Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Damn Barret is slamming Feinstein. Trying at every angle to get her. "I'll just move on." Good choice!
You're such an idiot.
I like this judge and not just because she is from my area and alma mater.
I like her approach to judicial responsibility. I do NOT like her results and outcomes.
If she was going on a liberal majority court, I would not mind at all. However, with that fucking Alito posing over there, no way. Although she will be approved.
Perfect for the Appeals Circuit.
You're such an idiot.
I like this judge and not just because she is from my area and alma mater.
I like her approach to judicial responsibility. I do NOT like her results and outcomes.
If she was going on a liberal majority court, I would not mind at all. However, with that fucking Alito posing over there, no way. Although she will be approved.
Perfect for the Appeals Circuit.
I have a question from one idiot to another. The Dems are so worried if Barrett is affirmed she will vote to abolish Roe Wade, ACA, and gay marriage. Isn’t it the same reason they want to wait until after the election to appoint. So they can nominate a justice who will uphold those cases?
Mmmm the meaning of trumpery...…

Trumpery | Definition of Trumpery by Merriam-Webster

Trumpery derives from the Middle English trompery and ultimately from the Middle French tromper, meaning "to deceive." (You can see the meaning of this root reflected in the French phrase trompe …

Trumpery - definition of trumpery by The Free Dictionary

n. pl. trump·er·ies 1. Showy but worthless finery; bric-a-brac. 2.

Trumpery | Definition of Trumpery at Dictionary.com

noun, plural trump·er·ies. something without use or value; rubbish; trash; worthless stuff. nonsense; twaddle: His usual conversation is pure trumpery. Archaic. worthless finery.

The Definition of 'Trumpery' - Snopes.com

Feb 15, 2017 · OED definition of trumpery: 1) deceit, fraud, imposture, trickery; 2) something of less value than it seems..worthless stuff, trash, rubbish. — Simon Schama (@simon_schama) November 20, …
well I would think if she was not going to be trumps pawn...she could answer a few questions...especially the one on voter fraud.....since it is already a law...and 20 states ignoring it......not even going into the trump thing should it come up

Barrett, Declining to Detail Legal Views, Says She Will Not Be ‘a Pawn’ of Trump

Judge Amy Coney Barrett flatly refused on Tuesday to pledge that she would recuse herself if a dispute over the Nov. 3 election came before the Supreme Court, insisting that despite her nomination by President Trump, she would not “allow myself to be used as a pawn to decide this election for the American people.”

During a nearly 12-hour question-and-answer session, Judge Barrett evaded Democratic senators’ attempts to pin down her views on the Affordable Care Act, abortion rights, gay marriage and a possible election-related case. She played down her history of taking conservative stances in legal writings and personal statements, arguing that she might view issues differently as a sitting justice.

well I would think if she was not going to be trumps pawn...she could answer a few questions...especially the one on voter fraud.....since it is already a law...and 20 states ignoring it......not even going into the trump thing should it come up

Barrett, Declining to Detail Legal Views, Says She Will Not Be ‘a Pawn’ of Trump

Judge Amy Coney Barrett flatly refused on Tuesday to pledge that she would recuse herself if a dispute over the Nov. 3 election came before the Supreme Court, insisting that despite her nomination by President Trump, she would not “allow myself to be used as a pawn to decide this election for the American people.”

During a nearly 12-hour question-and-answer session, Judge Barrett evaded Democratic senators’ attempts to pin down her views on the Affordable Care Act, abortion rights, gay marriage and a possible election-related case. She played down her history of taking conservative stances in legal writings and personal statements, arguing that she might view issues differently as a sitting justice.

