Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Fingers crossed for a vaccine before Christmas. If not, fingers crossed it mutates and becomes less dangerous.

they have found it had mutated already since it was first discovered.....I read somewhere it is possible that a lot of people been exposed to it for a couple years....it just keeps mutating and changing …..but really doubt a vaccine by Christmas....be nice but that is stretching things....they said at least a year...…..but trump not involved so anything possible
they have found it had mutated already since it was first discovered.....I read somewhere it is possible that a lot of people been exposed to it for a couple years....it just keeps mutating and changing …..but really doubt a vaccine by Christmas....be nice but that is stretching things....they said at least a year...…..but trump not involved so anything possible
Good piece here.
Good piece here.

yes I saw there are several people doing some..."testing".....

I saw where Tom Hanks and his wife....both had different symptoms and treatments.....Tom had it kind of easy...….but his wife was different and she was given that malaria *******.....said would not recommend that to anyone......the side effects more than the virus...plus she felt a little odd with her balance and thinking...and some other pains
You know, I've stop with the tRump because it takes away from the reply. Try 'Obama', you may have a point one day. Not today.
You keep posting the CONGRESSIONAL JUSTIFICATION budget. You should try to understand the different budget, what they represent, who compiles them and what represents what passes. Then study up on sequestration and how it forces the president to take the numbers given- because Congress has the purse strings.

Your concession that Obama tried to increase it in 2012, is a step in the right direction but you have to come all the way and recognize, Democrats pour money into government, Republicans take out of government and give back to people as political favor.

Even in the aftermath of the swine flu pandemic, the stockpile wasn’t a priority for Republicans. Denny Rehberg (R-Montana) the chairman of the appropriations subcommittee responsible for overseeing the stockpile in 2011, introduced a bill that provided $522.5 million to the stockpile, about 12% less than the previous year and $132 million less than the Obama administration wanted. “Nobody got everything they wanted,” Rehberg said.
$132 million less than the Obama administration wanted.
$132 million less than the Obama administration wanted.
$132 million less than the Obama administration wanted.
$132 million less than the Obama administration wanted.
$132 million less than the Obama administration wanted.
$132 million less than the Obama administration wanted.
$132 million less than the Obama administration wanted.
$132 million less than the Obama administration wanted.

What did they do with over Half a Billion Dollars? Marked for the stockpile specifically.

And with $522.5 million the professional government forgot to replace the masks they just used 75% of? You know, just in case the pandemic flared again in the next flu season.

What was the cost of a box of 50 or 100 masks? $5 to $20 per?

Take the $0.5 Million and buy the boxes and get like 25,000 to 100,000 Boxes. Then repeat each year.
Numbers don't lie...…...talk all the ******* you want....the right is big government and big spenders

Seven Falsehoods the Republican Party Has Been Spreading ...
Jul 25, 2019 · The graph below seems to say it all; the Republican Party is the big-spending party and the Democrats are the budget-conscious party. An interactive version …

Republicans went from being thrifters on deficits to big ...
Seven years later, there's a Republican wielding power at the White House — and the conservative fiscal orthodoxy of cutting government spending, balancing budgets and reducing the national debt ...

Republicans and Big Government | Mises Institute
Over the last one hundred years, of the five presidents who presided over the largest domestic spending increases, four were Republicans. Contrary to popular myth, every Republican president since and including Herbert Hoover has increased the federal government's size, scope, or power- …

The Grand Old Spending Party: How Republicans Became Big ...
May 03, 2005 · The GOP was once effective at controlling nondefense spending. The final nondefense budgets under Clinton were a combined $57 billion smaller than what he proposed from 1996 to 2001.

The Numbers Don’t Lie: Republicans Are Bigger Spenders ...
The numbers don’t lie.I suspect these counter-intuitive results are because of two factors:presidents try to deflect and/or preempt criticism, so that leads Democrats to be cautious about spending money (they don’t want to be called “big spenders”) and it leads Republicans to squander a lot of cash (they don’t want to be called ...

Republicans Are the Party of Trillion-Dollar Deficits ...
Jul 19, 2019 · Debt and Deficits. Republicans Are the Party of Trillion-Dollar Deficits If Mark Sanford wants to run a presidential campaign on restraining federal spending, he's in the wrong party.

Yeah, yeah you keep posting these. We know and the Dems are right there with them either having their lobbyist write many of the bills or voting for them, unless they need to get votes. Then it is a big show of cuts here back adds there with fake calls of racism and always pork to buy votes from blind sheep like you, MacnFries and ed4mwf.

