Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I guess someone with TDS as bad as you is a waste of time to try to use reason with - so I won’t.
Anyone that supports what is happening in this country with rioting, violence and looting is wrapped up so much with themselves that they think Evil is Good, Evil comes from Satan Not Jesus Christ. One ignorant idiotic Cop is responsible for the ******* of an other man, so all these bored trouble making punks use this to be like Antifa. I heard they are present in these riots. Speaking as an Independent I know with confidence that it is mostly the left doing this rioting, and those Trump is correct in calling them Thugs. The crowd takes on a mob mentality -- the people making up the "mob" do things they normally would not do because the crowd makes them anonymous; this anonymity, combined with the actions of the rest of the crowd, makes them feel like they can smash, burn or beat whatever and whomever they want.
Where is Barr's evidence that the riots are the work of Antifa? Sounds like some far-fetched conservative conspiracy theory that LACKS evidence! Instead of promoting that nonsense why not concentrate on getting Justice for Floyd's family! I am beginning to more and more question Barr as well as Trump because why DOES everything have to be so POLITICAL? I seriously DOUBT they even CARE that a Black Man was killed by a police officer as well as Ahmaud Arbery being murdered! As a matter of fact, I WILL see just how much justice Arbery's family and Floyd's family get after the cases are heard and a sentence is enforced!

hell with everything going on I suppose he just considers all of this just a normal trump rally
I think some of my allies, here, have turned on me, lately .... calling me a "racist". Can you believe I was called a Republican AND a racist simply for expressing my opinions? Its always good knowing where someone's "hot buttons" are; gets them totally off center in discussions. I'm a moderate, however, not an extremist, neither one extreme or the other, so I simply speak my mind. If it steps on a few toes along the way, too bad, I guess.
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Just saw where Lou Dobbs again kissing trumps ass...…….pisses me off so fucking twisted......and like most of the other republican "hosts"...…...it is all about the money

for years Lou Dobbs was always about the working man.....some of his more popular books below:

Lou Dobbs - amazon.com
Jun 20, 2017 · Lou Dobbs's bestselling exposé of the silent assault on the living standards of ordinary Americans Millions of TV viewers have known Lou Dobbs for years as the Walter Cronkite of economics coverage, and now the anchor has become the preeminent champion of the common man and the good of the national interest, who tells uncomfortable truths in a voice that can't be ignored.

War on the Middle Class: How the Government, Big Business ...
Sep 25, 2007 · "War on the Middle Class" is a candid account of what Lou Dobbs considers the war against the middle class. He goes through all the main issues with straightforward arguments in support of his position and closes the book with specific recommendations on how to combat them.

Amazon.com: Exporting America: Why Corporate Greed Is ...
Lou Dobbs seems to be the single remaining reporter, either on radio or television, who still cares about America. As Lou points out in the book, the politicians are so beholden to the big corporations for campaign funding, trade policies which benefit the corporations are almost guaranteed to pass through congress. The "experts" say that shipping jobs overseas will be good for the United States, …

Lou Dobbs Tonight: News & Videos about Lou Dobbs ... - CNN
Lou Dobbs testified today before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade. The hearing was entitled "Trade, Foreign Policy, and the American Worker." Below ...

and just out of the blue going of years for the middle class to supporting the right and trump...…….....show me the money!

Lou Dobbs, American Hypocrite | The Nation
Lou Dobbs, American Hypocrite Lou Dobbs, American Hypocrite. While he railed against "illegals," undocumented immigrants tended to his estates and prize horses. A special Nation investigative report.

The sinister pro-Trump propaganda of Lou Dobbs | Media ...
If you know anything about Donald Trump then you can probably guess why he loves and appreciates Lou Dobbs so much: Dobbs is a committed and shameless sycophant to the president.

Report: Trump puts pro-Trump propagandist Lou Dobbs on ...
Dobbs joined Fox Business in 2010 and, over the last several years, has transformed his show Lou Dobbs Tonight into a pro-Trump propaganda machine. The show’s overt adulation for Trump
Just saw where Lou Dobbs again kissing trumps ass...…….pisses me off so fucking twisted......and like most of the other republican "hosts"...…...it is all about the money

for years Lou Dobbs was always about the working man.....some of his more popular books below:

Lou Dobbs - amazon.com
Jun 20, 2017 · Lou Dobbs's bestselling exposé of the silent assault on the living standards of ordinary Americans Millions of TV viewers have known Lou Dobbs for years as the Walter Cronkite of economics coverage, and now the anchor has become the preeminent champion of the common man and the good of the national interest, who tells uncomfortable truths in a voice that can't be ignored.

War on the Middle Class: How the Government, Big Business ...
Sep 25, 2007 · "War on the Middle Class" is a candid account of what Lou Dobbs considers the war against the middle class. He goes through all the main issues with straightforward arguments in support of his position and closes the book with specific recommendations on how to combat them.

Amazon.com: Exporting America: Why Corporate Greed Is ...
Lou Dobbs seems to be the single remaining reporter, either on radio or television, who still cares about America. As Lou points out in the book, the politicians are so beholden to the big corporations for campaign funding, trade policies which benefit the corporations are almost guaranteed to pass through congress. The "experts" say that shipping jobs overseas will be good for the United States, …

Lou Dobbs Tonight: News & Videos about Lou Dobbs ... - CNN
Lou Dobbs testified today before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade. The hearing was entitled "Trade, Foreign Policy, and the American Worker." Below ...

and just out of the blue going of years for the middle class to supporting the right and trump...…….....show me the money!

