Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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OK super genius Burning down bulidings, destroying other people's personal property and killing/beating innocent people is unlawful too! I'll take some federal goons without badges on street anytime over that scum! Americans shouldn't have to tolerate a bunch of thugs VIOLATING our rights.
Last I check, so much positive race related results have come from the protests in government, commerce and general norms of society. Thugs and scum? Keywords to trigger images which negative racial stereotype play a role.
Plenty of cowards have always valued the "appearance" of peace over liberty. You have a right to live here too.
Nope. No need to wait, or show them why he is dangerous. Just look above. This lonely old man is cheering on squads of fascist secret police. No, I say fuck them, we need to roll through this election, undo Trumps policies, remove these unqualified appointees and judges, and prosecute all who enabled this lawlessness at the highest office.
Of course they're going to say that. Why? Because he's calling them out on their bullshit. Past administrations have said how dangerous China is becoming. You know damned well they have been fucking this country over for decades. He is doing something about it and they don't like it.

As the South China Morning Post noted Saturday, Beijing's release of the phone call transcript is a rare move, particularly one detailing such harsh criticism of the world's largest economy. Oh it must have just slipped out! And then there's Newsweek just like the rest...Political News Media Bias Rating: Left.
Of course they're going to say that. Why? Because he's calling them out on their bullshit. Past administrations have said how dangerous China is becoming. You know damned well they have been fucking this country over for decades. He is doing something about it and they don't like it.

As the South China Morning Post noted Saturday, Beijing's release of the phone call transcript is a rare move, particularly one detailing such harsh criticism of the world's largest economy. Oh it must have just slipped out! And then there's Newsweek just like the rest...Political News Media Bias Rating: Left.
I agree China has been our biggest threat for decades now. Militarily and economically.
I disagree that Trump has done anything about that. He is in their pocket for hundreds of millions.
There is no bias to facts.
Last I check, so much positive race related results have come from the protests in government, commerce and general norms of society. Thugs and scum? Keywords to trigger images which negative racial stereotype play a role.
Plenty of cowards have always valued the "appearance" of peace over liberty. You have a right to live here too.
Here we go again. So my use of the word thug in your brain means I am insinuating people of color. In my mind a thug is exactly it's definition.....
a violent person, especially a criminal.
"he was attacked by a gang of thugs"...
I don't see anything about a race qualifier!
Here we go again. So my use of the word thug in your brain means I am insinuating people of color. In my mind a thug is exactly it's definition.....
a violent person, especially a criminal.
"he was attacked by a gang of thugs"...
I don't see anything about a race qualifier!
You said again?
So you are aware how this is looked at and you just ignore what actual black people say, and tell us how we should think? You? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
You said again?
So you are aware how this is looked at and you just ignore what actual black people say, and tell us how we should think? You? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I'm not going to lie. One of the most frustrating things about participating in these forums is people not knowing me as a person. If you did you or anyone else who does know me would never accuse me of being nothing but an all around decent human being who has faith in humanity no matter where you come from. I am not a racist, a misogynist, white supremacist, or any of the whatever label suits the haters. I love my country, my family, people of all colors and all walks of life. Other than this forum I have never been accused of being a racist in my life. As I said in a previous post I have never said the "N" word to anyone in my life other than maybe repeating what a black comedian said when retelling his joke. And honestly I wish black people didn't use it either. But who am I to say?
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I'm not going to lie. One of the most frustrating things about participating in these forums is people not knowing me as a person. If you did you or anyone else who does know me would never accuse me of being nothing but an all around decent human being who has faith in humanity no matter where you come from. I am not a racist, a misogynist, white supremacist, or any of the whatever label suits the haters. I love my country, my family, people of all colors and all walks of life. Other than this forum I have never been accused of being a racist in my life. As I said in a previous post I have never said the "N" word to anyone in my life other than maybe repeating what a black comedian said when retelling his joke. And honestly I wish black people didn't use it either. But who am I to say?
All anybody knows about anyone on here is from their posts.

The 'n' word is a sign of disrespect. I don't use it either (unless it's emphasize a point about it) because you must respect yourself before you expect others to do so. Neither do my children use it, or friends who are black around me. To know me is to know I don't tolerate the word around me and even in bars on the jukebox.

This a political forum, so the actions and values of politicians and policy is what I debate. With some personal digs when I see fit.
If I interpreted the individual as racist- I come right out and say it. Plenty will point it out my past posts on that.
If you use racist language, I will call it out. Not language that you don't believe or intend to be racist, but language and terms that racists actually use. If you ignore that language and supported by racists and offensive to racial minorities because of your individual interpretation, then I will absolutely call out that racist language.

