Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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WTF are you even doing on this site? You ARE MAKING LIGHT OF THE CAIN DEATH by this entire intellectually fallacious statement. This is total bullshit and you know it. There is ZERO evidence that Mr Cain or anybody else contracted Covid at the Tulsa rally. Mr Cain traveled extensively during that time frame. It doesn't matter anyway. I love how you people "blame the victim".... Mrs Cain was wearing that slutty dress and a QOS tattoo...she deserved to be raped!" "Every airline pilot who ever died in a crash has told many family, friends and acquaintances how safe flying actually is, especially compared to driving. And it is! But those pilots deserved to die in a crash!" "She went on B2W, played with BBC guy, didn't wear a mask and got Covid....and you just KNOW that MUST be where she got it....she deserved it"....."geniuses like me are only on the site to argue vacuous political points because I've worn out my welcome on every other site..and I haven't tested positive for Covid yet...see???!" Karma baby! Such stupidity. Such blind foolish hatred. Find something to do with your life. And by the way...where's your "science" behind how many people have contracted Covid, died "from" (lol) Covid and who also wore masks faithfully?

I am trying real hard to like you.....but you are making it very difficult with your trumponian blunders
If you have a point you are trying to make....just say it.... you completely missed with whatever you were trying to say above...…....…...think I pretty much covered it with what is on the net......and what is highlighted at the top of your mumblings...…...kind of looks like your right wing ass gas just ain't doing it....except for a couple like your self....
have a nice day and may the mask you refuse to wear not effect someone else's health
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I am "very sure". I'm not too interested in arguing this. My Franklin quote is the exact quote. It's called a republic....NOT a"representative democracy". Representative Republic could be described as an accurate "description" but not a legal definition. In fact the constitution guarantees to the citizens of every state a "republican" form of government. "SECTION 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence." The people of each state elect Representatives to congress by popular vote ONLY within each district. The Senate originally was appointed, 2 each state, by the individual state governments and NOT by direct election. There was a reason for that. That was eventually amended out of the constitution and now we suffer the travails of popularly elected Senators. The president is elected by the Electoral College, NOT the popular vote. The purpose of the college was to be a check on the unwise, tyrannical impulses which result from "democracies". It also allowed less populated states to have some power in the election of the executive. Losing that would be catastrophic to the nation. The words "democracy" or "democratic" DO NOT APPEAR in the constitution. There is a reason for that as well. The founders abhorred "democracy" and rightfully feared it as mob rule. The founders vision of government could not be accomplished by democratic means. The closest thing to democratically elected was a single Representative from a small portion of a state. In that diluted form the tyranny of democracy would be unable to be achieved. Jefferson called himself a "Democratic Republican" but the term "Republican" was the common usage for the party. This was because none of the founders would allow themselves to be called "Democrats", which to them was the equivalent of "mob".

you are just full of opinions aren't you....but then everyone has one.....doesn't make them right...but everyone entitled to one......you picked and choose just what facts you wanted to post....like any true republican....so things would look like you wanted them to
the ONLY thing you got right was we are a republic...….after that you veered way off course....but then as long as you have been stepping in here with your opinionated facts....they have never been completely accurate

you need to step down off that box and join the real world.....have a nice day
Republicans are a sleazy bunch anyways. They're not even close to being the representation of the Grand Ole Party of a few decades ago. All scumbags ... almost every one of 'em.
Likewise with the Dem's but worse! The largest group of incompetent lying hypocrite leaders I have ever seen!
Not THE Herman Cain ... the 9-9-9 dude? Bet his family regrets he attended the Trump "Tulsa" rally and didn't wear a mask while he was there.
I guess President Donald Trump is feeling really BAD about Herman's death .... NOT!

