Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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And notice CNN at it's finest The banner doesn't say GA Sheriff. They have to put Black Sheriff. That is just a very small example of how fucked up the liberal media is.
Another cop out answer. Ok you got me. It was Trump who started the pandemic. The absolute ignorance is mind boggling.
Talk about a cop-out.
I never said that Trump started the spread of the virus.
I stated that he bears a large measure of responsibility for his incompetence in responding to the warnings that preceded the spread of the virus.
Your mis-characterization of my statement is a typical, republican tactic, and another example of a false victimization of white men.
You're not nearly as good as that turd-guzzling Trump; but, nice try.

He'd have my vote if he was running. Someone with some GD common sense and being real. But of course he and the other black conservatives get the "sellout" or" Uncle Tom" label from the liberals only because they don't believe in the fucked liberal narrative.
OF COURSE YOU'D vote for him, -your stupidity was sufficient to compel you to vote for D. Chump, and look what THAT got us!
And, no, he's a sell-out for reasons that are (obviously) beyond your capacity to reason.
Otherwise, what your sell-out never acknowledged is the fact that it is department policy that officers don't shoot suspects in the back.
But, that's an inconvenient fact, and assholes like you can't be bothered with facts.
And notice CNN at it's finest The banner doesn't say GA Sheriff. They have to put Black Sheriff. That is just a very small example of how fucked up the liberal media is.
. . . and your gas-lighting, "liberal media" label is a good example of how fucked-up Donald Chump's turd-guzzling supporters are.
You have labels for everything and everyone you oppose.
I don't like Biden. I wish he were not the nominee. But yeah I'll have to vote for the guy because the choices are between a barely-alive oddball with a pretty spotty political history, and a proto-fascist. At least Biden understands that climate change isn't a "Chinese hoax".

Can you honestly say America is better off today than it was 4 years ago? Trump was good for a laugh, he certainly acted differently from previous presidents and liked to clown. But eventually things get serious, and the graft and the defending racists and the lying and the completely failed response to Covid catch up to you and you get voted out. And probably sent to jail after the Southern District of NY gets his financial records and nails him for fraud and money laundering.
What goes around, comes around.
In 2016, Donald Chump (and the republicans) went to extremes to villainize Hillary Clinton; among those who supported Chump, some said that he was , "the lesser of two evils".
Welcome to 2020, where Chump doesn't have a woman to bully.
Additionally, Vice President Biden may be the only candidate who can stand toe-to-toe with the bloated bastard, and outclass, and out-match him in any debate.

Frankly, I believe that Senator Elizabeth Warren would have been the best candidate this time around.
But, I'm satisfied with the former Vice President.
That was a direct quote from Dr. Brix of the CDC and there have been several morgue, medical and billing staff saying they are counting covid deaths to get the extra funds. Some are saying the numbers are over stated by as much as 30%. Colorado got caught and had to cut their number by 50%.

Yes, and the testing is not used to catch it early it is used to identify it once they arrive. If you test positive you are told to stay home unless you are in extreme raspatory distress. If you call 911 they will come access you and tell you to call your primary unless you are in acute distress. The testing is being used and weaponized by Dems and Pro Gov't- Hence why TX LA and FL got 6x the numbers of test in recent weeks.

Note: There are four articles backing the rigged death total claim in my previous post along with two, one from hard left Denver Post, supporting hospitals get more funds for covid cases. Before you charge off and look stupid.

Actually the people that would do that are liberals. Remember the woman that used fish bowl cleaner.
Another pothead conspiracy theory.

If ANYONE is politicizing this pandemic, it is, and always has been Donald Chump.
So, it's your ex *******-in-law who is the asshole who is willing to sellout his people, in an effort to suck-up to racists like you? Yes, you have your latina, but you could give a damn about the rest of them.
And, don't be too sure about her not getting deported.
Others who supported the *******-head-in-chief were devastated when it happened to them.

And, no; it's the turd-guzzling, die-hard, over-privileged, white boy republicans who have you where they need you.

And, for the record, if Marco Rubio had any stones and stuck to his guns on progressive immigration, perhaps we would have enacted a sensible policy (*that Donald Chump would have eventually reversed).
Since that didn't happen, deportations reached record levels during the Obama administration;
otherwise, "illegal border crossings" (for lack of a better description) were at a 50 year low when the weasel-in-chief was inaugurated in 2017.
That would make Barack Obama the law & order President, -another distinction that Donald Chump can only envy.

