Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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They have to have served 5 years and fill out form

your killer just has no honor....you saying it is ok to fight for this country and then after go back to mexico or wherever....how about the one that was serving in the middle east...his wife and ******* sent back...he returns and he goes back.....you have a true trump sense of loyalty.....and honesty!

there is a reason most don't like killer trump.....and have a low opinion of his supporters
You don't support that. Republicans have voted down that exact policy.
Good thing I'm not a republican then.

Here's what the latest bill the House passed addressing people who were brought here illegally <key word> as children or babies- republicans refuse to even discuss it. *******, most native born Americans wouldn't make this cut:
They would need to have arrived in the US before turning 18 and have been in the US for at least four years.
They would need a relatively clean record — a felony conviction or three separate misdemeanors involving total jail time of 90 days would be disqualifying.
They would need a high school diploma or GED, or to be enrolled in a program to get either one.
Finally, they would need to pass a background check and other eligibility requirements.

This “conditional status” designation would last for 10 years.
But there would be other ways for DREAMers to be able to apply for a green card at any time, including
serving in the military for two years,
working for three years,
getting a degree from an institution of higher education (or be at least two years through a bachelor’s or technical program).

Says nothing about certain nationalities being excluded or favored. And nowhere does it state "brown people need not apply"

There are requirements that need to be met, entering illegally automatically disqualifies you. You on the left seem to have a hard time understanding the difference between the words "Legally" and "Illegally". I don't think you understand what either of them mean.

You and Mac are confusing corruption and favoritism with actual policies. The policies don't favor one nationality over another, they are the same for all nationalities. Now if you want to talk about the corruption within the system, you won't get much argument from me, but that is not what you are trying to feed me. Instead you desperately want everyone to believe that the system is systemically racist.
your killer just has no honor....you saying it is ok to fight for this country and then after go back to mexico or wherever....how about the one that was serving in the middle east...his wife and ******* sent back...he returns and he goes back.....you have a true trump sense of loyalty.....and honesty!

there is a reason most don't like killer trump.....and have a low opinion of his supporters
The army helped 5 people in my unit become citizens then you still needed to take test others didn't want to couldn't be bothered. But the 5 that did were the proudest americans I've ever seen.
ever wonder why so many say and think you are wrong on so much?
Well isn't it funny that you think your right about anything. I don't need a ton of fake news articles to judge right from wrong. Your problem with me is you can't possibly understand me. I think outside of the box, I go beyond the deceptive distractions to focus in on a much larger picture, you liberals fail to have real vision of the future. Instead you concentrate way to much on the political spectrum. We the average people are almost completely in the dark to what really is happening, ask yourself, who in our world has the power and ability to control the population of 77,835,556,700 Billion people, not the USA's population of 330,705,850 million or 4.25 % of the worlds total population. Who ever control the media and other ways people need to communicate will control the world.
The army helped 5 people in my unit become citizens then you still needed to take test others didn't want to couldn't be bothered. But the 5 that did were the proudest americans I've ever seen.
must be Russian army....because I read several different posting saying other wise....now who should I believe...several different posting......or a supporter of a known liar

you guys just refuse to see...Trump is Americas armagendan
correction....doesn't think...knows.....thought I was wrong one time back in 56...but then a few days later found out I was right after all.....everything else you are saying is just right wing /trumptard jibberish
Reality is a word you are not familiar with, flies right over your head. A very shallow mentality. Have you ever had your IQ tested I am beginning to seriously wonder about your mental state.
HORSESHITE - lots of Independents have been driven to the right by the rabid left !!!!
I for one have been.
I think you let the likes of left extremists, like Bernie Sanders, influence your opinion of the left, and I can assure you MOST liberals aren't convinced in Bernie's weakly thought out socialism. However, we do mostly agree that the 1%ers & corporations are continually being allowed to milk the system & little guys unfairly. We really need to get the BIG MONEY influences and lobbyists out of Washington and make donations (all donations) totally transparent. The law should allow for a total audit and/or investigation of the tax records of any Washington congressman or sitting POTUS or VPOTUS at anytime without warning.
You currently don't HAVE a representative in Washington, blkdlaur ... if you're thinking Trump stands for you, you really and seriously need to take a real assessment of the Republican party as its been reshaped by Trump.
HORSESHITE - lots of Independents have been driven to the right by the rabid left !!!!

I for one have been.
think again …...maybe last time...but most have seen the light....you are deep in the cave...or head to far in your ass

Here Come The Independent Voters, And They're Not Happy ...
Nov 09, 2018 · The chief takeaways here are that independent voters are unhappy with the tone of the debate, exclusively blaming Trump, as well as his unpatriotic and highly questionable love affairs with...

Exit polls: 55 percent of voters unhappy with Trump
Exit polls: 55 percent of voters unhappy with Trump. Fifty-five percent of voters leaving the polls Tuesday disapproved of the job President Trump has done in office over the past 22 months, according to exit polls.

Swing state voters unhappy with Trump’s plan to relax ...
Mar 28, 2020 · The group of voters, gathered from the town of Edina, “included seven voters who flipped from Barack Obama in 2012 to Trump in 2016, and one who switched from Mitt Romney in 2012 to Hillary
Seriously - you guys don’t seem to have very good luck believing in polls.

President Trump is right where you guys want him though - damned if he does - damned if he doesn’t - this pandemic and the crashing economy and probable Great Depression could be his undoing - pretty sure if you had a candidate that wasn’t a basement dwelling senile ole perv you’d have a really good chance of winning next time around. Only good thing if you guys did win wouldn’t have to listen to your incessant whining anymore just prolly your insufferable bragging - guess we can’t win either way either :{
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