Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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They (politicians) are all the same. What has happened is the left media and the whiny Dems hate him so much that they will do or say anything to make him look bad. Trump says or does one thing that may be considered questionable and the media is all over it with their twist and the liberals buy into it hook, line, and sinker. I don't!
If you're looking for Mac in the dictionary, you'll find simpleton is also between ******* and syphilis.
WTF are you even doing on this site? You ARE MAKING LIGHT OF THE CAIN DEATH by this entire intellectually fallacious statement. This is total bullshit and you know it. There is ZERO evidence that Mr Cain or anybody else contracted Covid at the Tulsa rally. Mr Cain traveled extensively during that time frame. It doesn't matter anyway. I love how you people "blame the victim"....
... and there's NO EVIDENCE saying he didn't get covid-19 at the Tulsa convention. What we DO KNOW is that Herman Cain was adement AGAINST wearing the mask. Thus, not ONLY did he get covid-19, by his NOT wearing a mask, himself, he probably infected a lot of others as well ... some of who will possibly DIE of his giving THEM covid-19. What we DO KNOW is a majority of the states having radical rises in the covid-19 are Republican run states. What we also KNOW is that the medical doctors & scientists say wearing a mask helps prevent covid-19 from spreading. And, we also know that the great, great United States of America, who's suppose to be LEADING THE WORLD in the fight of covid-19 is not only DEAD LAST but has been restricted from visiting a whole ******* load of countries because they all think we're a bunch of ASS HOLES here in America.
So don't you question why someone is on this site ... question WHY you can't believe all the science & technology that's proving that our country desperately NEEDS a new leader to run it. I hate hearing of people dying of covid-19, but I have none of that sympathy for stupidity many Republicans are showing, regarding it. They're digging their graves in a lot of ways, right now ... their party damage is already done for 2020.
I very much believe in KARMA myself, and you're going to witness exactly THAT on November 3rd of THIS YEAR.
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I didn't vote for Hillary and for damned sure not voting for Biden. He is going to be a puppet.
Yeah, please don't, we really prefer NOT having someone as ignorant as you voting in the Democratic party. Makes the party start to look like the Republicans ... you go right ahead and vote for that Hitler follower, Trump. If you haven't figured him out by now you deserve every single thing that happens as you follow the biggest traitor to this country in 3 centuries.
Obama dealt with Ebola and the H1N1 Virus so well, that you forget it was a pandemic.
That's the federal government in action.
The main reason is, Obama listened to the scientist and read the intelligence, and took leadership by organizing a national and cooperative international response.
He didn't say it's just one person, or fifteen people.
It's people like you, who worked for the federal government, that give parts of it a bad name, so that people like you can bitch about it.
Yeah, please don't, we really prefer NOT having someone as ignorant as you voting in the Democratic party. Makes the party start to look like the Republicans ... you go right ahead and vote for that Hitler follower, Trump. If you haven't figured him out by now you deserve every single thing that happens as you follow the biggest traitor to this country in 3 centuries.
Mac, Mac, Mac you have me all wrong. I have never said I like Trump. I said I despised Hillary and wouldn't have voted for her for anything. What I have said is the alternative IMO is far worse. Why? Because I have "figured out" the Democrats and the direction they want to take this country. No Thanks!
Anytime the government gets involved in any national crisis it gets fucked up one way or another. No one knows what to do, people are afraid to make decisions, there are so many layers, and 1,000 different guidance interpretations.

I worked for the Federal government for 33 years. When the government shutdown I was on daily national telcons. One day it was do this, the next day no don't do that do this, the next day...No President in modern times has had to deal with anything like this. But you know what? We're going to be OK!

Yeah totally it's not like every normal country on Earth got through this way better than we did. And it's not like we didn't just get leaks of Kushner deliberately avoiding a national response in the hopes that people in blue states would die.
Killing Americans is now patriotic for the Republican death cult.

We love people dying of a disease we could stop. We love sending federal secret police to beat up, tear gas, and ******* moms and vets. We love tax breaks for billionaires. This is how we show our love for America: violence, death, and anger. But mostly giving its wealth to the republican donor class, our social betters who we worship and adore.
A Real class act!....Fox puts out nothing but the best for our retarded citizens...….

Tucker Carlson calls Obama 'one of the sleaziest and most dishonest figures' in US political history

Tucker Carlson described former President Obama as "one of the sleaziest and most dishonest figures in the history of American politics" after his eulogy at the funeral of civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) on Thursday.