These are facts, white privileged person.
Given your lack of capacity to reason, it's no wonder your latina is now your ex.
Take your own fucking break.
Here's my "white privileged" story DA:

I lived in this house, just outside of Detroit, with my parents and three sisters. We were on food stamps. I remember being embarrassed because back then the government issued a coupon book and my mom would have to tear out the different denominations at the register. So anyone
waiting behind knew.
3 BR 1 BA 914 SQ FT

We moved to Las Vegas when I was 10 and lived in this house. (3 beds, 2 baths, 1,276 sqft) .


I dropped out of high school in the 10th grade. I wasn't a bad kid I just didn't like school. I smoked weed and drank every now and then but other than that no trouble at all with the law or anyone else for that matter.

I worked at a Chevrolet car dealership in Las Vegas when I was 19. My title was "Lotboy." I had to make sure all of our used car inventory started and during the summer months I had to roll down the windows, I ran errands for the salesmen and managers, washed and cleaned cars, and other menial tasks.

Then one morning, I was almost 21 then, as I was lugging the huge key chain putting the keys in every vehicle (believe it or not we left the keys in all of the used cars until we closed) I thought to myself WTF am I going to do with my life. I was thinking in 10 years I'm going to be 31. I have to do something. I have no education or skill. So I got my GED and joined the Air ******* where I did 12 years. My first job was working on nuclear weapons and that really sucked. So imagine this, on my own initiative, I crossed trained into air traffic control. Best move I ever made.

After my first divorce, believe it or not I lived with my ex in laws for quite awhile. The air ******* didn't pay much and I was broke from the divorce. I remember calling my ******* to ask if he'd loan me $20 so I could get gas and some food. Life sucked!

So again on my own initiative I thought I have got to do something. I got a part time job as a busboy, (I was humiliated) then they asked if I would like to bar tend after being their only two months. I have a very strong work ethic and although humiliated my goal was to be the best damned busboy they had ever seen. It paid off. Eventually I managed the restaurant on Fridays and bar tended Saturday. It still wasn't enough. I started delivering newspapers seven days a week, and circulars every Tuesday, and got another job bartending one night a week. So far no white privilege that I can see.. At this point I was 31. I eventually dug myself out and relatively speaking had more money than I knew what to do with.

After our divorce my ex moved to WA state with our *******. Once I got out of the air ******* I also moved to WA so I could be close to my *******. I had no job and $5,000 I managed to save. I got back into the restaurant business. Then that WTF am I going to do with my life question hit me again. I didn't want to end up being a restaurant manager as my career. I knew I was capable of more.

I joined the air national guard initially one weekend a month and two weeks a year going somewhere to train. Then a full time air traffic position became available. I applied, interviewed, and got the job. I think my starting salary was $37,000. (1995). My second wife and I moved to Oregon, we had a baby while there. My first ******* was still in WA and it was to hard being away from her. It was only five hours away but it still sucked. So I resigned from the guard, became a traditional guardsman again and moved back to WA. There I took a pay cut and got a job with a private ATC company. (1998).

I eventually got hired by the government and moved up the ranks all on my own. My salary was the at the top of the government pay scale and as a controller higher than the standard government employee. In fact I made more than most of the cabinet members and more than a senator or congressman. By then we were living a comfortable life as my wife had a decent paying job. We had the nice house cars, boat, trips, etc. Life was good. Then my second wife and I got divorced. During the divorce she filed for bankruptcy. I couldn't because my income was to high. Although I made good money but I couldn't, on my own, afford our $3600 month mortgage, the boat, and car payment and everything else.

I lost my house, car and boat. I moved into a two bedroom apartment and lived there until my most recent ex (Latina) and I rented a house. We were married for 11 years and divorced last year because she was and still is a major alcoholic. I couldn't deal with it any longer.

I retired last year and live in a 500 sg' 1 BR 1 BA cottage two blocks from the beautiful Gulf of Mexico. And life is good again! If you want to label my life as privileged that's your perspective. From mine it was a lot and I mean a lot of hard work, heartache, ups and downs just like so many others!
What goes around, comes around.
In 2016, Donald Chump (and the republicans) went to extremes to villainize Hillary Clinton; among those who supported Chump, some said that he was , "the lesser of two evils".
Welcome to 2020, where Chump doesn't have a woman to bully.
Additionally, Vice President Biden may be the only candidate who can stand toe-to-toe with the bloated bastard, and outclass, and out-match him in any debate.

