Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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let's get those ******* off to school!
and Georgia being a trump puppet......and a red state what would they care about the children

260 Georgia school employees tested positive or exposed to ...
Aug 03, 2020 · Hundreds of employees in Georgia's largest school district have either tested positive for COVID-19 or have been exposed to the virus, officials said. Gwinnett County Public School teachers...

260 Gwinnett County school employees not working due to ...
GWINNETT COUNTY, Ga. - Around 260 employees of the Gwinnett County Public Schools have either tested positive for COVID-19 or are quarantining due to possible exposure from a case of the virus ...
we can't have this....how in the world are they going to restrict voters this way!.....naturally the only way out is to sue...….might take a YEAR to get results but that is ok with the right

Trump slams passage of Nevada bill to mail voters ballots ...
Aug 03, 2020 · Trump slams passage of Nevada bill to mail voters ballots Nevada's Legislature has passed a bill that would add the state to a growing list of U.S. …

Trump vows legal action over Nevada mail-in voting plan ...
7 hours ago · Trump, in a tweet Sunday, called the move by the Nevada legislature "outrageous" and said it should "be met with immediate litigation.". Democrats have dismissed concerns that universal mail-in ...
got to be a joke.........first time a court has supported a union in a long time...…..must be that dislike for trump is really getting around

Agency rejects Trump administration arguments that immigration judges cannot form a union

  • A federal agency has ruled that immigration judges are not "managers," meaning they have the right to form a union.
  • The Trump administration has been attempting to decertify the judges' union amid a broader effort to silence its critics in the judiciary.
  • "DOJ's efforts to decertify the union demonstrates, once again, the structural flaw of having the immigration court housed in a law enforcement agency like DOJ," Judge Ashley Tabaddor said in a statement.

It's OK Trump can still win if he manages to completely break the post office. Oh...

one man it seems is above the law.....with the complete support of idiots willing to destroy this country so their hero can rob the country without any remorse....trump just continues to get away...….how much longer will the right turn their head.....supporters to fucking dumb to know what is going on......the senate is not......they are starting to turn their back....but not far enough

Louis DeJoy
United States Postmaster General

Louis DeJoy is an American businessman and Republican Party fundraiser who was appointed in May 2020 by unanimous selection of the Board of Governors of the United States Postal Service to serve as the 75th United States Postmaster General and Chief Executive Officer of the world's largest postal organization. Since January 2020, DeJoy has donated $360,000 to President Trump’s re-election campaign and roughly $70,000 to the Republican National Committee.

House panel calls new postal chief to explain mail delays
12 hours ago · The House Oversight Committee has invited the new postmaster general to appear at a hearing next month to examine operational changes to the U.S. Postal Service that are causing delays in mail deliveries across the country. The plan imposed by Louis DeJoy

House Oversight Committee wants Trump's new postal chief ...
Aug 03, 2020 · The House Oversight Committee has invited the new postmaster general to appear at a hearing next month to examine operational changes to the U.S. Postal Trump's postmaster general ordered the elimination of overtime for hundreds of thousands of postal workers and says that mail needs to be kept until the next day if postal distribution centers ...
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I notice trump fans are thinner on the ground in here these days. Got to be a good thing. Obviously starting to see the light.
Just can not dominate the argument anymore.....getting some Dems on here now....odds are not in their favor......with them one likes to lie the other swears to it.....most still support him....just not to much to brag about these days with him killing so many on a daily basis...and the economy in the tanks
I notice trump fans are thinner on the ground in here these days. Got to be a good thing. Obviously starting to see the light.
Defending Trump on a daily basis is impossible. Even his own appointees can't do it to save their jobs.
However, don't mistake it for seeing any light, they will go down with the ship. It's very, very cult like.
Generally the MAGA crowd really prefers their safe spaces. That's why they ban any dissent on r/conservative and r/the_donald (when it still existed). This is not enough of a safe space for them to want to post anymore. It's hard being a MAGA snowflake, you gotta go easy on them.
wondered why there wasn't a lot more of this...………..

