to violate the Constitution over and over. Also, steal rights and gold from the people, once again. The whole time telling the American People they were fighting for freedom while FDR and The Dems stole their freedom.

And which party controlled half or all of Congress from 1911 to 1993? Oh yeah Democrats
Who had 5 Supermajorities including 7 years with FDR, the last under Obama, and did nothing? Democrats
Who fixed all the issues the Dem have cried about since the 1930s? NOT the Democrats

No Democrats nor government, or Republicans for that matter, has ever fixed a depression or recession. They general cause them and/or make them worse or get a ton of us killed in a war.

It has been private business and hard working Americans that delivered us from every recessions and the great depression. Generally despite what the government and especially the Democrats are doing. FYI- FDR and the Democrat made the Great Depression much worse and much longer.

You don't respond to me because you lose and your talking points don't stand up to logic and truth.
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If people feel it is worth the risk to go places, how does that endanger you, unless you too are out and about. So I don't see why it is a big deal if people are doing what people do. In fact, letting younger and healthy people mingle will get us past the curve, and get us tribe immunity faster.
I myself will stay isolated and not venture out unless absolutely necessary. However I don't have an issue with those that do continue to not isolate. If they feel the risk is worth it, let them. There are many experts (that don't work for the government) are saying to isolate the elderly and immunity compromised, but let the younger healthier and chi ldren to go about daily activities. very few "healthy" people have died from this.

The entire reason for shutting down was to help prevent health care systems from being overwhelmed, and give them time to prepare. The shutdown will NOT make the virus go away. In fact, it almost guarantees a resurgence in the fall. Hospitals are now better prepared so let the curve peek I say.
Except we don't know whether herd immunity is even possible yet.
Also, you should remove any negligence or wrongful death lawsuit protection off these companies, and business owners who ******* their workers to come back or be fired. If the businesses are held accountable for their negligence then they will do a true cost benefit analysis before going back.
Thats were we need to government to do their job and prevent companies from doing this, work would have to be voluntary. Or emplyees have to be tested before allowed back to work. There is a lot that could be done to keep workers safe. Are you holding the state responsible for essential workers? - Straw-man.

The unfortunate part is that innocent people will get sick and die. Having Covid but being healthy, does NOT stop you from spreading to someone who is more vulnerable. That's about the only thing we know about it.
And once again proving that reading comprehension is not the strong suit of a liberal. No ******* that having it doesn't stop you from spreading it, but if you are more vulnerable then YOU SHOULD NOT BE OUT. How would you be getting it if you are NOT OUT? The only ones getting exposed are those that feel the risk is worth it. They take the risk and must accept the responsibility. So once again, plain as I can put it - If you stay in and I go out, how is that going to infect you?

It's ignorant to think that this is about individual freedom. But, that's a Trumper for ya.
Tell me where YOU draw the line. 1 year? 2 years? 5 years? tell me - Will you allow the state to come into your home and check you for a virus at random intervals? How about being stopped on the street and asking for you Health documents. One governor wants to "remove" people from their home if they are sick. What would be the point in that (oh yeah - money)? Go ahead and laugh but these are things that are being discussed as we speak. How long can YOU remain unemployed? how long before you can no longer pay your bills? How soon before you are evicted or foreclosed? Where is YOUR line.

Bottom line, "this is the new normal" is NOT an option and should not be acceptable. Just amazes me that the only time you lefties outcry about people dying is when it's a real possibility that YOU could be one of the deaths, but say nothing about other things that ******* far more each year.
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the reason you don't think a big deal....wouldn't be worried about your own biz would it?....of course not
don't suppose you gave any thought to the idea part of the stay at home was to stop the spread......if someone gets sick let them go to hospital.....if they are not sick stay home for a while so they don't get it

and it has already been proved age is no facter in people getting it and dying!

1) the primary deaths and most people admitted are old. And almost all are hindered by know or unknown underlying conditions.
Note the Graph and this is VOX.

2) Yes we are worried about our companies and the people who depend on us for their paychecks. Yes we are worried about all we have sacrificed to build those companies and the fact that we may have to shut down and lose everything we built, so you can take a virus not much worse than the flu and turn it into the death blow to Trump and America.

3) And you keep getting that wrong. We were ordered to stay home to flatten the curve and keep Medical Staff and Hospitals from being over run. Not to stop the spread; to slow it. You do realize they expect that we will all get it. And their numbers are WRONG and FAKE. But they will say this bs was the reason.