Frankly, I believe that Senator Elizabeth Warren would have been the best candidate this time around.
But, I'm satisfied with the former Vice President.
ELIZABETH WARREN!! LMFAO. Man you did ******* the kool-aide!
OF COURSE YOU'D vote for him, -your stupidity was sufficient to compel you to vote for D. Chump, and look what THAT got us!
And, no, he's a sell-out for reasons that are (obviously) beyond your capacity to reason.
Otherwise, what your sell-out never acknowledged is the fact that it is department policy that officers don't shoot suspects in the back.
But, that's an inconvenient fact, and assholes like you can't be bothered with facts.
Biden with a
What goes around, comes around.
In 2016, Donald Chump (and the republicans) went to extremes to villainize Hillary Clinton; among those who supported Chump, some said that he was , "the lesser of two evils".
Welcome to 2020, where Chump doesn't have a woman to bully.
Additionally, Vice President Biden may be the only candidate who can stand toe-to-toe with the bloated bastard, and outclass, and out-match him in any debate.

Frankly, I believe that Senator Elizabeth Warren would have been the best candidate this time around.
But, I'm satisfied with the former Vice President
I think I have you figured out. You want the government to pay your way in life and you know that's not going to happen with Trump. As it should be. The government owes us Jack *******! I get the Biden support but Lizzy or any one of the others, except Gabbi are a joke. If Biden was 30 years younger I probably still wouldn't vote for him but it wouldn't break my heart if he won. Having said that if it was between Kanye and Biden I would go change my party in a heartbeat. And not because he is black. Why? As I have said a thousand times I vote for who I think is the best for our country not what's in it for me!
If someone came into your home and destroyed your possessions, would you care ? The United States of America is our home, I care.
I'm sorry I may be missing your point. I'm saying if the statue is in or around a Government building then they should be in a museum if the statue represents someone who was involved in the atrocities of the past. Otherwise shut TFU. Not you but in general.
Here's my "white privileged" story DA:
If you want to label my life as privileged that's your perspective. From mine it was a lot and I mean a lot of hard work, heartache, ups and downs just like so many others!

Reading the thread it is obvious that the same polarization taking place elsewhere in the nation is also reflected on this forum.

I started noticing this polarization around 9-11 when the extreme left rushed to defend Muslims at all costs while the political right wanted to bomb Iraq regardless of the facts. But this mindless ideological conflict has only gotten exponentially worse with time.
Biden with a

I think I have you figured out. You want the government to pay your way in life and you know that's not going to happen with Trump. As it should be. The government owes us Jack *******! I get the Biden support but Lizzy or any one of the others, except Gabbi are a joke. If Biden was 30 years younger I probably still wouldn't vote for him but it wouldn't break my heart if he won. Having said that if it was between Kanye and Biden I would go change my party in a heartbeat. And not because he is black. Why? As I have said a thousand times I vote for who I think is the best for our country not what's in it for me!
You're wrong, as usual.
I don't need the government to pay my way.
As an air ******* veteran, I'm filing documents to get my business certified by the VA, so that I can do business with our government.

The fact that you'd vote for Kaye speaks volumes for your lack of intellectual capacity;
. . . then again, that was most evident when you decided to support Donald Chump!
I'm sorry I may be missing your point. I'm saying if the statue is in or around a Government building then they should be in a museum if the statue represents someone who was involved in the atrocities of the past. Otherwise shut TFU. Not you but in general.
I wasn't referring to what you said, I was stating my thoughts on the people who think it is okay to destroy property that doesn't belong to them. I read your life story and I can relate, few white people in small town America are born into entitlement.
21 Truths That Prove Republicans Have Been Wrong About Everything

It's no secret that politicians tend to use exaggerated political rhetoric to get people to vote for them. In recent decades, Republicans have repeatedly made very ominous predictions about the horrors that will result from Democratic policies while painting a rosy picture of what will result from Republican policies.​

Now, we have the luxury of looking back over the years to examine those predictions and policies.​

1. In the 1960s, Republicans claimed that the passage of Medicare would be the end of capitalism.
California Governor Ronald Reagan even proclaimed Medicare would lead to the death of freedom in America. Of course, they were laughably wrong. Since the passage of Medicare, capitalism has thrived in America and millions of elderly Americans have had longer, healthier lives and greater personal freedom. Medicare remains the most popular form of health insurance in the United States.​

2. In 1993, when Bill Clinton raised taxes on the wealthiest 1.5%, Republicans predicted a recession, increased unemployment, and a growing budget deficit.

