Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I'm fairly cognitive. That's how I can spot someone trying to fake their way through an argument. Marxism is an economic philosophy. There is not one theory but the central tenet seems to be that capitalism is flawed. It is, or we wouldn't have to regulate it or bail it out every few years.

Getting rid of statues of oppressors, and reeling in the police state is what emerging and solid democracies do. It's usually the first thing people do when they are freed from an oppressive government.


Definition of

Marxism: the political, economic, and social principles and policies advocated by Marx especially : a theory and practice of socialism (see socialism sense 3) including the labor theory of value, dialectical materialism, the class struggle, and dictatorship of the proletariat until the establishment of a classless society

The primacy real world tenant of Marxism is put everyone under the control of a government that the Marxist/Communist/ Socialists/ Democrat Socialists/Fascists control.

The way they achieve that is to exploit history or culture to pit small 'minority' groups against each other keeping all in a constant state of fear and chaos. As these 'minority' groups are fearful the Marxist use violence to overload the system. Then the Marxist start making speeches and gin up a Propaganda push, often with the help of the media, to say "Look the government can't protect you and your history/policies are bad." And, "We can make everyone equal and give you all you need." They usually have the teachers on board, but they will all end up in a pit covered in lye after the Marxist take control.

To gain power they always push cultural slights or rifts between minority groups.
They always try to erase common history, so does Isis.
They will attack culture exploiting pain points to foment mistrust and violence.
They will always promise a new better history of 'equality' and on and on
They will always need a monster- the rich, the Jews, the Chinese, royalty, the Whites.
They always attack and marginalize religion.
They always seek gun control.
They always use unions and control education.

They are almost always propagated in 'liberal' universities and quasi "intellectual' are always the easiest used. And then are always first shot once Marxist are in power.

Sound familiar, It should. It is the actions and talking points of the Democrat party and their orbiting groups and NGOs.
What? Do you have brain damage? I wasn't the one that brought up the KKK. I was responding to the claim that the current DNC is somehow linked to the KKK because the DNC of 1910 had a grand dragon in it or something.

No the DNC of 2010. And today.

Your dem party had 2 Grand Dragons of the KKK serve as leadership until 2007 and 2010. When one retired in 2010, the current leadership of the democrats praised him as a wonderful human and a great leader who lead the dem party to what they are.

If you actually read and could comprehend more than "orange man bad" you would see that I have highlighted a long historical time line of the dems. A time line showing a long and racist history of the democrats that still lingers today.
Voting Act, the Civil Rights Act, Medicare, Fair Housing Act, Medicaid, Higher Education Act, Economic Opportunity Act and Model Cities Act were all part of uplifting ALL AMERICANS.
For Blacks in particular during the 1960s, median black family income rose 53 percent; black employment in professional, technical, and clerical occupations doubled; and average black educational attainment increased by four years.
The proportion of blacks below the poverty line fell from 55 percent in 1960 to 27 percent in 1968.
The black unemployment rate fell 34 percent!

Inside the party, Blacks have a real voice at the table of political power that you don't see in the Republican Party. Currently 53 members of the House of Representatives identify as black. 51 Democrats, 1 Republican, 1 Independent. In the Senate it's 2 Dems to 1 Republican. That's not the main representation, it's the behind the scenes stuff. The party platforms dedication to civil rights and voting rights, the officers, the former chairs.

Everybody knows the Republican party is much, much, much whiter. Their platform agenda reflects that. Just look at it.
Democrats are for more funding to the entities and issues that affects the daily lives of most blacks. But, what really keeps the republican black support from rising to about 30% (there are a lot of conservative black people), is the sort of footsie that the republicans play with White Supremacists and anti civil rights moves like the voter id and polling location issue. Most republicans are not racists, but 'overt' racists who vote and campaign, do not support democrats. There doesn't seem to be a lot of condemnation coming from the GOP unless asked.

So, there you have it in about three minutes.

