Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Fauci says he was taken out of context in new Trump ...

4 hours ago · Dr. Anthony Fauci did not consent to being featured in a new advertisement from the Trump campaign touting President Donald Trump's handling …

Fauci says clip in Trump ad is out of context | TheHill

3 hours ago · Anthony Fauci, the U.S.’ top infectious disease expert, told CNN Sunday that he did not sign off on a clip of him being used in an ad by the Tr Fauci says clip in Trump ad is out of context ...
there is a name for people who stutter and repeat themselves....normally they don't get into conversations that are over their heads

View attachment 3659869
says the person who just showed they know less about hurricanes than President Trump....and then tried to deflect using piss poor straw man argument attempts. Such stunning intellect....to be expected from a Memuversity grad....
Barrett Supreme Court hearing expected to focus on health care, with the pandemic looming over the proceeding

Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearings this week offer President Trump and Senate Republicans one of their final chances before the election to shift the fall agenda away from the coronavirus pandemic and toward an issue they believe is more politically beneficial: solidifying a conservative majority on the nation’s high court.

let me take a wild guess here and say there was more money needed for hotel owners....and just more proof the right could care less about those in need

Second stimulus check updates: Pelosi dismisses latest White House COVID-19 relief offer; GOP roasts Mnuchin on conference call

WASHINGTON — A new White House coronavirus aid offer got bad reviews from both ends of the political spectrum on Saturday.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., rejected the most generous Trump administration plan to date as “one step forward, two steps back.” The Republicans who control the Senate dismissed it as too expensive and a political loser for conservatives.

Your racism stems from two streams of thinking:
1. Your thinking that you know how a group of people think, act, talk etc, and lecturing to a member of that group that's how it is...
2. Your thinking that race is an ideology, ignoring the current affairs and history.
Your confidence that your right in that thinking, just makes you an idiot. Posting it makes your a fucking public idiot.
1. I have said in previous posts I don't pretend to know what it's like to be any race other than my own. I simply made an observation which by the way was true. Harris is a phony. You like so many others these days go directly to the racist label to fit your fucked up narrative.. It's as if you don't have the ability to interpret anything beyond it.
2. I love how you think you know who I am. That's why your accusations make me laugh more than make me angry. I date women of all races. In fact I was out with a beautiful black woman last night. My ex wife fucked many many black guys. I never looked at as nothing more than a pleasing sexual encounter. But you said (sorry didn't feel like looking for it so paraphrasing) I allowed black guys to fuck my wife and I date black women because I have some other motive. You are so wrong! As I said if it makes you feel better to sling the racist card every time I say something your closed minded brain doesn't have the ability to look outside of the box then more power to you. So before you call anyone else an idiot take a look at yourself!
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2. I love how you think you know who I am. That's why your accusations make me laugh more than make me angry. I date women of all races. In fact I was out with a beautiful black woman last night. My ex wife fucked many many black guys. I never looked at as nothing more than a pleasing sexual encounter. But you said (sorry didn't feel like looking for it so paraphrasing) I allowed black guys to fuck my wife and I date black women because I have some other motive. You are so wrong! As I said if it makes you feel better to sling the racist card every time I say something your closed minded brain doesn't have the ability to look outside of the box then more power to you. So before you call anyone else an idiot take a look at yourself!
As I have painfully learned from this site, many men would allow black men to fuck their wives but have no interest in learning a damn thing about us, or our perspective. You brush it off as we are brainwashed (yet you're not) by the media, or just want welfare and free *******. You don't see the humanity, just what pleasure or use you can get out of us/them.
Not all. A few of you hardcore right wingers.
As I have painfully learned from this site, many men would allow black men to fuck their wives but have no interest in learning a damn thing about us, or our perspective. You brush it off as we are brainwashed (yet you're not) by the media, or just want welfare and free *******. You don't see the humanity, just what pleasure or use you can get out of us/them.
Not all. A few of you hardcore right wingers.
Isn't that true about anything concerning sex outside of a relationship? I didn't allow dudes to fuck my wife for their pleasure although I'm sure they did get it, we did it for ours. White or black...fuck my wife then go home for the most part. A couple of the guys became friends and we hung out but otherwise we weren't that interested in the persons life. Especially since most of our encounters were a one time thing.

no interest in learning a damn thing about us, or our perspective.

I do what I can to learn. I mean I don't have plans any time soon to take black history classes but I do read, watch documentaries, and talk to people of color about their views.
Isn't that true about anything concerning sex outside of a relationship? I didn't allow dudes to fuck my wife for their pleasure although I'm sure they did get it, we did it for ours. White or black...fuck my wife then go home for the most part. A couple of the guys became friends and we hung out but otherwise we weren't that interested in the persons life. Especially since most of our encounters were a one time thing.
So, taking fucking out of the equation, and you have exactly what I said. No interest or concern. Until they kneel at a football game, or stop you from driving down a certain highway, or shut down parts of the city. Then you start with your political *******. Always missing the issue and taking offense, because beyond fucking, you've got no respect for the people.
White Guys number one song of the 2000's.
"We Are The Real Victims" by the people who have been running the planet for a millenium.
Stop your whining, you're still running everything.

Won't anyone think of the white men who feel inferior because their destitute angry asses can't fuck their wives properly, lmao
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