Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Rock and Roll, and not one use of Ignorance or Vulgarity.

I have never witnessed a time when people lacked any sense of common ground, or any commitment to forge a political path forward together. Or such an obvious lack of common sense and education. The height of the propaganda, deceit, racism, and corruption. in this Nation is at the highest I have ever witnessed. The National press core is nothing but a group of liars, and Socialist rooting for the decline of America. College, and public education, has never failed more at teaching than today. They teach the doctrine of Marx. World Order led by a select group of the Elite's to dole the rights of all as ordained by the World Masters. The tribes since the beginning of time have fought through the ages to reject and dispel this form of control. From Biblical times people have died fighting against One person rules the world, and all who live in it.

Walmart is a great example of the teaching in the bible, you must teach a man to fish. Service Industry Positions are learning positions, and retirement positions. It is where one gains experience and reference to move up to a better position. (one must walk before one can run) As we retire we again return to service positions, for part-time income to increase our retirement checks. These are not career jobs. there entry jobs.all of us can not afford to buy all our goods from Neiman Marcus. Socialism believes in low educated, people and low wage workers. It breeds stagnation, as wither you work hard or not at your job your both held to the same rate. (no reason to do better) it stops people from creating, no reason as your creation belongs to the state not you.
Walmart pays low so the middle and poorer class can afford products. Ask a democratic were they shop, they too want to pay less. It is called the Hypocrisy, the left wants cars and planes gone. Should they not lead the way stop riding in cars and stop flying back home? Great leaders lead by example. Not Democratic leads by example they say (do as I say, not what I do) HYPOCRISY At It's Finest.

My point of my Walmart example, was if all at McDonald's were at 15 per hour, you would be at 9-10 dollar hamburgs, 3.00 coffee, 5.00 frappé. (milkshake) Walmart I am sure does not carry Vera Wang, Baccarat Crystal, Patek Philippe, time pieces, or they would be at all sales associates 15 per hr. The people that eat and shop at the above can not well afford those price points. It is wonderful to be in a ******* induced haze, with no concept of reality, or basic understanding of commerce. Which I feel is the basic foundation of all the Democratic cool aid drinkers that vote. In my world most consider the Democratic the low hanging and rotting fruit on the planet. Lacking any concept of reality.If it was not for good Democrats the likes of Obama, Clinton, Carter, know one would know what failed looks like. I consider all three the biggest Fools, and most incompetent, Corrupt, Folly's, of my Lifetime. Uneducated, Foolish, and lacking of any moral character. Right at top of a select group, I consider the worst examples of Humanity. The misery these three caused the American People to me is just unforgivable.

another of those crazy rants where you say one thing.....and then stand up for the other.....that is like saying trump is a Christian because he wants the churches open....one to many meds?
Damn hototbe….1 thumbs down in just a couple hours....got to be a new record.....and proof of what I said earlier....but we are not done yet the day isn't over...….you can do more and show your stupidity/bias
Thumbs down to all the wasted space you used to post worthless garbage, and I'm not stupid but you certainly appear to be, bias toward the ignorance of Democratic supporters, no just realistic.
sexism with the killer is acceptable...….Mmm republicans standards

Trump shares sexist messages about prominent female ...
7 hours ago · Trump Shares Sexist Messages About Prominent Female Democrats in Twitter Spree ... the president shared a tweet by John Stahl, ... Trump’s Twitter

Trump Promotes Posts From Racist and Sexist Twitter Feed ...
May 24, 2020 · Trump Promotes Posts From Racist and Sexist Twitter Feed. ... Mr. Trump reposted eight tweets from John K. Stahl, a conservative former political candidate, including attacks on …
Damn....that is a surprise....the white house gets tested daily where is the disconnect....

White House Fails to Meet Nursing Home Testing Goal | Time
5 hours ago · Delaware Gov. John Carney announced a plan May 5 for universal testing of all residents and staff in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, but the testing program is voluntary.

Half Of U.S. States To Fall Short Of White House Goal On ...
1 hour ago · At least half of U.S. states will not meet a White House goal on nursing home testing due to costs and a lack of resources, an Associated Press analysis found, in another indication of the ...

Coronavirus testing slow to come to nursing homes, despite ...
May 20, 2020 · The task of testing everyone in nursing homes is monumental. Testing an individual is relatively quick and straightforward, though uncomfortable. At drive-through and walk-up testing
using his own words and actions against him....and he gets mad?...go figure!

Trump is trying to stop people from seeing this ad on his response to coronavirus

Lawyers have sent cease and desist letters to stop stations from airing the video, which edits together Trump’s statements downplaying the crisis

A Biden Super Pac has released an advert which Trump is fighting with cease and desist letters. And it’s about his response to the coronavirus.

The video juxtaposes a number of Trump’s statements underplaying the seriousness of the pandemic next to a chart showing the rising number of US cases of Covid-19. At the end of the clip, Trump can be heard refusing to take responsibility for lack of testing in the US (comments he made at a 13 March press conference), before the texts appears: “America needs a leader we can trust.”

Trump refused to take the threat of the coronavirus seriously, now he won’t take responsibility as his administration has been totally unprepared for this crisis.

Trump’s lawyers have now sent a cease and desist letter to television broadcast stations across the country to stop airing the ad created by Priorities USA, a Democratic Super Pac.

