Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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This is so powerful and true. Just a thought for those on the democrat side. How can we expect our government to continue to aid all the American people if our economy fails. There will be no Money for the government to payout to those on welfare and other government services. The hated big business is losing money at a incredible rate, no profit, no jobs, no aid. Staying home to keep from dying is wonderful for cutting the chance of getting the virus. What about all our health workers in or hospitals, our nurses and aids in all the nursing homes, what about police, fire and medics. They are risking their lives everyday. Common sense is needed, if like myself we don't have to wander out, stay home, but those who may have no choice and need to feed their families, pay the rent or mortgage, utility bills, the cost of living, what about them?
This is so powerful and true. Just a thought for those on the democrat side. How can we expect our government to continue to aid all the American people if our economy fails. There will be no Money for the government to payout to those on welfare and other government services. The hated big business is losing money at a incredible rate, no profit, no jobs, no aid. Staying home to keep from dying is wonderful for cutting the chance of getting the virus. What about all our health workers in or hospitals, our nurses and aids in all the nursing homes, what about police, fire and medics. They are risking their lives everyday. Common sense is needed, if like myself we don't have to wander out, stay home, but those who may have no choice and need to feed their families, pay the rent or mortgage, utility bills, the cost of living, what about them?

well first off...…...I agree to a point....saw a gal on tv last night....had diabetes....her ******* sugar 4 times normal and barely had enough insulin to get 3 more shots...she looked bad...and without help she will die!....how many others needing medications and etc.....no money......but yet the right can fight about how much they give to boeing and etc......they give money for unemployment ….well the states making it so hard to get the money...call in your unemployment and yet phone lines all tied up......state probably using the money to cover it's short comings.....again...money not going where it is needed

this whole thing is a tough call...send people back to work and as fast as this virus works we could lose a third of the population.....and yet if some of these people don't get help will die from other causes...….hopefully someone from that girls home town will help her......she probably already has some kind of damage...from the sugar level to high....friend of mine his ******* had it...and being a kid was bad about taking care of himself...and lost his sight....I would have tried to send money if I knew how and where....
but anyway...the right as usual is just concerned about the biz...and not the people....either way middle America dies...…..thanks to killer trump letting this thing get out of control to begin with
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and....even after trumps daily ass kissing....he stated he would let the states decide when they thought they were able to mover forward...…..and then today he starts in on governors that are not opening right away.....again not a care in the world about lives...it is all about the money

stating fewer people are sick....how does he know....no tests to determine that...….just right now fewer dyeing…..get them out there right away and watch those number go up.....he needs to be buying every test kit he could from any country that has them....but again....with him it is about money...let the state worry about it....with no taxes the states are broke....the feds supposed to have a reserve on supplies..but he gave that away....true these tests were not available...but if he hadn't had to buy all those ventilators he might have had money....germany offered them to him in jan.….but he turned them down...….WHO offered some....no again
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It really cracks me up to see all these liberals crying about States wanting to put people back to work and lift the Draconian rules while at the same time complaining about Trump wanting to be a dictator. It's fucking comical.
Of course, as usual, you make an exaggeration and draw conclusions from assumptions you have. I can't help if you and your conservative friends elect to take the coronavirus so lightly. I listen to the scientists and doctors, not the Orange man and Fox News. Most the American people take the current virus with a lot more seriously than they take concern with the US economy ... by double. If there were appropriate testing to prove that the infected numbers were falling, I'd be more obliging to listen to the reasoning for going back to work; unfortunately, people aren't being tested. Here, in NC, only 56,000 people have been tested. Obviously the governor feels the same way as he's extending the "essential services only" order another two weeks into May. Only one person in my family leaves the house and uses essential services (me), and I disinfect when I enter the garage. As much as it hurts the economy, most people in the US are currently way more concerned & respectful of the virus, for sure.
People are starting to crack up under the strain of being cooped up and if we don’t get things back up and running soon you’ll be blaming the President for the next Great Depression. His plan to reopen the country seems well thought out and the medical professionals - Fauci - Redfield - Birx have signed off on it. What more do you want. The testing is coming along - seems there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye.
you and your conservative friends elect to take the coronavirus so lightly.

