Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Republicans are a sleazy bunch anyways. They're not even close to being the representation of the Grand Ole Party of a few decades ago. All scumbags ... almost every one of 'em.

it's all about the money....they get it by supporting the party and big biz...…….the rest of the country means nothing
as for the mask thing....just more of trump being a fucking idiot and his supporters showing their stupidity
how long has the "no shirt...no shoes...no service" sign been around?....it was a hygiene issue...you either put on shoes or shirt or went else where....no cried freedom this or that...…...and now we have a deadly disease and need the masks but under trump it is against your freedom of speech what a fucking jerk.....and how stupid can his followers actually get

my only wish...…..is that when it comes to making those tough decisions in the hospital.....they need to have a party affiliation by their name....for me it would certainly ease some of the decision making!

I do not want to wish death on anyone.....but the more some of these right wingers get miserably sick just tickles the ******* out of me!
Republican lawmakers hijacked a historic antitrust hearing to air conspiracy theories and accuse tech companies of secretly working to undermine Trump

  • Republican lawmakers used a widely-anticipated House subcommittee hearing with the world's most powerful tech CEOs to air grievances and accuse tech companies of secretly working to undermine President Donald Trump's reelection campaign.
  • The hearing erupted into a shouting match several times as Democratic lawmakers accused their Republican colleagues of pushing
  • "fringe conspiracy theories."
  • Ohio congressman Jim Jordan implied Google is trying to give former Vice President Joe Biden an edge over Trump, and Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz accused the company of engaging in "election interference."
  • GOP Rep. Greg Steube suggested Gmail is intentionally sending his campaign emails to users' spam folders, and Wisconsin Republican Jim Sensenbrenner asked Mark Zuckerberg — the CEO of Facebook — about Twitter's decision to temporarily suspend Donald Trump Jr.'s account this week.
  • A House subcommittee held a widely anticipated hearing Wednesday whose stated purpose was to grill the world's most powerful CEOs about whether tech companies have too much market control and violated antitrust laws.

    Instead, several Republican lawmakers hijacked the historic hearing to air conspiracy theories and accuse tech companies of secretly working to undermine President Donald Trump's reelection campaign.
One notable outburst came from Ohio congressman Jim Jordan, one of Trump's most loyal attack dogs on Capitol Hill.

During the hearing, Jordan asked Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai if he could "assure Americans" that Google wouldn't use its features to give former Vice President Joe Biden, the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, an edge over Trump in the general election.

Pichai testified that Google is "fully nonpartisan" and does not favor one candidate over another in elections.

After Jordan was done with his questioning, Democratic Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon of Pennsylvania was up and said, "I'd like to redirect your attention to antitrust law rather than fringe conspiracy theories."

Jordan erupted at his colleague, saying, "We have the email," presumably referring to an email that was leaked to Fox News in which Google's former head of multicultural market expressed support for increasing Latinx voter turnout.

Other lawmakers in the hearing room subsequently began yelling at Jordan and telling him his time was up, while the subcommittee's chairman, Rep. David Cicilline of Rhode Island, repeatedly banged his gavel to silence Jordan and restore order.

When Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin shouted at Jordan to "put your mask on," Jordan used the comment to pivot to another Republican conspiracy theory about the "unmasking" of former national security adviser Michael Flynn's name in US intelligence reports following the 2016 election.

© Getty Images WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 17: Republican Representative from Florida Matt Gaetz speaks during a House Judiciary Committee markup on H.R. 7120 the "Justice in Policing Act of 2020," at the US Capitol in on June 17, 2020 in Washington, DC. The death of George Floyd while in police custody in Minneapolis has sparked global protests and a call for policing reform. Getty Images
In another instance, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida used a significant portion of his questioning time to grill Pichai about Google's search algorithm and suggest it was tailored to hurt conservatives.

"You've confessed that there is a manual component to the way in which you blacklist content," Gaetz told Pichai. "It seems to be no coincidence that it's sites like Gateway Pundit, The Western Journal, American Spectator, Daily Caller, and Breitbart, that receive the ire or the negative treatment."

Many of the websites Gaetz mentioned have been known to promote far-right propaganda and conspiratorial content.

