Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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we have really lowered our standards letting a Russian on sacred ground

and someone who has killed more than we have lost in most wars....hitler didn't even get that far

and for you trumptards the red thumbs go here...but then you have plenty of practice...…..although prefer the red thumb to some of your conversations...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………>
WRONG - - - 👎 😝

CHART: How Many Soldiers Died in Each U.S. War? | KQED
May 25, 2017 · As a proportion of the population, 14 times as many Americans served in World War II as did in the wars of the last decade." Another stark disparity is the rate of U.S. fatalities in today's conflicts as compared to those in even the recent past. In Vietnam, Waldman writes, there was one death for every 58 soldiers deployed.

“Trump Death Clock” Depicts Deaths as U.S. Covid Explodes ...
May 12, 2020 · Home › Uncategorized › “Trump Death Clock” Depicts Deaths as U.S. Covid Explodes in Heartland “Trump Death Clock” Depicts Deaths as U.S. Covid Explodes in Heartland By paulgibson51 on May 12, 2020 • ( 5). Fauci warned Trump, the CDC prepared a report on how states might open safely, Trump withheld the report, states opened, and a new report makes vividly clear how easy it is to ...
Mmmmm….and the plot thickens...…...will they dump him like the fat turd he is?

Republicans finally realize Trump will drag them under ...
May 11, 2020 · Republicans finally realize Trump will drag them under Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) walks to the Senate chamber for the impeachment trial of President Trump on Jan. 22. (Steve Helber/AP)

Why Republicans in Congress are starting to turn on Donald ...
Why Republicans in Congress are starting to turn on Donald Trump By Steve Israel, opinion contributor — 10/23/19 10:00 AM EDT The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view ...

and just who has been trying to privatize about everything in government

that's like robbing social security all the time...….even now the right talks about it....but they also know that most of America to fucking stupid to know when make those social security payments a portion is just going to the Gov and not to social security at all..........been going on since Reagan....the guy that created the whole thing.....Obama was the only one to do anything favorable with the money...he put it in that ACA....but you know lard ass has his greasy little hands on it now
‘A sinking ship creates a giant whirlpool’: MSNBC analyst ...
Oct 02, 2019 · “A sinking ship creates this gigantic whirlpool — and everyone who that been an enabler, whether it is Bill Barr or now Mike Pompeo, they’re all –” he said, before being talked-over by ...

5th Texas Republican Flees Trump Sinking Ship And Leaves ...
Republicans are retiring in districts that Trump won by large margins. Rep. Flores is retiring in a district that Trump won with 56% of the vote in 2016. He is the 12 House Republican to announce to either leave the body or announce they won’t be running for re-election.
'We follow the facts wherever they lead': Inspector general who was demoted after Trump attacked her speaks out on the importance of independent oversight

Christi Grimm, the former acting inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), spoke out Tuesday about the importance of the independence of the US oversight community.

Grimm served as the HHS acting IG until May 2, when President Donald Trump announced he would replace her with Jason Weida, an assistant US attorney in Boston following a slew of public attacks against her.

During a briefing Tuesday before the House Oversight Committee, Democratic Rep. Gerald Connolly of Virginia asked Grimm whether she was "concerned professionally that the independence of IGs or your own independence are at risk, or might be compromised, by recent statements and actions taken by the executive."

"Chairman Connelly, I would like to address your question by just talking about the importance of independence for inspectors general, generally," Grimm said. "I view, and the community views, independence and effectiveness of an IG as a key safeguard for the programs that we oversee. It's a cornerstone of the IG Act and it's a foundational element of the work of any IG."

She added that this independence "allows us to bring our objective judgment to bear on problems without worrying about whether those that run the programs are hearing what they want to hear, or what they want to see the programs be doing."

"We follow the facts wherever they lead, we are impartial in what we do, and really anything that is done that could impair independence, I think, compromises the effectiveness of oversight of programs that are there to serve the American public — in our case the 300 programs within HHS,"
Grimm said.

Grimm angered Trump after she released a report in March that said there were "severe shortages" of testing kits in the US, "widespread shortages" of masks and other personal protective equipment at hospitals across the country, and significant delays in getting coronavirus test results. The deficits hampered the US's ability to respond effectively to the coronavirus outbreak and curb its spread, the report found.

Trump tore into Grimm during an April 6 news conference and accused her findings of being politically motivated.

Where did he come from, the inspector general? What's his name?" Trump said when asked about the HHS report.
He later attacked Grimm on Twitter as well, writing, "Why didn't the I.G., who spent 8 years with the Obama Administration (Did she Report on the failed H1N1 Swine Flu debacle where 17,000 people died?), want to talk to the Admirals, Generals, V.P. & others in charge, before doing her report."

(Grimm joined the inspector general's office in 1999 during the Clinton administration and served under both Democratic and Republican administrations. She was not a political appointee.)

Grimm is one of four inspectors general Trump has pushed out in recent weeks.

On April 3, the president fired Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community's inspector general who provoked Trump's ire when he alerted Congress about an anonymous whistleblower complaint accusing Trump of trying to solicit Ukraine's interference in the 2020 US presidential election.