They weren't just wrong; the exact opposite of everything they predicted happened. The country experienced the seven best years of economic growth in history:​
  • Twenty-two million new jobs were added.​
  • Unemployment dropped below 4%.​
  • The poverty rate dropped for seven straight years.​
  • The budget deficit was eliminated.​
  • There was a growing budget surplus that economists projected would pay off our national debt in 20 years​

3. In 2001, when George W. Bush cut taxes for the wealthy, Republicans predicted record job growth, increased budget surplus, and nationwide prosperity.
Once again, the exact opposite occurred. After the Bush tax cuts were enacted:​

  • The budget surplus immediately disappeared.​
  • The budget deficit eventually grew to $1.4 trillion by the time Bush left office.​
  • Less than 3 million net jobs were added during Bush’s eight years.​
  • The poverty rate began climbing again.​
  • We experienced two recessions along with the greatest collapse of our financial system since the Great Depression.​

4. In 1993, when the Brady Law and the Assault Weapons Ban were passed, Republicans predicted increasing rates of crime and *******.

Thankfully just the opposite happened. While the rate of violent crime had increased steadily from the 1970s into the 1990s, it suddenly began to drop after 1993 and continued to decline for more than ten years. What could have happened in 1993 to precipitate such a sudden and prolonged drop in crime? That’s the year Congress passed the Assault Weapons Ban and the Brady Law, which mandated background checks and a waiting period to buy a gun.

Despite Republican predictions to the contrary, the Brady Law and the Assault Weapons Ban were followed by the most dramatic reduction in violent crime since the FBI started keeping statistics. The graphs below, based on the actual numbers from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports website, show how the rates of ******* and violent crime in the US dropped suddenly after the 1993 Brady Law and Assault Weapons Ban were passed.

5. Republicans predicted that we would find Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction even though UN weapons inspectors said that those weapons didn't exist.

The Bush administration continued to insist that WMDs would be found even when the CIA said some of the evidence was questionable. As we all know, the WMDs predicted by the Bush administration did not exist, and Saddam had not resumed his nuclear weapons program as they claimed. Both President Bush and Vice President Cheney ultimately had to admit that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.​

Here is President Bush discussing the missing Weapons of Mass Destruction.
6. Prior to going to war in Iraq, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld optimistically predicted the Iraq war might last “six days, six weeks. I doubt six months."

What's more, Vice-President Dick Cheney said we would be greeted as liberators by the Iraqi people after we overthrow Saddam.​

They were both horribly wrong. Instead of six weeks or six months, the Iraq war lasted eight long and bloody years costing thousands of American lives. It led to an Iraqi civil war between the Sunnis and the Shiites that took hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives. Many Iraqi militia groups were formed to fight against the U.S. forces that occupied Iraq. What’s more, Al Qaeda, which did not exist in Iraq before the war, used the turmoil in Iraq to establish a new foothold in that country.​

The Iraq war was arguably the most tragic foreign policy blunder in US history.​

7. Republicans said waterboarding and other forms of “enhanced interrogation” are not ******* and are necessary in fighting Islamic extremism.
In reality, waterboarding and other forms of enhanced interrogation that inflict pain, suffering, or fear of death are outlawed by US law, the US Constitution, and international treaties. Japanese soldiers after World War II were prosecuted by the United States for war crimes because of their use of waterboarding on American POWs.​

Professional interrogators have known for decades that ******* is the most ineffective and unreliable method of getting accurate information. People being tortured say anything to get the ******* to end but will not likely tell the truth.​

An FBI interrogator named Ali Soufan was able to get al Qaeda terrorist Abu Zubaydah to reveal crucial information without the use of *******. When CIA interrogators started using waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation methods, Zubaydah stopped cooperating and gave his interrogators false information.​

Far from being necessary in the fight against terrorism, ******* is completely unreliable and counter-productive in obtaining useful information.​