Lou Dobbs, American Hypocrite | The Nation
Lou Dobbs, American Hypocrite Lou Dobbs, American Hypocrite. While he railed against "illegals," undocumented immigrants tended to his estates and prize horses. A special Nation investigative report.

The sinister pro-Trump propaganda of Lou Dobbs | Media ...
If you know anything about Donald Trump then you can probably guess why he loves and appreciates Lou Dobbs so much: Dobbs is a committed and shameless sycophant to the president.

Report: Trump puts pro-Trump propagandist Lou Dobbs on ...
Dobbs joined Fox Business in 2010 and, over the last several years, has transformed his show Lou Dobbs Tonight into a pro-Trump propaganda machine. The show’s overt adulation for Trump
If and when trump leaves power, people who sucked up to him and curried favour will doubtless be remembered as cowards and apologists.
still bent on the dismanteling and destruction of the American legal system......and in his dicktator wanna be styly determined to still go after his enemies

FBI's top lawyer, Dana Boente, ousted amid Fox News ...
May 31, 2020 · After a 38-year career with the Justice Department, the FBI's top lawyer Dana Boente was asked to resign on Friday. Two sources familiar with the …

Dana Boente: The FBI's top lawyer is resigning
Dana Boente, FBI general counsel, has served 38 years in a variety of career posts at the Justice Department. He is resigning June 30, the FBI said on Saturday. He was appointed general counsel in...

FBI says its top lawyer is leaving the bureau - ABC News
9 hours ago · Boente has most recently served as the FBI's general counsel but has held a variety of roles in his 38-year Justice Department career, including acting attorney general in the early days of the Trump administration, a United States attorney in Virginia and the acting head of the department's national security division.
Where is Barr's evidence that the riots are the work of Antifa? Sounds like some far-fetched conservative conspiracy theory that LACKS evidence! Instead of promoting that nonsense why not concentrate on getting Justice for Floyd's family! I am beginning to more and more question Barr as well as Trump because why DOES everything have to be so POLITICAL? I seriously DOUBT they even CARE that a Black Man was killed by a police officer as well as Ahmaud Arbery being murdered! As a matter of fact, I WILL see just how much justice Arbery's family and Floyd's family get after the cases are heard and a sentence is enforced!

seems there were some MAGA hats off on the sidelines.....what would they have been doing?

Trump denies stoking race riots and insists MAGA fans ...
May 30, 2020 · Donald Trump denies stoking race riots and says his MAGA fans ‘love the black people’ Jimmy McCloskey Saturday 30 May 2020 6:58 pm Share this article via facebook Share this article via ...

DONALD TRUMP was last night accused of ‘fanning the flames’ of race riots by goading protesters who threatened to scale the walls of the White House, saying they ‘would have been greeted ...

In Days of Discord, President Trump Fans the Flames - The ...
May 30, 2020 · Over the last week, America reeled from 100,000 pandemic deaths, 40 million people out of work and cities in flames over a ******* police killing of a subdued black man.

Trump's MAGA hats have become a potent symbol of ... - CNN
Jan 21, 2019 · Trump's MAGA hats have become a potent symbol of racism (Opinion) - CNN The MAGA hat, like the Confederate flag, wouldn't elicit outraged reactions if it were only a …
The crowd takes on a mob mentality -- the people making up the "mob" do things they normally would not do because the crowd makes them anonymous; this anonymity, combined with the actions of the rest of the crowd, makes them feel like they can smash, burn or beat whatever and whomever they want.
Which is EXACTLY why allowing people to attend these rallies with GUNS is as stupid as the people condoning them.
Anyone that supports what is happening in this country with rioting, violence and looting is wrapped up so much with themselves that they think Evil is Good, Evil comes from Satan Not Jesus Christ. One ignorant idiotic Cop is responsible for the ******* of an other man, so all these bored trouble making punks use this to be like Antifa. I heard they are present in these riots. Speaking as an Independent I know with confidence that it is mostly the left doing this rioting, and those Trump is correct in calling them Thugs. The crowd takes on a mob mentality -- the people making up the "mob" do things they normally would not do because the crowd makes them anonymous; this anonymity, combined with the actions of the rest of the crowd, makes them feel like they can smash, burn or beat whatever and whomever they want.

at first I thought maybe if you teamed up with blkdlaur it might make you smarter...…..but now I just think it would make you twice as stupid
WOW, the ignorance here is still thick as fuck.

The "armed protesters" didn't fire a shot - yes they could have - but didn't, no one was hurt. they also took their protest to those responsible for their outrage, the state capital. The leftist claim that is a "bad thing".
The riots going on are destroying their own town and businesses hurting innocent people that had 0 to do with the killing. Innocents are getting hurt and the leftist claim this is a "good thing". SMH, People who riot and loot are only hurting themselves and others around them, it is NOT an effective tool.

If you are going to riot instead of a peaceful protest, then at least take it to the people responsible, The local and state governments. You are burning the wrong buildings and hurting the wrong people.

With that being said, it's NEVER acceptable to put your knee in someones throat, especially while subdued. That officer had a history of violant arrest and he should have been dealt with sooner. That police department failed it's people, and now the people have failed themselves. Two wrongs isn't going to make it right, it only breeds more hate and contempt.
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