You're about as ignorant as every single Democratic member on the this committee. She can't comment on law...past, future, or present. Just one day of listening to these heart string pulling with all their stories, and fear mongering makes me hope her first order of business is to strike down ACA. These people are pathetic. Durbin's first name is so fitting!
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You're about as ignorant as every single Democratic member on the this committee. She can't comment on law...past, future, or present. Just one day of listening to these heart string pulling with all their stories, and fear mongering makes me hope her first order of business is to strike down ACA. These people are pathetic.
as always …..just shooting off at the mouth without a clue as to what is going on.....to much of that trump Kool-Aid to ever help you.....if you had a fucking brain you would realize YOU ARE LONELY

she was asked about laws already on the books and could not comment
as always …..just shooting off at the mouth without a clue as to what is going on.....to much of that trump Kool-Aid to ever help you.....if you had a fucking brain you would realize YOU ARE LONELY

she was asked about laws already on the books and could not comment
She can't. She's had to say that a thousand times to the dumb ass Dems who can't seem to get it through their head. And there goes DICK again with another heart wrenching useless story! Absolutely nothing to do with her confirmation.
Your party definitely gets the Golden Globe for emotional string pulling. Absolutely pathetic!
Be specific. What pulled your strings? Is it true or not?
You're so tied into emotions, you cannot give an objective review. It's all about how you feel. Trump figured this out about his base long ago.
For instance, pointing to Portland and saying this is what America will look like under Biden. Your side gets scared and freaks out and grabs their guns, escalating the situation. However, few on your side ever stop and think, what's going on in Portland- IS happening under a Trump presidency.
I have a question from one idiot to another. The Dems are so worried if Barrett is affirmed she will vote to abolish Roe Wade, ACA, and gay marriage. Isn’t it the same reason they want to wait until after the election to appoint. So they can nominate a justice who will uphold those cases?
Um, yes.
She can't. She's had to say that a thousand times to the dumb ass Dems who can't seem to get it through their head. And there goes DICK again with another heart wrenching useless story! Absolutely nothing to do with her confirmation.
you act just like your employer...…...you do know.... just because you work at Mar a Lago for a con man saying he has money...does not make you rich...…..and his ability to con fools....does not give you the ability to do the same....so fuck head go back to work...you are over your head and do not even know what the conversation was....I'm sure trump doesn't let his employees watch tv on the clock...so you have little or no idea of what you are talking about
You're about as ignorant as every single Democratic member on the this committee. She can't comment on law...past, future, or present. Just one day of listening to these heart string pulling with all their stories, and fear mongering makes me hope her first order of business is to strike down ACA. These people are pathetic. Durbin's first name is so fitting!
Strike down the ACA during a pandemic, with 40 million people enjoying health care because of it?
How about some dead spiders with that Haterade and Scrooge smoothie?

Each and every one of them is more accomplished than you.
Each and every one of them's opinion is backed up by the majority of voters in their state. Your opinion is not even backed up by your own words,
Durbin's represents about 13 million people. You, my friend, have trouble representing yourself. You should be looking and learning.
Just one day of listening to these heart string pulling with all their stories, and fear mongering makes me hope her first order of business is to strike down ACA.
Says a guy who's been on government health care his entire adult life.
Another example of you not even being able to live up to the standards you wish upon others.
Strike down the ACA during a pandemic, with 40 million people enjoying health care because of it?
How about some dead spiders with that Haterade and Scrooge smoothie?

Each and every one of them is more accomplished than you.
Each and every one of them's opinion is backed up by the majority of voters in their state. Your opinion is not even backed up by your own words,
Durbin's represents about 13 million people. You, my friend, have trouble representing yourself. You should be looking and learning.
So do you really think that, hopefully, ACA is thrown out no one will have health care?. That won't happen. Damn dude stop letting your Dem's think for you. No one believes it except you and the rest of the herd!

To that let's say ACA gets tossed. What do you think is going to happen?
I wish when the clowns keep bringing up these sob stories she could just say Shut the Fuck up. This has nothing to do with my nomination. Gotta keep that fear narrative alive I guess!
So do you really think that, hopefully, ACA is thrown out no one will have health care?. That won't happen. Damn dude stop letting your Dem's think for you. No one believes it except you and the rest of the herd!

To that let's say ACA gets tossed. What do you think is going to happen?
Working class people will not have health insurance. Or jacked up bullshit insurance with deductibles that require a small loan, and many will make appeals for medicaid, costs will increase, and people with pre-existing conditions will return to going into high debt or dying.

You see, old people have medicare, poor people have medicaid. It's the working class and the middle class people that will be negatively affected.
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