Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Pompeo Confirms He Was Questioned By IG's Office Before Firing, Denies Retaliation

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday confirmed that he submitted written answers to questions from the State Department’s Office of the Inspector General before recommending the inspector general be fired.

Pompeo, however, denied that he was retaliating against State Department Inspector General Steve Linick when he recommended his termination to President Donald Trump last week. The president fired Linick on Friday.

“There are claims that this was for retaliation for some investigation that the inspector general’s office here was engaged in,” Pompeo said during a press briefing Wednesday. “That’s patently false. I have no sense of what investigations were taking place here inside the inspector general’s office.”

But there’s “one exception,” Pompeo added. He said he responded to a series of questions in writing “with respect to a particular investigation” sometime earlier this year. He did not specify how long ago.

“I don’t know the scope,” Pompeo said. “I don’t know the nature of that investigation other than what I would have seen from the nature of the questions that I was presented. I did what was right. I don’t know if that is continuing. I don’t know if that investigation has been closed out.”

I've seen the various stories that someone was walking my dog to sell arms to my dry cleaner. I mean, it's all just crazy" -- Pompeo wasn't thrilled to answer questions about ousted IG Steve Linick pic.twitter.com/j1EMmpwkHc
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) May 20, 2020

Echoing Trump’s remarks during a press briefing earlier this week, Pompeo said he should have recommended Linick’s termination “some time ago.”

Prior to his dismissal, Linick’s office had reportedly launched a series of investigations into Pompeo, including one related to an unorthodox arms deal between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.

Pompeo has said he did not know he was under investigation when he recommended Linick’s firing. The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times reported this week that Pompeo had declined to sit for an interview with the inspector general’s office.

The State Department did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment.

Pompeo said this week that Linick was undermining the State Department’s mission, but both he and Trump have refused to provide examples to back up their claim. The president said Monday that he doesn’t “know anything” about Linick other than Pompeo wanted him removed as inspector general.

I guess they were not happy with the job he’s doing or something,” Trump said. “Because it is my right to do it, I said sure, I’ll do it.”
Asked to elaborate on the reasons behind Linick’s firing, Pompeo refused.

“Unlike others, I don’t talk about personnel matters,” he said Wednesday. “I don’t leak to y’all. ... We’ll share with the appropriate people the rationale.”

Both Republicans and Democrats have demanded answers over Linick’s firing. Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the most senior Republican in the Senate, has asked Trump to “provide a detailed reasoning” by no later than June 1 for the removal of Linick. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Wednesday that Pompeo should testify before Congress, calling Linick’s firing “scandalous.”

House Foreign Affairs Chair Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) revealed Monday that Linick’s office was investigating the Trump administration’s effort to sell arms to Saudi Arabia without congressional approval. The Trump administration invoked a rarely used emergency provision last year to ******* through the $8.1 billion sale.

The inspector general’s office was also reportedly investigating whether Pompeo had a political aide run personal errands for him, including walking his dog and picking up his dry cleaning.

“It’s all crazy stuff,” Pompeo said of the reports Wednesday. “I didn’t have access to that information so it would have been impossible to retaliate.”

Yup - you’re a regular gas factory - no doubt.

Chris Wallace’s Sunday show is good - no right wing bent there - you’d like it.
Only thing is it conflicts with Meet the Press in the morning :{

CBS is my station of choice....early morning national...local news and then Gail in prime time

Sat don't watch much...either sports or car shows

on Sunday is where you will laugh but The only day I really get into CNN...I love jake tapper....and farad zakara?..he does world events..how we effect things and things effect us...I think he is also writer for the times....but he is good...and NOT biased...like I said mainly world stuff...unless trump stuck his nose in somewhere....there is times trump not even mentioned...I like the show...as for Jake...he doesn't mind pissing someone off to get an answer
Sorry but you have the mindset that all White Americans think that way. First I said it was interesting not entertaining. Remember me! I voted for Obama the first time not because he had dark skin, or that I questioned his citizenship, or honesty, nor did he come off as manly. I voted for the man because I saw that he was intelligent and made promises of change. Stop peeking around corners looking for dangers that aren't there. You do not know what it is like to live in a state where I have never had contact with Black People, you don't know the battles I have had to fight in my life, you knock it off and stop Judging me.
I don't go peeking around corners looking for dangers that aren't there. I call *******, *******, when I see it. If I am misinterpreting, fine, I'll stand corrected. However, you are playing right in the hands of those you say you don't agree with by promoting this nonsense. What other President had to produce a birth certificate? Mitt Romney's *******, George was born in Mexico and when he ran, no one asked for his birth certificate, and we all know McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, and Ted Cruz, was born in Canada. The first 7 presidents were born in British Colonies. Obama was the only one who was ****** to show his papers- birth certificate. Then what happened? Trump called for the Governor of Hawaii to be investigated. WTF?!
You don't want to be judged, fine, don't post judgy stuff. People don't know your background, only what you present here.
And, for future reference, you're right Obama is half black and half right, but, there is no half white or half black treatment. Take it from a man that is raising half black and half white teens, America sets your ass straight on how you will be treated. Black. My ******* learned at a young age because you know, ******* are cruel. Playing sports like hockey and lacrosse brought lots of comments. Racists comments and not half racist comments.
I will knock it off, when you do.
because I said, "fuck a duck", and I didn't want HH to think I was encouraging someone to bugger him.
Hoping Hubby is the one who so gallantly defended racist comments- and tried to say, he is not racist. So, I have been fucking with him that if walks and talks like a duck, it's a duck. He's a duck. That's why he does not warrant a bit of seriousness from me. He is different from most on here who are republicans and sometimes turn a deaf ear to racially divisive words, he defends them. He is in a whole different category.
Hoping Hubby is the one who so gallantly defended racist comments- and tried to say, he is not racist. So, I have been fucking with him that if walks and talks like a duck, it's a duck. He's a duck. That's why he does not warrant a bit of seriousness from me. He is different from most on here who are republicans and sometimes turn a deaf ear to racially divisive words, he defends them. He is in a whole different category.

