Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Well the fake ones it did And that was like tow trials right? This one it showed results.

It wasn't an RCT, it was an observational study. Hydroxychloroquine looked like it performed OK in observational studies, but they're not double-blind (and doctors decide on their own who to treat).
I don't hear dems trying to legalize *******, that's more of a libertarian thing.

Who cares about pot? If you don't smoke pot regularly already you're lame as hell.
It wasn't an RCT, it was an observational study. Hydroxychloroquine looked like it performed OK in observational studies, but they're not double-blind (and doctors decide on their own who to treat).
Oh and they are getting results that show it works, right? Here and in Europe, correct?

The only study that can be cited as showing negative results was the VA study where they gave 60+ vets with 2 or more underlying complications and several died anyway so the Dems tried to square peg it and say it proved it didn't work. Despite all the doctors disagreeing with the findings.

How long does it take to do a double blind study? On average?
Oh and they are getting results that show it works, right? Here and in Europe, correct?

The only study that can be cited as showing negative results was the VA study where they gave 60+ vets with 2 or more underlying complications and several died anyway so the Dems tried to square peg it and say it proved it didn't work. Despite all the doctors disagreeing with the findings.

How long does it take to do a double blind study? On average?

No, it hasn't been performing well in RCTs. They typically take at least a few months (register the trial, recruit subjects, get IRB approval, etc)

If you want to hold out hope for a cure, Moderna has a vaccine about to go into Phase 3

I notice you ducked the abortion stance and the mushrooms, but went for pot to try to play cool.

I have no idea why you want to bring up abortion, but most sane people think that sex ed and contraceptives are a pretty effective way to lower the number of abortions. Democrats support those things.
Democrats also support making sure children are fed (even if their parents are poor), which seems pretty pro-life to me.
This years election solidifies how desperate the Dems don't give a ******* about this country.
Me. Vote for me. I did really well on my SATs and I am excellent at grilling burgers.
I knew that would be the type of response. Because I am guessing you get your information from the corrupt left media and do what they tell you and you believe every word they say. So damned typical!

Your party (assumed) wants to put a guy in office who smells womens/girls hair, been accused of sexual harrasment, can't distinguish his wife from his sister, has made several racist remarks, his voting record is not very good, can't remember what day it is most of the time.

But you know what the very sad thing is you and many others (not enough BTW) who can't think for themselves will pull the lever for this dude who is toast. I am sure he's a nice guy and if he were about 30 years younger I wouldn't bother me if he was elected. Other than that there is not one of all the people who campaigned (maybe Tulsi Gabbard) who I ever consider voting.
ICU beds are full. People are dying by the hundreds daily. And all you care about is how you can try to spin it so that Trump might look less bad.

You're in a death cult.

Some are full and some still have capacity. And last year and every year people by the thousands die daily- 7708 per day. Covid is not even in the top 5 and when the real number is found it won't even be in the top 10.

I am not a republican. But it is funny that a guy who supports killing babies is saying another group, who closed travel to China as his party/ ilk cried racism, is responsible for covid deaths and is a death cult.

  • Heart disease: 647,457
  • Cancer: 599,108
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
  • Diabetes: 83,564
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,672
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 50,633
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173
I don't hear dems trying to legalize *******, that's more of a libertarian thing.

Who cares about pot? If you don't smoke pot regularly already you're lame as hell.
SF to introduce legislation authorizing safe injection sites.

Maybe she doesn't want to legalize ******* but might as well. Another liberal running a city into the ground just like her boss Gavin (aka Pelosi') nephew or something is doing to the state. Rumor is Pelosi wants Trump to win so good ole Gavin can get in there and fuck up the country like he's done to CA. Because if Biden wins he may be in the way for Gavvy!
I have no idea why you want to bring up abortion, but most sane people think that sex ed and contraceptives are a pretty effective way to lower the number of abortions. Democrats support those things.

I am pointing out that most leftists support Abortion- which makes them a death cult. In contradiction to your bogus claims about the republicans being a death cult with your over inflated numbers and forgetfulness of actions.
SF to introduce legislation authorizing safe injection sites.
View attachment 3482737

Maybe she doesn't want to legalize ******* but might as well. Another liberal running a city into the ground just like her boss Gavin (aka Pelosi') nephew or something is doing to the state. Rumor is Pelosi wants Trump to win so good ole Gavin can get in there and fuck up the country like he's done to CA. Because if Biden wins he may be in the way for Gavvy!
Denver tried this too. Democrat City Council and Mayor. Oh and Gov and Legislature.
I get my news from Breitbart and my racist cousin's Facebook postings. Nice try though
Ok wherever you get your news when was the last time you read anything about all the great things the Democrats have done. And go ahead and name them if you can think of anything. What you will read is how horrible Trump is. It's the oldest game in the book. When your ******* is bad find someone else to put on the spotlight.
If feeding ******* means electing democrats, I guess that's fine. I don't really want to be in the party in favor of starving *******...

And there is no major party who is.

However, don't try to sell it like the Dem want to help. They created the program to keep people beholding to them. Along with most "social programs"

Motive counts. Especially when you are stealing the money to pay for it by threat of government ******* that is unconstitutional.
If feeding ******* means electing democrats, I guess that's fine. I don't really want to be in the party in favor of starving *******...
Why won't you answer my question. I told you why I'm not voting for Biden. Tell me why would you vote for him? I know what to expect but thought I'd give it a shot again.
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