Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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President Trump is right where you guys want him though - damned if he does - damned if he doesn’t

we just want rid of the damned guy...…. before he does to the country what he has done to all his biz

he is far to corrupt to count out!......Russia...Russia...Russia

I think he will lose the popular vote by the largest amount in history.....but that doesn't mean he will lose the election.....although I think if the popular vote to much and he still makes it in.....there will be a lot said!
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Caution Killer at work!

Fauci and Birx's public withdrawal worries health experts

President Donald Trump’s oscillations over the fate of his coronavirus task ******* have tapped into a growing fear within the nation’s public health community: That at a critical juncture in the pandemic fight, the government’s top health experts might still be seen, but increasingly not heard.

The Trump administration in recent weeks has clamped down on messaging, largely shifting its focus to cheerleading a restart of the nation’s economy even as states and businesses clamor for guidance on how to do so safely.

Key health agencies remain relegated to the background
. Some congressional requests for health officials’ testimony are being rejected. And though the task ******* is still intact, it has not held a press briefing for 13 days — the longest the public has gone without having Anthony Fauci or Deborah Birx at the White House podium since the briefings began in late February.

It’s a blind spot that the federal government doesn’t see this first and foremost as a public health crisis,” said Joshua Sharfstein, a public health professor at Johns Hopkins University. “This is the public health crisis of the century, and we’re sometimes treating it as anything but.”

The broader turn away from the health issues at the core of such an all-encompassing national emergency is just the latest chapter in a communications strategy that’s long confounded and frustrated public health experts.

It took weeks for Trump to acknowledge the seriousness of the situation, costing the U.S. valuable time in standing up a comprehensive response and limiting the virus’ spread. Now, as the administration’s efforts are beginning to show signs of bending the infection curve, it’s leaving states in charge of balancing a reopening of their crippled economies against the threat that doing so could spur a wave of new outbreaks.

The resulting patchwork of public health planning has confused businesses and worried Americans who have little sense of what the next several months will look like — and who polls show are broadly anxious about emerging from their homes.

“Businesses are looking for clear, practical guidance for the best steps that they can undertake. Ideally they’d like to see as much uniformity as possible across the states,” said Neil Bradley, the chief policy officer at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “We want to be able to instill confidence for both employees and customers.”

The scrutiny over the White House’s public messaging has at times exasperated top administration officials, who argue there’s little they can do to satisfy the president’s detractors

The task *******’s daily briefings were dismissed as political theater and sparked debates over whether they should even be aired on television during their two month-long run, Trump allies argue. Now that press secretary Kayleigh McEnany is holding regular briefings — an event whose absence was also criticized — there is fresh clamoring for the task ******* to return. In the meantime, Trump himself has continued to take questions from the smaller press pool at various events, at times accompanied by Birx.

That reflects a conscious shift in the messaging strategy on the health issues — reflecting a shift in priorities for the task ******* itself, according to one task ******* official.

In addition to continued work on issues like testing and contact tracing, the task ******* will soon devote more of its time to the vaccine and therapeutic development front — potentially adding additional members who specialize in those efforts. Officials across the government also remain in private one-on-one contact with states, lawmakers and health providers, the official said.

“There is still very much a focus on the health side of things, and there needs to be,” the official said, pointing to an off-camera briefing for reporters Pence hosted this week that included Birx, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, Medicare chief Seema Verma and FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn.

But those public appearances will be on an “as needed” basis, said the official, who could not say if the task ******* would resume any regular briefing schedule — or if a federal health agency like the Centers for Disease Control would eventually take over as the face of the public health response. Public health experts have urged the administration to put the CDC in charge of the response for months, arguing it would help de-politicize the response.

In response to questions about health agencies' role in the pandemic response, an HHS spokesperson said "department leadership and scientific and public health experts across HHS have been and will continue to be transparent and actively communicating with the American people."

While Birx appeared on “Fox News Sunday” last week, neither she nor Fauci were scheduled for Sunday-morning interviews this week.

Meanwhile, many public health experts contend that the administration has been putting its political priorities ahead of crucial health information — hampering the response at nearly every turn.

Over just the last couple weeks, for example, the rush onto the market of dozens of different coronavirus antibody tests generated bewilderment over how accurate they were — and what exactly states and businesses should use them for.

Hospitals that cheered the announcement of the first proven Covid-19 treatment quickly grew frustrated over an initial distribution process that was kept largely secret and ultimately ended up botched. It wasn’t until a wave of press reports on the problem — including that Pence directed Azar to take more responsibility — that HHS released details on its distribution plans.

Much-anticipated CDC guidelines advising businesses and schools how they should reopen, meanwhile, remain in limbo, prompting many companies to seek out other sources in the meantime for assistance on how to operate through an unprecedented crisis.

“[Businesses] want specific guidance, and they’re asking all the time for universities to give it to them — for someone to give it to them,” said Sharfstein, who added he’s been doing regular webinars on the issue for businesses. “The uncertainty is maddening to them, and when they hear conflicting messages, it amplifies the uncertainty.”

