Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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funny how you dodged all the really big points. You know the Dems are the party who fought to keep slaves, made up/enforced Jim Crow and still fight to prevent educational freedom, especially for inner city *******.
Interesting how you rely on the ancient history of politics to support your points ... you got any REAL POINTS that are post-dated AFTER the invention of the fik'n automobile & telephone?
Why can't you just admit that your current Republican party representative in Washington DC is a word-Bonehead.jpg. I mean he's flat-dab stupid ... He really, really really is a big word-Bonehead3.jpg.
Because one of the women who founded Black Lives Matter admitted it in a taped interviews they were Marxist. Then they linked all the BLM contributions to Think Blue a funding pac for rich white dems to get reelected.

And Marxist built the wall in Berlin then killed hundreds of millions of people. Then the Marxist killed tens of millions in SE Asia and who knows how many hundreds of millions In China.
Statetist government- number 1 killer of 19th, 20th and 21st.

Aren't you ignoring the numerous citizens who contribute to Republican pacs, ignoring the wealthy Trump supporters, Koch brothers, Heritage Foundation all working to elect rich white Republicans?

OR.....are you suggesting BLM and the Black populace should not have the right to support who we damn well please? As an American of African descent, the Republican party hasn't done a damn thing for me in decades, and that includes the only Black Republican senator, who is one of my representatives.
OR.....are you suggesting BLM and the Black populace should not have the right to support who we damn well please? As an American of African descent, the Republican party hasn't done a damn thing for me in decades, and that includes the only Black Republican senator, who is one of my representatives.

As someone who does not have ancestors who fought on either side of the civil war,

I do question the ability and willingness of both parties to represent black people adequately.

Black people make up 40% of the former Confederacy, and have never held anything like 40% of the political power and wealth.

They should form their own political party, and make efforts to recruit left wing whites, working class Hispanics, other minorities and Asians and Native Americans. Call it the People’s Party. (Yes, I know it sounds socialist, but in the first place most of the natural members of this party are working class folks.) Some rich black conservatives, some religious-extremist blacks will not join this party. Ditto for wealthy Asians and Hispanics. I think they have a natural 35% of the vote. If the PP avoids using rhetoric that the white working class hates (such as Reparations), they can go up to 50% of the vote.

If Blacks exited the Democrat party en masse in the South, the Democrats will collapse to 10% of the vote.

Not having to face a strong enemy would have a domino effect on the Republican party in the South. Republicans will quickly splinter between the Big Businesses, the Racist Rednecks, and the Religious Right. These three groups are currently in an unholy (pun intended) alliance.

Now the People’s Party will be the biggest party in the South. They will be the natural power brokers.

What have you guys to lose?
The way things are going, we're going to go from extreme right to extreme left, and most of us will not be better off.
This happened in the UK. Years of right wing govt led the left to nominate an extreme left leader, Corbyn. The British public wanted a centrist leader and the right ended up back in power because there was no appetite for left politics.
This happened in the UK. Years of right wing govt led the left to nominate an extreme left leader, Corbyn. The British public wanted a centrist leader and the right ended up back in power because there was no appetite for left politics.

Wasn't Labour's extremism what brought Thatcher to power too?
Years of welfare sent the economy into the dumps, discredited Labour and empowered a far right equivalent of Ronald Reagan to privatize everything except the losses of big banks.

Thatcher and Reagan are a pair who reinforced each other. If only one of these two leaders was far right, Anglo-American capitalism might not have turned out the way it did.
As someone who does not have ancestors who fought on either side of the civil war,

I do question the ability and willingness of both parties to represent black people adequately.

Black people make up 40% of the former Confederacy, and have never held anything like 40% of the political power and wealth.

They should form their own political party, and make efforts to recruit left wing whites, working class Hispanics, other minorities and Asians and Native Americans. Call it the People’s Party. (Yes, I know it sounds socialist, but in the first place most of the natural members of this party are working class folks.) Some rich black conservatives, some religious-extremist blacks will not join this party. Ditto for wealthy Asians and Hispanics. I think they have a natural 35% of the vote. If the PP avoids using rhetoric that the white working class hates (such as Reparations), they can go up to 50% of the vote.

If Blacks exited the Democrat party en masse in the South, the Democrats will collapse to 10% of the vote.

