Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Bunker Boy would be Joe Biden.

Staying right where his party wants him - mostly outta sight in his basement. Poor ole Uncle Joe can’t seem to hold on to a thought these days “you know the thing” - excellent presidential stock so thinks the Dems :}
Lol do you just swing at everyone regardless of context? I kind of appreciate that in a perverse way. Some people punch up, some punch down, some people just punch anywhere and everywhere, lmao.
I've got to quit responding on these forums at 3AM in the morning, ridgelyfan ... I meant that for blkdlaur. My sincerest apologies ... I did something similar to subhub as well ... probably the same night. I deleted the comment.
Joe Biden's Chances of Winning Election Jump 6 Points in One Week: Forecast - Trump's chances of winning = 15%
As much as I HOPE you are RIGHT ... that 15% does not figure for the dishonesty factor, actually. It assumes a normal election, and we all know this will not be normal ... Trump's getting Russian help again, I'm sure, plus a lot of Republicans in Congress are doing their own thing at keeping their own jobs. Our NC Gen Assembly is as crooked as they get ... worst in the entire US, actually.
I'm hoping Trump won't back out of the debates with Biden ... and I'm afraid he will back out of most of them. Biden has a "soft touch" about him, not aggressive like Obama, but if he debates Trump, he's got to get aggressive ... EVERYTHING! That's where H Clinton went wrong.
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The elite military club that's scorning Trump!
I get the feeling him sacking that carrier captain didn't go down too well in military circles?
Nice to see a Dem HAVE to accept their fallibility - generally they do NOT !!!!!
You see, blkdlaur, you still aren't figuring in the Trump factor yourself ... you never know from day to day what Trump is going to do or say. There's a lot of days between now and the election; Trump will fuck up at least another dozen or so times ... I figure once every two weeks for a "real" fuck up. So, in reality you're not any better off ... Trump's needing the economy & stock market to recover so he can claim the "great savior" routine again. Republican states bite at anything he says. For example, even in the Republican states with rising covid-19 cases, he's convinced them to say "yeah, covid-19 cases are rising again BUT we're more prepared for it this time. Idiots ... lives lost over intent to restart economy.
You see, blkdlaur, you still aren't figuring in the Trump factor yourself ... you never know from day to day what Trump is going to do or say. There's a lot of days between now and the election; Trump will fuck up at least another dozen or so times ... I figure once every two weeks for a "real" fuck up. So, in reality you're not any better off ... Trump's needing the economy & stock market to recover so he can claim the "great savior" routine again. Republican states bite at anything he says. For example, even in the Republican states with rising covid-19 cases, he's convinced them to say "yeah, covid-19 cases are rising again BUT we're more prepared for it this time. Idiots ... lives lost over intent to restart economy.

But protests with huge masses of crowds is ok - right ???
But protests with huge masses of crowds is ok - right ???
Where did I say that? Another assumption, right? Absolutely NOT ... all its done is infect a bunch more who will go and infect others at their own homes BEFORE the virus appears in them and puts them in the hospital. The marchers, for the most part, used masks, but there were lots that didn't ... makes no difference, what we're probably looking at now is a virus that's going to be stronger in Nov-Dec than even now. Meaning that our time with our families during those holidays will be ruined. We're never missed sharing our holidays with our parents, etc ... but this year we may not be able to be with our parents at Christmas or Thanksgiving.
The virus is gaining most ground currently in middle America and Florida (who juiced their numbers to re-open early). I'm not sure the protests have made much of a dent; at least in NYC the decline / recovery has been pretty steady.
Bunker Boy already made his play. It was to teargas priests across the street from the White House so he could use the front of their church for a photo op.

Somehow this went over even worse than telling America to ******* bleach.

Secret Service now says it did use pepper spray to clear protesters during the Trump church photo op

WASHINGTON — The United States Secret Service said Saturday that one of their agents had used pepper spray to clear protesters from Lafayette Square ahead of President Donald Trump's photo op, reversing an earlier statement claiming that no one from the agency had done so.

On June 5, the U.S. Secret Service released information that the agency had concluded that no agency personnel used tear gas or capsicum spray during efforts to secure the area near Lafayette Park on Monday, June 1, based on the record and information available at that time," the Secret Service said in a statement shared on Twitter.

"Since that time, the agency has learned that one agency employee used capsicum spray (i.e., pepper spray) during that effort," the statement continued.

The Secret Service said that the agent used pepper spray "in response to an assaultive individual."

The Secret Service statement is the latest reversal from a law enforcement agency on what happened on the evening of June 1 outside the White House grounds. Statements from law enforcement officials have frequently contradicted what protesters and on-the-ground reporters say happened and what many people witnessed happen on live TV.

Fox News Removes Altered Photos of Seattle Protest Zone ...
6 hours ago · Fox News Removes Altered Photos of Seattle Protest Zone Fox News has removed digitally altered photos from its website after the Seattle …

Fox News removes altered photos of Seattle protest zone
2 hours ago · SEATTLE (AP) — Fox News has removed digitally altered photos from its website after the Seattle Times on Friday noted misleading images used in the network's coverage about a Seattle ...

