Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I'm gonna wade in here for a sec with this article

Face, meet palm.

This is absolutely terrible. The solution to bad policing is good policing. Not no policing. Now these woke folks don't even want to call the police when guns are being pulled on them.

Right now Biden has a strong lead in the polls.
He's an ok guy, could be a good president.
I'm just hoping Biden can hold off the extreme left. The way things are going, we're going to go from extreme right to extreme left, and most of us will not be better off.
But less people will die.
What kind of insane misguided soul lives in the US and thinks that police will help you if you're a victim of a crime.

Someone who has never interacted with the police, that's who.
Gov. Murphy Calls on Paterson Councilmen Charged in Voting Fraud Scheme to Step Down

For some reason their party is not referenced ten times. So they must be democrats.
Or, like a lot of cities, it's a non partisan office.
Can’t wait to see a big Dem city with no police - “Escape from New York” comes to mind :|
Understand that no one is pushing forth to abolish the police. Just to change policing practices. To remove 'social work' part of the job.
Not what I have been seeing - I believe the ******* rate has increased greatly in NYC now.

Tearing down statues and trying to get rid of police - whose playbook does that remind you of ????
What kind of insane misguided soul lives in the US and thinks that police will help you if you're a victim of a crime.

Someone who has never interacted with the police, that's who.

People are too emotional about the police in America.
US police are sometimes ******* and often rude, but they are not the Gestapo or the South African Apartheid Polisie.

My ancestors came from a part of the world where the police were genuinely less than useful, and a huge threat to your personal safety. So I was brought up to be extremely polite and respectful to the police.

My upbringing did pay off. I could walk past some unruly event, police would be arresting white and black girls, and they never bothered me.
My ancestors came from a part of the world where we had a successful revolution over a heavy-handed government insisting they could quarter troops in peoples' homes and raise taxes to fund military and police actions.

Of course, now we're largely reduced to authority-loving bootlickers.
People are too emotional about the police in America.
US police are sometimes ******* and often rude, but they are not the Gestapo or the South African Apartheid Polisie.

I have had my tense moments with authority figures. But that's usually when crossing borders. I have a face that doesn't quite fit people's expectations when they see my official name, so I get questioned aggressively. More than once I have been taken to a separate room, practically strip searched, ****** to surrender my phone, my textbooks (yes, textbooks!) examined as though they were bomb making manuals, that kind of uncomfortable stuff.

But in situations where I don't have to show ID, law enforcement agencies don't pick on me.

I think it's the eye contact. I don't give the police nasty looks. Nor do I look shifty and avoid them. I look at them as normal people, so they don't treat me like a suspect or a perp.

Really don't understand why people have such hatred of police in the USA. As the saying goes, 9-11 was entirely caused by Muslims, but you don't blame all Muslims as terrorists. Even though there are many police ******* cases, you shouldn't blame all police as brutes.
As I've said many times, Trump's his own worst enemy. He'll screw up bunches of times between now and election day. Here's another one as of this weekend ....

He's awesome, isn't he? Most of us couldn't fuck up deliberately as much as this idiot fucks up daily, accidently. Bull in a china shop mentality.
You Dems are a HOOT !!!!! :LOL:

They really are keystone cops. They keep trying to sell the fake ass Trump, right wing bad narrative, but they seem to forget that
- Dem Congressmen, Senators and, Current Dem Leaders have been in Congress for decade- 30 and 40.
- Dems had super majorities 5 times since the 30s- yet didn't fix these issues. Kept using them, but never fixed them for some reason- Keep Power
- Hold the record for the longest filibuster- Filibustering the Civil Rights Act
- They are the party that fought to keep slaves, made Jim Crow, and keep trying to stop Black Families from moving to better schools.
- Dems 'forget' they had grand dragons (more than 1) of the KKK as leaders and members into the 2000s and might still.
- That all these places with "racist" cops were Dem control- Mayor, city council- Chief and Unions- Training all controlled for long periods of time, by Dems and only Dems.

but they sure keep trying to sell that fake ass narrative of projecting what they are onto the right. That is a long standing tactic of Marxist.
I thought Strom Thurmond had the record for longest-ever Filibuster (SC history ftw). I believe it was protesting the Civil Rights Act.

After failing the filibuster to moderate republicans and the LBJ-led democratic government, his first act:

Switch parties to Republican.
As I've said many times, Trump's his own worst enemy. He'll screw up bunches of times between now and election day. Here's another one as of this weekend ....

He's awesome, isn't he? Most of us couldn't fuck up deliberately as much as this idiot fucks up daily, accidently. Bull in a china shop mentality.

I do not think this is a fuck up. If this was a 15 year old kid, it might be a fuck up. Trump is in his 70s, very media savvy and well supported by a staff of right wing toadies. It's intended. He posts it, then he removes it.
I thought Strom Thurmond had the record for longest-ever Filibuster (SC history ftw). I believe it was protesting the Civil Rights Act.

After failing the filibuster to moderate republicans and the LBJ-led democratic government, his first act:

Switch parties to Republican.

Thurmond is one of the worst ever scumbags. Apart from his racism and his hypocrisy, I also knew someone who worked for him, and apparently he was sexually harassing congressional staff in his 90s, even when he was in a wheelchair.

I told that girl, if I had been there, I'd have accidentally spilled boiling water on his crotch.
Not what I have been seeing - I believe the ******* rate has increased greatly in NYC now.

Tearing down statues and trying to get rid of police - whose playbook does that remind you of ????
French Revolution?
Fall of the Wall in 1989?
The 1960s-70s?
You tell me? Write more than 15 words.
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