Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The CDC directed doctors and hospitals to liberally inflate death counts.
pneumonia is a major symptom of covid-19 and it does affect older people a lot more harshly. CDC simply stated that some of the pneumonia deaths were a result of the virus, thus their count was raised. I'm sure you'll continue believing malice intent simply because it disagrees with the Orangeman's twilight zone explanations. Just like his saying "we need to cut back on covid testing as we just find more if we test more" .... well duhhhh, isn't that the whole point of testing ... catching it early before that individual exposes many others to the virus?
You folks make absolutely no sense in your reasonings whatsoever.
I imagine if Trump said smelling poop farts would lower contacting the virus, you folks would just stick your heads so far up you asses you'd be looking at the last meal you ate.
pneumonia is a major symptom of covid-19 and it does affect older people a lot more harshly. CDC simply stated that some of the pneumonia deaths were a result of the virus, thus their count was raised. I'm sure you'll continue believing malice intent in some what simply because it disagrees with the Orangeman's twilight zone explanations. Just like his saying "we need to cut back on covid testing as we just find more if we test more" .... well duhhhh, isn't that the whole point of testing ... catching it early before that individual exposes many others to the virus?
You folks make absolutely no sense in your reasonings whatsoever.
I imagine if Trump said smelling poop farts would lower contacting the virus, you folks would just stick your heads so far up you asses you'd be looking at the last meal you ate.
Mac, that is exactly the point I have been trying to make. I don't care what other people tell me. I am going to do what I think is best for the country. Regarless of what CNN, Fox, MsNBC(u later) does to try to influence my vote. Sometimes I think you have the parties crossed. It's the liberal narrative to believe everything they say and do what they tell you as long as you vote for us. In return we will promise to fix the things we've been saying we'll fix for decades and promise you free ******* we know we can't give. Guarantee you Biden will talk about how bad the education system is and needs to be fixed. jobs, the economy, healthcare. Same old song and dance AKA pure Bullshit!
pneumonia is a major symptom of covid-19 and it does affect older people a lot more harshly. CDC simply stated that some of the pneumonia deaths were a result of the virus, thus their count was raised. I'm sure you'll continue believing malice intent simply because it disagrees with the Orangeman's twilight zone explanations. Just like his saying "we need to cut back on covid testing as we just find more if we test more" .... well duhhhh, isn't that the whole point of testing ... catching it early before that individual exposes many others to the virus?
You folks make absolutely no sense in your reasonings whatsoever.
I imagine if Trump said smelling poop farts would lower contacting the virus, you folks would just stick your heads so far up you asses you'd be looking at the last meal you ate.

That was a direct quote from Dr. Brix of the CDC and there have been several morgue, medical and billing staff saying they are counting covid deaths to get the extra funds. Some are saying the numbers are over stated by as much as 30%. Colorado got caught and had to cut their number by 50%.

Yes, and the testing is not used to catch it early it is used to identify it once they arrive. If you test positive you are told to stay home unless you are in extreme raspatory distress. If you call 911 they will come access you and tell you to call your primary unless you are in acute distress. The testing is being used and weaponized by Dems and Pro Gov't- Hence why TX LA and FL got 6x the numbers of test in recent weeks.

Note: There are four articles backing the rigged death total claim in my previous post along with two, one from hard left Denver Post, supporting hospitals get more funds for covid cases. Before you charge off and look stupid.

Actually the people that would do that are liberals. Remember the woman that used fish bowl cleaner.
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That was a direct quote from Dr. Brix of the CDC and there have been several morgue, medical and billing staff saying they are counting covid deaths to get the extra funds. Some are saying the numbers are over stated by as much as 30%. Colorado got caught and had to cut their number by 50%.

Yes, and the testing is not used to catch it early it is used to identify it once they arrive. If you test positive you are told to stay home unless you are in extreme raspatory distress. If you call 911 they will come access you and tell you to call your primary unless you are in acute distress. The testing is being used and weaponized by Dems and Pro Gov't- Hence why TX LA and FL got 6x the numbers of test in recent weeks.

