Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I watch MSNBC and CNN all the time - Meet the Press Sunday mornings - mix in some Fox News to get the drift. You and I most definitely see things differently Ed. Doubt either one of us can or will change the others mind.
I'm just trying to give you some sleepless nights wondering about your political choices.
while ours plays golf and gets fatter....he is allowing others to plot ways of killing the survivors trump hasn't killed....the death of America by DJTRUMP

North Korea's Kim holds meeting on bolstering nuclear forces
10 hours ago · North Korea's state media say leader Kim Jong Un has convened a key military meeting to discuss bolstering its nuclear arsenal and putting his country’s strategic armed forces on a high alert

North Korea and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia
North Korea began to develop its own chemical industry and chemical weapon (CW) program in 1954, immediately following the end of the Korean War. However, substantial progress was not made until the 1960s, when Kim Il-sung "issued a 'Declaration for Chemicalization' whose aim was to further develop an independent chemical industry capable of supporting various sectors of its economy, as well as support chemical weapons production" and established North Korea's Nuclear and Chemical Defense Bureau.

they don't need weapons....they have trump and he is certainly killing a bunch
I'm just trying to give you some sleepless nights wondering about your political choices.

Ed - when I first registered to vote - I registered as an Independent - that has never changed. I think both parties pretty much suck to be truthful. The government seems to preserve itself and grow in power to the detriment of the people. I have over the years voted both for Democrats and Republicans however as your party pushes to the left it pushes me to the right. News sources today show complete left bias - I know - I watch them all. If you can’t see that it’s because you’re getting fed what you want to eat. First Hillary and now Joe Biden - gimme a break - get a candidate that’s worth a shite - last two have just been embarrassments. Personally I like Joe Biden but not his politics - his time has passed and now he’s kinda just a mindless puppet and hopeless gaffe machine.
What your party REALLY needs is a GOOD moderate candidate like Bill Clinton was - and - I bet you KNOW that.
For a bit I was wondering why I was suddenly being mentioned. Ed's still throwing out that Bullshit huh? Figures. His hypocrisy over the topic was stunning.....thought is wasn't racist at all to call others "bitch ass white boy".
I never said that. I never addressed that. It was nothing but a deflection from your words.
I hear the League of the South is looking for a spokesperson. Look them up, you'll love it.
while ours plays golf and gets fatter....he is allowing others to plot ways of killing the survivors trump hasn't killed....the death of America by DJTRUMP

North Korea's Kim holds meeting on bolstering nuclear forces
10 hours ago · North Korea's state media say leader Kim Jong Un has convened a key military meeting to discuss bolstering its nuclear arsenal and putting his country’s strategic armed forces on a high alert

North Korea and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia
North Korea began to develop its own chemical industry and chemical weapon (CW) program in 1954, immediately following the end of the Korean War. However, substantial progress was not made until the 1960s, when Kim Il-sung "issued a 'Declaration for Chemicalization' whose aim was to further develop an independent chemical industry capable of supporting various sectors of its economy, as well as support chemical weapons production" and established North Korea's Nuclear and Chemical Defense Bureau.

they don't need weapons....they have trump and he is certainly killing a bunch
Guess those love letters were only to throw Trump off the American policy of keeping these fucks in check.
Personally I like Joe Biden but not his politics - his time has passed and now he’s kinda just a mindless puppet and hopeless gaffe machine.
What your party REALLY needs is a GOOD moderate candidate like Bill Clinton was - and - I bet you KNOW that.
Joe is Bill Clinton, except he has the likable wife and no sex scandals. Smart as hell, experienced as hell. Good will from leaders around the world.
Rock and Roll, and not one use of Ignorance or Vulgarity.

I have never witnessed a time when people lacked any sense of common ground, or any commitment to forge a political path forward together. Or such an obvious lack of common sense and education. The height of the propaganda, deceit, racism, and corruption. in this Nation is at the highest I have ever witnessed. The National press core is nothing but a group of liars, and Socialist rooting for the decline of America. College, and public education, has never failed more at teaching than today. They teach the doctrine of Marx. World Order led by a select group of the Elite's to dole the rights of all as ordained by the World Masters. The tribes since the beginning of time have fought through the ages to reject and dispel this form of control. From Biblical times people have died fighting against One person rules the world, and all who live in it.

