Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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People are too emotional about the police in America.
US police are sometimes ******* and often rude, but they are not the Gestapo or the South African Apartheid Polisie.
In your opinion. But, once we allow them to get to that level, we are fucked.

My ancestors came from a part of the world where the police were genuinely less than useful, and a huge threat to your personal safety.
For some of us, that's exactly what's been going on for decades. Hence the frustration blown. It is not only about an individual being murdered on video.
French Revolution?
Fall of the Wall in 1989?
The 1960s-70s?
You tell me? Write more than 15 words.

Right out of the Marxist playbook - 2 of the leaders of Black Lives Matter have admitted to being “trained Marxists”. I’ll write as many words as I need. I believe in economy of verbiage ;}
Right out of the Marxist playbook - 2 of the leaders of Black Lives Matter have admitted to being “trained Marxists”. I’ll write as many words as I need. I believe in economy of verbiage ;}
What part of the Marxist playbook are you referring to?
Right out of the Marxist playbook - 2 of the leaders of Black Lives Matter have admitted to being “trained Marxists”. I’ll write as many words as I need. I believe in economy of verbiage ;}
Marxist were for the Fall of the Berlin Wall? Or, Civil Rights? Or the overthrow of the Monarchy?
Come on, explain yourself. How are these movements Marxist?
Tearing down statues and trying to get rid of police is how Marxist movements start - I know you are not obtuse Ed.
Tearing down statues and trying to get rid of police is how Marxist movements start - I know you are not obtuse Ed.
I'm fairly cognitive. That's how I can spot someone trying to fake their way through an argument. Marxism is an economic philosophy. There is not one theory but the central tenet seems to be that capitalism is flawed. It is, or we wouldn't have to regulate it or bail it out every few years.

Getting rid of statues of oppressors, and reeling in the police state is what emerging and solid democracies do. It's usually the first thing people do when they are freed from an oppressive government.
I assume you do recall he fathered a bi-racial baby and refused to to acknowledge the kid.

Getting (unwillingly) pregnant is one of my lifetime nightmares. I'm very allergic to men who don't take responsibility. Writing a check (like S--T did) is not taking responsibility in my book.
I'm fairly cognitive. That's how I can spot someone trying to fake their way through an argument. Marxism is an economic philosophy. There is not one theory but the central tenet seems to be that capitalism is flawed. It is, or we wouldn't have to regulate it or bail it out every few years.

Getting rid of statues of oppressors, and reeling in the police state is what emerging and solid democracies do. It's usually the first thing people do when they are freed from an oppressive government.

Explain why 2 of the leaders of Black Lives Matter characterized themselves as “trained Marxists” as our statues of both heroes and supposed villains fall. Yes you are very cognitive.
Explain why 2 of the leaders of Black Lives Matter characterized themselves as “trained Marxists” as our statues of both heroes and supposed villains fall. Yes you are very cognitive.
1. The interview that was dug up, is five years old. So, there are not statues falling as trained Marxists storm the palace. Most of these people were not even aware of BLM then. These statues are coming down because America, that's right, America is realizing, they've only been sharing a partial history.
2. "Supposed villains"?
Confederates were anti-American. They were against the Constitution and structure of the United States, and killed hundreds of thousands troops fighting for the United States.
We don't honor traitors. Period. Many of those monuments went up as a symbol of defiance to blacks and the north long after the fall of the Confederacy.
From pandering to Putin to abusing allies and ignoring his own advisers, Trump's phone calls alarm US officials!
Marxist were for the Fall of the Berlin Wall? Or, Civil Rights? Or the overthrow of the Monarchy?
Come on, explain yourself. How are these movements Marxist?

Because one of the women who founded Black Lives Matter admitted it in a taped interviews they were Marxist. Then they linked all the BLM contributions to Think Blue a funding pac for rich white dems to get reelected.

And Marxist built the wall in Berlin then killed hundreds of millions of people. Then the Marxist killed tens of millions in SE Asia and who knows how many hundreds of millions In China.

Statetist government- number 1 killer of 19th, 20th and 21st.
I thought Strom Thurmond had the record for longest-ever Filibuster (SC history ftw). I believe it was protesting the Civil Rights Act.

After failing the filibuster to moderate republicans and the LBJ-led democratic government, his first act:

Switch parties to Republican.

Yep He did. One of only 3 of the 19 Dixiecrats to actually change parties, but in states that stayed under Dem rule until 1990s. Funny how Al Gore Sr was a "Dixiecrat' and stayed Democrat. Along with Grand Dragon of the KKK Robert Byrd, a leader in the Dem party until the 2000s

Also funny how you dodged all the really big points. You know the Dems are the party who fought to keep slaves, made up/enforced Jim Crow and still fight to prevent educational freedom, especially for inner city *******.
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