Texas Man's Obituary Blames Trump, Governor Abbott for ...
Texas Man's Obituary Blames Trump, Governor Abbott for COVID-19 Death © Screenshot: Jefferson Jimplecute | Twitter The family of a Texas man who died after contracting COVID-19 penned an obituary...

Texas wife blames Trump and Gov. Abbott for husband's ...
6 hours ago · A man from Texas died from COVID-19 on July 22 — and the obituary his wife wrote for him has now gone viral. In the obituary for David W. Nagy, …
Mmmm stocks soar 2 days before trump announces pharmaceuticals deal

Elizabeth Warren calls for insider-trading investigation ...
Aug 05, 2020 · Elizabeth Warren calls for insider-trading investigation after Kodak shares spike 2,190%

SEC launches probe into Kodak after Elizabeth Warren ...
5 hours ago · The Securities and Exchange Commission on Tuesday reportedly launched an investigation into Kodak after Sen. Elizabeth Warren demanded a probe of possible insider trading at the tech company ...
and now for a little good news.....

Five people who attended meeting with DeSantis in Florida ...
11 hours ago · Five people who attended a Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) meeting last week with Gov. Ron DeSantis Ronald Dion DeSantis Journalist covering Trump trip to Florida tests positive for coronavirus...

Coronavirus: Five who attended same meeting as Florida ...
6 hours ago · Five people who attended the same meeting as some of Florida's top officials, including governor Ron DeSantis, have tested positive for coronavirus, reports have said. The Florida Sheriffs...
I notice trump fans are thinner on the ground in here these days. Got to be a good thing. Obviously starting to see the light.

Nope, just tired of talking to brick walls. Tiered of others unable to debate facts and can only insult and scream racism. Would much rather enjoy my time off, got more important things to do.

But since I'm here, Candace Owens for POTUS 2024
Nope, just tired of talking to brick walls. Tiered of others unable to debate facts and can only insult and scream racism. Would much rather enjoy my time off, got more important things to do.

But since I'm here, Candace Owens for POTUS 2024

your time off is self imposed because you lack the needed skills to come up with any facts to support what you say

posting your OPINIONS and expecting people to take them as facts.....and your continued diversions when you are exposed as a phoney…..all leads to a recipe for disaster...….

doesn't that about cover it?.....but then from your mind probably not
Trump ramps up false attacks on mail-in voting

Despite not having the power to do so, President Trump suggested the November election should be moved. His comments were roundly rejected by lawmakers of both parties as his attacks on mail-in voting continue. CBSN political reporter Caitlin Huey-Burns highlighted the falsehoods by the president as well as the real problems states could face as requests for absentee ballots hit record highs.

Poll: Majority support voting by mail, bucking Trump

Most voters approve of voting by mail ahead of a presidential election plagued by coronavirus concerns, and an overwhelming majority agree the contest should proceed as scheduled on Nov. 3, according to the latest POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.

Trump: Vote-by-Mail Corrupts the Election, Except in Florida
19 hours ago · “The 2020 Election will be totally rigged if Mail-In Voting is allowed to take place, & everyone knows it,” he tweeted July 26, one of more than 70 attacks he has made against voting by mail

Will Americans Buy Trump’s Claims About Mail Voting Fraud?

President Trump on Thursday railed against expanding access to mail-in voting, and even floated the idea that the election could be postponed, something he has no legal authority to do.

Top Republicans were quick to dismiss the suggestion of putting off Election Day — but Democrats went further, calling it evidence that the president would stop at nothing to throw doubt on the validity of an election that he currently appears likely to lose.

Recent polling shows that Americans now overwhelmingly support universal access to mail-in voting. In national surveys from the past few months, all taken after Mr. Trump began attacking the idea as dangerous, upward of six in 10 respondents have said that they would favor making absentee voting universally available.

Fact check: Trump litters briefing with false, unsubstantiated claims on voter fraud, Covid response and Beirut explosion

President Donald Trump's Tuesday coronavirus briefing featured more Trump dishonesty about the pandemic, another repeated false claim about voter fraud and a sensational but uncorroborated claim about the deadly explosion in Beirut.

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