Walmart is a great example of the teaching in the bible, you must teach a man to fish. Service Industry Positions are learning positions, and retirement positions. It is where one gains experience and reference to move up to a better position. (one must walk before one can run) As we retire we again return to service positions, for part-time income to increase our retirement checks. These are not career jobs. there entry jobs.all of us can not afford to buy all our goods from Neiman Marcus. Socialism believes in low educated, people and low wage workers. It breeds stagnation, as wither you work hard or not at your job your both held to the same rate. (no reason to do better) it stops people from creating, no reason as your creation belongs to the state not you.
Walmart pays low so the middle and poorer class can afford products. Ask a democratic were they shop, they too want to pay less. It is called the Hypocrisy, the left wants cars and planes gone. Should they not lead the way stop riding in cars and stop flying back home? Great leaders lead by example. Not Democratic leads by example they say (do as I say, not what I do) HYPOCRISY At It's Finest.

My point of my Walmart example, was if all at McDonald's were at 15 per hour, you would be at 9-10 dollar hamburgs, 3.00 coffee, 5.00 frappé. (milkshake) Walmart I am sure does not carry Vera Wang, Baccarat Crystal, Patek Philippe, time pieces, or they would be at all sales associates 15 per hr. The people that eat and shop at the above can not well afford those price points. It is wonderful to be in a ******* induced haze, with no concept of reality, or basic understanding of commerce. Which I feel is the basic foundation of all the Democratic cool aid drinkers that vote. In my world most consider the Democratic the low hanging and rotting fruit on the planet. Lacking any concept of reality.If it was not for good Democrats the likes of Obama, Clinton, Carter, know one would know what failed looks like. I consider all three the biggest Fools, and most incompetent, Corrupt, Folly's, of my Lifetime. Uneducated, Foolish, and lacking of any moral character. Right at top of a select group, I consider the worst examples of Humanity. The misery these three caused the American People to me is just unforgivable.
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Rock and Roll, and not one use of Ignorance or Vulgarity.

I have never witnessed a time when people lacked any sense of common ground, or any commitment to forge a political path forward together. Or such an obvious lack of common sense and education. The height of the propaganda, deceit, racism, and corruption. in this Nation is at the highest I have ever witnessed. The National press core is nothing but a group of liars, and Socialist rooting for the decline of America. College, and public education, has never failed more at teaching than today. They teach the doctrine of Marx. World Order led by a select group of the Elite's to dole the rights of all as ordained by the World Masters. The tribes since the beginning of time have fought through the ages to reject and dispel this form of control. From Biblical times people have died fighting against One person rules the world, and all who live in it.

Walmart is a great example of the teaching in the bible, you must teach a man to fish. Service Industry Positions are learning positions, and retirement positions. It is where one gains experience and reference to move up to a better position. (one must walk before one can run) As we retire we again return to service positions, for part-time income to increase our retirement checks. These are not career jobs. there entry jobs.all of us can not afford to buy all our goods from Neiman Marcus. Socialism believes in low educated, people and low wage workers. It breeds stagnation, as wither you work hard or not at your job your both held to the same rate. (no reason to do better) it stops people from creating, no reason as your creation belongs to the state not you.
Walmart pays low so the middle and poorer class can afford products. Ask a democratic were they shop, they too want to pay less. It is called the Hypocrisy, the left wants cars and planes gone. Should they not lead the way stop riding in cars and stop flying back home? Great leaders lead by example. Not Democratic leads by example they say (do as I say, not what I do) HYPOCRISY At It's Finest.

My point of my Walmart example, was if all at McDonald's were at 15 per hour, you would be at 9-10 dollar hamburgs, 3.00 coffee, 5.00 frappé. (milkshake) Walmart I am sure does not carry Vera Wang, Baccarat Crystal, Patek Philippe, time pieces, or they would be at all sales associates 15 per hr. The people that eat and shop at the above can not well afford those price points. It is wonderful to be in a ******* induced haze, with no concept of reality, or basic understanding of commerce. Which I feel is the basic foundation of all the Democratic cool aid drinkers that vote. In my world most consider the Democratic the low hanging and rotting fruit on the planet. Lacking any concept of reality.If it was not for good Democrats the likes of Obama, Clinton, Carter, know one would know what failed looks like. I consider all three the biggest Fools, and most incompetent, Corrupt, Folly's, of my Lifetime. Uneducated, Foolish, and lacking of any moral character. Right at top of a select group, I consider the worst examples of Humanity. The misery these three caused the American People to me is just unforgivable.
Please, I know it's a holiday weekend but you have to stop drinking and posting. Choose one. Right now. you're *******, leave your keys, I'll call you an Uber, close the laptop and sleep it off.
Damn hototbe….1 thumbs down in just a couple hours....got to be a new record.....and proof of what I said earlier....but we are not done yet the day isn't over...….you can do more and show your stupidity/bias
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