Note: There are four article backing the claim in my previous post along with two, one from hard left Denver Post, supporting hospitals get more funds for covid cases. Before you charge off and look stupid.

Actually the people that would do that are liberals. Remember the woman that used fish bowl cleaner.
Orangeman's twilight zone explanations.

You have to admit this pandemic, it's associated affect on peoples lives, employment, and the economy is enormous. No other President has had to deal with such a monumental event since 1918. My guess it's overall a bigger issue now than then. Then throw in the other recent bullshit, a press that hates him because he calls them out (I know sometimes it's not right but none the less) , the absolute bullshit the Dem's have put him through and for what?

For Trump and any R or D this is new territory. I honestly couldn't imagine what it must be like dealing with this *******. I know that's why they get paid the big bucks (except Trump) but they are only human. There are going to be mistakes, there are going to be some back and forth of policies (open, no wait close). Give the guy a break. He went from a business man, TV host, to being the POTUS. If you ask me that speaks volumes to what the country thought of the Democratic party.

It's done and over and ain't nobody who can change that. People who didn't like the outcome go vote. We shall see what happens in November. I may be wrong and if I am that's OK too. The silent majority is going to be loud and clear come November.
you do know that trumps ******* had met epstien a few times...…...not saying anything bad happened....but......

Was Melania Trafficked? Trump Hosted Party with Epstein ...
Jul 10, 2019 · “Donald Trump once hosted a party with a guest list made up of just himself, Jeffrey Epstein, and “28 girls,” according to The New York Times, and ignored an organizer’s warning about Epstein’s conduct. The “calendar girl” event is reported to have taken place at Trump

Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘first victim’ met Donald Trump at 14 ...
Jan 18, 2020 · A woman who says she was Jeffrey Epstein’s first known victim claims in a new lawsuit that the multimillionaire sex offender introduced her to Donald Trump when she was 14, saying “This …

Images of Trump's ******* Meeting Epstein
I'm sorry I can't stop yawning!
Orangeman's twilight zone explanations.

You have to admit this pandemic, it's associated affect on peoples lives, employment, and the economy is enormous. No other President has had to deal with such a monumental event since 1918. My guess it's overall a bigger issue now than then. Then throw in the other recent bullshit, a press that hates him because he calls them out (I know sometimes it's not right but none the less) , the absolute bullshit the Dem's have put him through and for what?

Yeah totally. We've never dealt with a pandemic before. No other country on Earth had this exact same pandemic, and certainly none of them handled it way better than us.

Or... maybe... this was the very first actual problem Trump has had to deal with in his presidency, and he shat the bed in an epic fashion, just like everyone knew he would.
Why won't you answer my question. I told you why I'm not voting for Biden. Tell me why would you vote for him? I know what to expect but thought I'd give it a shot again.

I don't like Biden. I wish he were not the nominee. But yeah I'll have to vote for the guy because the choices are between a barely-alive oddball with a pretty spotty political history, and a proto-fascist. At least Biden understands that climate change isn't a "Chinese hoax".

Can you honestly say America is better off today than it was 4 years ago? Trump was good for a laugh, he certainly acted differently from previous presidents and liked to clown. But eventually things get serious, and the graft and the defending racists and the lying and the completely failed response to Covid catch up to you and you get voted out. And probably sent to jail after the Southern District of NY gets his financial records and nails him for fraud and money laundering.
VERIFY: Conspiracy that COVID-19 deaths are being inflated doesn't add up

A viral claim that COVID-19 death numbers are being inflated is called a 'conspiracy' by experts.

Credit: VERIFY
Author: VERIFY, Jason Puckett (TEGNA), Linda Johnson
Published: 3:59 PM EDT April 9, 2020
Updated: 3:59 PM EDT April 9, 2020
WASHINGTON — A viral claim that coroners and medical examiners may be mislabeling COVID-19 deaths have been popping up on social media.

