Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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And you don’t think people were affected by Obama care?
You mean the watered down version that passed?
The most important thing it did, was stop insurance companies from seeking out 'pre-existing conditions' to reject claims.
Preventive care, visiting the doctor, cost taxpayers less and keeps premiums down.
This is an old argument. The vast majority of Americans support the ACA. It's why Trump keeps lying about replacing it with something better and not going after pre-existing conditions. While he administration is currently in court doing the opposite.
He is doing a Town Hall tomorrow- after saying he wouldn't. This should show us how low he can go.
I'm sorry Harris is one of the biggest idiots on this panel. I'm not talking about intellect. She and Leahy, well Grassley as well need to go away!
Business Insider

Amy Coney Barrett apologizes after a Democratic senator called her out for using the 'offensive and outdated' term 'sexual preference' to refer to LGBTQ people​

Here's your fucked up liberal biased media at work. It sucks so many people are way too ignorant to see through this bullshit!
Business Insider

Amy Coney Barrett apologizes after a Democratic senator called her out for using the 'offensive and outdated' term 'sexual preference' to refer to LGBTQ people​

Here's your fucked up liberal biased media at work. It sucks so many people are way too ignorant to see through this bullshit!

your tenure as an employee at mar a lago does not qualify you as a political expert
please try to be informed instead of just an uninformed jerk.....showing your stupidity does not impress anyonezz1.jpg

just saying
Maybe America should wake up to the fact how corrupt the Biden’s are and that the media won’t report on it. Hunter’s computer was turned into the FBI and has evidence on it that shows influence peddling. Reported in the New York Post today - not a peep from the rest of the media and in fact Twitter and Facebook censored anyone from talking about the story - sooooooo in the tank for the left!!!!!
Maybe America should wake up to the fact how corrupt the Biden’s are and that the media won’t report on it. Hunter’s computer was turned into the FBI and has evidence on it that shows influence peddling. Reported in the New York Post today - not a peep from the rest of the media and in fact Twitter and Facebook censored anyone from talking about the story - sooooooo in the tank for the left!!!!!
Kind of like Obama's un masking....and a few other things...this Banana republic wanna be dicktator want to go to any extreme to put his opponents in jail....for any reason...and you buy into it...

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Barrett, Vowing Independence, Is Haunted by Trump’s Demands

WASHINGTON — As Judge Amy Coney Barrett has strained to present herself this week as someone who would join the Supreme Court without having made up her mind on pivotal cases, she was haunted by the long and exceedingly public record of the voluble man who nominated her.

Like others who have found themselves politically entangled with President Trump, Judge Barrett has struggled over two days to
separate herself from the trove of tweets and other pronouncements by Mr. Trump on his legal views and demands, many of which call into question the very notion of an independent judiciary.

He has said incessantly that he wants the Affordable Care Act overturned. After the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, he said he needed a full complement of nine justices on the court to resolve any legal battle over the coming election, which he has warned without evidence will most likely be fraudulent. In his 2016 campaign, Mr. Trump declared that under his administration, the reversal of the Roe v. Wade decision establishing a federal right to abortion would “happen automatically, in my opinion, because I am putting pro-life justices on the court.”

I think last time there was SOME voter apathy people not liking either candidate......and the polls just said Hillary had it in the bag so why vote....not going to happen this time

More than 14 million Americans have cast ballots in early voting so far: analysis

Weeks before Election Day, 14 million people have already voted in the presidential election, according to an analysis by the United States Election Project.

The figure, which includes absentee and in-person early voting, represents about 10 percent of the total 2016 turnout. In several individual states, however, a larger proportion has voted. In Vermont, 95,885 people have voted, nearly 30 percent of those who voted in the state in 2016.

Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, South Dakota and Virginia, turnout has reached about 25 percent of the last presidential election's levels.

Georgia saw an increase of more than 40 percent from 2016, with 128,590 votes cast on Monday, the first day of early voting, according to BuzzFeed News.

Across the country, Democratic enthusiasm is propelling an enormous wave of early voting

With less than three weeks to go before Nov. 3, roughly 15 million Americans have already voted in the fall election, reflecting an extraordinary level of participation despite barriers erected by the coronavirus pandemic — and setting a trajectory that could result in the majority of voters casting ballots before Election Day for the first time in U.S. history.

