Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Because the point of the studies was to understand the demographics and the responses of people to voter ID laws, not to count people who are registered but without ID (that's why there's a little citation there for the study that did count them).

"Then add in that both your 'sources' written by hard left Democrats"
Prove it.

" So that 600K number at the least is disproved by your more current sources."
Not in the least.

Now, where is your study showing the democrats engaged in widespread voter fraud?

Or do you admit you're full of *******?

you need to learn...….you can't have a battle of wits with an unarmed man
trump appointed that Kansas dingbat to find them all and prove illegal voting....found a handful!
trump and company likes to make that assertion but never been proved

AP FACT CHECK: Trump's rhetoric on voter fraud is misleading
Nov 12, 2018 · Trump often asserts that voter fraud is a significant issue, but has not provided evidence of consequential fraud. After the 2016 election, Trump convened a commission to investigate potential voting fraud, after alleging repeatedly and without evidence that fraud cost him the popular vote. Trump won the Electoral College.

Voter suppression is at the heart of Trump's reelection ...
May 07, 2020 · Voter suppression is at the heart of Trump's reelection strategy - opinion Voter suppression, a longtime Republican hallmark, is being taken to a higher level by Trump.

Election Fraud Is Real – and It Involves a Republican
After years of the GOP warning about election fraud and prescribing voter suppression, the first documented fraud case in a long time turns out to involve North Carolina Republicans doing things ...
Now here is perfect proof of begging the question while also using a strawman, again.

You clearly don't know what those words mean. Look them up before you post about them again.

Here is the fact. I don't have to. You have proven and admitted there is voter/election fraud. More than once. So the strawman with the NC still does not absolve you of admitting their is voter/election fraud. More than once.

I agreed that the GOP committed ballot fraud. Voter ID laws would very obviously not stop them from doing that.

You said that the democrats committed "voter/election fraud" (which is it?), without proof, while claiming that you had posted proof even though you never have.

So you admit you're a liar who is full of *******. Thanks.
You clearly don't know what those words mean. Look them up before you post about them again.

I agreed that the GOP committed ballot fraud. Voter ID laws would very obviously not stop them from doing that.

You said that the democrats committed "voter/election fraud" (which is it?), without proof, while claiming that you had posted proof even though you never have.

So you admit you're a liar who is full of *******. Thanks.

You are very ill informed and ducking the questions.
You didn't ask me any questions, jackass.

How about don't post at me again until you have proof of your #1 core assertion that your whole argument rests on -- show me evidence of widespread democratic voter fraud committed by individuals who are pretending to be other registered voters.
You didn't ask me any questions, jackass.

How about don't post at me again until you have proof of your #1 core assertion that your whole argument rests on -- show me evidence of widespread democratic voter fraud committed by individuals who are pretending to be other registered voters.
How about you look back at the last 20 or so posts you will find the questions at least 3 times
How about don't post at a me again until you have evidence of widespread democratic voter fraud committed by individuals who are pretending to be other registered voters.
You didn't ask me any questions, jackass.

How about don't post at me again until you have proof of your #1 core assertion that your whole argument rests on -- show me evidence of widespread democratic voter fraud committed by individuals who are pretending to be other registered voters.

And to ******* your argument for good

  1. The vote fraud that Democrats refuse to see
    Jul 14, 2017 · The Heritage Foundation’s non-exhaustive survey confirms, since 2000, at least 742 criminal vote-fraud convictions. North Carolina announced in …
  2. Voter Fraud Is Real—Here's How Democrats Want to Steal the ...
    He was convicted of absentee ballot fraud, removed from office and sentenced to one year in prison. The biggest way to expand voter fraud is to expand voting by mail. And Democrats want to impose
  3. https://ballotpedia.org/ACORN_and_voter_registration_fraud
Those are opinion pieces, genius. One of by Newt fucking Gingrich.

I know it's hard for someone who never went to school to understand, but an opinion piece is not a study, and it's not evidence.
Also fucking LOL. From the Gingrich piece:

"In 2016, for example, Elbert Melton, the former mayor of Gordon, Alabama, illegally notarized two ballots, without witnesses present, while running for re-election. Melton won the race by only 16 votes—many local and state races are decided by such small margins. He was convicted of absentee ballot fraud, removed from office and sentenced to one year in prison."

So which is it @cpl2010co, are 2 votes significant, or are 14k votes insignificant?

That's literally the only example dear Newt could come up with. Two. Votes.

And it was ballot fraud, which, surprise, voter ID laws do jack ******* about.
Also fucking LOL. From the Gingrich piece:

"In 2016, for example, Elbert Melton, the former mayor of Gordon, Alabama, illegally notarized two ballots, without witnesses present, while running for re-election. Melton won the race by only 16 votes—many local and state races are decided by such small margins. He was convicted of absentee ballot fraud, removed from office and sentenced to one year in prison."

So which is it @cpl2010co, are 2 votes significant, or are 14k votes insignificant?


You are ducking and running I argued and you confirmed there is voter fraud.
Source 3- 21 states Acron that only benefited and was paid for by Democrats'.
Acorn did nothing wrong. Sending in a registration card twice isn't voting fraud.

You are so full of *******. 14,000 votes are insignificant. 2 votes, however, are totally significant.
Acorn did nothing wrong. Sending in a registration card twice isn't voting fraud.

You are so full of *******. 14,000 votes are insignificant. 2 votes, however, are totally significant.

You are dodging and running. You know if you answer my questions this bullshit argument is dead.

Well if they didn't do anything wrong then why did people get convicted and the org was closed by the feds?

14k is nothing in a population of 8.9 million. Again 0.060%. And the number is bullshit.
And again, 3 Remedies including option on election day to clear the voter to cast ballot.

So again. You have no impact and no cause of harm. There is no legal standing to strike the law.
Lol, no. He used fake news to get their funding cut, but dozens of investigations (wasted resources) proved they did nothing wrong

"The edited videos were published on Andrew Breitbart's website BigGovernment.com from September through November 2009. They generated extensive, negative publicity for ACORN, and led to the U.S. Census Bureau and the IRS ending their contracts with ACORN, the U.S. Congress suspending its funding,[9] and ACORN losing most of its private funding. This was despite several independent investigations that by December 2009 began to reveal no criminal activity by ACORN staff had taken place.[8][10][11][12][13][14][15]"
Lol, no. He used fake news to get their funding cut, but dozens of investigations (wasted resources) proved they did nothing wrong

"The edited videos were published on Andrew Breitbart's website BigGovernment.com from September through November 2009. They generated extensive, negative publicity for ACORN, and led to the U.S. Census Bureau and the IRS ending their contracts with ACORN, the U.S. Congress suspending its funding,[9] and ACORN losing most of its private funding. This was despite several independent investigations that by December 2009 began to reveal no criminal activity by ACORN staff had taken place.[8][10][11][12][13][14][15]"

You running and dodging. Trying to strawman and as you like to say begging the question.
There is fraud. Now answer the questions.
I can't believe you're still buying into the Acorn fake news BS. O'Keefe is a convicted criminal who has built an entire career based on lies that were shopped around on Breitbart.

I guess you stopped reading Breitbart in 2009 after they fired Milo for his ******* weirdness
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