One of the more prominent posts came from Candace Owens, a conservative commentator and political activist.
In a tweet and Facebook post, she claimed that, “if you die from heart disease right now, and they determine you to be an asymptomatic carrier of COVID-19 in your post-Mortem, they legally add your death to the #Coronavirus death toll?”

Post by realCandaceOwens.

Are people who die from heart disease or other unrelated illnesses counted as COVID-19 deaths if they test positive?

There is no evidence to support Owen’s claim, nor could the VERIFY team find any instances of people being found to be “asymptomatic” COVID-19 carriers after death.
Without being able to analyze each body and test them individually for COVID-19, it’s nearly impossible to prove this hasn’t happened. But Dr. Sally Aiken, the President of the National Association of Medical Examiners said it’s unlikely.
She called the claim a conspiracy theory. She said, “medical examiners and coroners are not part of a conspiracy of death certification to classify all deaths as caused by COVID-19.”

There has been speculation on social media that the number of COVID-19 deaths is being intentionally inflated. But Dr. Aiken said it is more likely that COVID-19 deaths are actually being undercounted because of lack of testing.
There are multiple reasons Dr. Aiken said Owen’s claims are unrealistic.
First, most “asymptomatic” people aren’t being tested right now. Test-kits are still in demand across much of the nation, and many regions have limited testing to those already showing symptoms. It’s also unlikely that already deceased patients would be tested post-mortem if they appear to have died from something else.
“I’m not sure why a person without symptoms, coming into the hospital for stroke would be tested for COVID-19 anyway,” Dr. Aiken said.

The second reason, Dr. Aikens explained Owen’s claims were unrealistic is that the claims seem to imply there are situations where someone can clearly rule out COVID-19 as a cause of death in infected patients. That is not the case, according to Dr. Aiken.
“Sometimes it isn’t clear how various things relate to one another at death,” Dr. Aiken said. “Certain judgments will be wrong. In the example given, (stroke with COVID-19), it would be important to know if that individual had symptoms of COVID-19. If so, symptoms such as dehydration from COVID-19, or inability to take medications for ******* pressure control, may put that person at risk for a stroke. In that case, the cause of death might be listed as 'stroke,' but COVID-19 could be contributory. There is also emerging evidence that COVID-19 infection may have unexpected effects on ******* vessels, and circulation, making infected people susceptible to stroke."
The third reason these claims are unrealistic is because of the hodge-podge ways of investigating deaths in the United States, Dr. Aiken said. In addition to the physician medical examiners, there are elected lay coroners, justices of the peace and sheriff coroners operating under various county or state systems. Funding and resources – including COVID-19 tests -- are also uneven across jurisdictions.

Given that, “I don’t believe that all deaths caused by COVID-19 are being counted, and I don’t believe that accurate counting will happen in the short-term future,” Dr. Aiken said.
The cause of death is sometimes a judgment call, she said.
However, she said, “medical examiners and coroners are not part of a conspiracy of death certification to classify all deaths as caused by COVID-19. We are certifying deaths to our best knowledge and belief, based on investigation, medical information, and testing, as always."
Yeah totally. We've never dealt with a pandemic before. No other country on Earth had this exact same pandemic, and certainly none of them handled it way better than us.

Or... maybe... this was the very first actual problem Trump has had to deal with in his presidency, and he shat the bed in an epic fashion, just like everyone knew he would.
And IMO probably shat like anyone else would.

Climate change isn't a hoax. Climate change is something that occurs naturally on earth and has for millions of years. The hoax and hypocrisy started with Al Gore and continues with the other doomsayers especially that joke of a politician AOC. Don't fall for it. It's bullshit!
Impeachment for what exactly? It has taken Pelosi and her goons almost four years to get Trump. And if you're a betting man place your money they are going to have another four years to fuck with him!

I have asked this question to many people and the only one to come up with a BS response is Mr. Sub. How has your life changed since Trump? Are you worse off than you were prior to 2016, did you lose your job, did you lose money in your investments, do you have health care? etc..If so please tell me how and why it's Trumps fault. I sincerely would like to know. I can tell you me, my family, and friends are doing the same thing I/they were doing under Obama or any previous administrations. Going about our lives. Just like we will if, God forbid, Biden gets elected. I'll still be going to the beach almost daily, collect my six figure pension (a small portion of which comes from air ******* retirement. Thank you for yours and your family's service), travel, and do all the things I enjoy doing like I have under every other President.