Gone, too, is much of the administration’s transparency with Congress, where top health officials trekked to Capitol Hill throughout the crisis’ early days to brief lawmakers regularly on the response effort. That practice — which won high marks from Republicans and even many Democrats — has since devolved into mass conference calls where House and Senate members alike crowd onto the line, only to come away with few new answers.

They’ll say, we don’t have the answer, we'll get back to your office — and then they won’t get back to our office,” said Rep. Kim Schrier, a Washington Democrat and the only female physician in Congress.

The experience has underscored the need for the administration’s health experts to testify at congressional hearings, she added, though the White House is now tightly controlling who is allowed to show up and where. Trump has already blocked Fauci from testifying in front of the House and indicated he would do the same with Azar and Verma — calling the chamber “a bunch of Trump haters.”

I think it is critically important that we get Fauci and Birx out front,”
Schrier said, lamenting that Democrats scattered throughout the country face simple logistical difficulties in countering Trump daily musings and elevating public health recommendations. “What he is setting up is a sense in the public that it is an either/or: that it’s either you save the economy or you address the public health part — and he is prioritizing the economy.”
Caution Killer at work

A nurse without an N95 mask raced in to treat a 'code blue' patient. She died 14 days later

The decision that Celia Marcos made, the one that would ultimately steal years from her life, had been hard-wired after decades working as a nurse.

On the ward that she oversaw at Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, a man with COVID-19 had stopped breathing. Marcos' face was covered only with a thin surgical mask, and obtaining a more protective N95 mask before entering his room would have wasted valuable time, her colleagues say.

The 61-year-old charge nurse knew the chest compressions and other breathing treatments the patient needed would likely spew dangerous virus particles into the air that could land on her face and clothing. She would be at high risk of catching the coronavirus.

Marcos raced into the room. Fourteen days later, she was dead.

Marcos died in the same hospital where she had worked for more than 16 years, one of at least 36 healthcare workers in California who have succumbed to COVID-19.
You just got Russian on the brain,
Give us a good reason why we shouldn't, Allfor. I mean, its not like the ORANGE President didn't meet with the Russians on several occasions in private, with no US documentation of the meetings. Its not like he didn't share highly classified information with the Russians. And its not like he didn't take the side of Vladimir-Putin when our secret service departments ALL said Russians were meddling in our 2016 election and VPutin said they weren't. And it isn't like Trump didn't have a biased AG helping him avoid prosecution.
So don't pick on subhub without picking on all of us liberals in this forum. If it looks like a skunk & smells like a skunk, it very likely IS A SKUNK. Of course you know that, as well, its just that its the wrong party involved. If it was a Democrat President & Senate, you bottom dwellers would have been all over it.
What I am find happening on this thread and really the whole site is hypocrisy. Most of it coming from the Democrats, Liberals. Leftists side. Some are living in the past and will not except Racism happened but needs to be put to rest in this country. The response to immigration is a perfect example of false racism. The USA, Mexican border needs to be open because as it stands now it's not a path for brown people. ????
Who said that bullshit???
I'm the one that's been writing the most. And, posting Democratic positions. Nowhere does it say that. Nowhere have I said that. Again, who advocates for open and now security-less borders? Castro had the most liberal border policy, i posted it, and it calls for border security.
Is your brain as small as your cock? Why can't you angry fucks take more than one thought in without eliminating the previous one. Or, are you drinking too much Clorox?
American Immigration Policy has absolutely been mirred in racism. You don't want to talk about the past, then don't say stupid ******* about it.
And if you think racism is dead today, just read the news. Black man jogging in his neighborhood, confronted by two white men, shot to death and they white men were not prosecuted at first. Claimed self defense (it's ok for a white man with a gun to claim self defense, what about the black man without a gun that was confronted by armed assholes). Only until the video emerged did the two armed men, who chased this guy down and shot him, get arrested and charged.
One example of hundreds every damn day. Old white men who have chosen to ignore what happens around race (that doesn't get them hard), have no say in the conversation around it. Shut up. Listen Try to learn.
Good thing I'm not a republican then.
Says nothing about certain nationalities being excluded or favored. And nowhere does it state "brown people need not apply"
Start with the list I provided from the State Department. Doesn't have to say that, Notice a whole continent is missing and many brown countries. Many many many.
Don't be an asshole. You should just understand, you don't understand,
That is basically what this all boils down to - people not wanting to take the time to achieve citizenship - JUST GIVE IT TO ME!
Ah yes, the lazy minority story line. Only white immigrants want to take the time huh?. Back to your old ways I see, ol' fuck face.
Educate us. How many applicants from the non favored status countries apply, and how many are granted?
Now how many, percentage, come from that list of favored status.
well just not enough ways to thank killer and company for where we are today!

Caution Killer at work!