In Georgia this week, voters waited as long as 11 hours to cast their ballots on the first day of early voting. In North Carolina, nearly 1 in 5 of roughly 500,000 who have returned mail ballots so far did not vote in the last presidential election. In Michigan, more than 1 million people — roughly one-fourth of total turnout in 2016 — have already voted.

The picture is so stark that election officials around the country are reporting record early turnout, much of it in person, meaning that more results could be available on election night than previously thought.

So far, much of the early voting appears to be driven by heightened enthusiasm among Democrats. Of the roughly 3.5 million voters who have cast ballots in six states that provide partisan breakdowns, registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by roughly 2 to 1, according to a Washington Post analysis of data in Florida, Iowa, Maine, Kentucky, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

odd....we used to help the UN investigate other countries over treatment of poor and discrimination.....and now under trump it is the US being investigated...a lot!

But in Trump's defense....he is not discriminatory in his rants of hate and discontent....he hates the whole country except for the crazies and white supremist that support him

Trump 'seemingly legitimizing' the rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans, according to a UN report

Hate crimes against Asian-Americans have reached an "alarming level" amid the COVID-19 pandemic, United Nations officials said.

In a report made public this week, UN officials expressed "serious concern over the rising wave of racist and xenophobic attacks," whey they said that President Trump is "seemingly legitimizing."

Asian-American groups have asked public officials such as Trump to refrain from using terms such as "China virus" to refer to COVID-19.

Our data and evidence of the real-life stories confirm that Asian-Americans are facing increasing racist and xenophobic attacks, catalyzed by rhetoric from the president and other government leadership," said Manjusha Kulkarni, executive director of the Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council.

No voter suppression here....they just do what with your vote?

California GOP won't comply with cease-and-desist order​

California Republican Party will not be complying with Secretary of State Alex Padilla's cease-and-desist order to stop use of their unofficial ballot drop boxes, GOP officials told reporters on a call Wednesday. Party officials claim the drop boxes are legal under California's ballot harvesting laws.

Republican staffers put up illegal ballot drop boxes in three counties across the state over the weekend. Some of the drop boxes were falsely labeled "official," and law enforcement authorities continue to search for outstanding witnesses and potential suspects. But the state's Republican Party has indicated it won't comply with an official order to remove the boxes, and may even add more.

These 4 States Have Already Set Early Voting Records With 3 Weeks Till Election

Early voting is underway in a number of states ahead of Election Day and four states—Georgia, Texas, Ohio and Illinois—have already set records outpacing voter turnout in 2016.

With less than three weeks before November 3, more than 13.8 million voters have already cast their ballots for this year's upcoming general election, according to data from the U.S. Elections Project. This same time four years ago, the number of ballots already cast was much closer to 1.4 million.

Senator says Ohio "will know a lot" about results on election night

Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown says he thinks his state won't have a problem counting ballots on November 3, and he's predicting a victory for Democratic nominee Joe Biden in the presidential election. A recent CBS News Battleground Tracker poll shows a close race in Ohio, with President Trump leading Biden by just 1 percentage point.

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"It's clear Trump is afraid he's going to lose Ohio this time," Brown, a Democrat, told CBSN anchor Elaine Quijano in an interview that aired Wednesday on "Red & Blue." "I think he's right, that Joe Biden will win the state and election night will not be as long as people are predicting it will be, and that Trump's antics after the election to try to overturn the election will fall on deaf ears."

since when....this is something new as trump wants to destroy it....maybe the right realizes it could cost them....but what about their leader

Senate Republicans wave away SCOTUS threat to Obamacare

Republicans have a surprising new message: Obamacare is safe under them.

Lindsey Graham pleaded for donations to his Senate reelection campaign citing his performance in the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings

Lindsey Graham wearing a suit and tie: Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC. MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

Senator Lindsey Graham pleaded for campaign donations after the hearing to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court

Graham is in a tight Senate race in South Carolina against Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison.

It's illegal to solicit campaign contributions in a federal building

Harrison has raised a record $57 million from July through September, compared to Graham's $28 million.

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