"The manual black list targets that Google specifically goes after are those who support President Trump, who hold a conservative viewpoint," Gaetz said, adding that he believes Google is "engaging in election interference."

"When you empower individuals, the same individuals that [the right-wing activist group] Project Veritas has exposed as labeling people as terrorists who say, 'Make America great again,' or support the president ... that, in fact, could be the very election interference that we're concerned about," the congressman from Florida said.

At another point during Wednesday's hearing, Gaetz's Florida colleague Rep. Greg Steube suggested that YouTube, which is owned by Alphabet, took down a video promoting hydroxychloroquine as a cure for the coronavirus because it wanted to censor right-wing views.

"Yesterday I was sent a YouTube video about doctors discussing [hydroxychloroquine] and discussing the not-dangers of children returning to school," Steube told Pichai. He added that YouTube has since taken the video down for violating its community guidelines, and he asked why that video was removed when other videos depicting violence are left up.

Pichai replied that when videos promoting cures for a disease are uploaded to YouTube, particularly during a pandemic, the website relies on "local health officials" and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to review whether claims in the video are legitimate. If a video does not meet CDC guidelines, Pichai said, it gets taken down.

© Stephanie Keith/Getty Images Stephanie Keith/Getty Images
Many Republican lawmakers and the president have promoted hydroxychloroquine as a potential cure for the novel coronavirus, which causes a disease known as COVID-19. But the Food and ******* Administration has determined that the anti-malaria ******* is not an effective coronavirus treatment.

Steube's questioning about the treatment also came as Trump accuses social-media companies of censorship after Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube removed video clips showing a controversial Texas doctor promoting hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 cure.

The Florida lawmaker also said that many of his campaign emails are getting sent to users' spam folders and implied that Gmail was intentionally working to undermine him.

Steube then turned to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and said, "I think at this point it's fairly obvious that technology platforms have been stifling conservative news and opinions."

Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin also grilled the CEOs, at one point asking Zuckerberg about Twitter's decision this week to temporarily suspend Donald Trump Jr.'s account when he shared the Texas doctor's video touting hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus cure.

"I wouldn't take it myself, but there's still a debate about whether it's effective in either treating or preventing COVID-19," Sensenbrenner said.

"I think what you're referring to happened on Twitter," Zuckerberg replied, "so it's hard for me to speak to that."

Read the original article on Business Insider

Why Trump Might Quit!!
Nawwww, I'm convinced that SOB has been sent by the Almighty to remind us all, once more, that this country has abandoned its very principles to its constitution. He'll be here to the very end AND I totally expect him to resist leaving office over his lame excuse of "voter fraud" and his delusions of mail-in-voting.
Already, as I predicted last week, he's asking that the election be postponed due to the virus, yet he's done little to NOTHING to stop it. Now why is this NOT surprising? I kinda hope he challenges the election and does refuse to leave office as this will be Joe Biden's FIRST MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT in 2021 ... having the idiot Trump forcefully removed from office. Take all his "*******" and "him" ... physically pick them all up, take him to the gate of the White House, and dump them all outside the gate. I'll sleep very good that night if they do.
One thing we ALL know ... Trump doesn't do anything that he hasn't already developed some dishonest scheme to get what he is after.
Nawwww, I'm convinced that SOB has been sent by the Almighty to remind us all, once more, that this country has abandoned its very principles to its constitution. He'll be here to the very end AND I totally expect him to resist leaving office over his lame excuse of "voter fraud" and his delusions of mail-in-voting.
Already, as I predicted last week, he's asking that the election be postponed due to the virus, yet he's done little to NOTHING to stop it. Now why is this NOT surprising? I kinda hope he challenges the election and does refuse to leave office as this will be Joe Biden's FIRST MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT in 2021 ... having the idiot Trump forcefully removed from office. Take all his "*******" and "him" ... physically pick them all up, take him to the gate of the White House, and dump them all outside the gate. I'll sleep very good that night if they do.
One thing we ALL know ... Trump doesn't do anything that he hasn't already developed some dishonest scheme to get what he is after.
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Totally agree with the points you make, MacNfries!
Pam (my wife), who is as politically adept and inclined as Trump is inclined to be honest, just read your post, which she seldom but sometimes does, remarked "MacFries got Trump's number!" Lol You'd have to know Pam and the dryness in which she said it to fully appreciate the humour in her comment! 😂
ahhhh there is justice of some sort!