Fox News Removes Altered Photo of Seattle Protests From ...
4 hours ago · Fox News has removed a digitally altered photo that claimed to be from protests in Seattle when it was actually a combination of pictures from different cities.. On Friday, Fox News posted a photo ...
Where did I say that? Another assumption, right? Absolutely NOT ... all its done is infect a bunch more who will go and infect others at their own homes BEFORE the virus appears in them and puts them in the hospital. The marchers, for the most part, used masks, but there were lots that didn't ... makes no difference, what we're probably looking at now is a virus that's going to be stronger in Nov-Dec than even now. Meaning that our time with our families during those holidays will be ruined. We're never missed sharing our holidays with our parents, etc ... but this year we may not be able to be with our parents at Christmas or Thanksgiving.

he is a trumptard……...they don't have a lick of sense....only what another trumptard tells them
That's NOT the point, cpl. The point is, the Republicans attached a ******* load of other voting changes to affect voting ...
• No Party-line voting​
• Cutting hours, locations, number of booths operating​
• No same day registrations & voting​
• No on-campus registrations​
• Cutting the number of early voting days "in half"​
There are other changes they made, but I don't have access to my sources.
The WHOLE purpose, however, was to CREATE LONG LINES at the poling locations to discourage voting. Now my question is to YOU ... what do ANY of those dot-point changes I've listed have ANYTHING to do with voter fraud, because, everytime the Republicans are asked about it, they avoid answering the questions point-blank, and instead go straight to voter fraud.
The answer is very simple, getting the Republicans to admit to it is another thing ... its to DECREASE VOTER TURNOUT, because Republicans enhance their chances of WINNING when the voices of the majority are SILENCED!
View attachment 3410821

So why are you not mad at Democrats for doing the same thing? And in some case in larger scale?

So how does this have to do with voter ID laws? Why shouldn't people have to show their ID To vote?

Here is your strawman. Again
There is no reason for same day registration except to commit fraud. Period
On Campus? Really? Why is this a big issue? Oh because you hope you can get ballot harvesting. For generations people have gone to college and still voted. This is a ploy, to get the young and easily manipulated to vote Dem in a ballot harvest. Same concept as Acorn's fraud.
And cutting early voting number or poll spots? What were the numbers? How many people were effected or how many people voted on those days in years past? And how much did it cost to have them open? Were the polling places at churches and you Dems said that was illegal? You did here.

It does not reduce turnout. There is not one single legit real world study/ source that has proven that any of the above reduces turnout.

So again back to the real questions

So how does this have to do with voter ID laws? Why shouldn't people have to show their ID To vote?
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It dose not reduce turnout. There is not one single legit real world study/ source that has proven that any of the above reduces turnout.

"Our pre-registered analyses find registrants voting without ID in 2016 were 14 percentage points less likely to vote in the previous, strict ID election than those with ID, and that voters without ID were disproportionately Black and Latinx. Probing mechanisms that produce these effects, we examine voters’ stated reasons for not providing ID and find socioeconomic hardships are not the most commonly cited impediment."

"About 0.6 percent, or 28,000 voters, lacked photo identification. Imputing race based on surname and place of residence, we find that non-white voters are between 2.5 and 6 times more likely than white voters to lack photo ID"

Being able to read is great, it makes it fast to look things up!
"Our pre-registered analyses find registrants voting without ID in 2016 were 14 percentage points less likely to vote in the previous, strict ID election than those with ID, and that voters without ID were disproportionately Black and Latinx. Probing mechanisms that produce these effects, we examine voters’ stated reasons for not providing ID and find socioeconomic hardships are not the most commonly cited impediment."

"About 0.6 percent, or 28,000 voters, lacked photo identification. Imputing race based on surname and place of residence, we find that non-white voters are between 2.5 and 6 times more likely than white voters to lack photo ID"

Being able to read is great, it makes it fast to look things up!

Like I said no real world valid proof.

Tip if you try to back up your point with 'academic' dribble with 'likely,' 'possible,' and 'shows' conclusion statements you already lost. Left wing 'Academic' racist by low expectation theory is still just standard leftwing propaganda talking point theory. Even if they put it in MLA format.

Same facts still stand:
You can't operate in this country and most western countries without an ID
Several Euro countries require ID to vote and have for years without any proof of negative impact. Well except on illegal criminal aliens trying to vote illegally. Sounds like a Dem talking point.
Many US states required ID in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s without issues. Well until Dems decided to cheat in the late 80s by destroying the US borders and to get illegal criminals aliens to vote. Well after the Dems bribed them with free healthcare, school, food, and housing paid for by tax payers. Oh and the Leftwing Dem NGOs in central and south America helping to get these people here to over run our system.

And seriously: You believe 0.6 of 28K is a valid number? That is a rounding error in a legit study. Notice they didn't try to scope it to the 7.8 MILLION voter age people in MI. They had the affidavits or did they? They could have done it for all districts post election. Wonder why they didn't. Maybe that was all there was?

And so if you support no id for the "right to vote" Then you must support no ID for the right to own firearms, right?

Here is the rest of the quote you forgot:
It is still unknown how many citizens are prevented from voting by strict photo voter identification (ID) laws. This is in part because there is no administrative record of who is turned away from a polling place or, anticipating as much, never shows up at all. We solve this measurement problem by studying Michigan’s non-strict photo voter ID law. Michigan voters are asked to present photo ID but, in contrast to strict states, are allowed to vote without photo ID after signing an affidavit. Collecting and coding the affidavits filed in the 2016 presidential election in a random sample of precincts allows us to observe those voters who both desired to vote and lacked the ID that would be necessary to vote in a strict ID state.

Just for your fyi- this means they are looking for grant money. How hard is it to go to the DMV and ask for counts and demographics by age then look at the census? Oh and don't forget most of the ID states have ways to get free IDs to vote. No excuse and no exclusion, dam that sucks for your talking points.

Now what "bigotry by low expectations" are you tossing out as a BS "argument" to perpetuate voter/election fraud, now?
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