If this is true. Not arguing the numbers, arguing your assertions.

Why do we have the same pain points and complaints that we had in the 70s and many in the 60s? And no it is not the republicans.
And probably look at where ****** integration started and who resisted it. It was your "walks on water" Reagan that really launched Republican hate for minorities ... and it hasn't stopped as of yet because of the party's solid buy-in to Supply-Side economics the past forty years. As usual, Republicans have just made it worse. NOW, they find themselves painted into a corner with their dictator and no place to go. Two thousand & twenty is going to be a really interesting election ... one of the most historic events of this young country's history.

No, it started with Nixon's "southern Manifesto" which included the introduction of the war on crime, as well as the war on *******, as well as the incorporation of the southern Democrats (who previously labeled THEMSELVES as Dixiecrats) into the Republican party.

In regards to Reagan and supply side economics, it was more accurately identified as "trickle down economics"-let the rich make money and decide what crumbs the citizenry scrambled for....notably his union busting efforts which directly influenced the disparity between CEO and employee wages. Once upon a time, American corporations were valued for their products and innovations....now only for their dividends.
No the DNC of 2010. And today.

Your dem party had 2 Grand Dragons of the KKK serve as leadership until 2007 and 2010. When one retired in 2010, the current leadership of the democrats praised him as a wonderful human and a great leader who lead the dem party to what they are.

If you actually read and could comprehend more than "orange man bad" you would see that I have highlighted a long historical time line of the dems. A time line showing a long and racist history of the democrats that still lingers today.

Yay so you admit that you're the one that can't stop talking about the KKK, not me.

So why did the KKK endorse Trump?
Voting Act, the Civil Rights Act, Medicare, Fair Housing Act, Medicaid, Higher Education Act, Economic Opportunity Act and Model Cities Act were all part of uplifting ALL AMERICANS.
For Blacks in particular during the 1960s, median black family income rose 53 percent; black employment in professional, technical, and clerical occupations doubled; and average black educational attainment increased by four years.
The proportion of blacks below the poverty line fell from 55 percent in 1960 to 27 percent in 1968.
The black unemployment rate fell 34 percent!

Inside the party, Blacks have a real voice at the table of political power that you don't see in the Republican Party. Currently 53 members of the House of Representatives identify as black. 51 Democrats, 1 Republican, 1 Independent. In the Senate it's 2 Dems to 1 Republican. That's not the main representation, it's the behind the scenes stuff. The party platforms dedication to civil rights and voting rights, the officers, the former chairs.

Everybody knows the Republican party is much, much, much whiter. Their platform agenda reflects that. Just look at it.
Democrats are for more funding to the entities and issues that affects the daily lives of most blacks. But, what really keeps the republican black support from rising to about 30% (there are a lot of conservative black people), is the sort of footsie that the republicans play with White Supremacists and anti civil rights moves like the voter id and polling location issue. Most republicans are not racists, but 'overt' racists who vote and campaign, do not support democrats. There doesn't seem to be a lot of condemnation coming from the GOP unless asked.

So, there you have it in about three minutes.

Oh that's right, they dangled carrots in front of you. 40 years later you are still in poverty, still being incarcerated in large numbers, still being killed off via abortions, still being treated as if you "need the white man" to make policies for you because minorities are "incapable".
I'll ask again, do you want special treatment - or treated equal?
It would be more fair AND interesting to just start two columns, one Democrat, the other Republican, and draw the side by side comparison. What YOU perceive as destructive that Democrats have done against minorities since the 1960's, and what Republicans HAVE done for minorities since the 1960's.
Don't think they have really done anything "against" them. Just nothing "for" them except exploiting their loyalty. Republicans treat them as equals, so no, the don't make policies to give them special treatment.

Reagan? lol how about pointing the finger at the ones still in office, and has been for many many years.

