Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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LUV Pelosi getting caught violating her own draconian rules - just shows how Dems perpetually go by the philosophy - do what I say not what I do. Queen Pelosi then blames a fellow San Franciscan for setting her up. Hell violating the rules was her doing - NO ONE ELSES !!!!!!!!
LUV Pelosi getting caught violating her own draconian rules
Would that be similar to President Trump in NC telling voters to go vote TWICE, once by mail-in and then electronically at polls to prove that mail-in voting is fraudulent. This coming from the same Donald Trump who votes by mail-in AND arranged to help Florida vote by mail-in this election because the state is so important to him?
Is THAT the same "non-hypocritial" Donald Trump YOU KNOW who doesn't give a rat's ass about the Constitution when it doesn't support his evil deeds? The one who could go down on 5th Ave and ******* someone and get away with it? The one who shared highly confidential USA government files with the Russians, not ONCE but TWICE that we know of ... and who met (and intends to meet again) with MrPUTIN again, in private with no other US representatives or recordings of his meetings with him?
Hey, blkdlaur, for THIS ELECTION I wouldn't want to be accusing others of breaking any laws ... although we understand President says he is above the law. Do you agree with that statement he made? Is the President ABOVE THE LAWS in the US simply because he is President?
blkdlaur, you're ....
................................... words_UnfuckingBelievable.jpg
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So, what? Now Trump has a hundred or so ignorant black voters who've been paid to say they'll vote for Trump? Same as he pays the people who attend his rallies and sit behind him on stage holding their stupid MAGA signs & wearing their dumbass red MAGA hats? You really believe that horse ******* about a 70% increase in black voters voting for him? hahahahahhahaha!
And you use such a reliable source, too ... Washington Times ... funny, when a liberal uses the W. TIMES, you criticize it. Which is it with you, H-H?
What's your thoughts of Trump, yesterday, telling North Carolinians to VOTE TWICE ... mail-in and then at the polls! There's a topic for you to expand your H-H bullshit to the forum. Tell us how you justify Trump's instructions to NC citizens to fraudulently vote? HE, himself, is voting by mail, and has supported Florida's objective to also vote by mail-in voting. Explain all this hypocritical horse ******* in your typical "H-H Logic" ... can't wait.
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No, USSR and China were left wing Marxist/ Socialist/ Communist. The same with 1930-40s Germany and Italy and almost every geocidal regime of 19th and 20th century. And China still is and you argued that here. And China is still committing genocide.

And yes dictators are bad, but those dictators were propelled to and stayed in power solely because of the believers of socialist/ communist ideologies and the governments the socialist supported and help commit genocide for.

Or as Stalin called you leftist "democrat socialist" Useful Idiots. Those democrat socialist killed their neighbors in the name of "the common good," "Share the wealth of the rich," "we are together in this" and "for the children." The same propaganda and now tactics the Dems and their "black shirts" are using right now.

The saddest part- you and the other hipster Bernie Bros are making the same arguments the Brown Shirts did in Germany and Reds did in Russia. Marxism- Wash, Rinse, Repeat- don't worry there are always good socialist sheep who will rush to be slaughtered.

I don't like dictators. You do.

Countries with genocides have all been led by dictators. Maybe just think about what you support.
So, what? Now Trump has a hundred or so ignorant black voters who've been paid to say they'll vote for Trump? Same as he pays the people who attend his rallies and sit behind him on stage holding their stupid MAGA signs & wearing their dumbass red MAGA hats? You really believe that horse ******* about a 70% increase in black voters voting for him? hahahahahhahaha!
And you use such a reliable source, too ... Washington Times ... funny, when a liberal uses the W. TIMES, you criticize it. Which is it with you, H-H?
What's your thoughts of Trump, yesterday, telling North Carolinians to VOTE TWICE ... mail-in and then at the polls! There's a topic for you to expand your H-H bullshit to the forum. Tell us how you justify Trump's instructions to NC citizens to fraudulently vote? HE, himself, is voting by mail, and has supported Florida's objective to also vote by mail-in voting. Explain all this hypocritical horse ******* in your typical "H-H Logic" ... can't wait.