People just need to chill. It's going to be OK. Hillary would have fucked ******* up like no other but we'd all be OK in the end. Things seem to have a way of working themselves out.
Obama tells Medvedev he will have "more flexibility" after election
Now that seems innocent on the surface but c'mon really? Maybe more flexibilty to get a uranium deal? Who knows.
"This is a waste of my time but I just can't let it go. Is there any iota of common sense in the liberal brain?"
This quote (from you) explains much.

It's nice to see that someone other than Donald Chump and the ass-suckers within his inner circle are doing well.
Apparently, you're doing so well, that instead of masks, you've purchased blinders to protect your fucked-up perspectives, and see past the 137,000+ people who have died from the corona virus,and the 40,000,000+ people who are unemployed as a result.
This is an example of a pandemic that was, "expertly handled" under previous administrations, due to guidelines left by his predecessors, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.
Nature made the virus,
Trump made it a crisis!

Assuming that you're A REAL LATINA, you would be a Ted Cruz, or Marco Rubio type, -someone who would ignore THE OBVIOUS, asinine policies espoused by a racist, misogynistic, yet-to-be indicted *******.

Apparently, you're okay with the bastard's policy of separating families, and deporting them for no justifiable reason whatsoever.

This isn't 2016.
This time around, he'll face many voters of European lineage who have suffered under his (mis-) administration.
Hopefully, you'll be one of the last to get deported before his removal.
"This is a waste of my time but I just can't let it go. Is there any iota of common sense in the liberal brain?"
This quote (from you) explains much.

It's nice to see that someone other than Donald Chump and the ass-suckers within his inner circle are doing well.
Apparently, you're doing so well, that instead of masks, you've purchased blinders to protect your fucked-up perspectives, and see past the 137,000+ people who have died from the corona virus,and the 40,000,000+ people who are unemployed as a result.
This is an example of a pandemic that was, "expertly handled" under previous administrations, due to guidelines left by his predecessors, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.
Nature made the virus,
Trump made it a crisis!

Assuming that you're A REAL LATINA, you would be a Ted Cruz, or Marco Rubio type, -someone who would ignore THE OBVIOUS, asinine policies espoused by a racist, misogynistic, yet-to-be indicted *******.

Apparently, you're okay with the bastard's policy of separating families, and deporting them for no justifiable reason whatsoever.

This isn't 2016.
This time around, he'll face many voters of European lineage who have suffered under his (mis-) administration.
Hopefully, you'll be one of the last to get deported before his removal.
Man the libs got you right where they want.

Analysis by Zachary B. Wolf, CNN

Updated 8:13 AM ET, Sat July 13, 2019

But immigration advocacy groups criticized then-President Barack Obama as the "deporter in chief" during his bid for reelection in 2012. It's a perception that former Vice President Joe Biden will have to answer for as he campaigns to carry on Obama's legacy.

My ex wife is 100% Hispanic. She and her very large family are majority Trump supporters. I had a conversation with her ******* who came here legally and he said exactly this "Keep them the fuck out of here." Not totally just illegals. He also felt strongly about the rule of law. It's a law that was voted in by both D's & R's. And every President has had issue with illegals.

And you say "Hopefully, you'll be one of the last to get deported before his removal." Well that's not going to happen. I'm a "white privileged" person. Give me a fucking break. My ex is Hispanic.

"This is a waste of my time but I just can't let it go. Is there any iota of common sense in the liberal brain?"
This quote (from you) explains much.

It's nice to see that someone other than Donald Chump and the ass-suckers within his inner circle are doing well.
Apparently, you're doing so well, that instead of masks, you've purchased blinders to protect your fucked-up perspectives, and see past the 137,000+ people who have died from the corona virus,and the 40,000,000+ people who are unemployed as a result.
This is an example of a pandemic that was, "expertly handled" under previous administrations, due to guidelines left by his predecessors, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.
Nature made the virus,
Trump made it a crisis!

