Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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As far as the health care goes Obama's was a disaster and you and all of your friends know it. It's a mess and has been. If you think the liberals are going to allow anything to pass that might be better then you are mired deep in the *******.
Trump had the house and senate when he got elected. Why didn't he fix it like he said he would?

Trump could announce today that while he was playing around in the WH kitchen he came up with a Covid vaccine.
He did. It was hydroxychloroquine, then it was bleach. You don't remember Trump telling America to inject bleach? I do.
OK, so Florida grew by 1.1% last year in population.

In April of 2019, Florida reported 17000 deaths.

17000 deaths * 1.1% increase = an expected 187 extra deaths.

In April of 2020, Florida logged 19000 deaths. Where did these extra deaths come from? Liberal hoaxes?

Yep and according to your article they have no idea. Could be covid, flu, cancer, heart attacks or just old age.

Look at the population since 1980s, aka 40 years, and you will see it has grown by millions and many were retirees who are now dying.
I agree I think after failing on the impeachment and the Russia Russia Russia play this virus was just another opportunity to try to make him look bad. I don't think the dems released it but they sure are using the fall out to try to get the WH and hurt a lot of people in the process.

This is why the republicans are a death cult. Hundreds of thousands of Americans dead, and all you can think about is "will the democrats use this to make Trump look bad?!?!?!!"

Why are people so obsessed with this mean fat old fuck. Just get rid of him and pick your new idol to worship
Trump had the house and senate when he got elected. Why didn't he fix it like he said he would?

He did. It was hydroxychloroquine, then it was bleach. You don't remember Trump telling America to inject bleach? I do.

He did not have a super majority and the Dems blocked any moves to fix it.

Well and hydroxychloroquine, you might want to end that talking point.

And for bleach only dipshit dems thought that.
Yep and according to your article they have no idea. Could be covid, flu, cancer, heart attacks or just old age.

That's not what it says. What is says is:
“Part of deaths may be due to non-Covid conditions, things like heart attacks or cancer or stroke and those patients who were not able to receive care during the pandemic either because of fear of catching COVID in the hospital setting or hospitals that had to postpone care in order to create capacity to meet the need of COVID-19 cases,” Dr. Tsai said. “You have to understand both to understand the true cost of the pandemic.”

Because Florida is out of capacity for ICU beds in a whole bunch of hospitals. That means that people die because of the lack of resources due to Covid. It's bad. Lots of people are dying. And the republican death cult failed to pin their abysmal response on China, and instead is trying to downplay it.
SCOTUS said that the southern district of NY can have his tax returns for their criminal investigation into the whole ******* pay-off with his business accounts thing. I guess we'll see about that going to jail part.

they had a lot on him and guiliani...that is why trump got rid of the prosecutor...…...but they still got his tax returns...and maybe jail after the white house.....wonder how long before NY turns his tax returns over to congress?
It's just going to a grand jury for now (after Trump's newest appeal is shot down in a couple weeks).

Congress probably won't get the tax returns until after the election.
Well and hydroxychloroquine, you might want to end that talking point.

It's failed every randomized controlled trial they've tried it in. It doesn't work. Even if it did, Trump had no idea whether it did or not when he made it out to be a miracle cure.

He did not have a super majority and the Dems blocked any moves to fix it.

Lol what moves to "fix" it? The only senate vote I remember was a blanket repeal, which was a straight up-and-down vote that got shut down when John McCain voted with the dems.

you do know that trumps ******* had met epstien a few times...…...not saying anything bad happened....but......

Was Melania Trafficked? Trump Hosted Party with Epstein ...
Jul 10, 2019 · “Donald Trump once hosted a party with a guest list made up of just himself, Jeffrey Epstein, and “28 girls,” according to The New York Times, and ignored an organizer’s warning about Epstein’s conduct. The “calendar girl” event is reported to have taken place at Trump

Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘first victim’ met Donald Trump at 14 ...
Jan 18, 2020 · A woman who says she was Jeffrey Epstein’s first known victim claims in a new lawsuit that the multimillionaire sex offender introduced her to Donald Trump when she was 14, saying “This …

Images of Trump's ******* Meeting Epstein
It's just going to a grand jury for now (after Trump's newest appeal is shot down in a couple weeks).