What else would you expect from an idiot like Tucker Carlson?
He's such a low life he could walk beneath the belly of a snake with a top hat on without disturbing the snake!
Fact, you Democrats and all liberals are the people who are deceived without question.

How strange then that Ammon Bundy thinks that you're deceived by constant talk radio and fox news talking points


edit: just watched it again. He didn't say "deceived", he said "hypnotized by social media posts and talk news show hosts to think certain things about certain keywords".

I think he's actually 100% correct here. Current conservative propaganda is basically constantly repeated word associations, made to appeal to the dumbest people around. You see the indoctrinated saps parroting that stuff here as well.

Nobody is going to articulate a principled reasoning for Trump's policies, because none exists. Dude's not Barry Goldwater. So they just repeat "BLM = thugs" and "democrats = socialists" over and over, and deliberately misuse terms so we have to keep explaining what "defund the police" actually means.
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racism must run in the family....and now we know how Pence became VP......hard to find another one as racist as himself....although the right is loaded with them

Republican lawmaker Greg Pence criticized for co-ownership ...
1 hour ago · Rep. Greg Pence (R-Ind.), Vice President Pence's older brother, received criticism after it was revealed that an Indiana antique mall, which he co-owns, had multiple racist antiques for sale.

Rep. Greg Pence Called Out For Racist Collectables At His ...
Jul 24, 2020 · U.S. Representative Greg Pence of Indiana is being criticized by people on social media and by his political opponent Jeannine Lee Lake over racist collectibles sold in an antique mall he owns.. According to The Star Press, Lake posted a photograph of the items on Facebook, calling out Pence and his wife Denise, who runs the mall, for “profiting from hate.”
Fact, you Democrats and all liberals are the people who are deceived without question.
We're not the ones being deceived that the reason the national debt is at $22 trillion and rising rapidly is because of the brainless Republican Presidents and not Democrat. First $10 trillion are on Republicans, and although Obama popped another $7 trillion on the books it was because of the collapsing economy that GW put on the books + Obama was reducing the "deficit spending" until along comes the ORANGE President bragging about paying OFF the Nat'l Debt in 10 years but instead, adding another $5 trillion to the nat'l debt even before his FIRST TERM was over. Your awesome ORANGE President is setting all kinds of records, that's for sure ... he's just going the WRONG FUCKING WAY.
You better start noticing which party is really fucking you over, Hottobe ... someday that Nat'l Debt is going to become DUE.
Fact, you Democrats and all liberals are the people who are deceived without question.

deceit and tattletale and stupid statements are all something you specialize in...…..

for just one thing...just one...maybe you can understand ONE......the longer he is in the white house....the more americans he will *******

but then hell....the death count....racism...corruption...are all things that go over a trumptards head

BTW...that would be about waist high...…...that covers the only head you are thinking with
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sure....it's ok....send your ******* to school

Report: Coronavirus infected scores of children and staff at Georgia sleep-away camp

A new report suggests that children of all ages are susceptible to coronavirus infection and may also spread it to others — a finding likely to intensify an already fraught discussion about the risks of sending children back to school this fall.

typical of our presidential bully

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman retires, cites 'bullying' by Trump after impeachment testimony

WASHINGTON – The retirement of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a key figure in the impeachment of President Donald Trump, becomes official on Saturday.

Vindman submitted his retirement request July 7, one day after his promotion to colonel had been approved by the Pentagon, according to an Army document. His request was approved for retirement effective Aug. 1.

In a statement July 8, Vindman cited "bullying, intimidation and retaliation" from the White House for his decision to retire, according to a statement from his lawyer David Pressman.

would not surprise me at all....nothing is to low for this man

Mail Delays Fuel Concern Trump Is Undercutting Postal System Ahead of Voting

WASHINGTON — Welcome to the next election battleground: the post office.

President Trump’s yearslong assault on the Postal Service and his increasingly dire warnings about the dangers of voting by mail are colliding as the presidential campaign enters its final months. The result has been to generate new concerns about how he could influence an election conducted during a pandemic in which greater-than-ever numbers of voters will submit their ballots by mail.

In tweet after all-caps tweet, Mr. Trump has warned that allowing people to vote by mail will result in a “CORRUPT ELECTION” that will “LEAD TO THE END OF OUR GREAT REPUBLICAN PARTY” and become the “SCANDAL OF OUR TIMES.” He has predicted that children will steal ballots out of mailboxes. On Thursday, he dangled the idea of delaying the election instead

Members of Congress and state officials in both parties rejected the president’s suggestion and his claim that mail-in ballots would result in widespread fraud. But they are warning that a huge wave of ballots could overwhelm mail carriers unless the Postal Service, in financial difficulty for years, receives emergency funding that Republicans are blocking during negotiations over another pandemic relief bill.

