Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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This pandemic is an enigma wrapped in a conundrum - hard to plot the correct course - it’s so contagious and has so many facets the correct course of action is almost impossible to ferret out. The only sure thing is that we can not afford to collapse the economy so fully we end up in another Great Depression. Hopefully the sweet spot will be discovered - might just be a hit and miss trial of many different actions.
Not asking for a pass, Got a issue with me, take it up with me, not in a 3rd person reference. either apologizes for your BS, or ignore my post - that simple. Take your pick.
1. My issue with you is not a secret, several pages of exchanges,
2. love you! You don't get to decide who comments on your half thought out responses.
3. Go call H-H, I'm sure he'll come to your defense again.
4. My comment above was to MacFries on trying to show you a different perspective. You've already shown us, right or wrong, you'll stick to your original point because it's all about the win. So, he shouldn't try to be reasonable with the unreasonable.
5. I will comment each and every time you post. Nothing personal.
1. My issue with you is not a secret, several pages of exchanges,
2. love you! You don't get to decide who comments on your half thought out responses.
3. Go call H-H, I'm sure he'll come to your defense again.
4. My comment above was to MacFries on trying to show you a different perspective. You've already shown us, right or wrong, you'll stick to your original point because it's all about the win. So, he shouldn't try to be reasonable with the unreasonable.
5. I will comment each and every time you post. Nothing personal.

Yep, figured you would be a coward.
Lives mean nothing to this guy....he doesn't care how many he kills to get re-elected

President Trump Says U.S. Can Reopen Without Risking Lives, as He Predicts Death Toll Will Rise to 90,000

WASHINGTON) — Anxious to spur an economic recovery without risking lives, President Donald Trump insists that “you can satisfy both” — see states gradually lift lockdowns while also protecting people from the coronavirus pandemic that has killed more than 66,000 Americans.
The president, fielding questions from Americans Sunday night in a virtual town hall from the Lincoln Memorial, acknowledged valid fears on both sides of the issue. Some people are worried about getting sick; others are reeling from lost jobs and livelihoods.

But while Trump increased his projection for the total U.S. death total to 80,000 or 90,000 — up by more than 20,000 fatalities from what he had suggested just a few weeks ago — he struck a note of urgency to restart the nation’s economy, declaring “we have to reopen our country.”

“We have to get it back open safely but as quickly as possible,” Trump said.

the evidence they have...…...one of trumps health officials wrote a book about it 5 years ago and with trump being a conspiracy theorists….

Was Coronavirus Outbreak From Wuhan Lab? Pompeo Says ...
May 03, 2020 · Earlier in the day, Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said “enormous evidence” shows the Covid-19 outbreak began in the Wuhan laboratory, but didn’t provide any proof for his claims.
well ain't that a fucking surprise....dems should ask for equal air time!

Trump uses virtual town hall as an appeal for reelection

President Donald Trump on Sunday turned a town hall that was centered on the coronavirus pandemic into an appeal for his reelection, leveraging the two-hour time slot on Fox News at the Lincoln Memorial to tout himself as an unrivaled American leader.

Trump took some tough, substantive questions from Fox News’ Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum, as well as Americans who submitted video queries over the past week. But the president was also evasive and defensive at times, and the hosts often didn’t follow up when Trump was vague, incorrect or misleading in his responses.

Mmmmm you mean Federal Dr.s are not agreeing with Dr. Frankentrump?......their death projections a lot higher than the killer....who has already surpassed Viet Nam deaths

Birx’s ‘Fox News Sunday’ interview lays bare the discord in Trump’s coronavirus response

The Washington Post published its latest in-depth investigation into the Trump administration’s uneven response to the coronavirus pandemic on Saturday night. On Sunday morning, an interview with a leading medical expert on the White House task ******* reinforced it.

Appearing on “Fox News Sunday,” Deborah Birx offered very different comments compared with President Trump’s on the projected coronavirus death toll and the protesters who recently stormed the Michigan State Capitol.

Birx was asked about Trump’s projections in recent weeks that there would be between 50,000 and 60,000 deaths, which he later increased to 60,000 to 70,000. We are at over 66,000 deaths, with little sign in recent weeks of any significant downturn.

Birx told host Chris Wallace that “our projections have always been between 100,000 and 240,000 American lives lost, and that’s with full mitigation and us learning from each other of how to social distance.”

That contradicts what Trump said. The president hasn’t just offered a more optimistic tone on the death toll; on April 20, he suggested 50,000 to 60,000 deaths had actually replaced the previous 100,000-to-240,000 goal that he had said would constitute a successful response.

We’re going toward 50, I’m hearing, or 60,000 people,” Trump said. “One is too many. I always say it: One is too many. But we’re going toward 50 or 60,000 people. That’s at the lower — as you know, the low number was supposed to be 100,000 people. We could end up at 50 to 60. Okay?”

That first lowered estimate was passed in a matter of days, and the 60,000-to-70,000 estimate appears as though it won’t last past the early part of this week.

Birx’s most significant comments on Sunday, though, came with regard to the protesters in Michigan. They stormed the State Capitol, some brandishing guns, to urge a reopening of the state.

Birx’s message was clear: It’s a horrible development.

“It’s devastatingly worrisome to me, personally, because if they go home and infect their grandmother or their grandfather who has a co-morbid condition and they have a serious or a very — or an unfortunate outcome, they will feel guilty for the rest of our lives,” she said. “So we need to protect each other at the same time we’re voicing our discontent.”