Now what? 5 Democrat Supermajorities since FDR and all of these "dem stated problems" are still here, since 1930s, how do you explain that? Why didn't the dems fix it? And don't blame the Republicans- In most of the other years Dems had defendable power position to stop most changes.
you are a trump supporter and get all of your opinions from fox….so your statement is understandable.....you want your biz going again....at peoples expense...……. you don't care

You are a Democrat who gets his propaganda from discredit democrat media sources and you want to bankrupt America and ******* many more people with poverty.
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Can We Talk About American Media's Connections to Chinese Interests?

"At first glance, it would be easy to write this disturbing surrender of journalistic integrity to advanced stages of Trump Derangement System. It would be reasonable to suspect that reporters, producers, anchors and editors held such an intense zeal to oppose, resist and damage President Trump that they'd even stoop so low as to hand their bylines over to propagandists supporting the totalitarian murderers at the top of the Red China food chain.

However, something even more disconcerting may be at work here."

It also says:

"It's not breaking news that the Chinese market is the single most important region for growth and revenue for Hollywood. The profitability for many films these days is almost entirely dependant on ticket sales in China. If a major film doesn't sell in China, it's a problem for the studio. And films are only allowed to be shown in China if the communists in Beijing give permission. That's the beauty of a totalitarian, communist state. Nobody in the country sees "Avengers: End Game" unless the authoritarians are accommodated.

This directly affects how Hollywood makes its movies.

Much has been written about the growing influence the Chinese censors have on the product coming out of Hollywood. Both conservative and liberal news outlets have lamented this growing trend. The influence of Chinese censors is often depicted in amusing anecdotes like this NPR feature explaining how a Tom Cruise blockbuster was modified to assuage the communist propagandists:"

And Adds:

'Perhaps this influence doesn't end with how the next "Mission Impossible" film depicts the Chinese government. Perhaps the importance of maintaining entre into the Chinese market also influences how these same film companies report on the news.


- CBS News is part of a conglomerate of media and entertainment companies called National Amusements. The companies under their control include Viacom and Paramount Pictures.

- NBC News/MSNBC is part of Universal and Comcast.

- CNN is part of AT&T Time Warner, which owns Warner Brothers.

- ABC News is owned by Disney, which owns, well, pretty much everything else coming out of Hollywood.

Beyond the direct concerns of the film producing and distribution arms of these major corporations, they also have other direct interests in not ticking off the Beijing communists. These companies also own theme parks, cellular telephone networks, cable networks, movie theatres and much more.'

Dems? I thought we were the skinny jeans, skinny latte drinking, goat yoga loving, no Big Gulp's, Veggie Garden at the White House, Vegan demanding party?
Aren't the Republicans the meat eating, cheap beer drinking, Big Gulp saving, and trans fat defending people of WalMart?
Typical Republican- projecting,

I like how you started trying to projecting. Did you have to look it up after I used it?

This is a flash back just for you:

The Latest Spending Push From Democrats: Using Your Money to Let Felons Out of Jail

"House Democrats aren't planning on coming back to Washington D.C. until May, but they're still scheming from afar about how to recklessly spend your money during the Wuhan coronavirus crisis.

Republican Congressman Jim Jordan is warning his leftist colleagues want to use taxpayer money to pay states to let criminals out of prison, including felons."

And from the bill:
"Use of Grant Funds --- A grantee shall use amounts provided as a grant under this section for programs that provide for the following: "(1) Adopting and operating a cite-and-release process for individuals who are suspected of committing misdemeanor and felony offenses and who do not pose a risk of serious, imminent injury to a reasonably identifiable person," the legislation states. "

But look:
"City and state officials around the country have been releasing prisoners for weeks, justifying the move as a health issue due to Wuhan coronavirus. While they've argued violent offenders have been kept behind bars, that hasn't always been the case. "

"A newly released Florida man is back in jail after he reportedly murdered a man just a day after he was let out of prison.
Authorities arrested Edward Williams, 26, of Tampa, Florida, on a warrant Monday, the report said. Williams is facing charges of second-degree *******, gun possession, violently resisting an officer, ******* possession, and paraphernalia possession. He was jailed with no bond.
According to NBC News, Williams was released from prison in March over concerns that COVID-19 could spread in corrections facilities. He was freed just six days after being arrested in March on suspicion of ******* possession and possession of ******* paraphernalia."

