Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Barr is just making the case to support trump when election time comes and trump loses....barr also knows he would be out of a job also if trump loses

Barr claims a man collected 1,700 ballots and filled them out as he pleased. Prosecutors say that’s not what happened.

In his latest warning about the dangers of mass mail-in voting, Attorney General William P. Barr pointed to a case in Texas that he said highlighted the risk of fraud.

Elections that have been held with mail have found substantial fraud and coercion,” Barr told CNN on Wednesday. “For example, we indicted someone in Texas, 1,700 ballots collected, he — from people who could vote, he made them out and voted for the person he wanted to. Okay?”

Federal prosecutors brought no such indictment. And while a Justice Department spokeswoman said Barr was referring to a local prosecution involving suspected mail-in voting fraud in a city council election, the assistant district attorney on that case said Barr’s description doesn’t match the facts.

“That’s not what happened at all,” said Andy Chatham, who is now in private practice.

“Unfortunately, it speaks volumes to the credibility of Attorney General Barr when he submits half-truths and alternative facts as clear evidence of voter fraud without having so much as even contacted me or the district attorney’s office for an understanding of the events that actually occurred,” he added later.

Barr in my opinion just made a ass of himself, He misquotes the facts but is he so stupid he does not realize that a man did attempt to vote more than once but the system worked. He got caught and was charged and ended up in court for breaking the law. Barr who also said voting twice was not a crime? That in response to Donald telling people to do just that. Now it's to check mail fraud, in his first election campaign he told people to do it because Democrats would be. I heard those words right out of the liars mouth at his rally in Tucson. Those people were caught, charged and ended up in court charged with federal voting laws violation. I checked congress has not passed a law changing the law , they are the only ones who can. Our constitution clearly called for three separate branches Executive, legislative, and judicial. A system we no longer have. Trump dictates law and Barr does as he's told.
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Trump ends anti-racism training in federal government ...
4 hours ago · Trump ends anti-racism training in federal government: White House. US President Donald Trump has ordered government agencies to end employee training

Trump orders crackdown on federal antiracism training ...
7 hours ago · Donald Trump has directed the Office of Management and Budget to crack down on federal agencies’ antiracism training sessions, calling them “divisive, anti-American propaganda”.
I don't think trump taught these republicans racism......it was always there

State Representative Under Investigation After Facebook ...
1 day ago · CONCORD, N.H. (CBS) — New Hampshire State Representative James Spillane is under investigation by the State Attorney General for a comment he made on Facebook. Spillane, a Republican, wrote, “Public Service Announcement: If you see a BLM sign on a lawn it’s the same as having the porch light on for Halloween.

New Hampshire investigating lawmaker accused of advocating ...
1 day ago · CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — A New Hampshire lawmaker is being investigated over a Facebook post that advocated for burning and looting houses displaying Black Lives Matter

New Hampshire: Lawmaker advocated burning Black Lives ...
7 hours ago · You are free to burn and loot that house,” New Hampshire Rep. James Spillane, a Republican, posted recently, according to an image the state attorney general’s office provided in a …

Republicans embrace Trump, tolerate racism and give up on ...
Aug 02, 2020 · Trump's Republican Party is defined by racism and those who tolerate it: GOP strategist I’ve worked on winning Republican races across the South, and I’ve never seen a racist

The Republican Party Is Racist and Soulless. Just Ask This ...
The Republican Party Is Racist and Soulless. Just Ask This Veteran GOP Strategist. Stuart Stevens says he now realizes the hatred and bigotry of Trumpism were always at the heart of the GOP.

Leaked video: GOP Senate candidate told black leaders it's ...
May 29, 2020 · John James, the Republican nominee for a U.S. Senate seat in Michigan, privately told African-American leaders in the state that it was pointless to publicly call out President Donald Trump's...

The Republican Party Is Existentially Racist
Anyone who rejects racism cannot in good conscience be a member of the Republican Party. It’s that simple. If you are a Republican who believes racism is evil, either vote Democratic, vote for a third party, or don’t vote. Every vote for the United States Republican Party supports and furthers a structure built upon and maintained by the persistent power of racism in our society.
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Tennessee trooper arrested after allegedly ripping man’s ...
9 hours ago · Trooper Harvey Briggs, 52, was booked by the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office; he has been charged with assault and released on a $1,000 bond over the Aug. 10 incident.