That’s a kind of cautioning and rebuking of the protesters that we simply haven’t seen from Trump.

The president, in fact, has tacitly encouraged protesters in states like Michigan, initially tweeting “LIBERATE MICHIGAN” when the protests began and offering similar sentiments for other states.

Since then, he has been given several opportunities to suggest that the protesters should back off, but he has declined and instead suggested that he sympathizes with them and their goals.

read more

trump pissed....Governors have a higher approval rating than he does...…..burns his ass!

As Washington stumbled, governors stepped to the forefront

The history of the United States has generally been written with the states in a subordinate role or cast in a negative light — but no longer. The story of America’s confrontation with the coronavirus pandemic is one in which states and their governors have been dominant.

As Washington has stumbled, governors of both parties have acted to fill the void. States have pleaded with Washington for help, and sometimes have gotten it. As often, however, the tensions and disagreements between state leaders and the federal government — especially with President Trump — have come to define the crisis.

As Trump dallied, governors moved on their own to order their residents to stay at home. When the president threatened to ******* states to lift those restrictions, governors resisted. When Trump supported protesters demanding that their states be opened up, many governors — though not all — said they would follow federal guidelines to the letter or even go beyond.

This display of state power is very much as the Founders intended when they established the nation. Just as they created checks and balances at the national level among the legislative, executive and judicial branches, they also wanted checks and balances between the central government and the states. Over time, the federal government has regularly usurped the broad authority given to the states, often to wipe away problems or correct historical injustices.

This spring, the balance of power has been flipped, with states ****** to compensate for failings at the national level. Those federal deficiencies reflect an absence of readiness and sometimes a lack of interest and competence on the part of the Trump administration. The deficiencies have been compounded by a president given to issuing conflicting advice, attacking individual governors, and making wildly misleading and outright false statements, as when he suggested that scientists should explore injecting bleach into people to combat the virus.

And did nothing but praise China for their handling of it!

Trump Had Two Intelligence Briefings on Virus in Late January

The intelligence community briefed President Donald Trump twice in the eight days before he imposed travel restrictions on China in an attempt to stop the spread of coronavirus, said a senior White House official familiar with the briefings.

In a Jan. 23 briefing, Trump was told the virus was poised to spread globally from China and that becoming infected wouldn’t be deadly for most people.

Trump said Sunday night that he was told on Jan. 23 that a virus might be coming but that it wasn’t of much import.

“They said it very matter of factly,” he said during a town hall broadcast on Fox News, adding that the intelligence community would release more information on Monday.

The Jan. 23 session was the first time the intelligence community briefed the president on Covid-19, said the official, who requested anonymity to describe the classified briefings.

The next time intelligence officials spoke to Trump on the topic was Jan. 28, when he received information showing the virus was spreading outside of China but that all deaths remained inside of that country, the official said. Trump was also told at the time that China wasn’t sharing key data about the virus, according to the official.

The White House official said those were the only times Trump was briefed by the intelligence community about the virus during January. It isn’t clear what information the intelligence community said China was withholding, or if Trump was briefed about the incredible strain a major outbreak in the U.S. could place on the health-care system, the economy and Americans’ way of life.

The new information sheds more light about what the president and U.S. intelligence agencies knew in the early days of Covid-19’s spread in China. Trump and his administration have come under fire for their early response efforts.

More than 1.1 million people in the U.S. have been infected by the virus and more than 67,000 have died, the largest outbreak in the world.

U.S. Shipped Tons Of COVID-19 Supplies To China As Trump ...
Mar 31, 2020 · Even before the supplies were sent to China, U.S. lawmakers were calling on the Trump administration to make preparations to deal with the spreading disease in America, noted mom Jones, which was the first to report the aid to China.

U.S. Shipped Tons Of COVID-19 Supplies To China As Trump Dismissed Threat Here

Now desperate, the U.S. is accepting face masks, gowns and gloves airlifted from China.

The U.S. State Department shipped 17.8 tons of donated coronavirus medical supplies to China seven weeks ago, when health experts and some American lawmakers were already seeking federal action to prepare the country for the disease.

The massive shipment to China included medical masks, gowns and respirators, now in desperately short supply across America
. The supplies were contributed by American companies and nonprofits, according to a U.S. Agency for International Development official.

The State Department touted its aid to China in a press release Feb. 7, three weeks after the first COVID-19 case emerged in Washington state. The statement said the agency was prepared to spend $100 million on the fight against the disease in China and other foreign countries. That was the same day the World Health Organization sounded an alert that such supplies were in critically short supply around the globe.
1. My issue with you is not a secret, several pages of exchanges,
2. love you! You don't get to decide who comments on your half thought out responses.
3. Go call H-H, I'm sure he'll come to your defense again.
4. My comment above was to MacFries on trying to show you a different perspective. You've already shown us, right or wrong, you'll stick to your original point because it's all about the win. So, he shouldn't try to be reasonable with the unreasonable.
5. I will comment each and every time you post. Nothing personal.

will divert....when cornered on his bullshit!
sure....we send the good stuff....for free..........and what do we get back when we PURCHASE it......

Low-Quality Masks Infiltrate U.S. Coronavirus Supply

U.S. regulators and state officials are finding a significant number of imported N95-style masks fall short of certification standards, complicating the response to the coronavirus crisis and potentially putting some front-line workers at greater risk.

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