Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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No surprise here! He has lied about anything and everything every time he opens his lying mouth, so no surprise!
The man (hic) has an obvious mental problem which is reflective in his lying problem! The loss of the US of A's once great international reputation is the result of his mental deficiency!

just a matter of time before fauci gets fired....trump only take so much....think his people telling him that would be a bad move.....but since when does he care
Mmmmmm wonder why that is...……..you mean someone would try to stop people from their god given right?

Black areas plagued by voting problems in Georgia, activist says

As the U.S. prepares to adjust for an Election Day amid the coronavirus pandemic, Black Voters Matter co-founder LaTosha Brown said there are important lessons to be learned from Georgia's meltdown during the state's primary election in June. Brown spoke to CBSN's Elaine Quijano on July 27 — 99 days before Election Day — as part of the "Countdown to the Vote" special.

"What we saw was a major difference what was happening in majority White polling sites and majority Black polling sites," Brown said.

Brown, who voted in a part of Atlanta that is majority Black, said she witnessed this firsthand. After she herself waited three hours to vote, she then went to assist a voter who lived in a majority White area. "There was no line, there was no wait — It was like seamless," she said.

Brown then went a majority Black area, where there were people waiting in line for five hours. She said they went to those polling sites to provide comfort and boost morale, and they stayed past midnight until the last person in line finally voted.

Georgia's primary, originally scheduled for March 24, was held on June 9 after being postponed twice due to the coronavirus pandemic. But polling sites struggled with new voting machines that were purchased last year by Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger. Though poll workers voiced their concerns about the equipment, Raffensberger's office is putting the blame on the workers from individual counties for not knowing how to work the machines

In Fulton County, which includes Atlanta, the Superior Court ruled the polls could stay open an extra two hours to accommodate those stuck in long lines caused by the faulty equipment.

Brown said her organization, which she co-founded with Cliff Albright in November 2016, has filed a lawsuit against the state of Georgia. The organization is also focused on voter education and poll monitoring ahead of the November election. Brown described them as a "power-building organization" in the "same spirit as John Lewis and C.T. Vivian."

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
This is Trump, and now the republicans ONLY chance of keeping control, cheat and steal the election. amid chaos.
more of that blocking/stopping anything Obama put forth?

New Senate GOP coronavirus bill includes unrelated White House demand for FBI headquarters money

Under intense White House pressure, Senate Republicans agreed Monday to allocate $1.75 billion in their coronavirus relief bill toward the construction of a new D.C. headquarters for the FBI.

But top Senate Republicans immediately began distancing themselves from the provision after it was made public, saying they weren’t sure why the White House repeatedly insisted on putting it in the bill.

In calling for a new “Washington, DC headquarters facility,” the provision reflects President Trump’s ongoing interest in building a new headquarters for the FBI downtown, rather than a secure campus in the suburbs that was envisioned before he took office.

Actually, they wanted to move the FBI HQ to a more spacious suburban DC location, however that would leave a big empty building that Trump was concerned about someone building a competing hotel there. That's right, he stuck almost 2 billion in a Coronavirus bill to benefit himself.
re: New Senate GOP coronavirus bill includes unrelated White House demand for FBI headquarters money

Yep, Trump's running up the monthly deficit spending at a record pace, the US soon to hit $23 TRILLION under Trump and he hasn't finished his first term. They're projecting Trumps first, and we pray, only term in office to hit $26 TRILLION. This coming from the man who said he would pay OFF the Nat'l Debt in 10 years. So I guess Trump figures "what's the problem with a couple billion more for a nice FBI headquarters".
What an IDIOT!
Actually, they wanted to move the FBI HQ to a more spacious suburban DC location, however that would leave a big empty building that Trump was concerned about someone building a competing hotel there. That's right, he stuck almost 2 billion in a Coronavirus bill to benefit himself.

Damn...that is a shocker
I am not going to throw insults at you people because we all have the right to our opinions. You may all believe that the media is actually keeping the American people informed while CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CBS, NBC, ABC, The NYTimes and other mainline sources have an agenda to fulfill for the elite controlling what they can say or what they can't say or print. Power is the goal, follow the money is a true statement because the love of money can turn decent people into every kind of immoral power puppet that money can buy.
I certainly agree that the mainstream media has its own agenda and spin, and most reporting needs to be taken with a grain of salt (e.g. the NYT was really supportive of the invasion of Iraq).

Trump is still a criminal and a fraudster though. How anyone can see this guy get his charity shut down for fraud, then see him get his university shut down for fraud, and say "Yes! This is the type of honest person we need to clean up the government!" is completely beyond me.
Laying the ground work....selling the American people...although most know better...….but selling his retards on fauci has to go!

Fauci responds to Trump tweet: 'I have not been misleading ...
6 hours ago · Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious diseases expert, said early Tuesday that he had not misled Americans "under any circumstances" after President Trump suggested that …

Fauci Responds To Trump Tweet Accusing Him Of Misleading ...
3 hours ago · Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading expert on infectious diseases, on Tuesday denied misleading the public “under any circumstances” after President Donald Trump retweeted
Actually, they wanted to move the FBI HQ to a more spacious suburban DC location, however that would leave a big empty building that Trump was concerned about someone building a competing hotel there. That's right, he stuck almost 2 billion in a Coronavirus bill to benefit himself.