And that's your assumption. Just because we think for ourselves and question the data - the data from doctors that you prefer to "listen to" is coming from doctors PAID FOR by Trump and his administration. Ever consider that?

I take this very seriously, that is why we are staying isolated as much as possible. But the economic impact must be taken seriously also, unless you are going to offer to pay for peoples houses and rent. Do I hear an Amen?
People are starting to crack up under the strain of being cooped up and if we don’t get things back up and running soon you’ll be blaming the President for the next Great Depression. His plan to reopen the country seems well thought out and the medical professionals - Fauci - Redfield - Birx have signed off on it. What more do you want. The testing is coming along - seems there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye.

the only strain I'm having is these damned trumptards refusing to see a fuckup

testing coming along?....you call less than 1% of the country checked coming along fine?
If people feel it is worth the risk to go places, how does that endanger you, unless you too are out and about. So I don't see why it is a big deal if people are doing what people do.
Geesh ... thick skull I reckon. TwoBi, people, who heed the warnings and follow the rules don't give a crap what you fools do ... go bungee jumping skydiving, and feeding tigers by hand at the zoos ... we don't GIVE A *******. What we DO give a ******* about, however, is when your sorry asses get into trouble for NOT heeding the warnings, etc and then look to the ones who DID heed the warnings etc to help save you. Thus WE risk OUR LIVES because of your stupidity.
(example) Every YEAR in the Carolinas we have a couple hurricanes that hit or skirt our ocean shorelines, making the waves 3-4X larger than normal. And each time the warnings are to stay out of the ocean due to the hugh waves. Unfortunately, each year we have a few dozen or so surfers who then head to the beach to surf the huge waves, and EVERY YEAR at least one or two drown and another four or five have to be rescued by the coast guard ... unnecessarily RISKING the lives of several people, boats, helicopters, etc. Personally, I'd say "fuck 'em" but our government won't do that, unfortunately.
That's the same way it happens with this coronavirus ... go out, get yourself infected, then come back ... infect other innocent people because you're too stupid and boneheaded to listen to people that know a lot more about this than you do. You folks are worried about the wrong thing. My family is worth a lot more than my job. And you folks know that Trump is not worried about the coronavirus, which is why very little testing ... simply a dereliction of his duty. Trump's now trying to find scapegoats for his yet BIGGEST FUCKUP yet.
Obviously the governor feels the same way as he's extending the "essential services only" order another two weeks into May.
But we have some governors <cough Michigan> making orders that people can't plant gardens, they can't wash their car, they can't go fishing or use the water ways with a motorized boat. They can't use their own vacation home, (but you bet your ass Michigan still wants their summer property tax).
In California we have people getting arrested for Paddle boarding, which by the way was following the social distance order until the police violated that order by arresting him potentially exposing him.
if we don’t get things back up and running soon you’ll be blaming the President for the next Great Depression.
Check your history, pal, see who's steering the boat when Great Depressions and Recessions happen.
We totally EXPECT Trump to bring this country to its knees before he leaves. Bush almost did, then Republicans sat on the sidelines and cheered for Obama's failure because the "Ole White Man's Party" couldn't stand a black man running the country.
Its what your party does .... inherits a smooth running economy and destroys it by the end of their first term with tax cuts for the wealthy.
Personally, I'd say "fuck 'em"
Well I would agree in that sence.
You folks are worried about the wrong thing. My family is worth a lot more than my job.
Oh? if so then your job would be also. How long can you hold out? How long until you loose your house? YOU might be OK for a while, but not so many others. Loose their house they loose everything. Now you family is on the street. Millions live paycheck to paycheck, your forgetting about them - but Socialist usually do.
And you folks know that Trump is not worried about the coronavirus, which is why very little testing ... simply a dereliction of his duty. Trump's now trying to find scapegoats for his yet BIGGEST FUCKUP yet.
Trump is not all to blame. I agree he should be ordering testings, both for the virus as well as anti-bodies. Both of which are important. BUt we do need to start focusing on getting the economy back up and running. There are some "experts" wanting to stay locked down for 2 years. Are you ready for that? I know you want Trump to fail, and I really don't care if he does or doesn't, but most of this country can't go much past the end of May. The entire world has all done the same thing, but is it really working?
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