Louie Gohmert, who refused to wear a mask, tests positive ...
Jul 29, 2020 · coronavirus. Louie Gohmert, who refused to wear a mask, tests positive for coronavirus. The Texas Republican received the diagnosis during a …
He is killing off his own people. Go see Trump, battle with death- since stupidity already won.
Another non-believer in the common courtesy of the facemask.
US economy suffers worst quarter since the second world ...
3 hours ago · The US economy shrank by an annual rate of 32.9% between April and June, its sharpest contraction since the second world war, government figures revealed on Thursday, as more signs emerged of the ...

US economy: US economy shrinks at record 32.9% pace in ...
3 hours ago · By Reade Pickert The US economy suffered its sharpest downturn since at least the 1940s in the second quarter, highlighting how the pandemic has ravaged businesses across the country and left millions of Americans out of work. Gross domestic product shrank at a 32.9% annualized pace in the second quarter from the first, the most in quarterly records dating back to 1947, the Commerce …
He is killing off his own people. Go see Trump, battle with death- since stupidity already won.
Another non-believer in the common courtesy of the facemask.
Not THE Herman Cain ... the 9-9-9 dude? Bet his family regrets he attended the Trump "Tulsa" rally and didn't wear a mask while he was there.
I guess President Donald Trump is feeling really BAD about Herman's death .... NOT!

At Lewis Funeral, Obama Lashes Trump and Calls Filibuster a ‘Jim Crow Relic’

Former President Barack Obama called for sweeping changes to voting laws on Thursday, including making Election Day a national holiday and implementing automatic voter registration, and he embraced eliminating the filibuster if necessary to enact those changes, calling the legislative tool a “Jim Crow relic.”

In a 40-minute speech eulogizing Representative John Lewis, Mr. Obama drew parallels between the police violence that Mr. Lewis endured as a civil-rights leader in the 1960s and the recent wave of racial-justice protests and police clashes that have spread across the nation.

“Bull Connor may be gone, but today we witness with our own eyes police officers kneeling on the necks of Black Americans,” Mr. Obama said, speaking from the same pulpit once used by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “George Wallace may be gone, but we can witness our federal government sending agents to use tear gas and batons against peaceful

The speech was the latest and most public example of how Mr. Obama, who had sought to avoid the political scrum early in his post-presidency, has turned his focus to the 2020 election with greater intensity, even as he races to finish writing a book. He helped bring about a swifter end to the Democratic primary; has raised more than $24 million since June for his former vice president, Joseph R. Biden Jr., the presumptive Democratic nominee; and has lent his name to the party’s and Mr. Biden’s digital fund-raising and organizing efforts.

Mr. Obama lacerated his successor, though not by name, criticizing President Trump’s efforts to discourage voting, his push to undermine trust in critical election institutions and his administration’s actions against peaceful protesters. In recent private chats with Democratic donors, Mr. Obama has hit Mr. Trump more directly, accusing him of campaigning by stirring up “nativist, racist, sexist” resentments, but his likening him to Wallace represented a newly aggressive public posture.

On Thursday, he reserved some of his strongest words for his defense of voting rights, which Mr. Lewis promoted throughout his career in Congress and as a civil-rights leader.

We may no longer have to guess the number of jelly beans in a jar in order to cast a ballot,” Mr. Obama said, “but even as we sit here, there are those in power who are doing their darnedest to discourage people from voting by closing polling locations, and targeting minorities and students with restrictive ID laws, and attacking our voting rights with surgical precision — even undermining the Postal Service in the run-up to an election that’s going to be dependent on mail-in ballots so people don’t get sick.”

Mr. Obama said that former inmates should have their voting rights restored, that the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico should have “equal representation in our government” (“they’re Americans,” he said) and that the Voting Rights Act must be renewed.

“If all this takes eliminating the filibuster, another Jim Crow relic, in order to secure the God-given rights of every American, then that’s what we should do,” he declared.

