Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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HEY Dems you guys actually have a great candidate - saw Val Demings on Meet the Press - that woman is something - not familiar with her politics but boy does she present herself well. Intelligent - well spoken - seemed fairly moderate - fair minded - I was impressed. She would be a way better presidential candidate than Biden from what I saw. 27 years experience as a chief of police in Orlando doesn’t hurt either. Only problem if ya pick her for VP she’ll REALLY make ole Uncle Joe look BAD !!!!!
HEY Dems you guys actually have a great candidate - saw Val Demings on Meet the Press - that woman is something - not familiar with her politics but boy does she present herself well. Intelligent - well spoken - seemed fairly moderate - fair minded - I was impressed. She would be a way better presidential candidate than Biden from what I saw. 27 years experience as a chief of police in Orlando doesn’t hurt either. Only problem if ya pick her for VP she’ll REALLY make ole Uncle Joe look BAD !!!!!

Or take Pervy Joe out with dementia and make her the first Female VP AND POTUS.
Based on new facts coming to light I believe the cop that killed George Floyd will inevitably be charged with First Degree ******* - he should be.
Not sure what new evidence you've seen, but first degree seems pretty unlikely. There would have to be evidence of premeditation....he somehow planned for this arrest ahead of time with the intent to ******* Floyd. Second degree ******* seems more plausible. That could put the scum away for 40 years. The current third degree ******* charge only carries 25 years max. To prove second degree, they'll have to show intent (without premeditation)....i.e. did this POS cop not plan this ahead of time, but in the situation decide he intended to ******* Floyd, knowing cameras were videotaping his actions? If so, 2nd degree fits. Conversely was he just a POS cop using excessive ******* in restraining Floyd and ignoring pleas from Floyd, not actually intending to ******* the man on camera? If so 3rd degree fits. Note: there is an unintentional 2nd degree ******* statute as well they could try, if they can prove the cop was committing some other first or second degree felony in the process.

Personally I'd vote for the death penalty, but legally 3'rd degree ******* might be the most he can get convicted of.
Mmmmm I see that the majority of arrests from the Minn riots.....are from out of state.....now how many of those are skin heads who support trump?

kind of like a lot of those on here throwing comments out....blind....racist....ignorant....but they still throw out those comments....like they are in the know
Not sure what new evidence you've seen, but first degree seems pretty unlikely. There would have to be evidence of premeditation....he somehow planned for this arrest ahead of time with the intent to ******* Floyd. Second degree ******* seems more plausible. That could put the scum away for 40 years. The current third degree ******* charge only carries 25 years max. To prove second degree, they'll have to show intent (without premeditation)....i.e. did this POS cop not plan this ahead of time, but in the situation decide he intended to ******* Floyd, knowing cameras were videotaping his actions? If so, 2nd degree fits. Conversely was he just a POS cop using excessive ******* in restraining Floyd and ignoring pleas from Floyd, not actually intending to ******* the man on camera? If so 3rd degree fits. Note: there is an unintentional 2nd degree ******* statute as well they could try, if they can prove the cop was committing some other first or second degree felony in the process.

Personally I'd vote for the death penalty, but legally 3'rd degree ******* might be the most he can get convicted of.

In my state Massachusetts, I recently sat on a jury on a ******* trial. The way the judge explained premeditation surprised all of us on the jury. He explained premeditation can take place in a second, a minute , an hour , a day , a week , a month or a year. We had a similar case where a security video was prima facia evidence - the premeditation in our case happened in seconds but was obvious. In the George Floyd case I understand 6 minutes in of the 9 minutes the cops took his pulse and couldn’t find one and then the cop in question resumed his knee on his neck for another 3 minutes - if this is true - that’s pretty clear premeditated ******* - at least in this state.
Mmmmm I see that the majority of arrests from the Minn riots.....are from out of state.....now how many of those are skin heads who support trump?

kind of like a lot of those on here throwing comments out....blind....racist....ignorant....but they still throw out those comments....like they are in the know