*******....thought I kept pretty good track of all the ******* he is pulling....missed that one anyway....probably a lot more but that is a big one...and big money for the tax payers
Man if only there was something written in the constitution that prevented presidents from using the office to make themselves money

there is….but the right will not enforce it

Emoluments Clause | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information ...
Emoluments Clause Also known as the Title of Nobility Clause, Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution prohibits any person holding a government office from accepting any present, emolument, office, or title from any "King, Prince, or foreign State," without congressional consent.

How the Emoluments Clause Applies to President Trump's ...
Jan 09, 2017 · As inauguration day draws closer, America’s incoming tycoon President still faces conflict-of-interest questions that could arise from his sprawling business empire. Among legal types, …

You may all believe that the media is actually keeping the American people informed while CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CBS, NBC, ABC, The NYTimes and other mainline sources have an agenda to fulfill for the elite controlling what they can say or what they can't say or print. Power is the goal, follow the money is a true statement because the love of money can turn decent people into every kind of immoral power puppet that money can buy.
You've allowed your mind to be convinced, by Trump, that media information is intentionally creating false news about him. Nothing could be further from the truth, but sadly, you now trust NO NEWS sources, which is exactly what he wants you to believe. That way he can continue his thievery of the USA using his Presidential empowerment and you'll simply deny or doubt its happening.
The established media, such as you have mentioned, do have a responsibility to report accurate news to the public, Hottobe. If you have doubts regarding the information they report, maybe you should know that it is Trump who has reduced the FCC to just 5 employees now.
Being accurate, and being fraudulent, slanderous, etc in news are two entirely different things. As these media compete to be the first with a breaking news story, no doubt things get missed, but its entirely different when a media creates and supports a on-going news story that they, themselves, know is misleading the public, like the 4-5 years that Fox News supported Trump and his Obama Birth Certificate lie.
I know the newspapers here in NC, when they miss facts in a story, they print a correction to the story. I would assume if the news stations made similar factual error, they would correct it as early as possible, that is unless it was not a error but intentional misleading reporting of news.
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maybe you should know that it is Trump who has reduced the FCC to just 5 employees now.
Maybe you should know that your claim is complete BullShit. There are over 1400 at the FCC. In fact the FTE count has gone up almost 2% over the last year. It is down overall by 6% under the Trump administration. Why is it you didn't complain about the FCC headcount being cut by 13.3% under Obozo??? Oh yeah, hypocrisy knows no bounds in the Democrat party.

Maybe you should know that your claim is complete BullShit. There are over 1400 at the FCC. In fact the FTE count has gone up almost 2% over the last year. It is down overall by 6% under the Trump administration. Why is it you didn't complain about the FCC headcount being cut by 13.3% under Obozo??? Oh yeah, hypocrisy knows no bounds in the Democrat party.
Look who's back... 🦆
Wife must be out of town.
Hypocrisy??? Should we talk about birth certificates, tax returns, transparency, executive orders, relatives and friends with benefits, cronyism, stealing from own charity, lying to the American people, Russia, Ukraine, Roger Stone, ******* allegations, inappropriate salutes, inappropriate clothes for the oval office, lack of work ethic, straight laziness, comforting our enemies, filling that swamp and other ******* the Republicans use to try to fake outrage over, that now they suddenly make excuses about. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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You may all believe that the media is actually keeping the American people informed while CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CBS, NBC, ABC, The NYTimes and other mainline sources have an agenda to fulfill for the elite controlling what they can say or what they can't say or print.
Your fearless leader in the White House has created the distrust of the media ... "intentionally" I might add.
You don't recall his saying he could shoot someone on Main Street and get away with it? He knows he'd create enough doubt that he'd get away with it ...
read on ...

Your fearless leader in the White House has created the distrust of the media ... "intentionally" I might add.
You don't recall his saying he could shoot someone on Main Street and get away with it? He knows he'd create enough doubt that he'd get away with it ...
read on ...

Funny how you didn't complain about Obozo attacking the press.

Of course Obozo didn't just create distrust....he outright savagely attacked.

The Obama administration used the 1917 Espionage Act with unprecedented vigor, prosecuting more people under that law for leaking sensitive information to the public than all previous administrations combined. Obama’s Justice Department dug into confidential communications between news organizations and their sources as part of that effort.

Even the NY Times said it:

“The Obama administration,” The New York Times editorial board wrote at the time, “has moved beyond protecting government secrets to threatening fundamental freedoms of the press to gather news.”

Once again....hypocrisy knows no bounds in the Democrat party...
well Ed looks like his blind support may be drying up and turning on him.....wish they had done it a year ago!

McConnell makes opposition clear to FBI building money in ...
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made clear on Tuesday that he opposes including funding for a new FBI building in any final negotiated product for the next coronavirus stimulus.

McConnell takes issue with funding for new FBI building ...
10 hours ago · McConnell takes issue with funding for new FBI building inside coronavirus legislation GOP plan unveiled Monday includes $1.75 billion for new FBI HQ
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