That is further than Mr. Biden has gone — though Mr. Biden, who served in the Senate for decades and is an avowed institutionalist, has increasingly opened the door to eliminating the filibuster, which requires 60 votes to pass legislation instead of a simple majority of 51

Since Mr. Lewis’s death on July 17, many of his supporters have called on Congress to pass legislation updating the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which the Supreme Court severely weakened in 2013. The Democratic-controlled House did so last year, but Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, has not allowed the Republican-controlled Senate to take it up.

Want to honor John?” Mr. Obama said. “Let’s honor him by revitalizing the law that he was willing to die for. And by the way, naming it the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, that is a fine tribute — but John wouldn’t want us to stop there, just trying to get back to where we already were.” He called specifically for adding more polling places and early voting options, automatic voter registration and a national election holiday.

He called Mr. Lewis “a man of pure joy and unbreakable perseverance” and vividly laid out the stakes of the 2020 contest, framing it as a part of Mr. Lewis’s legacy.

“Democracy isn’t automatic,” Mr. Obama said. “It has to be nurtured, it has to be tended to, we have to work at it. If we want our children to grow up in a democracy — not just with elections, but a true democracy, a representative democracy, a bighearted, tolerant, vibrant, inclusive America — then we’re going to have to be more like John.”

It was a deeply political speech in a rare public appearance from the former president during the ongoing pandemic. But as the election nears, advisers to Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden know well that the former president represents one of the most powerful voices in the Democratic Party to mobilize voters, and Mr. Obama seems ready to engage more fully than he has since he left office.

On Thursday, Mr. Obama addressed his decision to talk politics at a moment of mourning and remembrance.

I know this is a celebration of John’s life,” he said. “There are some who might say, ‘You shouldn’t dwell on such things.’ But that’s why I’m talking about it. John Lewis devoted his time on this earth to fighting the very attempts on democracy and what’s best in America. That we’re seeing circulate right now.”
Mr. Obama was one of three former presidents to memorialize Mr. Lewis, with George W. Bush and Bill Clinton preceding him. Mr. Trump stayed at the White House.

win at any cost!....the republican way....and definitely the trump way

'I don't want a delay': Trump rows back on delaying election but not on mail-in ballots

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Thursday appeared to row back on the idea of delaying the 2020 election, even as he continued to raise doubts about efforts to expand mail-in voting in some states to respond to the coronavirus.

Do I want to see a date change? No," Trump said at the White House hours after raising the idea of a delay in a tweet. "But I don't want to see a crooked election."

Trump drew bipartisan derision Thursday for questioning whether the presidential election should be delayed over concerns about voting during the pandemic – and his longstanding and unproven assertion that mail-in ballots would lead to election fraud.

Congressional Republicans bluntly rejected the idea and Democrats accused the president of attempting to sow doubt if the election doesn't go his way.

Despite the blow back, Trump did not foreclose on continuing to push for a delay in voting – an idea that would require approval from Congress. Instead, he indicated he wasn't advocating for a delay while he simultaneously lamented efforts to expand mail-in voting.

What will happen in November – it's a mess," Trump said. "I want a result much, more more than you...I don't want to be waiting around around for weeks and months."
Democrats said Trump's latest remarks were not overly convincing and likely foreshadowed a continuing effort to cast doubt about the election. Trump is trailing presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden in battleground states, though analysts from both parties acknowledge there is ample time for the landscape to change.

Political opponents said Trump is clearly threatening to dispute the election, either by a call for a delay or lawsuits over mail-in balloting.

"Cut through his blaze of fraudulent claims about vote by mail, the @POTUS foreshadows months of resistance and legal wrangling if he doesn’t win," tweeted Democratic strategist David Axelrod.

Conservative commentator Erick Erickson also questioned Trump's strategy.

The President is single-handedly undermining his re-election with both nutty conspiracies about voting by mail and insane ramblings about delaying the election," Erickson tweeted. "A growing portion of his base is frustrated and thinks he's just trying to lose."
The president had "pinned" the election tweet to his Twitter feed throughout the day Thursday, assuring that his 84.3 million followers would see it.