View attachment 3513480
Trump is most probably admiring the guy he sees in the mirror as the someone who is totally worthy of the life that Herman Cain just forfeited on his behalf more so than offering an honest expression of sympathy to the Cain family!
I am "very sure". I'm not too interested in arguing this. My Franklin quote is the exact quote. It's called a republic....NOT a"representative democracy". Representative Republic could be described as an accurate "description" but not a legal definition. In fact the constitution guarantees to the citizens of every state a "republican" form of government. "SECTION 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence." The people of each state elect Representatives to congress by popular vote ONLY within each district. The Senate originally was appointed, 2 each state, by the individual state governments and NOT by direct election. There was a reason for that. That was eventually amended out of the constitution and now we suffer the travails of popularly elected Senators. The president is elected by the Electoral College, NOT the popular vote. The purpose of the college was to be a check on the unwise, tyrannical impulses which result from "democracies". It also allowed less populated states to have some power in the election of the executive. Losing that would be catastrophic to the nation. The words "democracy" or "democratic" DO NOT APPEAR in the constitution. There is a reason for that as well. The founders abhorred "democracy" and rightfully feared it as mob rule. The founders vision of government could not be accomplished by democratic means. The closest thing to democratically elected was a single Representative from a small portion of a state. In that diluted form the tyranny of democracy would be unable to be achieved. Jefferson called himself a "Democratic Republican" but the term "Republican" was the common usage for the party. This was because none of the founders would allow themselves to be called "Democrats", which to them was the equivalent of "mob".
I see what we have here, an genuine AM Radio educated Constitutionalist. Or, what's popularly known as a fool. Let's do this quickly:

Franklin's quote, is actually not a quote but a recollection from a third person's diary years later. According to it, the woman asked do we have a monarchy or republic.

Legal definition??? Representative Democracy- that is called a Republic. A republic is a type of democracy. Your made up term of Representative Republic makes zero fucking sense and is but a bullshit alliteration to please conservatards who don't know American History, politics or word origins. There is no 'legal' definition. Just a definition, based on Greek roots.

Like I said, some of the government, especially at the federal level is a representative democracy, however as I pointed out, at the state and local level we have direct democracy. Some easy offices I can name as an example would be Governor, Lt Governor (some states they run separately), Attorney General, Secretary of State, Insurance Commissioner, Auditor, Treasurer, are all elected through direct democracy. From the people to the head of the state. And state Supreme court justices. Same for local government. We directly elect County Executives, judges, mayors, County/States' Attorney, Clerk, etc. Some towns in the New England still have town hall meetings where every voting age adult votes on policies.

As far as the founders abhorring a direct democracy, is not for virtuous reasons, it was to keep power consolidated. You're talking about a group of men, who were wealthy and/or elites. Thus to even participate in the government you needed to be a white landowner, or white merchant of some wealth. They did not believe, or would have even understood in the wisdom of the people.

Jefferson was a Democratic Republican. Republican was a common phrase to distinguish from the opposition party the Federalists (Alexander Hamilton and other George Washington cabinet members and loyalists). Had nothing to do with today's Republican Party, which again had nothing to do with Democratic Republicans, American Republican or National Republican parties. Today's republicans, would not line up with those ideals and policies at all. Hell, today's Republicans would reject the three main principles that formed the party (in 1854 out of the strong opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska Act), economic reform, opposition to slavery expansion, and classic liberalism. Like today's Republicans, they were pretty half assed and opportunistic. Opposed more slavery but, allowed a racial caste system that was ******* and controlled by actual government codes, and Jim Crow norms. Economic reform that value the wealthy, instead of the workers as they started off doing. And, would not even know what classic liberalism means (Trump already proved he doesn't know).

Don't delete your amalgamation of misinformation, leave it up, I'm sure HotToBe and ALLFor will love it. Facts be damned, whatever makes you feel good.
Likewise with the Dem's but worse! The largest group of incompetent lying hypocrite leaders I have ever seen!
Where have you seen Democrats in lockstep behind the bullshit like Trump presents???
Cancelling elections
Sending Troops into American Cities
Sharing intel with adversaries
Ignoring early warnings about the pandemic
Ignoring daily intel briefings
Ignoring conflicts of interests
Fighting with the pope
Fighting with young girl
Fighting with his own administration
Fighting with his own family
Fighting with his own appointees
Fighting with his chosen media outlets
Fighting with International Agencies we once used for good
Lying about, well, *******, everything...

And not one peep from the Republicans. He's taken them down, they've lost control of the House, Gubernatorial seats, state legislatures, state Supreme Court justices, and public support. Yet, they march in line while their former 'principles' are shat upon in exchange for not getting into a Twitter war with man who could help Republicans hold on to two Southern Red States.
They deserve everything they got, and what's coming in November.
A Real class act!....Fox puts out nothing but the best for our retarded citizens...….

Tucker Carlson calls Obama 'one of the sleaziest and most dishonest figures' in US political history

Tucker Carlson described former President Obama as "one of the sleaziest and most dishonest figures in the history of American politics" after his eulogy at the funeral of civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) on Thursday.

