Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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So they are right next to your proof of Trump working for Russia, got it.
I can send them to you, butthead ... just not posting them on the forum as the rules are very clear, here.
All you have to do is send me a message that you want ME to show You the proof. I won't be responsible for what you do with them after you get them. comprenda'? Just how much proof do you need? There are about 20+ proofs.
LOL ... you guys, you're just like Trump. Make ******* up all the time. I'll ask the same of YOU as I did of blkdlaur, show me any POST i've made where I wished anything bad happen to our country. .... ANY post ... ANY where .... ANY time. And I've been here 11 frik'n years as of July.
Show me the link, proof, etc ... where I've wished anything BAD.
I'll tell you what it is ... you folks are finally starting to see the light & truth of Trump and you have NO WHERE TO GO ... Trump is your man for better or for worse, and you're sticking to him, but its now becoming quite an embarrassment for you. Most of the Nazi soldiers realized, prior to the end of the war, that Hitler was a big phony and fanatic and began deserting and surrendering. Maybe its time you guys start doing the same.
Another quote for you quote loving Trumptards ...
You made your beds, now sleep in them. But don't get comfortable, 'cause as of February 2021 we're gonna be kicking your sorry asses OUT.​
If you think I am going back to reread all your egotistical, criticizing posts where your rhetoric is using words in a clever way to persuade others to accept an idea, in your case the use of words that include half-truths and untruth to purposely cause an emotional negative reaction, emphasize differences to an extreme, create bias, bigotry, and unrest.

The news media is providing "fake" news. (With an underlying message of don't believe the public news media reporting.)
If you think I am going back to reread all your egotistical, criticizing posts where your rhetoric is using words in a clever way to persuade others to accept an idea, in your case the use of words that include half-truths and untruth to purposely cause an emotional negative reaction, emphasize differences to an extreme, create bias, bigotry, and unrest.
Ah, so NOW you're admitting that you don't KNOW if I've specifically stated ill will on our country to spite Trump or not. What you're saying is you're assuming my statements "imply" that I want ill will on our country to spite Trump. See, that would be your OPINION, Hottobe. Therefore, the one who is a liar is YOU, Hottobe . So, you should either go look for that post you say I made, OR, apologize for fabricating yet another LIE.
As far as going back and reading all my posts to prove your point ... good fucking luck with that, as I've posted over 12,000 times in the forums and secondly, I positively know that I have NEVER said what you say I said ... personally, I don't care what you do, just don't charge me with your fabricated LIES.
...... What you can do with YOUR OPINIONS:
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bet this pisses off HH and company...………..see a lot more Dems voting now instead of trying to find ways of fucking them out of their right to vote...…..even in Kobach country!

Court: Kansas can't require voters to show citizenship proof
Apr 29, 2020 · BELLE PLAINE, Kan. (AP) — A federal appeals court panel ruled Wednesday that Kansas can’t require voters to show proof of citizenship when they register, dealing a blow to efforts by Republicans in several states who have pursued restrictive voting laws as a way of combating voter

Court: Kansas Can't Require Voters to Show Citizenship ...
Apr 29, 2020 · BELLE PLAINE, Kan. (AP) — A federal appeals court panel ruled Wednesday that Kansas can't require voters to show proof of citizenship
Maybe we can say that because it’s so obviously true. You people calling someone a phony is hilarious yet understandable as you don’t even realize how phony you are - we do.

being a trump supporter....you have no idea what truth is....and yet want to tell others what it is.....funny

that is like saying I don't believe in the tooth fairy....and yet putting your tooth under your pillow
thanks trump.....trying weed down the population...….

US coronavirus death toll surpasses 60,000 and 100 bodies ...
Apr 30, 2020 · The U.S. reached another grim milestone Wednesday afternoon as the death toll climbed over 60,000. President Donald Trump last week cited 60,000 as a high-end estimate of how many people would die from the coronavirus. The president on Monday revised that estimate to 60,000 to 70,000, after the U.S. crossed a death toll of 55,000.
thanks trump......working on keeping the death toll rising...…..