Did Trump Campaign Offer Actors $50 to Cheer Him at Prez ...
Jun 20, 2019 · When contacted for comment by THR at the time, Trump’s then-campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski denied anyone had been paid to attend the event, while a person

Expert: Trump Is Using Hired “Fans” To Make His Rallies ...
Oct 06, 2018 · Oct 5, 2018. Alan Silberberg says President Trump most assuredly is using paid actors to round out his campaign rallies. Allegations of hiring “fans” to fill out his campaign rallies have swirled about the internet nearly from the time President Donald Trump announced his bid for office, but Alan W. Silberberg — and expert on American politics — recently made a solid case that Trump does in fact hire

Trump allies are handing out cash to black voters - POLITICO
Jan 29, 2020 · Allies of Donald Trump have begun holding events in black communities where organizers lavish praise on the president as they hand out tens of thousands of dollars to lucky attendees.
All ya can really do as a clear eyed American is laugh your arse off at the Dems and THEIR media that lie like rugs and think we don’t see it.
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So the click bait was bullshit and you fell for it.

Slander will get you sued. Especially debunked slander.
You clicked on it
The President lies to the American people every fucking day several times. His lies changes minds and cause death.
All ya can really do as a clear eyed American is laugh your arse off at the Dems and THEIR media that lie like rugs and think we don’t see it.
Still got nothing to add.
Have you ever had a substantial thought based in any scholarship or expertise?
No Ed - it’s obvious only dipshite Dems speak your language.

Revel in those that agree with you - disparage those that don’t - it’s the Dem way.

Believe everyfuckingthing YOUR media feeds you - for me - you and YOUR media are fulla horseshite - talking to regular people - most feel the way I do now - and I live in a VERY blue state.
You post some graph with no sourcing and make a ignorant and stupid comment like, "The cops ******* a lot of people, but they don't ******* this many people" and pretend like you have a clue.

So source your graph and try to answer this.

You can just google "US excess all-cause mortality". It's the first link

And On average, per the CDC, 7,708 people die every day in America. On Average.
And again the CDC said that on average the people counted as "covid deaths" had 2.3 other causes of death. That includes deaths from auto accidents as covid deaths. The real number of those dead because of Covid is ~9800, the CDC said so.
People don't die 2.3 times. People can have "co-morbidities", like when you die of AIDS-related pneumonia, that's a pneumonia death but it's also related to AIDS. Or if you die of a cardiac issue related to diabetes, it's a cardiac cause of death but also related to diabetes. Doctors and epidemiologists have been counting deaths for a long time. This isn't new.

If you just look at the graph I posted, you can with a very easy amount of elementary school math figure out that in a normal day right now we'd expect about 7400 deaths, but we currently have about 8800 deaths. That's called "excess mortality" -- more people dying than normal.

If they're not dying of Covid because Covid is made-up or whateverthefuck, what are they dying of?
well we all know trump is counting on and asking for Russian help so this is going nowhere.....there are not enough trumptards to keep him in office so Russia is only hope

Senators seek sanctions on Russia for election meddling
6 hours ago · Democratic senators pressed the US Treasury Thursday to place sanctions on Russian organizations and individuals for interfering in the election, saying intelligence shows Moscow is …

Senators Want New Russia Sanctions Over Election Meddling ...
Law360 (September 3, 2020, 3:59 PM EDT) -- Democratic senators on Thursday called on the Trump administration to sanction Russian officials for their efforts to interfere in the presidential...
well we all know trump is counting on and asking for Russian help so this is going nowhere.....there are not enough trumptards to keep him in office so Russia is only hope

Senators seek sanctions on Russia for election meddling
6 hours ago · Democratic senators pressed the US Treasury Thursday to place sanctions on Russian organizations and individuals for interfering in the election, saying intelligence shows Moscow is …

Senators Want New Russia Sanctions Over Election Meddling ...
Law360 (September 3, 2020, 3:59 PM EDT) -- Democratic senators on Thursday called on the Trump administration to sanction Russian officials for their efforts to interfere in the presidential...

well know that is why trump is trying to block congress from getting any briefings...so no one will know
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