8. In 2008, Republicans said that if we elect a Democratic president, we would be hit by Al Qaeda again, perhaps worse than the attack on 9/11.
Former Vice-President Dick Cheney stated that electing a Democrat as president would all but guarantee that there would be another major attack on America by Al Qaeda. Cheney and other Republicans were, thankfully, completely wrong. During Obama's presidency, we had zero deaths on U.S. soil from Al Qaeda attacks and we succeeded in killing Bin Laden along with dozens of other high ranking Al Qaeda leaders.​

9. In 2009, Republicans predicted that the economic stimulus package would only make the recession worse and cause more unemployment.
The results show they couldn't have been more wrong. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ended the recession after only a few months. Although 750,000 people were losing their jobs each month when Obama took office, after the Recovery Act was passed the rate of job loss immediately decreased each month and within a year the economy showed positive job growth.​

Considering the severity of the 2008 economic collapse and the total opposition by Republicans to do anything at all to stimulate the economy, it is remarkable that the US economy recovered as quickly as it did.​

10. Most Republicans said that President Obama should be impeached because of the 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi.

Their own investigations, however, proved them wrong. Every Congressional inquiry, including those by the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee, concluded that the Obama administration did nothing wrong regarding Benghazi, that there was no “stand down” order given, and that neither the President nor anyone in his administration lied about it. Each and every Republican investigation has reached this same conclusion, but Republicans continue to exploit this tragedy for political gain.​
11. Republicans said we must deregulate businesses so they can be more profitable, and we will all enjoy the wealth created by deregulation.

This theory failed back in the 1980s when the Reagan administration deregulated the Savings and Loan industry. All the S&Ls collapsed, and it cost taxpayers billions of dollars to bail them out.​

They were proven wrong again in 2008 when years of deregulation of the financial industry resulted in the worst financial collapse and recession since the Great Depression. Taxpayers had to spend nearly a trillion dollars to bail out these large corporations. Instead of spreading the wealth around, deregulation cost millions of jobs and created economic turmoil that took the country years to recover from.​
12. Republicans predicted that Obamacare would hurt the economy and ******* jobs.

As you may have guessed, they were wrong. 2014 was the first full year that Obamacare was in effect. During that year the United States saw the fastest rate of job creation in 14 years and the best rate of economic growth in over ten years. More jobs were created in 2014 than in any year of the Bush presidency. Not only did Obamacare not harm the economy, it coincided with the best economic expansion in a dozen years.​

13. Republicans said that if President Obama was reelected, the price of gasoline would rise to $5.45 a gallon by January 2015.
In fact, Senator Mike Lee of Utah said if Obama was reelected, the price of gas would reach $6.60 a gallon. Newt Gingrich, who was running for president in 2012, said Obama’s energy policies, EPA regulations, and failure to approve the XL pipeline would result in $10.00 a gallon gasoline.​

Of course, these predictions were laughably wrong. Instead of $5.45 per gallon or $10.00 per gallon, the price of gas in January 2015, was $1.89, less than half of the all-time high of $4.15 a gallon under President Bush.​

14. Republicans said President Obama would be terrible for the economy.
Although he inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression, President Obama presided over the longest continuous period of uninterrupted job growth in American history. More jobs were created under President Obama than under both Bush Presidents combined. The stock market repeatedly set new records during Obama's presidency.​

Obama inherited a much worse recession than the one Ronald Reagan dealt with, yet Obama ended that recession in less than half the time it took Reagan. During his eight years in office, our economy had a net increase of 11 million new jobs despite the loss of more than 4 million jobs during Obama's first year when he was trying to pull us out of the Bush Recession. Despite Republican attempts to stop all progress, President Obama oversaw the greatest economic turnaround in over 75 years without any help from Republicans.​

15. Republicans predicted that President Obama’s tax increase for the top 1% in 2013 would ******* jobs, increase the deficit, and cause another recession.

You guessed it; just the opposite happened. In the four years following January 1, 2013, when that tax increase went into effect, through January 2017, unemployment dropped from 7.9% to 4.8%, an average of more than 200,000 new jobs were created per month, Wall Street set new record highs, and the budget deficit was cut in half.​

Over 5.7 million new jobs were created in the first two years after that tax increase. That's more jobs created in two years than were created during the combined 12 years of both Bush presidencies.​

16. Republicans said President Obama would raise taxes sky high.
It never happened. Income taxes for over 95% of Americans remained the same or lower than they were before Obama was elected. The only people whose income taxes increased were those who make more than $400,000 per year, and their taxes rose only 3%. For most Americans, taxes are still lower now than they were under Reagan.​