You used racist language whether you acknowledge or meant it, you did. Summing up the protests to lawlessness, and labeling protesters as scum and thugs, ignores the millions, yes millions who protest with rioting or looting, and the message behind the protest as well as the progress it's brought.

It was one of the main points of strong disagreement the black employees, including on air talent, at Fox News had with senior management. That's right, the few conservative leaning black people have problems with racism around the same issues are liberal blacks like me.
All anybody knows about anyone on here is from their posts.

The 'n' word is a sign of disrespect. I don't use it either (unless it's emphasize a point about it) because you must respect yourself before you expect others to do so. Neither do my children use it, or friends who are black around me. To know me is to know I don't tolerate the word around me and even in bars on the jukebox.

This a political forum, so the actions and values of politicians and policy is what I debate. With some personal digs when I see fit.
If I interpreted the individual as racist- I come right out and say it. Plenty will point it out my past posts on that.
If you use racist language, I will call it out. Not language that you don't believe or intend to be racist, but language and terms that racists actually use. If you ignore that language and supported by racists and offensive to racial minorities because of your individual interpretation, then I will absolutely call out that racist language.

You used racist language whether you acknowledge or meant it, you did. Summing up the protests to lawlessness, and labeling protesters as scum and thugs, ignores the millions, yes millions who protest with rioting or looting, and the message behind the protest as well as the progress it's brought.

It was one of the main points of strong disagreement the black employees, including on air talent, at Fox News had with senior management. That's right, the few conservative leaning black people have problems with racism around the same issues are liberal blacks like me.
I couldn't agree more that their have been positive outcomes from protest. I do not believe for a minute the destruction of property and the associated violence is the answer. You know as well as I do many of these protesters were opportunists. Taking advantage and diverting the focus of the original purpose of the protest, Mr. Floyd's *******. Hell some probably couldn't even tell you his name if you asked.

My point is we have been doing this same old ******* for decades and yes some progress but IMO it isn't the answer. I don't know what is. The polarization is so deep that I don't know we'll ever figure it out. I'm not saying we give up but it's not going to be easy.

I say we do a show like Wife Swap or Celebrity Swap instead we do Black and White swap. Black and White families swap homes. Whites live in a predominately black neighborhood and vice versa. I'm down. It would definitely increase my odds of meeting my next black Goddess!
I couldn't agree more that their have been positive outcomes from protest. I do not believe for a minute the destruction of property and the associated violence is the answer. You know as well as I do many of these protesters were opportunists. Taking advantage and diverting the focus of the original purpose of the protest, Mr. Floyd's *******. Hell some probably couldn't even tell you his name if you asked.

My point is we have been doing this same old ******* for decades and yes some progress but IMO it isn't the answer. I don't know what is. The polarization is so deep that I don't know we'll ever figure it out. I'm not saying we give up but it's not going to be easy.

I say we do a show like Wife Swap or Celebrity Swap instead we do Black and White swap. Black and White families swap homes. Whites live in a predominately black neighborhood and vice versa. I'm down. It would definitely increase my odds of meeting my next black Goddess!
I live in a white neighborhood. I would do a wife swap, but my new girl (new-ish) is not white. She is an exoctic mix and mostly Asian with triple D's. I can't be in a swap with like Sarah Hucklebee or Hillary Swank.

Do you think the conservative movement have brought some positive changes? I assume you do.
Have you let the racists in your party, stop you from being conservative? Clearly not. See my point on labeling the protestors?

These protests were not for an individual, Floyd, he was symbolic of the systematic racist and ******* behavior of the police we've been point to for decades. Colin Kaepernick tried a peaceful and silent protest, people like you ran him out of the NFL but not before making a mockery of him. Now that people have marched and shut down businesses and flipped over cars, suddenly there are results.
This is not new in America or western Europe. Progress is slow, but nothing lights a fire under it like fear. Fear has also been used to stop progress here (KKK starting in the 1870s, lynchings and Jim Crow). It's the American Way. You think when the founders dressed up like Indian and destroyed what would be millions of dollars of products (Boston Tea Party) that it wasn't effective and caught the attention of the British Crown?
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I live in a white neighborhood.

Do you think the conservative movement have brought some positive changes? I assume you do.
Have you let the racists in your party, stop you from being conservative? Clearly not. See my point on labeling the protestors?