Not having to face a strong enemy would have a domino effect on the Republican party in the South. Republicans will quickly splinter between the Big Businesses, the Racist Rednecks, and the Religious Right. These three groups are currently in an unholy (pun intended) alliance.

Now the People’s Party will be the biggest party in the South. They will be the natural power brokers.

What have you guys to lose?
Unlike Europe, America will always be a dominate two party system. It's how the whole construct work. It was set up to have no parties. You're asking blacks to remove themselves from the political process for years. We have been there and done that. What we realize, like the Green Party, is that life will go on without you, and you be a spoiler party at best.
What has happened, is that blacks have collected decided to work the party system from the inside and it has brought much success. Not ALL, but a shitload more than when we were on the outside looking in. Black were almost 100% Republicans for the first 50 years post slavery, during the next 30, the beginnings of a switch began with the GOP taking them for granted and becoming more of a party of business, and the democrats proposing legislation that matters to their daily lives, anti-lynching laws, equal protection under law legislation, anti-poverty programs of Roosevelt, then over the next 20 years with the rise of the civil rights movement and legislation- and strong support from Northern Democrats and Democratic Presidents (Truman, Kennedy, Johnson) locked in the black vote from the Republicans. Since then, poverty has been cut by 70%, access to higher education, housing loans, business loans and employment have all been increased ten fold.
And, I am not sure if you noticed but, blacks are the power brokers in the Democratic Party. It's why the Republicans inherited many poor white rednecks.
Wasn't Labour's extremism what brought Thatcher to power too?
Years of welfare sent the economy into the dumps, discredited Labour and empowered a far right equivalent of Ronald Reagan to privatize everything except the losses of big banks.

Thatcher and Reagan are a pair who reinforced each other. If only one of these two leaders was far right, Anglo-American capitalism might not have turned out the way it did.
Yes. The UK was on its knees when thatcher came. She solved the union problem, shut down unprofitable nationalised industry, revitalised entrepreneurialism.
But she also destroyed vital strategic industries and ripped the heart out of our manufacturing base.
Pleas list what the Democrats have done for you - specifically.
It would be more fair AND interesting to just start two columns, one Democrat, the other Republican, and draw the side by side comparison. What YOU perceive as destructive that Democrats have done against minorities since the 1960's, and what Republicans HAVE done for minorities since the 1960's.
And probably look at where ****** integration started and who resisted it. It was your "walks on water" Reagan that really launched Republican hate for minorities ... and it hasn't stopped as of yet because of the party's solid buy-in to Supply-Side economics the past forty years. As usual, Republicans have just made it worse. NOW, they find themselves painted into a corner with their dictator and no place to go. Two thousand & twenty is going to be a really interesting election ... one of the most historic events of this young country's history.
Maybe, starting in February, with most of the Tea Party members gone, Republicans will return to a more moderate platform and sit down at the table, discard their "my way or the highway" attitudes, and actually TALK with moderate Democrats. The radicals & extremism (both parties) need to be eradicated ASAP!
Stay tuned, TwoBi! As bad as you think Biden & his administration may be, it certainly won't be equal to or worse than that we've just experienced the past four years. Hell, Trump never even got around to filling out his complete administration of middle management ... thousands of jobs left unfilled because he was so focused on himself. But, I do think the Democrats will stop the hemorrhaging Trump started.

PS ... welcome back TwoBi; you and I have usually always been able to chat.
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Trump's Friend in Moscow has apparently succeeded in manipulating recent Russian Elections to permit himself to remain in power well beyond the Term Limits set out in the Russian Constitution, so why should it be a surprise if Dear Donald were to attempt a similar coup?

Oh look Suby and all the other ChiCom apologist

  • The World Health Organization changed its coronavirus timeline to say that its China office first found out about the novel coronavirus from local reports on the "viral pneumonia," rather than from Chinese officials.
  • The revision, published June 30, comes as multiple reports found that China withheld key information about the coronavirus outbreak from the public and the WHO for several days.
  • For months, China has been accused of covering up its knowledge of the coronavirus in its early days, and the WHO of helping it do so. Both sides have repeatedly refuted these accusations.
"In the revision, published June 30, the WHO said that on December 31, 2019, "WHO's Country Office in the People's Republic of China picked up a media statement by the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission from their website on cases of 'viral pneumonia' in Wuhan, People's Republic of China."

