Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Crazy Dems getting crazier by the day

Never know now wtf they’ll say

Kinda appropriate their candidate isn’t playin with a full deck

Riots, looting and gathering in huge groups during a pandemic - what the heck

Defund the police and let the anarchists take over the place

Dems going bonkers at a feverish pace :|
HEY America look what’s going on in Seattle - you like what you see ????

Well that’s Dem leadership for ya - or - rather lack thereof !!!!

Maybe you should WAKE UP TO THAT !!!!
I respect an opponent like Mac and we’ve sparred for quite a while now.

I have little to no respect for your positions.

Punching up - HA - I think not - scrapping slim off shoes more like it 😝

lol "an opponent".

I'm glad you're able to corral some small meaning for yourself scoring self-designated points in a forum that 5 people read
HEY America look what’s going on in Seattle - you like what you see ????

Well that’s Dem leadership for ya - or - rather lack thereof !!!!

Maybe you should WAKE UP TO THAT !!!!

wrong again there mr foot n mouth...…………….you seem to forget who is leading the country right now...…..your killer and racist.....you and hottobe sure haven't declined to show your support

and this racist MF you two support has done more than just throw fuel on the fire......first he wanted to use military to ******* civilians....as if he wasn't killing enough with his virus...….but his own party raised hell about his cowardice in using the military....ok he got his hand slapped

so now what does your minority hating president do....the one YOU support....he holds a campaign Rally in Tulsa on the same date where the biggest race riots in the US has occurred...….big article in the paper and news a week ago....still over 100 bodies yet to be found!

this little stunt will move him up in the polls with people like you and hotto and David duke

Trump stirs controversy with Juneteenth campaign rally in ...
8 hours ago · Trump’s decision to hold a rally in Tulsa, the backdrop of one of the worst massacres of African Americans in U.S. history, has triggered controversy.

Donald Trump Campaign 'Proud' to Hold Juneteenth Rally in ...
Jun 11, 2020 · “Donald Trump has a solid record of success for Black Americans.” Parscale responded to criticism from Democrats and the corporate media who argued the date of the Juneteenth rally was insensitive or even a subtle message to white supremacists. Tulsa …

hope I pissed on a nerve....I tried to!
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and if you look at his pits....the American flag......the confederate flag......the trump flag

Ray Ciccarelli: NASCAR Driver Quits Over Confederate Flag ...
19 hours ago · Ray Ciccarelli is a 50-year-old race car driver who announced his plans to quit after the 2020 season, citing the new ban on Confederate flags at NASCAR events.. The statement was posted
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well if Killer had handled this from the start....but he didn't....and has no idea how to handle it now.....his answer is to turn his back on it and just let americans die...…….after he let the virus in to begin with.....killer at work

Trump says states that have reopened are doing 'tremendous ...
Jun 05, 2020 · States that have reopened nonessential businesses and eased restrictions meant to curb the spread of the coronavirus are doing "tremendous business," President Donald Trump said Friday.

Trump Pushes Ahead to Open US States ... - Bloomberg.com
May 06, 2020 · Twenty states have begun to reopen without first ... now it’s time to open up.” ... When asked if the move meant he considers the mission of combating the virus to be accomplished, Trump ...

Alarming rise in virus cases as states roll back lockdowns
13 hours ago · Alarming rise in virus cases as states roll back lockdowns Cases are rising in nearly half the states, a worrying trend as people return to work and venture out during the summer.

Alarming Rise in Virus Cases as States Roll Back Lockdowns ...
18 hours ago · Alarming Rise in Virus Cases as States Roll Back Lockdowns NEW YORK (AP) — States are rolling back lockdowns, but the coronavirus isn't done with the U.S. Cases
and I am sure you racist people from Ma. will know who this is......but then your only concern is about the rioting...…..nothing about gasing and shooting rubber bullets in a crowd of PEACEFUL protestors......so killer could have a photo op in front of a church....that also had meaning

Senator Markey Presses Attorney General Barr on Covert ...
Jun 11, 2020 · Senator Markey Presses Attorney General Barr on Covert Surveillance of Protestors Thursday, June 11, 2020. Boston (June 11, 2020) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a member of the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, today queried Attorney General William P. Barr following reports that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has approved surveillance of peaceful …

Lawmaker quizzes U.S. Attorney General Barr on protest ...
8 hours ago · U.S. Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) on Thursday urged Attorney General Bill Barr to provide an account of how surveillance technology has been …

just more of his racist games

D.C. Church 'Outraged' That Trump Used It As Photo-Op ...
St. John’s Episcopal Church pledged to support George Floyd protesters even after it was damaged in a fire. Trump later used the church as a photo-op.