These protests were not for an individual, Floyd, he was symbolic of the systematic racist and ******* behavior of the police we've been point to for decades. Colin Kaepernick tried a peaceful and silent protest, people like you ran him out of the NFL but not before making a mockery of him. Now that people have marched and shut down businesses and flipped over cars, suddenly there are results.
This is not new in America or western Europe. Progress is slow, but nothing lights a fire under it like fear. Fear has also been used to stop progress here (KKK starting in the 1870s, lynchings and Jim Crow). It's the American Way. You think when the founders dressed up like Indian and destroyed what would be millions of dollars of products (Boston Tea Party) that it wasn't effective and caught the attention of the British Crown?
Colin Kaepernick tried a peaceful and silent protest, people like you ran him out of the NFL but not before making a mockery of him. Now that people have marched and shut down businesses and flipped over cars, suddenly there are results.

People like me didn't run him out. What I disagreed with is his workplace is not his venue or should it be his platform to promote a cause. I don't care if his cause was Baskin and Robbins should have 32 flavors instead of 31. One for each team in the NFL. Go somewhere else on your own GD time. I thought the very same thing when I went to a Pear Jam concert almost 20 years ago. Eddie Vedder started talking political BS when he got on stage. I said the same thing then. In fact mentioned it to my wife then. I didn't pay to hear your opinions or see for that matter your politics. Go somewhere else!

And as far as him getting back in the NFL. He had offers but chose not to take them. He's not that good of a QB. He'd be a decent back-up but he wants to start. I've been a 49er fan for 38 years. When he took over from Alex Smith I was stoked how he could run and throw the long ball unlike ball manager Smith. A co-worker of mine (also a 49er fan) who eats, sleeps, and drinks sports said to me when I said Kap looks pretty good. He said and I quote "he's garbage mark my words." I don't know that I would say he's garbage but he is not as good as some try to make him. But I will say he was garbage against Ravens in the Superbowl. That with out a doubt just like last year should have been another ring for the niners.
I agree China has been our biggest threat for decades now. Militarily and economically.
I disagree that Trump has done anything about that. He is in their pocket for hundreds of millions.
There is no bias to facts.

where are all those trumptards now (2bi...HH...Allfor and a few others) that were saying how trump is doing the right thing for America with his trade war with china....he can not afford to big a war....he personally owes them billions of dollars......not the US....Trump owes

American Consumers, Not China, Are Paying for Trump’s Tariffs
Jan 06, 2020 · American Consumers, Not China, Are Paying for Trump’s Tariffs New York Fed and academic researchers found that U.S. consumers and companies have borne the …

Amid Trump Tariffs, Farm Bankruptcies And Suicides Rise
Aug 30, 2019 · However, tariffs imposed by Trump and China’s retaliation are making their situation even direr. This has led to a rise in farm bankruptcies and multiple people warning about the increased ...

Fed study: Trump tariffs backfired, caused job losses and ...
President Trump's tariffs on imports – meant to boost the economy – ultimately led to job losses and higher prices, a new study from the Federal Reserve has found.

Trump's trade wars were supposed to rescue US ...
Dec 05, 2019 · American manufacturing is slumping and farmers have suffered painful losses, as the total value of agricultural exports to China has been more than halved since 2017. Trump appeared ready to …

Factbox: From phone makers to farmers, the toll of Trump's ...
Aug 24, 2019 · The tariffs already imposed on China are estimated to cost the average American household $600 per year, according to a report by JPMorgan Chase. That will rise to $1,000 if the tariffs
People like me didn't run him out. What I disagreed with is his workplace is not his venue or should it be his platform to promote a cause. I don't care if his cause was Baskin and Robbins should have 32 flavors instead of 31. One for each team in the NFL. Go somewhere else on your own GD time. I thought the very same thing when I went to a Pear Jam concert almost 20 years ago. Eddie Vedder started talking political BS when he got on stage. I said the same thing then. In fact mentioned it to my wife then. I didn't pay to hear your opinions or see for that matter your politics. Go somewhere else!

"Play sports that have a high risk of lifelong head trauma for my entertainment, but do not speak up about your beliefs!"

Pretty on-brand for someone who wants black guys to have sex with his partner for his enjoyment, but doesn't want to stand with BLM.
With COVID-19, don’t only focus on deaths. Too many Americans are alive and in misery.

We are still trying to understand COVID-19, including what happens to our bodies when we have recovered from the virus. But it isn't looking good.


Disapproval of Trump coronavirus response jumps to 60 ...
2 days ago · Disapproval of Trump coronavirus response jumps to 60 percent amid surge: poll. By Marina Pitofsky - 07/17/20 08:12 AM EDT .