Assuming that you're A REAL LATINA, you would be a Ted Cruz, or Marco Rubio type, -someone who would ignore THE OBVIOUS, asinine policies espoused by a racist, misogynistic, yet-to-be indicted *******.

Apparently, you're okay with the bastard's policy of separating families, and deporting them for no justifiable reason whatsoever.

This isn't 2016.
This time around, he'll face many voters of European lineage who have suffered under his (mis-) administration.
Hopefully, you'll be one of the last to get deported before his removal.
"This is a waste of my time but I just can't let it go. Is there any iota of common sense in the liberal brain?"
This quote (from you) explains much.

It's nice to see that someone other than Donald Chump and the ass-suckers within his inner circle are doing well.
Apparently, you're doing so well, that instead of masks, you've purchased blinders to protect your fucked-up perspectives, and see past the 137,000+ people who have died from the corona virus,and the 40,000,000+ people who are unemployed as a result.
This is an example of a pandemic that was, "expertly handled" under previous administrations, due to guidelines left by his predecessors, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.
Nature made the virus,
Trump made it a crisis!

Assuming that you're A REAL LATINA, you would be a Ted Cruz, or Marco Rubio type, -someone who would ignore THE OBVIOUS, asinine policies espoused by a racist, misogynistic, yet-to-be indicted *******.

Apparently, you're okay with the bastard's policy of separating families, and deporting them for no justifiable reason whatsoever.

This isn't 2016.
This time around, he'll face many voters of European lineage who have suffered under his (mis-) administration.
Hopefully, you'll be one of the last to get deported before his removal.
BTW you like so many others avoided the question.

How has your life changed since Trump? Do you not go outside anymore, lost your job because of his policies, lost healthcare, lost money in your 401 if you have one? I do ask this question often and rarely get a response. I don't ask to be a smart ass. I ask because I do have an open mind and I want to learn. Just like I want to know what it is I/we white people can do besides "give up stuff" like BLM co-founder Alicia Garza wants us to do. I don't know what that means and quite frankly I think she or any of the other founders don't know either!

A perfect example looking at the other perspective in a situation was the tearing down historical statues. My first reaction was what a bunch of absolute fucking bullshit. My perspective was, although not flattering, its history. It's over and done, ain't no way to change the past only learn from it, get over it. However, there was an interview I watched about the subject. The dude being interviewed was asked why tear down these historical statues they are part of our history. He suggested they not be destroyed but placed in a museum where they belong. I was like wow what a great idea. That makes perfect sense. I don't think I would have thought about that.

As I have said on previous posts I can't pretend to know what it's like being black in America. I can only relate to how it was for me growing up. We were just another average poor white family in a white neighborhood. To try to get a better understanding of what it was/is like I watch documentaries, read history. In fact the other night I watched I AM Not Your Negro on Netflix. It was a great documentary. I, like Uncle Joe said, I don't feel responsible nor guilt for the atrocities of yesteryear. I do have empathy. I know a lot of Trump supporters and you liberals consistently labeling Trump supporters as racists makes you no different than the rest of the haters.
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BTW you like so many others avoided the question.

How has your life changed since Trump? Do you not go outside anymore, lost your job because of his policies, lost healthcare, lost money in your 401 if you have one? I do ask this question often and rarely get a response. I don't ask to be a smart ass. I ask because I do have an open mind and I want to learn. Just like I want to know what it is I/we white people can do besides "give up stuff" like BLM co-founder Alicia Garza wants us to do. I don't know what that means and quite frankly I think she or any of the other founders don't know either!

A perfect example looking at the other perspective in a situation was the tearing down historical statues. My first reaction was what a bunch of absolute fucking bullshit. My perspective was, although not flattering, its history. It's over and done, ain't no way to change the past only learn from it, get over it. However, there was an interview I watched about the subject. The dude being interviewed was asked why tear down these historical statues they are part of our history. He suggested they not be destroyed but placed in a museum where they belong. I was like wow what a great idea. That makes perfect sense. I don't think I would have thought about that.