Where have you seen Democrats in lockstep behind the bullshit like Trump presents???
Cancelling elections
Sending Troops into American Cities
Sharing intel with adversaries
Ignoring early warnings about the pandemic
Ignoring daily intel briefings
Ignoring conflicts of interests
Fighting with the pope
Fighting with young girl
Fighting with his own administration
Fighting with his own family
Fighting with his own appointees
Fighting with his chosen media outlets
Fighting with International Agencies we once used for good
It's no secret that GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is on President Barack Obama's economic advisory board. And that GE is the parent company of NBC Universal. It's also well known that NBC News is in bed with President Obama, who even joked about it at a recent media event:

"A few nights ago, I was up tossing and turning trying to figure exactly what to say. Finally, when I couldn't get back to sleep, I rolled over and asked (NBC News anchor) Brian Williams what he thought," Obama said.
But does that constitute a conflict of interest for either GE or President Obama?
How about the fact that GE Capital received a federal loan guarantee of $139 billion via the Wall Street bailout?

Or that Immelt is a member of the board of the New York Federal Reserve, formerly headed by Obama's treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner?

Or, and this is the big ticket item, that GE stands to make billions off the Obama administration's Cap and Trade and Alternative Energy initiatives?
From the Washington Examiner's Obama's hidden bailout of General Electric:

And not one peep from the Republicans. He's taken them down, they've lost control of the House, Gubernatorial seats, state legislatures, state Supreme Court justices, and public support. Yet, they march in line while their former 'principles' are shat upon in exchange for not getting into a Twitter war with man who could help Republicans hold on to two Southern Red States.
They deserve everything they got, and what's coming in November.

Cancelling elections - That's news to me. Which elections did Trump cancel?

Sending Troops into American Cities - That's what your liberal media calls them. They are federal agents not a military organization. And if I were the President I would have done that when the first widow broke. The liberals prevented the police from doing what they're supposed to do. Law and order baby!!

Ignoring daily intel briefings
- Remember, Obama claimed that the White House was caught off guard about the rise of ISIS, even though he was repeatedly warned about it, but failed to act on it.

A national security staffer in the Obama-Biden administration told the Daily Mail in 2014 that Barack Obama was getting “highly accurate predictions” about the rise of the ISIS “before the 2012 election.” The intelligence was described as “actionable.

Ignoring conflicts of interests - It's no secret that GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is on President Barack Obama's economic advisory board. And that GE is the parent company of NBC Universal. It's also well known that NBC News is in bed with President Obama, who even joked about it at a recent media event:

"A few nights ago, I was up tossing and turning trying to figure exactly what to say. Finally, when I couldn't get back to sleep, I rolled over and asked (NBC News anchor) Brian Williams what he thought," Obama said.
But does that constitute a conflict of interest for either GE or President Obama?
How about the fact that GE Capital received a federal loan guarantee of $139 billion via the Wall Street bailout?

Or that Immelt is a member of the board of the New York Federal Reserve, formerly headed by Obama's treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner?

Or, and this is the big ticket item, that GE stands to make billions off the Obama administration's Cap and Trade and Alternative Energy initiatives?
From the Washington Examiner's Obama's hidden bailout of General Electric.

It's no secret that GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is on President Barack Obama's economic advisory board. And that GE is the parent company of NBC Universal. It's also well known that NBC News is in bed with President Obama, who even joked about it at a recent media event:

"A few nights ago, I was up tossing and turning trying to figure exactly what to say. Finally, when I couldn't get back to sleep, I rolled over and asked (NBC News anchor) Brian Williams what he thought," Obama said.
But does that constitute a conflict of interest for either GE or President Obama?
How about the fact that GE Capital received a federal loan guarantee of $139 billion via the Wall Street bailout?

Or that Immelt is a member of the board of the New York Federal Reserve, formerly headed by Obama's treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner?

Or, and this is the big ticket item, that GE stands to make billions off the Obama administration's Cap and Trade and Alternative Energy initiatives?
From the Washington Examiner's Obama's hidden bailout of General Electric:

It's no secret that GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is on President Barack Obama's economic advisory board. And that GE is the parent company of NBC Universal. It's also well known that NBC News is in bed with President Obama, who even joked about it at a recent media event:

"A few nights ago, I was up tossing and turning trying to figure exactly what to say. Finally, when I couldn't get back to sleep, I rolled over and asked (NBC News anchor) Brian Williams what he thought," Obama said.
But does that constitute a conflict of interest for either GE or President Obama?
How about the fact that GE Capital received a federal loan guarantee of $139 billion via the Wall Street bailout?