The radicals & extremism (both parties) need to be eradicated ASAP!
Stay tuned, TwoBi! As bad as you think Biden & his administration may be, it certainly won't be equal to or worse than that we've just experienced the past four years. Hell, Trump never even got around to filling out his complete administration of middle management ... thousands of jobs left unfilled because he was so focused on himself. But, I do think the Democrats will stop the hemorrhaging Trump started.
Don't forget Kenya West! :ROFLMAO:
PS ... welcome back TwoBi; you and I have usually always been able to chat.
I've been enjoying the fuck out of isolation that has sent me into early retirement!
Have much more important things to do. (and by important, I mean "fun")

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, ultimately signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, a Democrat, was filibustered by Democratic Senator and former KKK member Robert Byrd which led many Southern Democrats to vote for Barry Goldwater at the national level.

And spare me the BS about the two parties "flipping".
Despite an 83-day filibuster in the Senate, both parties in Congress voted overwhelmingly in favor of the Act (Democrats 47–16, Republicans 30–2), and President Johnson signed the bill into law.

Those 16 democrats either later apologized (like Byrd) or switched parties (like Thurmond)
Despite an 83-day filibuster in the Senate, both parties in Congress voted overwhelmingly in favor of the Act (Democrats 47–16, Republicans 30–2), and President Johnson signed the bill into law.

Those 16 democrats either later apologized (like Byrd) or switched parties (like Thurmond)

Your point?
Are you trying to convince me that the parties flipped based on one or two people or are you agreeing that, as a whole, neither party is racist, rather only a few within those parties.

Lol you dumb ass.

Try actually reading anything by Marx ever.

“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by ******* if necessary.”

Karl Marx, March, 1850

Marx was a hysterical fool that died in 1883.

We are talking about Marxist. You know the ones that account for 100s of millions of deaths in the 20th and start of the 21st Century. None of them actually care what Marx said, they only care about taking his Bullshit to get pseudo "intellectuals" like you to serve your role as useful idiots to take power.
Which party did Strom Thurmond join again after the "Dixiecrats" got creamed?

Wait don't you have anything else to argue. Yes Strom Thurmond changed parties and was a Republicans' voted into power and kept there by the same voters in the same district. At the same time the rest of the Republicans were voting in the Civil Rights bill. So now what?

But here is where you look like the fool you are. There were only 2 of the 19 Dixiecrats that changed parties. The rest stayed in the democrat party. And two of those 19 were both grand dragons of the kkk. And they both were leadership in the democrat party until 2010 and 2007.

Again the party that fought to keep slaves, jim crow, segregation, and KKK, along with now trying to keep poor minority students in failing schools.
It really shorts your circuits when someone disagrees with you but doesn't give a ******* about democrats, doesn't it?

You're really used to arguing with liberals apparently. I am not a liberal.

Well you sure do argue as one, act like one and think like one. You sure seem to want to defend a racist Democrat party.
We are talking about Marxist. You know the ones that account for 100s of millions of deaths in the 20th and start of the 21st Century. None of them actually care what Marx said, they only care about taking his Bullshit to get pseudo "intellectuals" like you to serve your role as useful idiots to take power.

Oh I get it, you're the one who decides who is Marxist, and you decide who gets the blame for all deaths under any nominally communist government.

Let's do capitalism!
  • Genocide of natives of the western hemisphere: 130 million
  • Deaths due to famines in India during British occupation: 40 million
  • Aparthied-related deaths in Africa: 30 million
  • Congo free state: 10 million
  • If you want something more recent, Pinochet (US-backed capitalist general) purged (executed or "disappeared") about 40000

Since I get to assign blame, I guess I pick you. You, as a capitalist, are responsible for all these deaths.
Well you sure do argue as one, act like one and think like one. You sure seem to want to defend a racist Democrat party.

You're clutching at the straws handed to you by Fox News and Breitbart when you try to deflect from having an obviously racist president by pointing a finger at the democrats and saying "nuh, uh, they're the real racists!"

It's childish and lazy and dumb. Think for yourself.
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