As I have said on previous posts I can't pretend to know what it's like being black in America. I can only relate to how it was for me growing up. We were just another average poor white family in a white neighborhood. To try to get a better understanding of what it was/is like I watch documentaries, read history. In fact the other night I watched I AM Not Your Negro on Netflix. It was a great documentary. I, like Uncle Joe said, I don't feel responsible nor guilt for the atrocities of yesteryear. I do have empathy. I know a lot of Trump supporters and you liberals consistently labeling Trump supporters as racists makes you no different than the rest of the haters.
Being called a racist by a lunatic trump supporter, who (obviously) is willing to sell-out her people to suck-up to a bunch of racist, -is laughable.
You say you have empathy; yet, where in hell is your empathy for the 137,000+ people who have died, because your treasonous, orange fuhrer IGNORED the pandemic prevention protocols that George W. & Obama left (and implemented) during their administrations?
Not only am I not working, I am unable to obtain work of which I am qualified, because of the pandemic.

I know that I am not the only one, and THIS is how our lives have been changed, -because Donald Chump was woefully unfit for that office from Day One.

Nature made the virus,
Trump made it a crisis.
Man the libs got you right where they want.

Analysis by Zachary B. Wolf, CNN

Updated 8:13 AM ET, Sat July 13, 2019

But immigration advocacy groups criticized then-President Barack Obama as the "deporter in chief" during his bid for reelection in 2012. It's a perception that former Vice President Joe Biden will have to answer for as he campaigns to carry on Obama's legacy.

My ex wife is 100% Hispanic. She and her very large family are majority Trump supporters. I had a conversation with her ******* who came here legally and he said exactly this "Keep them the fuck out of here." Not totally just illegals. He also felt strongly about the rule of law. It's a law that was voted in by both D's & R's. And every President has had issue with illegals.

And you say "Hopefully, you'll be one of the last to get deported before his removal." Well that's not going to happen. I'm a "white privileged" person. Give me a fucking break. My ex is Hispanic.

So, it's your ex *******-in-law who is the asshole who is willing to sellout his people, in an effort to suck-up to racists like you? Yes, you have your latina, but you could give a damn about the rest of them.
And, don't be too sure about her not getting deported.
Others who supported the *******-head-in-chief were devastated when it happened to them.

And, no; it's the turd-guzzling, die-hard, over-privileged, white boy republicans who have you where they need you.

And, for the record, if Marco Rubio had any stones and stuck to his guns on progressive immigration, perhaps we would have enacted a sensible policy (*that Donald Chump would have eventually reversed).
Since that didn't happen, deportations reached record levels during the Obama administration;
otherwise, "illegal border crossings" (for lack of a better description) were at a 50 year low when the weasel-in-chief was inaugurated in 2017.
That would make Barack Obama the law & order President, -another distinction that Donald Chump can only envy.

These are facts, white privileged person.
Given your lack of capacity to reason, it's no wonder your latina is now your ex.
Take your own fucking break.
Being called a racist by a lunatic trump supporter, who (obviously) is willing to sell-out her people to suck-up to a bunch of racist, -is laughable.
You say you have empathy; yet, where in hell is your empathy for the 137,000+ people who have died, because your treasonous, orange fuhrer IGNORED the pandemic prevention protocols that George W. & Obama left (and implemented) during their administrations?
Not only am I not working, I am unable to obtain work of which I am qualified, because of the pandemic.

I know that I am not the only one, and THIS is how our lives have been changed, -because Donald Chump was woefully unfit for that office from Day One.

Nature made the virus,
Trump made it a crisis.

Another cop out answer. Ok you got me. It was Trump who started the pandemic. The absolute ignorance is mind boggling.

He'd have my vote if he was running. Someone with some GD common sense and being real. But of course he and the other black conservatives get the "sellout" or" Uncle Tom" label from the liberals only because they don't believe in the fucked liberal narrative.
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