Or that Immelt is a member of the board of the New York Federal Reserve, formerly headed by Obama's treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner?

Or, and this is the big ticket item, that GE stands to make billions off the Obama administration's Cap and Trade and Alternative Energy initiatives?
From the Washington Examiner's Obama's hidden bailout of General Electric:

Lying about, well, *******, everything -
Look in the dictionary and you won't find words describing the definition just a pic of Bill and Hillary.

Fighting with his own family - Are you talking about Mary, the democrat who supported Hillary and is still butt hurt.! She said he said. But since she's a liberal it's gospel right?

Obama Political Spying Scandal: Trump Associates Were Not the First Targets

As we’ve repeatedly noted (see, e.g., here, here, and here), there is no known support for Trump’s narrow claim (made in a series of March 4 tweets). Yet, there is now overwhelming evidence that the Obama administration monitored Trump associates and campaign and transition officials. There were, moreover, leaks of classified information to the media — particularly in the case of Trump’s original national-security adviser, Michael Flynn, whose telephone communications with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. were unlawfully disclosed to the Washington Post.

There is a question closely related to that of whether the Obama administration was guilty of a gross abuse of power — exploiting its foreign-intelligence-collection authority to keep tabs on its political opponents, thwarting and punishing their resistance. The question is: Did it start with Donald Trump?

The answer is no.
They (politicians) are all the same. What has happened is the left media and the whiny Dems hate him so much that they will do or say anything to make him look bad. Trump says or does one thing that may be considered questionable and the media is all over it with their twist and the liberals buy into it hook, line, and sinker. I don't!
They (politicians) are all the same. What has happened is the left media and the whiny Dems hate him so much that they will do or say anything to make him look bad. Trump says or does one thing that may be considered questionable and the media is all over it with their twist and the liberals buy into it hook, line, and sinker. I don't!
We don't hate him, we just love America.
It's a binary choice at this point.
We don't hate him, we just love America.
It's a binary choice at this point.
I love America too! And that is precisely why I didn't vote for Hillary and for damned sure not voting for Biden. He is going to be a puppet. And worse yet if he doesn't make it through his first term, if elected, means most likely Kamala would become President. Now if that isn't a scary thought I don't know what is. So I will take the pussy grabbing, lying, cheating, and whatever descriptor in a heartbeat over the alternative.
If you loved America I feel like you wouldn't be voting for the guy trying to ******* it with Covid
Anytime the government gets involved in any national crisis it gets fucked up one way or another. No one knows what to do, people are afraid to make decisions, there are so many layers, and 1,000 different guidance interpretations.

I worked for the Federal government for 33 years. When the government shutdown I was on daily national telcons. One day it was do this, the next day no don't do that do this, the next day...No President in modern times has had to deal with anything like this. But you know what? We're going to be OK!
Cancelling elections - That's news to me. Which elections did Trump cancel?
Don't play fucking semantics with me, you know your word game is weak and you'll be embarrassed.
You know exactly what he's doing. Being a whiny pussy about loosing the upcoming election.

Sending Troops into American Cities - That's what your liberal media calls them. They are federal agents not a military organization. And if I were the President I would have done that when the first widow broke. The liberals prevented the police from doing what they're supposed to do. Law and order baby!!
You claim to love this country, but are willing to ******* on the Constitution, and it's values to get your political points.
It's illegal/unconstitutional for the tyranny of the federal government to enforce its will through an occupying ******* on it's own citizens. Period. And if you really believed in law and order Trump would have been removed from office after impeachment and arrested.
So try to stay consistent when President Biden sends federal agents to your home. Or get outraged, you don't believe in individual rights anymore, so who give a fuck about you whining?