Former minister at church used for Trump's photo-op: 'It ...
Jun 02, 2020 · Former minister at church used for Trump's photo-op: 'It was a sacrilege for all people of all faiths' - CNNPolitics A former minister at the church President Donald Trump used as …
of course there was no wrong doing...…..trump people are clean as a whistle....they fire anyone who says otherwise

Steve Linick: State Department official investigating ...
May 16, 2020 · 4,323 The Trump administration has fired the state department’s inspector general who is reported to have been investigating the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, for a …

Pompeo Denies Impropriety in Firing of State Dept ...
5 hours ago · (WASHINGTON) — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his top deputy are rejecting allegations that the State Department’s independent watchdog was fired for investigating alleged impropriety by Pompeo...
once again putting out the welcome mat for Russia?...……...similar to trumps peace deal with the Tailiban?

US to reduce troops in Iraq 'over coming months'
6 hours ago · An Iraqi soldier stands guard in front of a US military air carrier at the Qayyarah air base, near Mosul in northern Iraq, on March 26, 2020. The US says it will reduce troops in the country "over...

US Confirms Plans to Further Reduce Number of Troops in Iraq
3 hours ago · US Confirms Plans to Further Reduce Number of Troops in Iraq by Sputnik News 2 hours ago no comment T he United States has confirmed its plans to further decrease the number of servicemen deployed to Iraq, the joint statement of the governments of the United States and Iraq said.
Lol yeah I'm definitely taking the frozen dinner heir apparent's word

this went way over the head of these trumptards

"Bye-bye Tucker Carlson!" T-Mobile CEO says as advertisers ...
Jun 11, 2020 · It's not the first time Carlson and his show have rubbed advertisers the wrong way, with Carlson also losing sponsors in December 2018 after he …

Tucker Carlson Loses Disney & Other Advertisers Over Black ...
1 day ago · Tucker Carlson Loses Disney & Other Advertisers Over Black Lives Matter Stance – Deadline Losing advertisers is nothing new for the Rupert Murdoch-owned cable newser but the backlash against...
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It’s not just David Duke and the KKK anymore; it’s Tucker Carlson and Fox News Network who sell hate

Some guy named James Neally, sent me a death threat a couple of weeks ago via Facebook Messenger. “Keep taling (sic) about the potus that way you did in your last article and it will be the end of you and your family.”

Nice, huh?

I spent several hours talking to the FBI about it this week. They’re trying to find James Neally and they’re not having much success. Facebook won’t reveal their records on Neally’s account to the FBI. He’s got a YouTube channel, on which he posted several videos of himself playing “Cripple Creek” on the banjo, but when I linked to one of the videos on my Facebook page, he took all of them down.

He’s hiding now, which is what white supremacist right-wing fanatics do when they’re not actually going out and killing people, like Patrick Crusius did last week when he shot 22 people to death at a Walmart and wounded dozens of others. Going to a Synagogue, or a Walmart, or a public school, or a nightclub, or a movie theater and gunning down a bunch of people down, is what these guys do when they want to spread the evil lies of white supremacy. They seek attention, and they get it by killing people.

We have a legitimate reason to be afraid of Patrick Crusius and his ilk because their deranged attachment to white supremacy causes them to ******* people to bring attention to their cause. But I don’t think there’s much cause to fear the James Neallys of this world, because all they’re trying to do is shut you up. They don’t want people like me writing the things I write because it threatens their fellow white supremacists. In James Neally’s case, the white supremacist he’s trying to protect is the president of the United States.

Now there’s a sentence I never thought I would have cause to write. The president of the United States is a white supremacist. That’s what it’s come to, folks. The right-wing extremists like James Neally and Patrick Crusius might wear their black t-shirts and camo and other macho gear, but the white supremacists we should really be afraid of are wearing coats and ties.

Donald Trump is one of them, and he wears a coat and tie. So did Ronald Reagan when he talked with Richard Nixon on the phone in 1971 and referred to United Nations diplomats from Africa as “monkeys.” “Nixon gave a huge laugh,” the Atlantic reported when he heard Reagan’s comment.

Nixon was wearing a coat and tie, too.

The members of Augusta National Golf Club wear ties with their famous members’ green jackets at the annual Masters tournament they host every year. Their club refused to allow black members for many years, but even now when they’ve permitted a few blacks to join, and even a few women, their membership is nearly completely lily-white, but they’re still wearing their green coats and ties. It’s a club rule, apparently, that when you’re on the grounds of their white supremacist golf club, they have to wear their coats and ties.

Tucker Carlson, the Fox News host wore a coat and tie when he referred to Iraqis as “monkeys” who didn’t even use toilet paper or forks, and he wears a coat and tie nearly every night when he rails against “invaders” on the border and justifies the separation of little children from their mothers and fathers as they cross the border to apply for asylum.

There’s a reason Reagan called African diplomats “monkeys,” and there’s a reason the Augusta National Golf Club has so few black members, there’s a reason Tucker Carlson spent time on his show this week telling his audience that white supremacy isn’t a problem in this country, and there is a reason the President of the United States has talked about immigrants “infesting” the country, and told four female members of congress whose skin color is black and brown to “go back” to the countries they came from, and has made such hay out of Colin Kapernick and other black NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem. The most common term for it is racism, but I think it’s more accurate to call it white supremacy. It might be a kind of soft supremacy, in a coat and tie, but it’s white supremacy nevertheless.

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