Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Russian trolls at work....see a post soon about it here by allfor…...trying to cover for the fuck ups he did during debate

Misinformation about Biden’s health spreads after debate

False stories about Joe Biden’s health continued to spread on social platforms the day after the first presidential debate, including misleading Facebook ads by the Trump campaign and a viral video on TikTok.

Donald Trump sitting at a desk in front of a computer screen: Imagine what some hornets could do here.

A false story about Biden wearing an earpiece that emerged on Tuesday continued to get traction on Facebook after the debate. The Trump campaign ad, which encourages people to “Check Joe’s Ears,” and asked “Why won’t Sleepy Joe commit to an earpiece inspection,” was viewed between 200 to 250,000 times and marketed primarily to people over 55 in Texas and Florida. The implication of the ad, the content of which originated from a tweet by a New York Post reporter who cited a single anonymous source, is that Biden needed the assistance of an earpiece so someone could pass him information during the debates.

Commission Considers Changes to Format After Raucous First Debate

Chaos at Tuesday’s fiery presidential debate prompted organizers to promise to change the structure of the remaining matchups between President Trump and Democrat Joe Biden, as members of both parties criticized the president on Wednesday for his deflections when asked to condemn white-supremacist groups.

Politicians from both parties on Wednesday said the debate a day earlier in Cleveland wasn’t informative, with both Messrs. Trump and Biden at times talking over each other and lobbing insults, though the president appeared to interrupt his opponent more often.

The nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, which sponsors televised debates and selects the moderators, said that it soon would announce changes “to ensure a more orderly discussion of the issues.” These could include tweaking how much time a candidate could speak and whether the moderator could shut off a candidate’s microphone, according to one member of the commission’s board.

While the commission said moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News showed skill in hosting Tuesday’s debate, Mr. Wallace repeatedly had to step in and frequently chided the Republican president for interrupting his challenger.

I fail to see your point, you post a video taken during the primary run. Do you expect one candidate to endorse the other? I could post many of Trump calling every other person incompetent , idiotic and my favorite no energy followed closely by compairing his wifes looks to Teds wife. Then he put some of those incompetent people in jobs in his administration like Hermon Cain. Who i believe was the ultimate supporter. Went to Trump rally without mask and died from the virus he got at that rally. More than one of the people involved tested positive just before and they held it anyway. They called that support, i call it stupid. Politicians come and go, you only have one life. To throw it away on a politician, would insane be too much to say about that.
******* ….first trump gave us the trump virus,,,,,,and now trump gives us the proudboys and company....and you think this guy is not working for Russia????

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Awww Lidya………...a thumbs down......I'm hurt.....you do not agree with me?
If Russia was trying to destroy a country without using any of his forces...….just what would he do?.....naturally he would try to sow discord and get us fighting amounst ourselves...…..and they have someone they control doing the work for them

Russian documents reveal desire to sow racial discord ...

May 20, 2019 · Russian documents reveal desire to sow racial discord — and violence — in the U.S. The revelations come as U.S. intelligence agencies have warned of probable Russian meddling

Exposing Russia’s Effort to Sow Discord Online: The ...

“[The Russian] social media campaign was designed to further a broader Kremlin objective: sowing discord in the U.S. by inflaming passions on a range of divisive issues. The Russians did so by weaving together fake accounts, pages, and communities to push politicized content and videos, and to mobilize real Americans to sign online petitions and join rallies and protests.

Report: Russian Social Accounts Sow Election Discord ...

Mar 05, 2020 · Report: Russian Social Accounts Sow Election Discord - Again A new report shows that social media accounts linked to Russia have begun to disrupt this year’s U.S. presidential race and it’s ...

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Remember when Trump's campaign manager had a stand-off with a SWAT team after a mental breakdown a few days ago?

Wild times.
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