17. Republicans have long promised that “trickle-down economics” is the best way to stimulate the economy.
Trickle-down economics is the practice of giving more money to the very wealthy so they can reinvest it, causing a "trickle-down" effect that creates jobs and stimulates growth. According to this theory, any tax increase on the wealthy will hurt the economy and cause another recession.​

Again, this theory has been thoroughly disproven. The huge tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% of Americans enacted by George W. Bush did not result in job creation or a robust economy. In fact, our economy took the worst nosedive since the Great Depression.​

Conversely, the tax increases on the wealthiest 1% passed by Presidents Clinton and Obama were followed by strong job growth, shrinking budget deficits, and lower unemployment rates. During the eight years after President Clinton raised taxes on the top 1%, the poverty rate went down. After Bush enacted trickle-down economic policies, the poverty rate began rising again.​

18. In 2012, Republicans predicted that failure to approve the Keystone Pipeline would send the price of gasoline sky high and ******* large numbers of jobs.
Despite the fact that the Keystone Pipeline was not approved, the price of gasoline continued to drop below $1.80 per gallon, millions of new jobs were created and unemployment dropped from 8% to 4.9% by early 2016. The most optimistic predictions say that the Keystone Pipeline would only create a few dozen long-term jobs and would do nothing to lower the price of gasoline.​

19. Republicans insist that their policies create more jobs than Democrats and claim Democratic policies are “job killers."

History, however, has proven them wrong. According to numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, under the last three Republican presidents, there were a total of 21 million new jobs created during their combined 20 years in office (Reagan - 16 million, George H. W. Bush - 2 million, George W. Bush – 3 million).​

However, under the last three Democratic presidents, there were a total of 40 million new jobs created during their combined 19 years in office (Carter – 10 million, Clinton – 22 million, Obama – 8 million).​

So the last three Democratic presidents have seen the creation of nearly twice as many jobs in 19 years as the last three Republican presidents did in 20.​

20. Republicans claim that raising the minimum wage would ******* jobs and hurt the economy.
There is far more evidence to the contrary. Cities and states that have higher minimum wages tend to have better rates of job creation and economic growth.​

Detailed analyses show that job losses due to increases in the minimum wage are almost negligible compared to the economic benefits of higher wages. Previous increases in the minimum wage have never resulted in the dire consequences that Republicans have predicted.​

21. Republicans routinely accuse Democrats of wanting to cut defense spending to the bone and leave us defenseless against our enemies.

History has repeatedly proven them wrong. Under Democratic presidents and Congresses, the United States still spends more on defense than the next ten countries combined. Republicans frequently insist on spending hundreds of billions of dollars on weapons systems that the Pentagon doesn't even want in order to benefit the multi-billion dollar defense contractors. Democrats who criticize this unnecessary spending are accused of trying to cut defense spending to the bone.​

Here are a few more things Republicans have been wrong about.

  • Republicans said that Obamacare would have “death panels” to decide who would live and who would die. Wrong. No such death panels were ever proposed and nothing of the kind ever happened.​
  • They said the 2009 laws to improve automobile fuel efficiency standards would ******* the US auto industry. Wrong. The new standards were followed by a resurgence of the US auto industry enabling them to hire back tens of thousands of workers.​
  • They said environmental protection laws requiring companies to clean up their pollution would create an undue burden and ******* businesses. Nope, it never happened.​
  • They said Ebola would spread across the country because President Obama allowed American Ebola patients to be treated in the US. The outbreak never happened. Only three people contracted Ebola in the US and all three survived.​
  • They said President Obama would open our borders to illegal immigrants. Wow, were they wrong about that. Under Obama, we set new records for most illegal immigrants stopped at the border and sent home.​
  • They said Obama would drive up the Federal budget deficit. That didn't happen. Obama cut the $1.4 trillion deficit he inherited by two-thirds.​

While someone could no doubt find instances where Democrats engage in over-the-top rhetoric, nothing compares to the consistently false and erroneous claims made by the GOP in recent years. When a political party has been so dismally wrong about nearly everything over the past 30 years, that party should lose all credibility.​

My hope is that in the future when Americans hear Republicans make predictions about Democratic policies that are doomed to failure, we will remember the fact that they have been utterly wrong about virtually everything they've predicted in recent years.​

Here's my "white privileged" story DA:

I lived in this house, just outside of Detroit, with my parents and three sisters. We were on food stamps. I remember being embarrassed because back then the government issued a coupon book and my mom would have to tear out the different denominations at the register. So anyone
waiting behind knew.
View attachment 3486588
3 BR 1 BA 914 SQ FT

We moved to Las Vegas when I was 10 and lived in this house. (3 beds, 2 baths, 1,276 sqft) .