Terminated THP trooper arrested for assault after ...
21 hours ago · NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A Tennessee Highway Patrol trooper fired from his job after a confrontation with a protester last month has been arrested on a charge of assault. Harvey Briggs, 52, was ...
The Republican Party Is Existentially Racist
Anyone who rejects racism cannot in good conscience be a member of the Republican Party. It’s that simple. If you are a Republican who believes racism is evil, either vote Democratic, vote for a third party, or don’t vote. Every vote for the United States Republican Party supports and furthers a structure built upon and maintained by the persistent power of racism in our society.

this would sum up hottobe and a few others who say they are not racist
Do you believe in signs, just out sheriffs department reports several boats sank while participating in a boat parade supporting Trump. They also said there were no signs of fowl play. Donald will be blaming some perceived enemy no doubt. Those Texans sure know how to spend a Saturday at the lake.
Do you believe in signs, just out sheriffs department reports several boats sank while participating in a boat parade supporting Trump. They also said there were no signs of fowl play. Donald will be blaming some perceived enemy no doubt. Those Texans sure know how to spend a Saturday at the lake.
Good to hear there wasn't any fowl play. If there was, you shouldn't discuss it here. There's probably other sites you could go to if you're into that kind of perverted stuff.
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Cohen may be everything that Trump & his Trumpeteers may want you to believe he is, the following dissertation however, re Cohen's book to be released next week, is nonetheless a fascinating look into the IDIOTOTIC & FRIGHTENING world of Donald Trump!
[QUOTE="cpl2010co, post: 3156342, member: 122470"[/QUOTE]

You post some graph with no sourcing and make a ignorant and stupid comment like, "The cops ******* a lot of people, but they don't ******* this many people" and pretend like you have a clue.

So source your graph and try to answer this.

And On average, per the CDC, 7,708 people die every day in America. On Average.
And again the CDC said that on average the people counted as "covid deaths" had 2.3 other causes of death. That includes deaths from auto accidents as covid deaths. The real number of those dead because of Covid is ~9800, the CDC said so.

Also curious how the number of flu deaths cut in half last "flu season". You know, after the CDC shut down elective medical procedures and used the stimulus bill to pay hospitals up to 15K more for each covid case. Almost at the exact same time they said to change the death reasons if you suspect it could be covid. You should look up how many medical networks went out of business during "A once in a lifetime historic 'pandemic'"

You are wasting your time with Ridley. The guy has been proven time over time to be someone who cannot even think things through before putting his head up his colon and posting the contents.
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the other day I posted a meme about people believing lies about Hillary and not believing facts about trump...……..and it is still a fact....look at people on here...…..they can not name one thing trump has done for them or the country......but they still worship him like a god...….after seeing what he has done...listening to the lies...….the failure like the virus and racism and so much more....and they still worship him....I see his popularity rising in Penn. and just amazes me
the other day I posted a meme about people believing lies about Hillary and not believing facts about trump...……..and it is still a fact....look at people on here...…..they can not name one thing trump has done for them or the country......but they still worship him like a god...….after seeing what he has done...listening to the lies...….the failure like the virus and racism and so much more....and they still worship him....I see his popularity rising in Penn. and just amazes me
Possibly the answer is right there, so simple it got put out of our minds. Advertising our #1 industry. Getting people to buy everything from hair tonic to toenail clippers. Trump produced a TV series wrote much of it with help of course and ran it weekly. What was it a often rude man being smarter than every other person in the room. I've actually had and heard people saying what a strong man he is, when questioned that stupid TV show always pops right into the conversation. It's the same principle you tell something, anything. You repeat it many times and too many believe it. It works people buy products often because that name is planted in their minds. The winner in most cases in politics is the one who spent most on advertising themselves . The average voter spends no time at all verifying the truth of the statements or even the ability to do what they promise . Politicians often say they will do or change things that no one person could possibly do. Many times the position they are seeking is one that has nothing to do with the promise.
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