I guess it was a death sentence to the person who the early release killed. 99% survival rate, but you dems say "who cares let the criminals out and take the guns from the law abiding. Who cares if women get raped because they can't defend themselves."
Well we have our problems in the UK as well. We are nearly out of PPE in our hospitals because, like many other countries, we've been buying it from China and we just can't get enough of it at the moment. Lots of medics dying - giving they lie to those who would tell you this is only like the flu.

Many people think our govt didn't shut down early enough, but on balance I think they got it right. You can't please everyone.

I think the virus has exposed the weakness in many countries. The market cannot and does not solve all problems. There is a role for the state over and above defending borders. My country needs to make sure that it can support its population effectively in times like this. I suspect the same applies to the US, but I'm certain some will disagree.
Your country did not shut down early enough and downplayed the virus. Prime Minister Boris Johnson followed Trump's lead on this and led you into darkness. Your numbers are low too. I have personal knowledge that affected people under 50, are being sent home if it's not dire. You're as fucked as we are and it starts at the top with the leaders not taking the warnings seriously.
You are a Democrat who gets his propaganda from discredit democrat media sources and you want to bankrupt America and ******* many more people with poverty.
It's been Republican Administrations that led us into bankruptcy each and every time over the last century.
It's been Democratic Administrations that has delivered us out of each recession and the great depression. Each and every time.
(Recession = 3% decline or more in GDP or double digit unemployment. Aside from 1945, wartime spending switch to peacetime spending)
This is why it's not worth responding to you. You're a fucking head case.
Again, each and every time we went into recession and the great depression it's been Republican policies. Trump is only following in a long line of fuck ups.
Your country did not shut down early enough and downplayed the virus. Prime Minister Boris Johnson followed Trump's lead on this and led you into darkness. Your numbers are low too. I have personal knowledge that affected people under 50, are being sent home if it's not dire. You're as fucked as we are and it starts at the top with the leaders not taking the warnings seriously.
Sorry but that's not true about us following America. The days when the UK blindly followed the USA area over. There is almost zero respect for trump over here and you'll only see politeness, but everyone gets that. So, if we did fuck up by locking down too late, we did so off our own backs, rather than copying the orange dickhead.
The UK has been shut down completely since 23rd, but the schools were already shut before then - many had shut before they were told to shut. And many shops were already following social distancing, with individuals practicing it for weeks prior. I hadn't seen my dad for at least a couple of weeks prior to the shutdown, because he has breathing problems, and many others were keeping away too.
I'm not sure what you mean re people under 50 and our numbers being low? We may end up being the worst affected in Europe, but as for the reasons, well, we have to wait for the final analysis. Certainly Germany have been the best prepared though, as usual. 🙄😁
Socialism is easy to research, a prime example is what Trump did the other day, By using the Media's own broadcast of False statements and there propaganda. The rise of the Third Reich, Joseph Goebbels was the Minster of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. That person today is George Soros who funds Black Lives Matter, and Media Matters the Propaganda Machine of the Democratic Party
Also, the think tank New America is funded also by Soros who sends the story of the day to the media outlets as to what the news of the day is to be, If you notice on every media propaganda outlet CNN, MSN, Bloomberg, ABC, CBS, NBC. All the big newspaper outlet Times and Post every one almost verbatim says exactly the same words. That Proves The Propaganda Machine. Only a fool would hear the same words from so many people all with the same verbiage and think it was a different opinion, or thought.

As a side note understand George Soros links back to Nazi Germany and the Propaganda machine of the Third Reich. The Democratic Party of Today, wants Socialism, Trump screwed them badly.Obama had America on the ropes, until Trump showed America the truth of what the Democrats had done, beginning with Clinton and NAFTA. Companies shipped Manufacturing jobs out of the Country Big Corporations began moving out of America. The middle class jobs were leaving, America's workers were put out to pasture, Unemployment grew, Welfare Grew, Food Stamps. Then came food and utility increases, Gas rose our National debt rose People could no longer afford homes and walked away. Cities emptied as jobs left. The Idea of Socialism is only Government can help people, The idea is to remove Hope, Religion, Work. until despair. The election of Clinton would finally end Capitalism, and the Government would then step in and assume control of America's big Business and put people back to work at their dream wage of 15 dollars an hour for all. Remember hearing this preached? Trump blew that up and turned the Country around.