View attachment 3486586

I dropped out of high school in the 10th grade. I wasn't a bad kid I just didn't like school. I smoked weed and drank every now and then but other than that no trouble at all with the law or anyone else for that matter.

I worked at a Chevrolet car dealership in Las Vegas when I was 19. My title was "Lotboy." I had to make sure all of our used car inventory started and during the summer months I had to roll down the windows, I ran errands for the salesmen and managers, washed and cleaned cars, and other menial tasks.

Then one morning, I was almost 21 then, as I was lugging the huge key chain putting the keys in every vehicle (believe it or not we left the keys in all of the used cars until we closed) I thought to myself WTF am I going to do with my life. I was thinking in 10 years I'm going to be 31. I have to do something. I have no education or skill. So I got my GED and joined the Air ******* where I did 12 years. My first job was working on nuclear weapons and that really sucked. So imagine this, on my own initiative, I crossed trained into air traffic control. Best move I ever made.

After my first divorce, believe it or not I lived with my ex in laws for quite awhile. The air ******* didn't pay much and I was broke from the divorce. I remember calling my ******* to ask if he'd loan me $20 so I could get gas and some food. Life sucked!

So again on my own initiative I thought I have got to do something. I got a part time job as a busboy, (I was humiliated) then they asked if I would like to bar tend after being their only two months. I have a very strong work ethic and although humiliated my goal was to be the best damned busboy they had ever seen. It paid off. Eventually I managed the restaurant on Fridays and bar tended Saturday. It still wasn't enough. I started delivering newspapers seven days a week, and circulars every Tuesday, and got another job bartending one night a week. So far no white privilege that I can see.. At this point I was 31. I eventually dug myself out and relatively speaking had more money than I knew what to do with.

After our divorce my ex moved to WA state with our *******. Once I got out of the air ******* I also moved to WA so I could be close to my *******. I had no job and $5,000 I managed to save. I got back into the restaurant business. Then that WTF am I going to do with my life question hit me again. I didn't want to end up being a restaurant manager as my career. I knew I was capable of more.

I joined the air national guard initially one weekend a month and two weeks a year going somewhere to train. Then a full time air traffic position became available. I applied, interviewed, and got the job. I think my starting salary was $37,000. (1995). My second wife and I moved to Oregon, we had a baby while there. My first ******* was still in WA and it was to hard being away from her. It was only five hours away but it still sucked. So I resigned from the guard, became a traditional guardsman again and moved back to WA. There I took a pay cut and got a job with a private ATC company. (1998).

I eventually got hired by the government and moved up the ranks all on my own. My salary was the at the top of the government pay scale and as a controller higher than the standard government employee. In fact I made more than most of the cabinet members and more than a senator or congressman. By then we were living a comfortable life as my wife had a decent paying job. We had the nice house cars, boat, trips, etc. Life was good. Then my second wife and I got divorced. During the divorce she filed for bankruptcy. I couldn't because my income was to high. Although I made good money but I couldn't, on my own, afford our $3600 month mortgage, the boat, and car payment and everything else.

I lost my house, car and boat. I moved into a two bedroom apartment and lived there until my most recent ex (Latina) and I rented a house. We were married for 11 years and divorced last year because she was and still is a major alcoholic. I couldn't deal with it any longer.

I retired last year and live in a 500 sg' 1 BR 1 BA cottage two blocks from the beautiful Gulf of Mexico. And life is good again! If you want to label my life as privileged that's your perspective. From mine it was a lot and I mean a lot of hard work, heartache, ups and downs just like so many others!

proves nothing....just that you know how to look at a real estate site
besides no matter the house....if it is occupied by reards….it is still a den of inequity...….
Reading the thread it is obvious that the same polarization taking place elsewhere in the nation is also reflected on this forum.

I started noticing this polarization around 9-11 when the extreme left rushed to defend Muslims at all costs while the political right wanted to bomb Iraq regardless of the facts. But this mindless ideological conflict has only gotten exponentially worse with time.

you have a point?....or just wanting to keep your name in the pot!

they flush at 11
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