Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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And you use such a reliable source, too ... Washington Times ... funny, when a liberal uses the W. TIMES, you criticize it. Which is it with you, H-H?
Show me where I have ever criticized use of the Washington Times....should be easy to prove based on your claim.....otherwise admit you're just pulling another made up lie out of your ass.
Democrats are losing their minds totally. What is going on in our world is so far beyond their ability to understand. President Trump may very well appear like he is a buffoon to his critics. That man is so far out in front you minions, have you ever even considered that everything you, the democratic party and the FAKE news media consider to be lies or bone headed moves on his part, could it be President Trump always playing all of you repugnant naysayers at your own game?
Democrats are losing their minds totally. What is going on in our world is so far beyond their ability to understand. President Trump may very well appear like he is a buffoon to his critics. That man is so far out in front you minions, have you ever even considered that everything you, the democratic party and the FAKE news media consider to be lies or bone headed moves on his part, could it be President Trump always playing all of you repugnant naysayers at your own game?

If you think the US Citizens of the largest political party in the US are "repugnant", why do you even live in the US?

Oh sorry, you actually can't leave because every country in the world except Turkey and Mexico has banned our entry because of the horrifyingly botched Covid response here.
Barr is just making the case to support trump when election time comes and trump loses....barr also knows he would be out of a job also if trump loses

Barr claims a man collected 1,700 ballots and filled them out as he pleased. Prosecutors say that’s not what happened.

In his latest warning about the dangers of mass mail-in voting, Attorney General William P. Barr pointed to a case in Texas that he said highlighted the risk of fraud.

Elections that have been held with mail have found substantial fraud and coercion,” Barr told CNN on Wednesday. “For example, we indicted someone in Texas, 1,700 ballots collected, he — from people who could vote, he made them out and voted for the person he wanted to. Okay?”

Federal prosecutors brought no such indictment. And while a Justice Department spokeswoman said Barr was referring to a local prosecution involving suspected mail-in voting fraud in a city council election, the assistant district attorney on that case said Barr’s description doesn’t match the facts.

“That’s not what happened at all,” said Andy Chatham, who is now in private practice.

“Unfortunately, it speaks volumes to the credibility of Attorney General Barr when he submits half-truths and alternative facts as clear evidence of voter fraud without having so much as even contacted me or the district attorney’s office for an understanding of the events that actually occurred,” he added later.

I guess this is just a minor thing.....since trump prefers to ******* with the virus....this is just a back-up way to ******* more

EPA Rescinds Obama-Era Methane Rules As White House Speeds ...
Aug 10, 2020 · Big Number. 100: The number of environmental regulations the Trump administration has rolled back or is trying to roll back as of July 15, according to the Times, including 68 …

Trump will roll back more environmental regulations if ...
16 hours ago · President Trump will continue to weaken environmental regulations on industries if reelected in November, the EPA's Andrew Wheeler told The Wall Street Journal. The administration would establish a cost-benefit analysis of any new regulation and expand the use of "science transparency" to justify new regulations. After three years in office,...

EPA Chief: Trump will roll back more environmental rules ...
1 day ago · Trump will roll back more environmental regulations if reelected, says EPA chief Published Thu, Sep 3 2020 9:21 AM EDT Updated Thu, Sep 3 2020 10:45 AM EDT Emma Newburger @emma_newburger

Trump administration rolls back curbs on oil industry ...
Aug 13, 2020 · The Trump administration on Thursday rolled back regulations aimed at reducing emissions of the potent greenhouse gas methane from oil and gas operations, its latest move to …

Trump’s EPA rolls back regulation of chemical linked to ...
Jun 23, 2020 · Last week, Trump’s EPA decided to roll back regulations of a chemical that causes brain damage in infants. This chemical, perchlorate, is found in rocket fuel and can also be found in public drinking water. Environmental experts and Health professionals have been fighting this deregulation that was created during the Obama Administration.
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades, multiple sources tell The Atlantic.

