Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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When I read ******* like this, it just makes me shake my head. I have issues with Trump's style, but you have to be fucking deranged to say Trump caused the COVID "situation". You ignore the facts totally from February. But facts dont matter to you and it is pointless to go back and show you facts, because you are so deranged you just scream "ORANGE!".

I don't remember asking for your opinion....could you point out anywhere here I was referring to dipshits?

who ever told you to be yourself....gave you bad advice

have you any idea what the facts are....guess not....had you paid attention around here before just jumping in and shooting off your mouth I think you could have seen there is plenty to blame your hero with

and again...more of your "issue".....what ever magazine you are selling ...doubt anyone here interested....pedal your right wing bullshit someplace else...or else make some kind of sensible statement with some facts....none of your name calling crazy belligerent rants
make a statement and prove it....you talk of facts and yet bring none up with a link to prove it is a fact...…….otherwise you are nothing more than an irritating noise...…..
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Making money off criminals, ridiculous.

been doing it for a long time.....it is how they keep them as criminals....Iowa for one charges each inmate so much a day while he is incarcerated….depending on how long he is in as to how much he owes.....one of the guys I go to car shows with has a kid in jail for driving without a drivers license...got a year in jail for it...….I remember not long ago he told me the same thing....so I asked...…..when he got out of jail the first time he owed several thousand dollars to the state and county before he could get his drivers license he had no job or income...…...driving to look for a job or whatever.....got caught again and this time double his sentence...….no logic there at all....not trying to rehabilitate at all...just punish and repunish……..there is big money in prisons!

I saw a thing where Missouri was also going to start charging their inmates to try and recover some of the costs

Paying to Stay in Jail: Hidden Fees Turn Inmates into Debtors

A year and a half into his roughly two-year stay in the Brown County Jail in northeastern Wisconsin, Sean Pugh realized he owed around $17,000 — the result of a $20 daily “pay-to-stay” fee plus fees from previous jail stints.

His story wasn’t unusual.

Brown County is one of at least 23 Wisconsin counties that assess “pay-to-stay” fees, which charge inmates for room and board for the time they are incarcerated, according to a Wisconsin Watch survey of county jails.

Pugh believes the system is counterproductive.

“While most inmates have exploited society in some way, financial exploitation of the incarcerated creates a vicious cycle that contributes to the pitfalls of getting back on one’s feet after release,” said Pugh, who was arrested in 2011 for allegedly violating terms of his release from priso.

“The entire incarceration experience leaves one in a worse financial state then when they went they went to jail/prison.”

Brown County ultimately agreed to forgive the debt owed by Pugh, who is now incarcerated at the state’s Stanley Correctional Institution in Chippewa County. They accepted his argument that it was the Department of Corrections’ decision to keep him jailed so long while it investigated the alleged violation of his release terms.

Wisconsin is among at least 40 states where some inmates are required to pay daily room and board fees.

BTW I asked him why he just didn't bring him down here and get an Oklhoma DL...…….said he did come down here to get a DL but Iowa had a block on him so he couldn't..

Not trying to feel sorry for a...criminal?....but it looks like they have them down and are pushing them to either stay down or break the law....putting them right back in there
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I have issues with Trump's style, but you have to be fucking deranged to say Trump caused the COVID "situation". You ignore the facts totally from February. But facts dont matter to you and it is pointless to go back and show you facts, because you are so deranged you just scream "ORANGE!".
LJL, I don't recall saying "Trump caused the covid virus". Trump caused the current situation in the US with the virus, and THAT is a fact easily proven as the WH was warned back in the last part of 2019 that a virus was coming. And Trump didn't take it seriously, and still doesn't, even as we approach 100,000 US deaths. You might recall Trump saying back in April that we would be "well under the 100,000 deaths goal" when this blew over. Well, here we are ... 3-4 days before the 100,000 deaths mark, and we're not even close to this virus being over. In fact, in the state of NC (my location) we've had a surge in "newly infected & deaths", yet Trump is HERE trying to strong arm our governor into lifting the "stay at home" law for the RNC in a few weeks or he'll move it elsewhere. To which most of us North Carolinians are saying "don't let the door hit you in the ass as you leave". Our lives are way more important + we want this virus to be GONE before the holidays in December.
I am FAR from conservative...but hate mongering leftists like SubHub are the real scary thing. Hateful zealots that demand only THEY control a massive government that micromanages our lives. You are like the religious right idiots of the past. Now BACK OFF and leave us americans to live in peace without your rights removing philosophy.
SubHub simply tells the FACTS without suppressing the information needed for citizens to make logical decisions. I won't speak for SubHub, but he does document his sources ( as most of us liberals do ) ... unlike ALL of you Trumptard followers who state your opinions as FACTS ... just like Trump.
There's a lot of pushing & shoving, and polarization in these political forums, however, one thing is constant, WE supply our sources, you conservatives DON'T because you have NO SOURCES that support your arguments. All you do is misstate, suppress, and restructure facts to fit your arguments. Trump is a liar, a thief, has no morals, and no integrity, and he's proven that openingly all through his life.
As far as my BACKING OFF ... you gotta be kidding me? I've been with this website almost since its beginning. Don't count on me going ANYWHERE until AFTER the elections in November. I'm every bit as American as anyone in YOUR FAMILY I can assure you. Now, if you object to something I'm saying ... bring on your sources from which you draw your opinions.
They invest in jails fucking shareholders not employees they get returns on full beds