Up to 43m Americans could lose health insurance amid ...
21 hours ago · As many as 43 million Americans could lose their health insurance in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new report from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the …

43 Million Americans in Danger of Losing Health Insurance ...
16 hours ago · As many as 43 million Americans are in danger of losing their current health insurance as unemployment surges amid the novel coronavirus pandemic, a …
Caution Killer at work!

trying to use Blackmail against those in need to get what HE wants and things that MIGHT help with his re-election

The White House’s "pause" on coronavirus relief is a risk ...
May 03, 2020 · President Donald Trump has suggested relief will be used as leverage to ******* states and cities to change their immigration policies, a message reinforced by Kudlow on Sunday. Meanwhile, the first...

NEC Director Larry Kudlow Frustrated Congress Will Not ...
Apr 17, 2020 · National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow shows a bit of frustration in this interview as he discusses the Small Business relief package and the paycheck protection program (ppp) that has been allowed to exhaust all funding.

White House taking a 'pause' on stimulus aid, officials ...
WASHINGTON — White House chief economic adviser Larry Kudlow on Sunday said the Trump Administration was taking a “pause” on pushing Congress for additional coronavirus relief

President Trump Says Next Stimulus Package Must Have ...
May 04, 2020 · The next school of thought is a slower release of stimulus through an existing mechanism - the payroll tax. A payroll tax waiver is an approach favored by the President and an idea he’s proposed ...
Caution Killer at work!

hoping to buy votes at the expense of the needy

Pelosi To Trump’s Demand For Payroll Tax Holiday In Next COVID-19 Bill: ‘No Way!’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) is slamming President Donald Trump over his threat to block further COVID-19 stimulus packages unless Congress agrees to a payroll tax cut for the rest of the year. “Is it ok?” Pelosi told CNN. “You know what? No, it is not.”

Trump said on Fox News Sunday night that he will demand the payroll tax holiday. “We’re not doing anything unless we get a payroll tax cut.”

Pelosi said in response, “First of all, this is all to be related to the coronavirus. We have enormous costs, most of it incurred because of the president was in denial early on, delayed a reaction to it, [it] caused deaths. Nobody is putting things on the table and saying unless we have this, we’re not doing that, and he shouldn’t either. We’re talking about life and death. We’re talking about people dying. We’re talking about people risking their lives to save people’s lives. We’re not talking about Red State-Blue State, we’re talking about all of America.”

The next bill would be the fifth piece of COVID-19-related legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by Trump.
Caution Killer at work!

economy over lives!....hell let them sit rubbing shoulders and coughing and etc for an hour or so....help keep the virus under control don't you think.....what social distancing....United flew a full flight yesterday!

White House push for airport fever screenings overrules ...
May 09, 2020 · The White House is pushing a return to a failed strategy of relying on temperature screening of air travelers to detect coronavirus despite vehement objections from …

Airport temperature screenings pushed by White House ...
14 hours ago · Airport temperature screenings pushed by White House despite CDC objection. Over the objections of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Trump administration is moving forward with a proposal to conduct temperature checks on travelers at 20 U.S. airports, according to a USA Today report that cites internal documents.

CDC: White House Proposal For Airport Temperature Checks ...
May 09, 2020 · The White House is recommending thermal screening at airports, but the CDC objects. Getty. Over the objections of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the …
Killer not worried.....it's the economy stupid...….quit worrying about a little thing like LIVING!

Dreaded comeback? Wuhan reports 5 new coronavirus cases ...
5 hours ago · Wuhan, China, the original hotspot of the Covid-19 pandemic, has reported five new indigenous cases as the number of infections across mainland China has grown slightly. China reported 17 new cases of the novel coronavirus on Monday – three more than the day before.

Wuhan Records 14 NEW Covid-19 Cases After Over A Month Of ...
2 hours ago · Just when we thought the dust was starting to settle in the Covid-19 pandemic, we are shocked with the news that Wuhan has recorded 14 new cases yesterday after over a month of zero cases. Wuhan was the epicentre of the Covid-19 pandemic where the virus was first detected – believed to be from the […]
killer has priorities…...and our health is NOT one of them

Coronavirus research upended by politics

Peter Daszak is a scientist whose work is helping in the search for a COVID-19 cure. So why did the president just cancel Daszak's funding? It's the kind of politics which might seem ill-advised in a health crisis. President Trump is blaming China's government for the pandemic. The outbreak was first detected in the city of Wuhan. The administration has said, at times, the virus is man-made or that, if it's natural, it must have leaked out of a Chinese government lab. Both the White House and the Chinese Communist Party have been less than honest. And so, in China, and the U.S., the work of scientists like Peter Daszak is being undercut by pandemic politics.

Peter Daszak is a British-born American Ph.D. who's spent a career discovering dangerous viruses in wildlife, especially bats.

In 2003, in Malaysia, he warned 60 Minutes a pandemic was coming.

Peter Daszak in 2003 interview: What worries me the most is that we are going to miss the next emerging disease, that we're suddenly going to find a SARS virus that moves from one part of the planet to another, wiping out people as it moves along.

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