Ignoring daily intel briefings - Remember, Obama claimed that the White House was caught off guard about the rise of ISIS, even though he was repeatedly warned about it, but failed to act on it.
A national security staffer in the Obama-Biden administration told the Daily Mail in 2014 that Barack Obama was getting “highly accurate predictions” about the rise of the ISIS “before the 2012 election.” The intelligence was described as “actionable.
Remember this:
Obama is not President. He won the popular vote and electoral college twice.
He saved the economy from the brinks.
He had a record number of months of employment growth.
He saved the American Auto Industry
He delivered health care to tens of millions of working people and small business owners
He lead us through a couple of pandemics, Ebola and Swine Flu.
His administration caught and killed Osama Bin Laden
Trump has never reached the success and popularity of Obama, even today, Obama is more popular.
Obama read the daily intel briefings every morning.
Bringing up Obama only reminds us of how things are supposed to be.

Ignoring conflicts of interests - It's no secret that GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is on President Barack Obama's economic advisory board. And that GE is the parent company of NBC Universal. It's also well known that NBC News is in bed with President Obama, who even joked about it at a recent media event:
"A few nights ago, I was up tossing and turning trying to figure exactly what to say. Finally, when I couldn't get back to sleep, I rolled over and asked (NBC News anchor) Brian Williams what he thought," Obama said.
But does that constitute a conflict of interest for either GE or President Obama?
How about the fact that GE Capital received a federal loan guarantee of $139 billion via the Wall Street bailout?
Or that Immelt is a member of the board of the New York Federal Reserve, formerly headed by Obama's treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner?
Or, and this is the big ticket item, that GE stands to make billions off the Obama administration's Cap and Trade and Alternative Energy initiatives?
From the Washington Examiner's Obama's hidden bailout of General Electric.
What in the fried marlin fuck are you talking about here? How is this relevant, or even true?
Trumps' business directly benefits from his presidency. He overtly tries to steer government business to his business- a grossly illegal and unethical thing to do. However, with the Republicans in charge of the Senate and condoning his corruption, it's just another headline.

Lying about, well, *******, everything - Look in the dictionary and you won't find words describing the definition just a pic of Bill and Hillary.
He is such a liar, the scale has not been invented to measure it by.
You might be able to point out five proven lies between Hillary and Bill together. *******, Trump doubled that just Yesterday alone!

Fighting with his own family - Are you talking about Mary, the democrat who supported Hillary and is still butt hurt.! She said he said. But since she's a liberal it's gospel right?
You know who else? Donald Trump, and his terrible children all donated to Hillary and supported her. I guess that's why he undermines himself constantly, he really a democrat?
Mary supporting Hillary would line up with her consistent observation that her uncle is a psychopath.
Also, NO ONE else in the family has come out against her, besides Trump's oldest three *******.
No one in the family has come out to call Mary butthurt or crazy. No one has come out to defend the President, or his nazi loving *******.
Damn right it's gospel. Trump has publicly acted out all of the bad behavior she claims him to always had.

Good try, but when you are defending Trump, he has given us all too much material to discredit any good words or good will toward him.
Anytime the government gets involved in any national crisis it gets fucked up one way or another. No one knows what to do, people are afraid to make decisions, there are so many layers, and 1,000 different guidance interpretations.

I worked for the Federal government for 33 years. When the government shutdown I was on daily national telcons. One day it was do this, the next day no don't do that do this, the next day...No President in modern times has had to deal with anything like this. But you know what? We're going to be OK!
Obama dealt with Ebola and the H1N1 Virus so well, that you forget it was a pandemic.
That's the federal government in action.
The main reason is, Obama listened to the scientist and read the intelligence, and took leadership by organizing a national and cooperative international response.
He didn't say it's just one person, or fifteen people.
It's people like you, who worked for the federal government, that give parts of it a bad name, so that people like you can bitch about it.
They (politicians) are all the same. What has happened is the left media and the whiny Dems hate him so much that they will do or say anything to make him look bad. Trump says or does one thing that may be considered questionable and the media is all over it with their twist and the liberals buy into it hook, line, and sinker. I don't!
I'm curious on just how you THINK Trump got elected in the first place? Starting with ALL of the Republican candidates, he's been a dirty player in politics ... so, even though there MIGHT be some legitimacy to what you say, I can honestly say with no reservations that there is no politician or person on this planet that deserves any worse than what Trump is experiencing NOW ... in fact, if I had my way, it'd be a hell of a lot WORSE.
So, if you're looking for sympathy on THIS BOARD, the only way you'll find it is to pick up the dictionary and look for it. The sympathy YOU look for will be found between the words ******* & syphilis in that dictionary. I'm hoping his wife will leave his sorry ass after he's kicked "hard" out of office.

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