I agree...he is …...different....sometimes funny and most time irratating
Chris Wallace and Neil Cavuto are both dutiful Democrats - you guys should watch some Fox News once in a while - you’d see it’s more balanced than ya think.
I do. But would be willing to again, if you watch MSNBC and point out to us the next day, where the facts were not presented. I'll bet my list is longer than yours. Shoot man. Between Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson, I'll have way too much material. You watch Chis and Rachel, or O'Donnell and Brian Williams. Deal?You pick the night.
Pompeo Confirms He Was Questioned By IG's Office Before Firing, Denies Retaliation

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday confirmed that he submitted written answers to questions from the State Department’s Office of the Inspector General before recommending the inspector general be fired.

Pompeo, however, denied that he was retaliating against State Department Inspector General Steve Linick when he recommended his termination to President Donald Trump last week. The president fired Linick on Friday.

“There are claims that this was for retaliation for some investigation that the inspector general’s office here was engaged in,” Pompeo said during a press briefing Wednesday. “That’s patently false. I have no sense of what investigations were taking place here inside the inspector general’s office.”

But there’s “one exception,” Pompeo added. He said he responded to a series of questions in writing “with respect to a particular investigation” sometime earlier this year. He did not specify how long ago.

“I don’t know the scope,” Pompeo said. “I don’t know the nature of that investigation other than what I would have seen from the nature of the questions that I was presented. I did what was right. I don’t know if that is continuing. I don’t know if that investigation has been closed out.”

I've seen the various stories that someone was walking my dog to sell arms to my dry cleaner. I mean, it's all just crazy" -- Pompeo wasn't thrilled to answer questions about ousted IG Steve Linick pic.twitter.com/j1EMmpwkHc
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) May 20, 2020

Echoing Trump’s remarks during a press briefing earlier this week, Pompeo said he should have recommended Linick’s termination “some time ago.”

Prior to his dismissal, Linick’s office had reportedly launched a series of investigations into Pompeo, including one related to an unorthodox arms deal between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.

Pompeo has said he did not know he was under investigation when he recommended Linick’s firing. The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times reported this week that Pompeo had declined to sit for an interview with the inspector general’s office.

The State Department did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment.

Pompeo said this week that Linick was undermining the State Department’s mission, but both he and Trump have refused to provide examples to back up their claim. The president said Monday that he doesn’t “know anything” about Linick other than Pompeo wanted him removed as inspector general.

I guess they were not happy with the job he’s doing or something,” Trump said. “Because it is my right to do it, I said sure, I’ll do it.”
Asked to elaborate on the reasons behind Linick’s firing, Pompeo refused.

“Unlike others, I don’t talk about personnel matters,” he said Wednesday. “I don’t leak to y’all. ... We’ll share with the appropriate people the rationale.”

Both Republicans and Democrats have demanded answers over Linick’s firing. Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the most senior Republican in the Senate, has asked Trump to “provide a detailed reasoning” by no later than June 1 for the removal of Linick. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Wednesday that Pompeo should testify before Congress, calling Linick’s firing “scandalous.”

House Foreign Affairs Chair Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) revealed Monday that Linick’s office was investigating the Trump administration’s effort to sell arms to Saudi Arabia without congressional approval. The Trump administration invoked a rarely used emergency provision last year to ******* through the $8.1 billion sale.

The inspector general’s office was also reportedly investigating whether Pompeo had a political aide run personal errands for him, including walking his dog and picking up his dry cleaning.

“It’s all crazy stuff,” Pompeo said of the reports Wednesday. “I didn’t have access to that information so it would have been impossible to retaliate.”

So he lied at his press conference when he said he was unaware of any investigation against him. Typical Trumper. Another once promising crazy ass right winger who threw his future in the trash. This has to be the most scandal ridden administration.
just shows you how mindless a lot of America is....they let something they see on the net....drive them out into unsafe circumstances....but then a lot of those are trump supporters....and we know a lot of them are just sheep

Nearly half 'reopen America' Twitter accounts are bots ...
1 day ago · Among tweets explicitly discussing "reopen America," researchers found that 66% of tweets came from accounts that are possibly humans using bot assistants to spread their tweets
she is doing all she can to get on Bidens good side......way to much bad *******....first to spend time attacking him in the primary...and a few other things....and I think her career is about over and she knows it

Elizabeth Warren to Host Private Fundraiser for Biden: NY ...
7 hours ago · Elizabeth Warren to Host Private Fundraiser for Biden: NY Times Warren will host the online event on June 15, reported the Times, saying the three spoke on condition of …
WTF? Israel gets one and we don't?....that's fucked up....ours is a lot more corrupt than yours

Israel's Netanyahu goes on trial for corruption - Reuters
May 24, 2020 · The corruption trial of Benjamin Netanyahu opens on Sunday in a Jerusalem court, where he will become the first serving Israeli prime minister to face criminal prosecution, in a …
Get with the program Sub - Ed’s got this quack thing going with HH
For a bit I was wondering why I was suddenly being mentioned. Ed's still throwing out that Bullshit huh? Figures. His hypocrisy over the topic was stunning.....thought is wasn't racist at all to call others "bitch ass white boy".

I've had him and his buddy blkcumsheavy on ignore status for some time now....life's too short to waste time with such Ediots.
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