Cuomo slams Trump coronavirus response as 'virus of ...
Jul 16, 2020 · New York Gov. Cuomo slams Trump coronavirus response as 'virus of American division and federal incompetence' Published Thu, Jul 16 2020 …

'I'll be right eventually': Donald Trump defends his COVID ...
2 hours ago · WASHINGTON – Under siege over his response to COVID-19 and protests against systemic racism and facing bad polls in his reelection bid against Joe Biden, President Donald Trump

Trump is trying to stop people from seeing this ad on his ...
Mar 27, 2020 · Trump is trying to stop people from seeing this ad on his response to coronavirus Lawyers have sent cease and desist letters to stop stations from airing the video, which edits together Trump

Timeline: Trump administration's response to coronavirus
Mar 17, 2020 · An examination of how the Trump administration responded to the coronavirus outbreak that was first documented in December reveals a story of …

Coronavirus Deaths Are Rising Right on Cue - The Atlantic
Jul 15, 2020 · Even at the low point for deaths in the U.S., roughly 500 people died each day, on average. Now, with the national death numbers rising once again, there’s simply no argument that America can...
Colin Kaepernick tried a peaceful and silent protest, people like you ran him out of the NFL but not before making a mockery of him. Now that people have marched and shut down businesses and flipped over cars, suddenly there are results.

People like me didn't run him out. What I disagreed with is his workplace is not his venue or should it be his platform to promote a cause. I don't care if his cause was Baskin and Robbins should have 32 flavors instead of 31. One for each team in the NFL. Go somewhere else on your own GD time. I thought the very same thing when I went to a Pear Jam concert almost 20 years ago. Eddie Vedder started talking political BS when he got on stage. I said the same thing then. In fact mentioned it to my wife then. I didn't pay to hear your opinions or see for that matter your politics. Go somewhere else!
So, I assume you were pissed off about the NFL's support of breast cancer when they were wearing pink shoes and *******?
Or the public prayers in the end zone?
No that's ok. But when someone wants to highlight police ******* and America's inaction. by kneeling and not saying anything or wearing anything, or giving any secret signs, is different? Or is it because the he ****** you to even think about what millions deal with daily? We talked about privilege and this is an example. You can watch a game where 70% of the players are black, and have to be concerned about the issue, but you don't even have to think about it unless someone puts it in your face. You just want to see them entertain you, who gives a fuck about what they have to go through?
Watch what you say about Chicagoans. Eddie Vedder is a local hero. Only pissed me off when they did not play Yellow Ledbetter last time I saw them (2018). WTF???

And as far as him getting back in the NFL. He had offers but chose not to take them. He's not that good of a QB. He'd be a decent back-up but he wants to start. I've been a 49er fan for 38 years. When he took over from Alex Smith I was stoked how he could run and throw the long ball unlike ball manager Smith. A co-worker of mine (also a 49er fan) who eats, sleeps, and drinks sports said to me when I said Kap looks pretty good. He said and I quote "he's garbage mark my words." I don't know that I would say he's garbage but he is not as good as some try to make him. But I will say he was garbage against Ravens in the Superbowl. That with out a doubt just like last year should have been another ring for the niners.
This must be what you tell yourself or was told to you. It's a popular narrative to make him seem, self righteous or "uppity".

Kaepernick had a contract with the 49ers set to pay him $12 million. John Elway’s Broncos needed a quarterback and were willing to trade for Kaepernick, but they didn’t want to pay him $12 million. John said he’d go through with the trade if he only had to pay Kaepernick $7 million. The 49ers didn’t want to subsidize the Broncos and Kaep didn’t want to take a $5 million pay cut.
It made zero sense for him to take the contact at the time.
Here's a summary: Elway’s Kaepernick comments could be problematic for NFL

Aside from an offer when he was still under contract, no, he's had no offers to turn down.
He tried out for the Seahawks in 2017, but Pete Carroll said he was good enough to be a starter but they didn’t need a starter: Pete Carroll explains why Seahawks didn't sign Colin Kaepernick: 'He's a starter'
He also tried out for the Ravens but they claim they didn’t want him because his girlfriend mouthed off on twitter: Ray Lewis: Ravens refused to sign Colin Kaepernick because of girlfriend's tweet
The Montreal Allouettes apparently have his CFL negotiating rights. They claim they’ve reached out but have gotten no reply: Alouettes reach out to controversial NFL QB Colin Kaepernick. Of course going to the CFL for a recent Superbowl caliber starting QB is the kiss of death.
The Seahawks also claim they have denied him a try out in April of 2018 because he wouldn’t say that he wouldn’t kneel: Seahawks postpone Colin Kaepernick visit after QB declined to say he'd stop kneeling
The NFL gave him a tryout last year but, it was for their own PR purposes.

You're saying he was worse than Austin Davis or Colt McCoy or Trevor Sieman and that's just insane talk.
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