By late Thursday, the pin was removed.

Not trying to make light of the Cain death...…...BUT....he is on record attending the Tulsa Trump rally...and stating there is to much todo about the mask......11 days later he is dead

Herman Cain DIES of Covid-19 - after going to Donald Trump ...

Jul 30, 2020 · June 20: Herman Cain attend's President Donald Trump's Tulsa rally and posts a photo of himself not wearing a mask June 29: Cain tests positive for COVID-19 July 1: Cain

Herman Cain, conservative who opposed mask mandates, dies ...
6 hours ago · While it is impossible to pinpoint when Cain contracted the virus, he attended Donald Trump’s controversial Tulsa, Oklahoma, rally—at which several campaign staff members tested positive for ...
You seem very sure, based on the capital letters and all but, it's not that simply defined. A republic is a form of democracy. We are a representative democracy, and a democratic republic. A unique, at the time, one of a kind, constitutional republic. At the local level, some decisions are made by a direct democratic processes. However, at the federal level, decisions are made by democratically elected representatives, your common and basic definition of a republic.
I am "very sure". I'm not too interested in arguing this. My Franklin quote is the exact quote. It's called a republic....NOT a"representative democracy". Representative Republic could be described as an accurate "description" but not a legal definition. In fact the constitution guarantees to the citizens of every state a "republican" form of government. "SECTION 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence." The people of each state elect Representatives to congress by popular vote ONLY within each district. The Senate originally was appointed, 2 each state, by the individual state governments and NOT by direct election. There was a reason for that. That was eventually amended out of the constitution and now we suffer the travails of popularly elected Senators. The president is elected by the Electoral College, NOT the popular vote. The purpose of the college was to be a check on the unwise, tyrannical impulses which result from "democracies". It also allowed less populated states to have some power in the election of the executive. Losing that would be catastrophic to the nation. The words "democracy" or "democratic" DO NOT APPEAR in the constitution. There is a reason for that as well. The founders abhorred "democracy" and rightfully feared it as mob rule. The founders vision of government could not be accomplished by democratic means. The closest thing to democratically elected was a single Representative from a small portion of a state. In that diluted form the tyranny of democracy would be unable to be achieved. Jefferson called himself a "Democratic Republican" but the term "Republican" was the common usage for the party. This was because none of the founders would allow themselves to be called "Democrats", which to them was the equivalent of "mob".
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Not trying to make light of the Cain death...…...BUT....he is on record attending the Tulsa Trump rally...and stating there is to much todo about the mask......11 days later he is dead

Herman Cain DIES of Covid-19 - after going to Donald Trump ...

Jul 30, 2020 · June 20: Herman Cain attend's President Donald Trump's Tulsa rally and posts a photo of himself not wearing a mask June 29: Cain tests positive for COVID-19 July 1: Cain

Herman Cain, conservative who opposed mask mandates, dies ...
6 hours ago · While it is impossible to pinpoint when Cain contracted the virus, he attended Donald Trump’s controversial Tulsa, Oklahoma, rally—at which several campaign staff members tested positive for ...
WTF are you even doing on this site? You ARE MAKING LIGHT OF THE CAIN DEATH by this entire intellectually fallacious statement. This is total bullshit and you know it. There is ZERO evidence that Mr Cain or anybody else contracted Covid at the Tulsa rally. Mr Cain traveled extensively during that time frame. It doesn't matter anyway. I love how you people "blame the victim".... Mrs Cain was wearing that slutty dress and a QOS tattoo...she deserved to be raped!" "Every airline pilot who ever died in a crash has told many family, friends and acquaintances how safe flying actually is, especially compared to driving. And it is! But those pilots deserved to die in a crash!" "She went on B2W, played with BBC guy, didn't wear a mask and got Covid....and you just KNOW that MUST be where she got it....she deserved it"....."geniuses like me are only on the site to argue vacuous political points because I've worn out my welcome on every other site..and I haven't tested positive for Covid yet...see???!" Karma baby! Such stupidity. Such blind foolish hatred. Find something to do with your life. And by the way...where's your "science" behind how many people have contracted Covid, died "from" (lol) Covid and who also wore masks faithfully?
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