Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Packed United flight leaves passengers 'scared,' 'shocked' amid fears of the coronavirus

A photo of a crowded flight posted on Twitter by a cardiologist returning from the New York City area may hint at the difficulties of social distancing as air travel picks up again.

Dr. Ethan Weiss tweeted a photo Saturday showing what appears to be a full United Airlines flight from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco. Though passengers are wearing masks, he said the crowded cabin runs counter to United's assurances that it would leave middle seats empty in order to promote social distancing to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Caution Killer at work......naturally money not an issue when it comes to giving to his biz pals....as for those in need.....have other priorities...should not have given so much at the start to big biz!

Top White House advisers, unlike their boss, increasingly worry stimulus spending is costing too much

Senior Trump administration officials are growing increasingly wary of the massive federal spending to combat the economic downturn and are considering ways to limit the impact of future stimulus efforts on the national debt, according to six administration officials and four external advisers familiar with the matter.

While no one in the administration is advocating immediate cuts, the unease among senior Trump advisers about federal spending comes as the White House halts talks with Congress on additional emergency measures to rescue a U.S. economy facing its worst crisis in generations.

The concerns about the deficit are coming from traditional conservatives at the White House, including new chief of staff Mark Meadows and acting budget director Russ Vought. But officials say they are likely to face much more skepticism from President Trump himself. Trump has shown little interest since becoming president in shrinking the deficit and has so far stood firm on his campaign pledge not to alter Social Security.

Caution Killer at work.....
why not follow the CDC guidelines?....but no...that would be admitting he has fucked up and created a problem

Scary to Go to Work’: White House Races to Contain Virus in Its Ranks

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is racing to contain an outbreak of the coronavirus inside the White House, as some senior officials believe that the disease is already spreading rapidly through the warren of cramped offices that make up the three floors of the West Wing.

Three top officials leading the government’s coronavirus response have begun two weeks of self-quarantine after two members of the White House staff — one of President Trump’s personal valets and Katie Miller, the spokeswoman for Vice President Mike Pence — tested positive. But others who came into contact with Ms. Miller and the valet are continuing to report to work at the White House.

especially if it is against his hero....posted things for him several times...a week later talks like he never heard any of it.....so if it is against trump...not interested....against Obama he will add to it....narrow fucking minded!

You posted old inflammatory tabloid ******* I posted link with criteria and forms for citizenship. And personal experience. But I'm the narrow minded one🤔
Give us a good reason why we shouldn't, Allfor. I mean, its not like the ORANGE President didn't meet with the Russians on several occasions in private, with no US documentation of the meetings. Its not like he didn't share highly classified information with the Russians. And its not like he didn't take the side of Vladimir-Poroshenko when our secret service departments ALL said Russians were meddling in our 2016 election and VPutin said they weren't. And it isn't like Trump didn't have a biased AG helping him avoid prosecution.
So don't pick on subhub without picking on all of us liberals in this forum. If it looks like a skunk & smells like a skunk, it very likely IS A SKUNK. Of course you know that, as well, its just that its the wrong party involved. If it was a Democrat President & Senate, you bottom dwellers would have been all over it.
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It's all a sham and finally coming to light. I judge a person s character alot by there career choice
You posted old inflammatory tabloid ******* I posted link with criteria and forms for citizenship. And personal experience. But I'm the narrow minded one🤔

you didn't post ******* except some guy in your unit....and the rest....doesn't cut it.....what I posted is current....been on the news even....problem is in Russia you don't get any anti Killer news.....only anti democrat

damn that is a news source I would rely on....those people were fired from Fox for being to extreme....right wing national enquirer.....but then it probably originates in Russia so you have a lot of access to that sort of thing
Yeah for you guys but you don’t get it - lots of evidence coming out just how corrupt the Obama administration was - setting up Flynn - going forward with a totally BOGUS investigation into collusion with ZERO evidence or predicate for starting said investigation. Weaponizing the DOJ - FBI - IRS. Got a feeling it’s all gonna flood out into the open soon but you guys will just keep whining.
Give us a good reason why we shouldn't, Allfor. I mean, its not like the ORANGE President didn't meet with the Russians on several occasions in private, with no US documentation of the meetings. Its not like he didn't share highly classified information with the Russians. And its not like he didn't take the side of Vladimir-Poroshenko when our secret service departments ALL said Russians were meddling in our 2016 election and VPutin said they weren't. And it isn't like Trump didn't have a biased AG helping him avoid prosecution.
So don't pick on subhub without picking on all of us liberals in this forum. If it looks like a skunk & smells like a skunk, it very likely IS A SKUNK. Of course you know that, as well, its just that its the wrong party involved. If it was a Democrat President & Senate, you bottom dwellers would have been all over it.
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FOR ALL TO KNOW, I support MacNfries and subhub position(s)110% re: this subject matter! My position is not because I'm of their political stripe, in fact I don't even have a horse in this race! My interests are far more selfish! My interests, as defined in my opening remarks when I started this thread on July 20/2018, are as defined therein! What I stated then, and as history has proven, have been totally correct! In the current political atmospheric whirlwinds created by the least honest and trustworthy President ever to be seated in the Whitehouse! Unfortunately personal animosities are at historic highs! This is most unfortunate but was inevitable as it has been encouraged and perpetuated by Thrump! REMEMBER "PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE!" Again, similar remarks by Trump were acknowledged by some and willfully ignored by others! Regardless the facts remain unaltered!
The final point I'd like to make, if anyone can't stand the heat go get the hell out of the kitchen!
Yeah for you guys but you don’t get it - lots of evidence coming out just how corrupt the Obama administration was - setting up Flynn - going forward with a totally BOGUS investigation into collusion with ZERO evidence or predicate for starting said investigation. Weaponizing the DOJ - FBI - IRS. Got a feeling it’s all gonna flood out into the open soon but you guys will just keep whining.

that's why you are a trumptard…..can not think for your self....and buy anything trump tells you

"do not believe what you see and hear, only believe what I tell you"....isn't that what he said....you guys are living proof
Caution killer at work

Predicted Covid-19 US death toll keeps rising with states reopening and more people moving around

A leading model has increased its US coronavirus death toll projection again as governors continue lifting measures toward a reopening

The model from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington now forecasts more than 137,000 Americans will die by early August, up from its previous forecast of 134,000 deaths.

That rise is largely due to Americans moving around more, IHME Director Dr. Christopher Murray said in a news release, adding that in some places the upward trend in movement began before statewide measures were relaxed. Researchers tracked that movement through anonymous cell phone data, according to the release

"Unless and until we see accelerated testing, contact tracing, isolating people who test positive, and widespread use of masks in public, there is a significant likelihood of new infections," Murray said in the release.

That increased movement could be seen in a photo posted Saturday by Dr. Ethan Weiss showing a packed United flight with every seat taken.

On Sunday, TSA agents screened 200,815 passengers -- 8% of the total from a year ago, according to TSA.

That's up from 128,875 passengers on Sunday, April 26.

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