Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Plus the USSR and the Great Leap Forward were a right-wing atrocities.

It wasn't socialism that killed millions, it was having a dictator in power who could ******* a huge number of people to stop farming.

Dictators are bad no matter what economic system they claim to follow -- Saddam Hussein and Pinochet never claimed to be socialist but that didn't stop them from killing millions. What they were is dictators.
I would say the way things are going right now....we are headed for a serious recession next year

If trump is still in...he will blame on the virus and etc......although if you check the numbers they were already heading down long before the pandemic....and same as always he will not have a clue....and these trumptards will also look for someone to blame....while they try and figure out where their next meal will come from

If Biden gets in he will start working on it....but just like last time and the same as usual...they will do all they can to block anything he does....country be damned

so our only hope is Biden...and let the right cry forever......like they did the entire 8 years Obama was in....but Obama brought us out of it....with absolutely no help from the right.....and that to is well documented

anyway you look at it...we are in deep ******* for a while...especially if trump gets back in.....the right has never brought this country out of financial trouble since our existance
Nope. We just don't think every person that has commited a crime should killed.
By that standard, in at least 15 states, you would have been executed for the ******* you've done.

Never said he deserved to die, but he sure as hell don't deserve being placed on a pedestal and sung as a hero. The problem is you fail to see the difference between an aggressor and someone on the defensive. Furthermore, what if he had been white? -crickets-
Never said he deserved to die, but he sure as hell don't deserve being placed on a pedestal and sung as a hero. The problem is you fail to see the difference between an aggressor and someone on the defensive. Furthermore, what if he had been white? -crickets-

I have seen multiple articles about innocent white people killed by cops. For example,

But yeah cool as long as they're killing black people more Blue Lives Matter, right? Gotta defend our brave first responders with their GEDs.
I have seen multiple articles about innocent white people killed by cops. For example,

But yeah cool as long as they're killing black people more Blue Lives Matter, right? Gotta defend our brave first responders with their GEDs.

I think Trump is banking on losing bigly and is hoping he can leave a big enough crisis that people will blame the Democrats for it. Economy headed for a train wreck, payroll deductions deferred until next year when everyone has to pay them back, etc

Oh I think he is laying the ground work to say it was a rigged election and can not be valid...and even his personal lawyer AG Barr seems to be going along

I agree I think we are headed for deep ******* and the question is who's fault....you know the right and trump will take none of the blame for it...…….and historically the right....since the start of this country has NEVER fixed or helped the economy.........but what was kept very quiet is that the numbers were falling before the virus...…..right now about 40% of people out of work with no source of income….the other 60% is carrying the country...….but when you take 40% of the money out of the economy....just a matter of time before it effects the rest...means even more lay-offs and etc....what is that saying...."a storm is a coming"
Are you blind? You don't see the number of deaths going way up exactly when Covid hit, then back down a bit when lockdowns went in place, then back up when states started re-opening? It's right there on the graph.

You think heart disease deaths went up exactly when Covid did? Why in the world do you think that would happen?

You post some graph with no sourcing and make a ignorant and stupid comment like, "The cops ******* a lot of people, but they don't ******* this many people" and pretend like you have a clue.

So source your graph and try to answer this.

And On average, per the CDC, 7,708 people die every day in America. On Average.
And again the CDC said that on average the people counted as "covid deaths" had 2.3 other causes of death. That includes deaths from auto accidents as covid deaths. The real number of those dead because of Covid is ~9800, the CDC said so.

Also curious how the number of flu deaths cut in half last "flu season". You know, after the CDC shut down elective medical procedures and used the stimulus bill to pay hospitals up to 15K more for each covid case. Almost at the exact same time they said to change the death reasons if you suspect it could be covid. You should look up how many medical networks went out of business during "A once in a lifetime historic 'pandemic'"
It became quite apparent a year or so ago that regardless of what Trump does or doesn't do, the Republicans will go along with him and back him. Trump has finally driven a stake into the heart of the Republican party. They let Newt Gingrich & the Tea Bag party come in to take them hostage & ruin the party, then in comes Trump (with promises to revive the party) and totally takes the party over. Its not about serving the needs of the people anymore, its about maintaining a dominant party & Trump's gone about it the wrong way.
Republicans are losing major supporters right and left these days as they see how criminal Trump's administration is. It'll take them at least a decade to clean this "rot" out of their party if they're ever to hold dominance again.
I sincerely hope you're right. He's fanning the flames of hate and division and even encouraging voting fraud today!

For fuck's sake America, get this man out of the Whitehouse.
your words!.....funny how you right wingers always overlook your atrocities....and look for something you can point a finger the other way...….you/yours have done it for years...…..can not find a candidate worth running so slander the opposition.....point is....the dems don't hold a candle to the bullshit your party has pulled

Ahhh transference and blind stupidity.

I see why the Marxist, "Elite" and "Royals" always use envious left leaning people to take over countries. Easily controlled and never understand what is going on.
Plus the USSR and the Great Leap Forward were a right-wing atrocities.

It wasn't socialism that killed millions, it was having a dictator in power who could ******* a huge number of people to stop farming.

Dictators are bad no matter what economic system they claim to follow -- Saddam Hussein and Pinochet never claimed to be socialist but that didn't stop them from killing millions. What they were is dictators.

No, USSR and China were left wing Marxist/ Socialist/ Communist. The same with 1930-40s Germany and Italy and almost every geocidal regime of 19th and 20th century. And China still is and you argued that here. And China is still committing genocide.

And yes dictators are bad, but those dictators were propelled to and stayed in power solely because of the believers of socialist/ communist ideologies and the governments the socialist supported and help commit genocide for.

Or as Stalin called you leftist "democrat socialist" Useful Idiots. Those democrat socialist killed their neighbors in the name of "the common good," "Share the wealth of the rich," "we are together in this" and "for the children." The same propaganda and now tactics the Dems and their "black shirts" are using right now.

The saddest part- you and the other hipster Bernie Bros are making the same arguments the Brown Shirts did in Germany and Reds did in Russia. Marxism- Wash, Rinse, Repeat- don't worry there are always good socialist sheep who will rush to be slaughtered.
yeah we know....on AND off the camera

VIDEO: Ivanka Trump showers the president with praise ...
President Donald Trump's eldest *******, Ivanka Trump, showered her ******* and his administration with praise in a speech on Thursday during the final night of the Republican National Convention.

Ivanka Trump's 'Lap Dance' with Donald - snopes.com
Sep 08, 2016 · A photograph shows Ivanka Trump grinding on the lap of her *******, Donald Trump. A 1996 photograph was captioned as showing a 15-year-old Ivanka Trump sitting on her ******* Donald Trump

These photos of Trump and Ivanka will make you deeply ...
These photos of Trump and Ivanka will make you deeply uncomfortable A look back at Donald and Ivanka Trump's strange daddy-******* photos. By Lenyon Whitaker
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
You make it so easy.

Link One- Taken down
Link Two- You didn't read it and it says it is false
What's True
A 1996 photograph was captioned as showing a 15-year-old Ivanka Trump sitting on her ******* Donald Trump's lap during a concert at their Mar-a-Lago estate.
What's False
The photograph does not in itself document any 'grinding' or other inappropriate physical activity between Ivanka and her *******.

So the click bait was bullshit and you fell for it.

Link Three-
Taken down

Slander will get you sued. Especially debunked slander.

You can't show them Hodge Twins videos. Sub doesn't know how to work the video player and if they watch it they will have a psychotic break. They will all start drooling and go into the ******* position crying like that Democratic Biden Voter Antifa kid with the flame thrower did.
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