Congress probably won't get the tax returns until after the election.

he is trying to block a lot until after the election

wonder how bad he really wants the job of pres.....rather than just have the humility of being pushed out!
This is why the republicans are a death cult. Hundreds of thousands of Americans dead, and all you can think about is "will the democrats use this to make Trump look bad?!?!?!!"

Why are people so obsessed with this mean fat old fuck. Just get rid of him and pick your new idol to worship

What death cult. Says the guy arguing from the left who promote abortions and ******* use. And now race violence and division to foment division so they can steal the white house.

Try 138,385 people 'died' per the 'official' covid numbers. Not "Hundreds of thousands." I guess you got your counting skills from the same place the leftist forecaster who predicted 2 million dead by April did.

You tell me why you and the left are so obsessed. We are pointing out your hypocrisy and TDS. I don't care if he is worth hundreds of millions or billions. I don't care that he cheated on his wife. That is his sin to deal with and his wives to answer to. I do love how he has made you leftist Marxist dance around your ideology and laid you bare at your dogmatic idiocy.
Excess deaths are well above 200k.

And, unlike my republican friends here, I actually give a ******* about that and don't want to ******* myself or my grandmother for the glory of Dear Leader Trump.
Trump had the house and senate when he got elected. Why didn't he fix it like he said he would?

He did. It was hydroxychloroquine, then it was bleach. You don't remember Trump telling America to inject bleach? I do.

OK think about it. Don't you think they did the same to Trump as Obama's buddies did to him?. They too are are afraid they might not be able to get away with status quo!

So if he tells you to jump off the cliff would you do it. Again another flaw in the liberal mind. Personally I think for myself.
What death cult. Says the guy arguing from the left who promote abortions and ******* use.

It's the republicans who promote dangerous ******* use (for their own profits). Like this guy: https://www.latimes.com/business/la...ecutive-rochester-*******-20190423-story.html
This is why the republicans are a death cult. Hundreds of thousands of Americans dead, and all you can think about is "will the democrats use this to make Trump look bad?!?!?!!"

Why are people so obsessed with this mean fat old fuck. Just get rid of him and pick your new idol to worship
So Mr. Ridgeleyfan who do you propose should be the next President and why?
That's not what it says. What is says is:

Because Florida is out of capacity for ICU beds in a whole bunch of hospitals. That means that people die because of the lack of resources due to Covid. It's bad. Lots of people are dying. And the republican death cult failed to pin their abysmal response on China, and instead is trying to downplay it.

No you are contradicting your own quote. taking opinion as fact or attributing claims to it that it is not making.

“Part of deaths may be due to non-Covid conditions, things like heart attacks or cancer or stroke and those patients who were not able to receive care during the pandemic either because of fear of catching COVID in the hospital setting or hospitals that had to postpone care in order to create capacity to meet the need of COVID-19 cases,” Dr. Tsai said. “You have to understand both to understand the true cost of the pandemic.”

This is all conjecture and opinion. They have no idea what the reason is. Or they are not saying because it kills this opinion propaganda.
ICU beds are full. People are dying by the hundreds daily. And all you care about is how you can try to spin it so that Trump might look less bad.

You're in a death cult.
It's failed every randomized controlled trial they've tried it in. It doesn't work. Even if it did, Trump had no idea whether it did or not when he made it out to be a miracle cure.

Lol what moves to "fix" it? The only senate vote I remember was a blanket repeal, which was a straight up-and-down vote that got shut down when John McCain voted with the dems.

Well the fake ones it did And that was like tow trials right? This one it showed results.

Killed the mandate by EO. And that reduced my, and millions of others, premiums for the last 2 years and that is the first time ever.
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