Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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hate to pop your bubble

Biggest Unemployment Surge Ever: Record Weekly ... - Forbes
Mar 26, 2020 · Weekly jobless claims surged to 3.28 million, versus 1.5 million expected, for the week ending March 21. This week’s numbers more than quadruple the previous weekly claims record of …

things are not really that good....and no real sign right now they will be
wrong again there mr foot n mouth...…………….you seem to forget who is leading the country right now...…..your killer and racist.....you and hottobe sure haven't declined to show your support

and this racist MF you two support has done more than just throw fuel on the fire......first he wanted to use military to ******* civilians....as if he wasn't killing enough with his virus...….but his own party raised hell about his cowardice in using the military....ok he got his hand slapped

so now what does your minority hating president do....the one YOU support....he holds a campaign Rally in Tulsa on the same date where the biggest race riots in the US has occurred...….big article in the paper and news a week ago....still over 100 bodies yet to be found!

this little stunt will move him up in the polls with people like you and hotto and David duke

Trump stirs controversy with Juneteenth campaign rally in ...
8 hours ago · Trump’s decision to hold a rally in Tulsa, the backdrop of one of the worst massacres of African Americans in U.S. history, has triggered controversy.

Donald Trump Campaign 'Proud' to Hold Juneteenth Rally in ...
Jun 11, 2020 · “Donald Trump has a solid record of success for Black Americans.” Parscale responded to criticism from Democrats and the corporate media who argued the date of the Juneteenth rally was insensitive or even a subtle message to white supremacists. Tulsa …

hope I pissed on a nerve....I tried to!

You’re just pissed you won’t be able to get in to see him cause of the crowds he draws ;}
My my my aren’t we rantful today - everyone that disagrees with you is a racist now - how VERY Dem of you.

Dems like you just look crazier by the minute - look at the leaders you put in charge of our largest cities - that let anarchists take over - regular / normal people see what’s going on - and guess what - THEY DON’T LIKE IT !!!!!

I saw a Dunkin Donuts I used to get coffee at in the city I grew up in torched on TV - lookin like Dems are so desperate to try to hurt our President that arson, rioting and looting are now accepted practices for Dem dolts - well America is seeing your sickness now - GOOD thing !!!!!
Yeah - we should just shut the country down til we’re a country no more - right ????

No matter what our President does or doesn’t do you lefties will whine and howl - ya have since 2016 when he was elected.

You scream shut down opposed to opening up while you support and advocate masses of people protesting in the streets - you look SOOOOOOOO freaking hypocritical and fulla shite it’s FUNNY !!!!!
My my my aren’t we rantful today - everyone that disagrees with you is a racist now - how VERY Dem of you.

Dems like you just look crazier by the minute - look at the leaders you put in charge of our largest cities - that let anarchists take over - regular / normal people see what’s going on - and guess what - THEY DON’T LIKE IT !!!!!

I saw a Dunkin Donuts I used to get coffee at in the city I grew up in torched on TV - lookin like Dems are so desperate to try to hurt our President that arson, rioting and looting are now accepted practices for Dem dolts - well America is seeing your sickness now - GOOD thing !!!!!

you being a trumptard would not understand what is going on in the world today....it is beyond your grasp....if you can't see it by now you never will
well lets see if I can figure this one out....a minority....who supports a pres who hates minorities…………
wouldn't that be kind of like a jewish person praising Hitler's gas chambers?
just as logical

Ah racist is the whine of the moment - more traction these days eh

Soon you’ll be back to your fave though

You whining Dems are really hard on the nerves - kinda like a crying baby that is NEVER satisfied and just howls away :{
Bunch of fucking morons.
I knew crap like this would happen, why is America allowing any of the violence, property damage and looting. If a person does violence in a normal situation, steals property and loots ( heck even shop lifts) they are found, arrested and convicted, jailed or pay a fine and have a permanent record. If they are not going to handle these AHEM peaceful protesters according to the law, than enforcement is useless.
The Seattle autonomous zone sounds pretty chill to me. Businesses operating normally, people having outdoor movies showing.

The cons here hate to see it (because it involves a community coming together, rather than everyone hiding in their homes like socio-phobic zombies)

The idea of people peacefully working together to claim their neighborhood is so horrible to the cons that they have to cling to fake news about "warlords"and shakedown operations there lmao
I hope these "peaceful" protesters checked with Pervy Joe Biden before they toppled the statue of Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy. After all, Joe Biden voted for posthumously restoring Jefferson Davis' full US citizenship rights as a member of the Senate Judiciary committee and on the floor of the Senate. The bill was subsequently signed into law by Democrat President Jimmy Carter

Looks like trump and comp not going to push this corruption through!

Michael Flynn: Ex-judge accuses Justice Department of ...
Jun 10, 2020 · WASHINGTON – The Justice Department showed a "gross abuse of prosecutorial power" in its push to drop the case against Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, a ...

Appeals Court Wary of Justice Department Bid to Drop ...
Jun 12, 2020 · A U.S. appeals court on Friday appeared skeptical of the Justice Department's unprecedented effort to drop a criminal case against President Donald Trump's former adviser Michael Flynn, signaling no quick end to the politically charged prosecution.

Court appears reluctant to order judge to immediately drop ...
Jun 12, 2020 · Flynn, joined by the Justice Department, had asked the appeals court to ******* U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan to quickly close the
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