Just so you are clear, if the open is May 1 or Sept 1 or 2021 you will get it. And it will likely not be from opening up. And likely will be much more lethal, not mention the flu being more lethal, when we do venture out with the bullshit "new normal"

And don't forget they are not even close to sure if you get it you will be immune from it later.
Thats were we need to government to do their job and prevent companies from doing this, work would have to be voluntary. Or emplyees have to be tested before allowed back to work. There is a lot that could be done to keep workers safe. Are you holding the state responsible for essential workers? - Straw-man.

And once again proving that reading comprehension is not the strong suit of a liberal. No ******* that having it doesn't stop you from spreading it, but if you are more vulnerable then YOU SHOULD NOT BE OUT. How would you be getting it if you are NOT OUT? The only ones getting exposed are those that feel the risk is worth it. They take the risk and must accept the responsibility. So once again, plain as I can put it - If you stay in and I go out, how is that going to infect you?

Tell me where YOU draw the line. 1 year? 2 years? 5 years? tell me bright boy - Will you allow the state to come into your home and check you for a virus at random intervals? How about being stopped on the street and asking for you Health documents. One governor wants to "remove" people from their home if they are sick. What would be the point in that (oh yeah - money)? Go ahead and laugh but these are things that are being discussed as we speak. How long can YOU remain unemployed? how long before you can no longer pay your bills? How soon before you are evicted or foreclosed? Where is YOUR line.

Bottom line, "this is the new normal" is NOT an option and should not be acceptable. Just amazes me that the only time you lefties outcry about people dying is when it's a real possibility that YOU could be one of the deaths, but say nothing about other things that ******* far more each year.

They draw the line November
Also, you should remove any negligence or wrongful death lawsuit protection off these companies, and business owners who ******* their workers to come back or be fired.
If the businesses are held accountable for their negligence then they will do a true cost benefit analysis before going back.
The unfortunate part is that innocent people will get sick and die. Having Covid but being healthy, does NOT stop you from spreading to someone who is more vulnerable. That's about the only thing we know about it.
It's ignorant to think that this is about individual freedom. But, that's a Trumper for ya.

But it is ok to have the government illegally ******* business to close down, but the government's negligence for the resulting poverty deaths and debasing of the money is ok?

Again the businesses are not libel if you choose to go back to work. You are not ****** to go back. It is your choice and if you listened to Great Depression grandmas who said save, live within your means and stock up you wouldn't have to go back so fast.

So then why aren't all the business closed except for Grocery Stores and their distribution chains? Why are Alcohol and Pot "essential" but gardening to grow food is not? Why are restaurants able to stay open for pick up and delivery? Someone "******" to work in that situation is far more dangers then a manufacturer working.

And we don't know. The doctors think that asymptomatic can spread it, but they are guessing. They are guessing on the spread and the rates. Just like they are guessing on whether people with it will be immune from it later. They didn't even get close in their estimates.

The redstate?....damn that is something would bet is non biased....well maybe just a little to the right.....but with your bot training what else would we expect you to post...….something the right wing retards might buy and to stir the hate and discontent...….it is the Russian game plane

To Stir Discord in 2016, Russians Turned Most Often to ...
Feb 17, 2018 · The group began using American social media to achieve those aims in 2014, when it started making Facebook pages dedicated to social issues like race and religion. Over the next two years, the indictment said, the Russians stole the identities of real Americans to create fake personas and fake accounts on social media.
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Mmmmm odd how they just picked the left...…….more of your bot bullshit!

Russia & Social Media -- Russian Propaganda History in ...
President Donald Trump and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin in Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 30, 2018. (Marcos Brindicci/REUTERS) It is indeed awful that Russian intelligence services have used social media to exacerbate American political-social divisions and spread lies during the 2016 election season and continue to today.
you are so biased....and full of right wing bullshit....you would not know facts if you saw them
I assure you, these are the facts. I know you are a lost cause but waking up would be a major step in the right direction. I am sick of your lousy left Bias attitude. If there is anything in that post that isn't 100% truth. I challenge you to prove it wrong and that don't mean by posting pages of useless left wing propaganda. Almost everything you post false. I don't want to play the childish game of rude and snide remarks.
Mmmmm odd how they just picked the left...…….more of your bot bullshit!

Russia & Social Media -- Russian Propaganda History in ...
President Donald Trump and Russia’s President Vladimir Poroshenko in Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 30, 2018. (Marcos Brindicci/REUTERS) It is indeed awful that Russian intelligence services have used social media to exacerbate American political-social divisions and spread lies during the 2016 election season and continue to today.

They said media elite so yeah left
I assure you, these are the facts. I know you are a lost cause but waking up would be a major step in the right direction. I am sick of your lousy left Bias attitude. If there is anything in that post that isn't 100% truth. I challenge you to prove it wrong and that don't mean by posting pages of useless left wing propaganda. Almost everything you post false. I don't want to play the childish game of rude and snide remarks.

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