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades, multiple sources tell The Atlantic.

saw that...where he called McCain and Busch senior losers.....now changing his story and saying he never said that.....but the found it several places on twitter...…………...this from cpt bonespurs
When is a "Joke Not A Joke?" Answer ... "When the President of the United States is acting like a Pimp for the Dictator of North Korea!"
Sanders Says Trump Joked About Her ‘Taking One for the Team’ With Kim Jong-un! (These are Sarah Sanders own words in her recent book!)
Democrats are losing their minds totally. What is going on in our world is so far beyond their ability to understand. President Trump may very well appear like he is a buffoon to his critics. That man is so far out in front you minions, have you ever even considered that everything you, the democratic party and the FAKE news media consider to be lies or bone headed moves on his part, could it be President Trump always playing all of you repugnant naysayers at your own game?
What's going on in this country is happening under Trump Presidency.
If he gets re-elected, it will still be under Trump Presidency.
What do you think will change?

We had democratic cities and states under Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter and Ford and etc.
This didn't happen under them. Why is it just this guy? Maybe because he is not up to the task of being President for the entire country and never displayed any interest in doing so.
Barr is just making the case to support trump when election time comes and trump loses....barr also knows he would be out of a job also if trump loses

Barr claims a man collected 1,700 ballots and filled them out as he pleased. Prosecutors say that’s not what happened.

In his latest warning about the dangers of mass mail-in voting, Attorney General William P. Barr pointed to a case in Texas that he said highlighted the risk of fraud.

Elections that have been held with mail have found substantial fraud and coercion,” Barr told CNN on Wednesday. “For example, we indicted someone in Texas, 1,700 ballots collected, he — from people who could vote, he made them out and voted for the person he wanted to. Okay?”

Federal prosecutors brought no such indictment. And while a Justice Department spokeswoman said Barr was referring to a local prosecution involving suspected mail-in voting fraud in a city council election, the assistant district attorney on that case said Barr’s description doesn’t match the facts.

“That’s not what happened at all,” said Andy Chatham, who is now in private practice.

“Unfortunately, it speaks volumes to the credibility of Attorney General Barr when he submits half-truths and alternative facts as clear evidence of voter fraud without having so much as even contacted me or the district attorney’s office for an understanding of the events that actually occurred,” he added later.

Even less credibility than the President.
The Trump Trials will be interesting.
Barr is just making the case to support trump when election time comes and trump loses....barr also knows he would be out of a job also if trump loses

Barr claims a man collected 1,700 ballots and filled them out as he pleased. Prosecutors say that’s not what happened.

In his latest warning about the dangers of mass mail-in voting, Attorney General William P. Barr pointed to a case in Texas that he said highlighted the risk of fraud.

Elections that have been held with mail have found substantial fraud and coercion,” Barr told CNN on Wednesday. “For example, we indicted someone in Texas, 1,700 ballots collected, he — from people who could vote, he made them out and voted for the person he wanted to. Okay?”

Federal prosecutors brought no such indictment. And while a Justice Department spokeswoman said Barr was referring to a local prosecution involving suspected mail-in voting fraud in a city council election, the assistant district attorney on that case said Barr’s description doesn’t match the facts.

“That’s not what happened at all,” said Andy Chatham, who is now in private practice.

“Unfortunately, it speaks volumes to the credibility of Attorney General Barr when he submits half-truths and alternative facts as clear evidence of voter fraud without having so much as even contacted me or the district attorney’s office for an understanding of the events that actually occurred,” he added later.

On the same subject, after the last election Trump demanded a investigation into voter fraud. Reason he knew it was rampant because he didn't win popular vote. Congress ordered it pushed by Mitch the puppet. We paid millions out to find out there were so few violations found they would only be points of 1% . They did turn up more than one who had voted more than once for Trump. More than one of those people were charged and brought to court by justice department. Now Barr says it's not against the law to vote more than once so why were those people brought to court at our expense. Barr is rewriting passed laws to fit the whim of Trump.
Yawn !! Old Fake News, Well if you will do a goggle search, it is so easy to find that John McCain was never a hero. Trump didn't like McCain so stated what he thought.
The Dem horseshite is soooooooooooo DEEP in this thread !!!!!!

FUN watching the media lie and you dullards swearing to it :LOL:
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