Socialism is but FOOL's GOLD. and The Democratic Party is but the Ship Of Fool's chasing the pot of Gold Our Education in Public Schools and Most Colleges is joke, and I consider it shameful The Public school teachers union is the lowest class of professional's in America today. They no longer educate they simply spew forth Daily Propaganda to children And the Socialist so-called Professors of these left Propaganda Colleges are worse. This is the first generation of America's children who are being less educated than their parents. The proof is in the world rankings of the highest educated group of children in grades 1-12 we have over the last 18 years either remained the same rank or dropped the ratings as of last year we stood 18 in the world. I wonder why all Democrats oppose charter schools, could be there children test higher every year than public schools?
Sorry but that's not true about us following America. The days when the UK blindly followed the USA area over. There is almost zero respect for trump over here and you'll only see politeness, but everyone gets that. So, if we did fuck up by locking down too late, we did so off our own backs, rather than copying the orange dickhead.
The UK has been shut down completely since 23rd, but the schools were already shut before then - many had shut before they were told to shut. And many shops were already following social distancing, with individuals practicing it for weeks prior. I hadn't seen my dad for at least a couple of weeks prior to the shutdown, because he has breathing problems, and many others were keeping away too.
I'm not sure what you mean re people under 50 and our numbers being low? We may end up being the worst affected in Europe, but as for the reasons, well, we have to wait for the final analysis. Certainly Germany have been the best prepared though, as usual. 🙄😁
Not what I mean. I said your leader, Boris Johnson, followed Trump's lead in being dismissive of early warnings. I don't feel like pulling up articles but, yes, Boris was doing the whole Trump thing like he's been doing since befriending him over Brexit. As the world knows, he ended up hospitalized because he was publicly defying social distancing suggestions. Almost killed him.

Close friend of mine is a barrister out of London. So, she is fairly well informed and stays on top of top of things. She was sent back home from the hospital with a high fever and breathing issues last month. She was very angry and begin making calls as did her colleagues. Because of the shortage of personnel and equipment, the hospitals were unofficial prioritizing of patients. Basically, seniors and deathbed candidates. So, the question becomes how many are infected at home and not recorded as such.

She is fine. Still a slight fever 5 weeks later, and soreness breathing but able to continue activity. She kept working and taking long walks with her kid, so her body never shut down completely (this is where AllFour speaks up about working). Just talk to her early this morning London time. Says it's still ******* there.
I just spoke with her. She didn't go to the hospital, she called triple 1. Said it wasn't the normal procedures where they record name, vitals info and symptoms. They just told her what I wrote above. She asked if they wanted to take her info and they said not now and that was it. Just told me there are drive up testing facilities but since she is coming down and feeling better, there is no need to go get tested.
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I want my side to be afraid of this. Trumpers will come out full ******* but, they are a smaller ******* now. The 2018 turnover in the House showed us that. The 2019 Governor's races where Dems took over red states like Kentucky and Louisiana showed us that. And, the race in Wisconsin, with strong voter ID and the removal of 97% of the polling places in the biggest Democratic stronghold on election day- and he still lost, showed us that. Plouffe is a master strategist and knows to keep our people fired up. If you think Trump has a fair chance, I want to you hold on to that confidence.
Florida's governor can't seem to make the right decision on anything. Republican chap right?
He released a guy with over 35 arrests?? And, in ONE day, this dude got his hands on a weapon and *******? Come on Florida.
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I want my side to be afraid of this. Trumpers will come out full ******* but, they are a smaller ******* now. The 2018 turnover in the House showed us that. The 2019 Governor's races where Dems took over red states like Kentucky and Louisiana showed us that. And, the race in Wisconsin, with strong voter ID and the removal of 97% of the polling places in the biggest Democratic stronghold on election day- and he still lost, showed us that. Plouffe is a master strategist and knows to keep our people fired up. If you think Trump has a fair chance, I want to you hold on to that confidence.

I don't want you guys to be surprised
Let Darwin decide


If people feel it is worth the risk to go places, how does that endanger you, unless you too are out and about. So I don't see why it is a big deal if people are doing what people do. In fact, letting younger and healthy people mingle will get us past the curve, and get us tribe immunity faster.
I myself will stay isolated and not venture out unless absolutely necessary. However I don't have an issue with those that do continue to not isolate. If they feel the risk is worth it, let them. There are many experts (that don't work for the government) are saying to isolate the elderly and immunity compromised, but let the younger healthier and chi ldren to go about daily activities. very few "healthy" people have died from this.

The entire reason for shutting down was to help prevent health care systems from being overwhelmed, and give them time to prepare. The shutdown will NOT make the virus go away. In fact, it almost guarantees a resurgence in the fall. Hospitals are now better prepared so let the curve peek I say.
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