At the same time, the mail system is being undercut in ways set in motion by Mr. Trump. Fueled by animus for Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, and surrounded by advisers who have long called for privatizing the post office, Mr. Trump and his appointees have begun taking cost-cutting steps that appear to have led to slower and less reliable delivery.

In recent weeks, at the direction of a Trump campaign megadonor who was recently named the postmaster general, the service has stopped paying mail carriers and clerks the overtime necessary to ensure that deliveries can be completed each day. That and other changes have led to reports of letters and packages being delayed by as many as several days.

Voting rights groups say it is a recipe for disaster.

“We have an underfunded state and local election system and a deliberate slowdown in the Postal Service,” said Wendy Fields, the executive director of the Democracy Initiative, a coalition of voting and civil rights groups. She said the president was “deliberately orchestrating suppression and using the post office as a tool to do it.”

Kim Wyman, the Republican secretary of state in Washington, one of five states where mail-in balloting is universal, said Wednesday on NPR’s “1A” program that “election officials are very concerned, if the post office is reducing service, that we will be able to get ballots to people in time.”

During his eulogy on Thursday for Representative John Lewis, former President Barack Obama lamented what he said was a continuing effort to attack voting rights “with surgical precision, even undermining the Postal Service in the run-up to an election that is going to be dependent on mailed-in ballots so people don’t get sick.”

Louis DeJoy, the postmaster general, defended the changes, saying in a statement that the ban on overtime was intended to “improve operational efficiency” and to “ensure that we meet our service standards.”

Mr. DeJoy declined to be interviewed. David Partenheimer, a spokesman for the Postal Service, said that the nation’s post offices had “ample capacity to adjust our nationwide processing and delivery network to meet projected election and political mail volume, including any additional volume that may result as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic.”

A plunge in the amount of mail because of a recession — which the United States entered into in February — has cost the Postal Service billions of dollars in revenue, with some analysts predicting that the agency will run out of money by spring. Democrats have proposed an infusion of $25 billion. On Friday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused Republicans, who are opposed to the funding, of wanting to “diminish the capacity of the Postal System to work in a timely fashion.”

Arthur B. Sackler, who runs the Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service, a group representing the biggest bulk mailers, said the changes were concerning even though his organization did not take a position on voting by mail.

“Like any other mail, this could complicate what is already going to be a complicated process,” Mr. Sackler said. “A huge number of jurisdictions are totally inexperienced in vote by mail. They have never had the avalanche of interest that they have this year.”

Many states have already loosened restrictions on who can vote by mail: In Kentucky, mail-in ballots accounted for 85 percent of the vote in June’s primary. In Vermont, requests for mail-in ballots are up 1,000 percent over 2018.

Michigan voters had requested nearly 1.8 million mail-in ballots by the end of July, compared with about 500,000 by the similar time four years ago, after the secretary of state mailed absentee ballot applications to all 7.7 million registered voters.

In the suburban Virginia district of Representative Gerald E. Connolly, a Democrat who leads the House subcommittee that oversees the Postal Service, 1,300 people voted by mail in a 2019 primary — last month, more than 34,000 did.

“We are worried about new management at the Postal Service that is carrying out Trump’s avowed opposition to voting by mail,” Mr. Connolly said. “I don’t think that’s speculation. I think we are witnessing that in front of our own eyes.”

Erratic service could delay the delivery of blank ballots to people who request them. And in 34 states, completed ballots that are not received by Election Day — this year it is Nov. 3 — are invalidated, raising the prospect that some voters could be disenfranchised if the mail system buckles.

In other states, ballots can be tallied as long as they are postmarked by Election Day, but voting rights groups say ballots are often erroneously delivered without a postmark, which prevents them from being counted.

The ability of the Postal Service “to timely deliver and return absentee ballots and their work to postmark those ballots will literally determine whether or not voters are disenfranchised during the pandemic,” said Kristen Clarke, the president of the National Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.

In New York, where officials urged people not to cast ballots in person during June’s primary, counting of mail-in ballots is still underway weeks later, leaving some crucial races undecided. In some cases, ballots received without postmarks are being discarded.

Making the problem worse, New York law requires that election officials wait to begin counting mail-in ballots until the polls close on Election Day. Other states allow counting to begin earlier, though most insist that no results be revealed until after voting ends. In Arizona, officials can begin tallying votes 14 days early. In Florida, officials can begin verifying signatures on ballots 22 days before the election.

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