In particular, his lawyers take issue with one of the edits to a speech made by Trump at a rally in South Carolina. The edited video has Trump saying: “Coronavirus. This is their new hoax,” whereas, during the actual speech Trump also referred to the impeachment inquiry and the investigation into Russian interference in the US elections as hoaxes. A full excerpt from the speech is detailed in the cease and desist letter, and is as follows (our emphasis in bold, for the lines that were kept in the clip):

“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. You know that, right? Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs, you say, “How’s President Trump doing?”, “Oh, nothing, nothing.” They have no clue, they don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa, they can’t even count. No, they can’t. They can’t count their votes. One of my people came up to me and said, “Mr President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.” That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they’ve been doing it since he got in. It’s all turning, they lost. It’s all turning, think of it, think of it. And this is their new hoax.

Because of this edit, Trump’s lawyers are calling the advert “patently false, misleading, and deceptive”.

The letter reads: “Your station has an obligation to cease and desist from airing [the advert] immediately to comply with FCC licensing requirements, to serve the public interest, and to avoid costly and time-consuming litigation.”

In another line, the letter states that failure to remove the advert could be classed as an abdication of licensee responsibility. The president controls the FCC and appoints its commissioners, so it is up to them to pull broadcast licenses for stations that do not comply with its requirements.

The line reads: “Your station has a responsibility to ‘protect the public from false, misleading or deceptive advertising’ … your failure to remove this deceptive ad … could put your station’s license in jeopardy.”

The worst president. Ever. - The Washington Post
Apr 05, 2020 · With his catastrophic mishandling of the coronavirus, Trump has established himself as the worst president in U.S. history. Leer in español: El peor presidente

Donald Trump Is an Utter Failure as President | Washington ...
Mar 06, 2019 · So even beyond all of the lies and investigations, Donald Trump is an utter failure as president. Nancy LeTourneau. Nancy LeTourneau is a contributing writer …

Trump's presidency is a trainwreck. Let us count the ways ...
Oct 20, 2019 · Copy Link URL Copied! Trump’s presidency is a train wreck. Copy Link URL Copied! In the corrosive and dangerous Trump presidency, the outrages fly so fast and the chaos mounts so thoroughly that ...

Trump is a colossal moron — and he has no one to blame for ...
May 21, 2020 · Trump is a colossal moron — and he has no one to blame for his failure but himself. President Donald J. Trump disembarks Marine One Sunday, May 17, 2020, on the South Lawn of …

He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure ...
Apr 11, 2020 · But in the turbulence of the Trump White House, it took three more weeks to persuade the president that failure to act quickly to control the spread of the virus would have dire consequences.
5 Leadership Failures of President Trump | Inc.com
Jun 20, 2017 · 5 Leadership Failures of President Trump People overlooked some of the red flags because he was an experienced executive who promised change. By Rhett Power, Head coach, ...

Trump Is a Massive Failure — & Getting Exactly What He Wants
Every day, the evidence piles up that Trump’s presidency is a failure on its own terms, let alone anyone else’s. And every day, it becomes clearer that this really doesn’t matter at all.

The Observer view on Donald Trump’s growing list of failures
Dec 02, 2018 · The Observer view on Donald Trump’s growing list of failures Observer editorial The US president’s renowned ‘base’ will not tolerate many more job losses or fiscal blunders

just so many to post not sure where to stop
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: You guys are working it hard, remember when I told you Trump is ten times worst than anything you bring up on Joe?
Trump is the alternative to ol' Joe making a gaff. Besides, people are already convinced who Trump is. He has shown us too many times.
New poll: 83% of African Americans say Trump is a racist - Axios
I didn't write it, but I do agree with all of it.
You agree with that packed-in ******* and lies?
Carter brought back some dignity to the office after his predecessor brought the entire Republican down with Watergate.
Clinton brought us out of the Reagan/Bush recession with the longest expansion of economic prosperity and peacetime. Which one of those do you hate more? Peace or economic prosperity?
Obama save us from the next Great Depression brought on by Bush and Republican policies, by delivery the greatest economic and jobs recovery in history. The market set record highs- which continued until Trump fucked it up. Jobs only climbed up for the longest number of months in history, and saved us from Ebola, Swine Flu and something else I forget right now.

Funny how those are you most corrupt, and inept presidents. Let's see, under the republicans before them, we had shitty economies, terrorist attacks, war, job loss, and real government corruption. This explains what we need to know about you.

You sure you weren't *******, when you wrote that?
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: You guys are working it hard, remember when I told you Trump is ten times worst than anything you bring up on Joe?
Trump is the alternative to ol' Joe making a gaff. Besides, people are already convinced who Trump is. He has shown us too many times.
New poll: 83% of African Americans say Trump is a racist - Axios
You red thumbs down polls that I had nothing to do with? Hey, don't get mad at me that he made his own bed and now must lie in it.
I'm trying to figure you out. Don't you have a major prohibited chemical or ******* problem there? So bad that your last governor moved out of state before his term was over? Maybe they are cooking that ******* too close to your house.
You red thumbs down polls that I had nothing to do with? Hey, don't get mad at me that he made his own bed and now must lie in it.
I'm trying to figure you out. Don't you have a major prohibited chemical or ******* problem there? So bad that your last governor moved out of state before his term was over? Maybe they are cooking that ******* too close to your house.

hell I get it on internet posts....what is that saying about not shooting the messenger……...but these trumptards do not want to hear anything bad about their living Jim Jones...….they are still waiting on their Kool Aid

but then again Jim Jones used kool aid....trump using the virus to just make a broad sweep...making Jim Jones look like a rookie

but both had followers not quite what someone would consider …...normal?
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