Like I said....all a scam...….we have more people in jail than any 2 other countries put together.;....why is that?....you don't think a larger portion of those people could have been handled in some way with some kind of probation?

I don't pretend to have any idea what the answer is....but the way I see it there is money in prisons...and they keep talking about a large percentage are repeats......I can see how....they gave up trying to rehabilitate....they are just tricking them and getting them back in again....l may be some ******* heart liberal....but this doesn't look like a fair system to me

Funny I have a brother in Iowa also...I go up there....EVERY speedlimit sign has a camera on it gets your plate number and they mail you a fine.....every intersection light has cameras......you run one they got you...….I manage to get out of most...Okl has no front lic plate!

here is the good one...…..they take impounded SUV's....equip them with radar detectors and etc in the front and read window....park them up on the curb in different areas of town......saw one there for a couple days thought it odd on the grass and sidewalk....my brother told me what it was.....said they have over 30 of them in that county......

with all of that what does the cops do?
Like I said....all a scam...….we have more people in jail than any 2 other countries put together.;....why is that?....you don't think a larger portion of those people could have been handled in some way with some kind of probation?

I don't pretend to have any idea what the answer is....but the way I see it there is money in prisons...and they keep talking about a large percentage are repeats......I can see how....they gave up trying to rehabilitate....they are just tricking them and getting them back in again....l may be some ******* heart liberal....but this doesn't look like a fair system to me

Funny I have a brother in Iowa also...I go up there....EVERY speedlimit sign has a camera on it gets your plate number and they mail you a fine.....every intersection light has cameras......you run one they got you...….I manage to get out of most...Okl has no front lic plate!

here is the good one...…..they take impounded SUV's....equip them with radar detectors and etc in the front and read window....park them up on the curb in different areas of town......saw one there for a couple days thought it odd on the grass and sidewalk....my brother told me what it was.....said they have over 30 of them in that county......

with all of that what does the cops do?
Their retirement funds are dependent on filling jails
I don't remember asking for your opinion....could you point out anywhere here I was referring to dipshits?

who ever told you to be yourself....gave you bad advice

have you any idea what the facts are....guess not....had you paid attention around here before just jumping in and shooting off your mouth I think you could have seen there is plenty to blame your hero with

and again...more of your "issue".....what ever magazine you are selling ...doubt anyone here interested....pedal your right wing bullshit someplace else...or else make some kind of sensible statement with some facts....none of your name calling crazy belligerent rants
make a statement and prove it....you talk of facts and yet bring none up with a link to prove it is a fact...…….otherwise you are nothing more than an irritating noise...…..
Maybe you should go back to stealing material on the internet and reposting it...seems that is all you are good for. You throw the same insults and names around over and over. Lame and tired. Keyboard bully...and not even creative at that. All you do is shout and scream insults and names. Sad, really.
....pedal your right wing bullshit someplace else...or else make some kind of sensible statement with some facts....none of your name calling crazy belligerent rants
make a statement and prove it....you talk of facts and yet bring none up with a link to prove it is a fact...…….otherwise you are nothing more than an irritating noise...…..
Let's HEAR it from the amen corner .... word_AMEN.jpg
Maybe you should go back to stealing material on the internet and reposting it...seems that is all you are good for. You throw the same insults and names around over and over. Lame and tired. Keyboard bully...and not even creative at that. All you do is shout and scream insults and names. Sad, really.

you have confused me with someone who gives a fuck.....I really don't care what you think.....if I threw a stick would you leave?

another trump retard on here complaining things going south for the pumpkin and wanting to cry.....put on your big boy pants and face the facts....I just post the news...and an internet search that some of you retarded people make statements about...….but in the typical trump fashion....don't like the facts nor the news....gloom and doom is something your party promotes and you don't like to hear it

I wasn't insulting you ...just a description of what you sound like...….unlike you I don't have some uncanny ability to hear my key board shout and scream

now why don't you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself
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Mmmm another IG in charge of monitoring that gov funds being dispersed....quit?....leaving a known crook in charge of all that money and no one to see or tell...….Mmmmmm

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