That same day, the WHO's open-source intelligence platform also picked up a Chinese-language news report from Finance Sina, a Chinese outlet, about the same cluster of cases in Wuhan, attributed to a "pneumonia of unknown cause," the agency said.

The WHO requested further information about the reports from China the next day — on January 1, 2020 — but only got a response two days later, on January 3."

Can you say coverup? Guess the WHO figured out the US pays the bills. Not just empty pledges.
Pleas list what the Democrats have done for you - specifically.
Voting Act, the Civil Rights Act, Medicare, Fair Housing Act, Medicaid, Higher Education Act, Economic Opportunity Act and Model Cities Act were all part of uplifting ALL AMERICANS.
For Blacks in particular during the 1960s, median black family income rose 53 percent; black employment in professional, technical, and clerical occupations doubled; and average black educational attainment increased by four years.
The proportion of blacks below the poverty line fell from 55 percent in 1960 to 27 percent in 1968.
The black unemployment rate fell 34 percent!

Inside the party, Blacks have a real voice at the table of political power that you don't see in the Republican Party. Currently 53 members of the House of Representatives identify as black. 51 Democrats, 1 Republican, 1 Independent. In the Senate it's 2 Dems to 1 Republican. That's not the main representation, it's the behind the scenes stuff. The party platforms dedication to civil rights and voting rights, the officers, the former chairs.

Everybody knows the Republican party is much, much, much whiter. Their platform agenda reflects that. Just look at it.
Democrats are for more funding to the entities and issues that affects the daily lives of most blacks. But, what really keeps the republican black support from rising to about 30% (there are a lot of conservative black people), is the sort of footsie that the republicans play with White Supremacists and anti civil rights moves like the voter id and polling location issue. Most republicans are not racists, but 'overt' racists who vote and campaign, do not support democrats. There doesn't seem to be a lot of condemnation coming from the GOP unless asked.

So, there you have it in about three minutes.
Oh look Suby and all the other ChiCom apologist

  • The World Health Organization changed its coronavirus timeline to say that its China office first found out about the novel coronavirus from local reports on the "viral pneumonia," rather than from Chinese officials.
  • The revision, published June 30, comes as multiple reports found that China withheld key information about the coronavirus outbreak from the public and the WHO for several days.
  • For months, China has been accused of covering up its knowledge of the coronavirus in its early days, and the WHO of helping it do so. Both sides have repeatedly refuted these accusations.
"In the revision, published June 30, the WHO said that on December 31, 2019, "WHO's Country Office in the People's Republic of China picked up a media statement by the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission from their website on cases of 'viral pneumonia' in Wuhan, People's Republic of China."

That same day, the WHO's open-source intelligence platform also picked up a Chinese-language news report from Finance Sina, a Chinese outlet, about the same cluster of cases in Wuhan, attributed to a "pneumonia of unknown cause," the agency said.

The WHO requested further information about the reports from China the next day — on January 1, 2020 — but only got a response two days later, on January 3."

Can you say coverup? Guess the WHO figured out the US pays the bills. Not just empty pledges.
China manipulated the WHO just like they do the rest of the world everyday.
People need to really take notice to China. Look at their actions in Africa and the Asian Continent. So much control over resources and people. Look at their money and where it goes in the Middle East. Watch what they do to Hong Kong. If I was in Australia or New Zealand I would get the hell out. China has lied, manipulated and bought it's way to an adversarial position to us and we are talking about one test virus. A test that we are failing bigley.
Re: China's investment in Africa:

They're still not the largest investor, but their economic influence on the world is definitely increasing at the same time the US is becoming more isolationist.
I'd be happy with @cpl2010co explaining why the current KKK endorsed Donald Trump. Is it because he's a secret Democrat? Inquiring minds want to know.

That would be a question you would have to ask the KKK. Since you Marxist dems are the only people who think they have anything important to say.

Is it that coming home feeling that keeps you Dems so focused on KKK? Do they speak to your soul? Do you feel their words deep in your heart? Are they your happy place?
What? Do you have brain damage? I wasn't the one that brought up the KKK. I was responding to the claim that the current DNC is somehow linked to the KKK because the DNC of 1910 had a grand dragon in it or something.
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