The whistleblower complaint became the catalyst for Trump's impeachment on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The Republican-controlled Senate acquitted Trump of both charges earlier this year.

On April 7, Trump abruptly removed the Pentagon's acting watchdog, Glenn Fine, who had also been tapped to oversee the execution of the $2 trillion package Congress passed for coronavirus relief.

And on May 15, the president fired the State Department inspector general, Steve Linick.

Reports in the days after indicated that at the time of his firing, Linick was said to be investigating whether Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a staffer walk his dog and pick up his dry cleaning.

The Washington Post later reported that Linick was also investigating Pompeo's decision to expedite an $8 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia last May. The Trump administration circumvented congressional authority on the matter at the time by citing heightened tensions with Iran.

can you point out one of my posts that is not factual?....or is the problem they irritate a trumpie?

trumpies always hate....when you show the facts about how bad he is....I suppose for people like you his theft his corruption...his inability to handle the job...all things that just need over looked....didn't like him before...and now with the body count rising like him even less....but for people like you that is all tolerable

besides if you take the time to notice....everything I post is news headlines…….something you trump people just can not stand.....his own words used against him

now really...please....quit trying to act like you are so concerned....when all you are really doing is trying to cover your hero worship...it is always a trumptard that doesn't like to hear the bad news about him....yet there is no good news>

please cancel my subscription to your issues

The only response to your name calling rant is FUCK YOU and FUCK OFF. You are simply an internet bully that calls names and spews hate. I have issues with both sides...but hateful fucks like you are simply the worst. You go on and on and on and on with your tired diatribe...and your name calling and your conspiracies.

And fuck you, you don't know a thing about us or our beliefs or who we voted for. But that doesn't stop you from name calling and blathering on does it?
Remember the great ORANGE one created this situation when he went 3 months before giving the virus ANY attention, then said it'd all blow over. So, as you raise hell regarding Democrats not wanting to open government functions back prematurely, remember what is being done NOW is a result of what WASN'T done due to an incompetent President & Republican government to begin with. What's resulted NOW is the necessities of HARD CHOICES.
This virus is easy to pass from one to the other ... that's why they call it a CONTAGION and now an EPIDEMIC.
The US now has over 1/3 of all the cornonavirus cases in the WORLD, now. Doctors & scientists were warning the President as early as Fall of last year this was coming. He was too busy campaigning and playing golf.
So we open UP the government and hundreds of thousands (individuals & families) start dying. Trump doesn't give a flying fuck. Congress needs to decide the ORANGE ONE is too incompetent to go forward with decision making and let the VP step in, OR things will get worse. He's an idiot, he's sick in his head, delusional, and needs to be replaced.
There's lots of options to relieve pressure on families unable to make mortgage, rent, or car payments ... food & medical services can be provided now. As much as I feel sad for those this is hurting the worse, many of them have already said GET RID OF THE VIRUS FIRST. The lives of my family are way, way more important than a fucking house or car my friend ... way more!
Trump is using this virus as a distraction, hoping it'll save his ass in November; it won't.

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What's really scary is that WE as a country will probably go through this again and again with the Nat'l Debt and more viruses.
When I read ******* like this, it just makes me shake my head. I have issues with Trump's style, but you have to be fucking deranged to say Trump caused the COVID "situation". You ignore the facts totally from February. But facts dont matter to you and it is pointless to go back and show you facts, because you are so deranged you just scream "ORANGE!".
I've actually been impressed with Subhub's tenacity, myself. What really is interesting, he provides his sources and you rightards rarely ever do, or they're some off the wall publishers like '71republican' or 'firstnewsers'. Let's face it, guys, Trump's bad for everyone but the super rich. Thing is, with his lack of planning on any issue he's faced with, he's likely to ******* some of us sooner than later. He always goes straight to his "con jobs" attitude of lying and exaggerations, saying he's doing something when he's really not doing anything. He and his administration STILL haven't presented any national plan to handle the virus ... nothing!
I'm telling you conservatives, get rid of this wart on your party's face, go back to mainstream conservatism, and get rid of the radical teabaggers. Your party will recover a whole lot sooner if you do.
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I am FAR from conservative...but hate mongering leftists like SubHub are the real scary thing. Hateful zealots that demand only THEY control a massive government that micromanages our lives. You are like the religious right idiots of the past. Now BACK OFF and leave us americans to live in peace without your rights removing philosophy.
The only response to your name calling rant is FUCK YOU and FUCK OFF. You are simply an internet bully that calls names and spews hate. I have issues with both sides...but hateful fucks like you are simply the worst. You go on and on and on and on with your tired diatribe...and your name calling and your conspiracies.

And fuck you, you don't know a thing about us or our beliefs or who we voted for. But that doesn't stop you from name calling and blathering on does it?

well *******....don't go away mad...…...when I start name calling you will know it...ASSHOLE!...you came in on some part of a conversation....and right away start running that motor mouth

and I will agree you do have issues......but cancel my subscription will you!

as for the name calling and blathering on....you seem to have done more than your fair share with that load of ******* you just dumped
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