I hear they’re your Antifa bunch - soon we’ll know.
I think some of my allies, here, have turned on me, lately .... calling me a "racist". Can you believe I was called a Republican AND a racist simply for expressing my opinions? Its always good knowing where someone's "hot buttons" are; gets them totally off center in discussions. I'm a moderate, however, not an extremist, neither one extreme or the other, so I simply speak my mind. If it steps on a few toes along the way, too bad, I guess.
You showed yourself to be one with about 30 messages. Also, sexist AF but, whatever. You're a fucking snake. A small little man.
HEY Dems you guys actually have a great candidate - saw Val Demings on Meet the Press - that woman is something - not familiar with her politics but boy does she present herself well. Intelligent - well spoken - seemed fairly moderate - fair minded - I was impressed. She would be a way better presidential candidate than Biden from what I saw. 27 years experience as a chief of police in Orlando doesn’t hurt either. Only problem if ya pick her for VP she’ll REALLY make ole Uncle Joe look BAD !!!!!
I named her as being on the short list about three weeks ago. Her and Harris are at the top for the fact of past success and not too long in Congress where you eventually will sell part of your soul. She's only been there for two terms. And, she wasn't Chief for 27 years. She was a police officer for that time. Her husband was the Chief before her, and is now the Mayor of Orange County Florida. She's got great potential and will be excellent with help on domestic policy with her experience and expertise in local government.
Oh you're not just racist Mac....hell, you're basically David Duke per the Lying Ediot rants!
I said he uses the same tactics that David Duke, when he tried to be a mainstream politician. He used crime statistics to justify racist views towards blacks. Just like Mac did when he talked about Raleigh. The topic was Why are some white people racist. Mac pulled out crime stats. Duke did the same thing in the 1990s. No lying there. I didn't push him into it. He took it upon himself. And, now takes some kind of integrity stand for truth and 'stepping on people's toes'. When it was nothing but bullshit that racist have used for decades. Helps them sleep at night.
Anyone that supports what is happening in this country with rioting, violence and looting is wrapped up so much with themselves that they think Evil is Good, Evil comes from Satan Not Jesus Christ. One ignorant idiotic Cop is responsible for the ******* of an other man, so all these bored trouble making punks use this to be like Antifa. I heard they are present in these riots. Speaking as an Independent I know with confidence that it is mostly the left doing this rioting, and those Trump is correct in calling them Thugs. The crowd takes on a mob mentality -- the people making up the "mob" do things they normally would not do because the crowd makes them anonymous; this anonymity, combined with the actions of the rest of the crowd, makes them feel like they can smash, burn or beat whatever and whomever they want.

how can you condemn what is going on without condemning the issue that started it....maybe you need to butt out
I named her as being on the short list about three weeks ago. Her and Harris are at the top for the fact of past success and not too long in Congress where you eventually will sell part of your soul. She's only been there for two terms. And, she wasn't Chief for 27 years. She was a police officer for that time. Her husband was the Chief before her, and is now the Mayor of Orange County Florida. She's got great potential and will be excellent with help on domestic policy with her experience and expertise in local government.

I was taken with her screen presence, intelligence and confidence - very impressive woman.
The topic was Why are some white people racist. Mac pulled out crime stats. Duke did the same thing in the 1990s.
Exactly, and I called THAT just as I saw it, ed. A racist thread. Know what I think, ed? I think you're being over-sensitive to the fact that what I'm saying has some legitimacy about it ... just watching the nightly news proves a good point. I'm not denying that there's white people's influence to the issues and attitudes we're having on racism, but you know I'm not going to sit idly and watch a thread develop that points ALL THE FINGERS at white people for racial issues. Ain't gonna happen on MY WATCH. I'll be glad to SHARE the blame, but not gonna take all of it. Plenty of blame to go around.
I’m glad you guys have her - you NEED her.

It’s really too bad she’s not your presidential candidate - she seems waaaaaaay stronger than Biden and a ******* to be reckoned with - if he doesn’t pick her from what I saw - it would be a mistake. She could give President Trump nightmares as Biden’s attack dog as the VP candidate and a 27 year career in law enforcement with the current situation going on.
I think you need to get some fresh air and lighten up, ed. You're making way too much out of my posts.
Best answer is just to ignore the Lying Ediot. I put him on ignore status some time back after he showed his stunning hypocrisy and inability to admit to his lies or apologize. Life is too short to waste time with such Ediots. It's quite nice....don't even see his posts anymore ( I only knew he called you David Duke because of your reply). Word of caution: Be prepared with sunglasses....I was nearly blinded by the increased brightness when I clicked ignore on him.
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