Trump says federal social distancing guidelines will not ...
Apr 29, 2020 · Associated Press Trump says federal social distancing guidelines will not be extended at the end of the month Published: April 29, 2020 at 6:51 p.m. ET

Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation
Social distancing helps limit contact with infected people and contaminated surfaces. Although the risk of severe illness may be different for everyone, anyone can get and spread COVID-19. Everyone has a role to play in slowing the spread and protecting themselves, their family, and their community. Tips for social distancing

End of Trump’s social distancing rules spurs fears of virus rebound

The Trump administration’s “Stay at Home” guidelines will quietly expire Thursday with little fanfare — letting states decide what’s next.

But as President Donald Trump repeatedly declares that “we’re opening our country again,” the inconsistent patchwork of state, local and business decision-making is exactly what could drive a second wave of the coronavirus — or potentially prolong the current outbreak.

Instead of the national campaign to get people to stay home, the White House is leaving states with a set of CDC recommendations. They aren’t binding, and they aren’t all specific. That could lead to unexpected spikes across the country — sometimes in new places that didn’t see a bad outbreak, but also in cities that were recovering, only to suffer a setback.

The U.S. death toll is still rising, often by 1,500 to 2,000 a day. It passed 60,000 on Wednesday, according to the Johns Hopkins University tracker, a number that Trump had until recently predicted the country would not exceed.

still finger pointing.....and telling his lies...……………….

Trump says China wants him to lose re-election race
Apr 30, 2020 · U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he believes China's handling of the coronavirus is proof that Beijing "will do anything they can" to make him lose his re-election bid. In an ...

Trump claims China will 'do anything' to stop his re ...
3 hours ago · Donald Trump has claimed that China’s handling of the coronavirus is proof that Beijing “will do anything they can” to make him lose his re-election bid in November.. In an interview with ...

rather than accept the facts he is responsible for the deaths....no one else...just Donald jackass Trump!

Coronavirus: Years of failures undercut Trump ...
The Trump administration slashed agencies and government programs responsible for detecting and responding to the virus, it ignored multiple warnings of a potential surge, and it publicly ...

Timeline of Trump's failure to take coronavirus seriously
Mar 30, 2020 · Timeline of Trump's failure to take coronavirus seriously | Letter President Trump wasted two months hoping to wish the coronavirus away. …
Facing a tough re-election...…..Cuomo putting a lot of heat on his sorry ass...….and pointing out how bad his state economy is....now he changes his mind on a few things...……..Mmmm…..wonder why.....

McConnell now open to state aid in next virus relief bill ...
Apr 29, 2020 · Reversing course, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell now says he is "open" to considering additional funds for state and local governments in the next coronavirus relief bill.

McConnell open to state aid in next virus relief package ...
15 hours ago · McConnell open to state aid in next virus relief package Shifting tone, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell now says he is “open” to considering additional funds for state and local ...
Interesting...……….and yet typical of trump and comp

Documents show FBI debated how to handle investigation of Michael Flynn

Newly released documents about the origins of the criminal case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn show that FBI officials feared that the new Trump White House might view the bureau as “playing games” if it sought to interview him without disclosing exactly what it was up to.

The four pages of records provided to Flynn’s defense attorneys last week and unsealed on Wednesday by a federal judge reflect internal brainstorming at the FBI in January 2017 about how to approach the politically explosive investigation into Flynn’s contacts with the Russian ambassador weeks earlier, during the presidential transition.

Flynn’s lawyers and supporters said the notes and emails were “smoking gun” evidence that he was railroaded by FBI officials intent on bringing him down
But defenders of the FBI’s handling of the investigation said the records showed thorough and thoughtful deliberation about how to handle an exquisitely sensitive inquiry into the president’s top national security aide just days into a new administration.

One page of handwritten notes dated the same day Flynn was interviewed, Jan. 24, 2017, appears to show a debate about how forthcoming to be with him or others at the White House about the nature of the FBI investigation.

“If we’re seen as playing games, WH will be furious,” the notes say. “Protect our institution by not playing games.”

The notes also reflect deliberation about whether confronting Flynn with a lie in real time would be helpful to their investigation.

“What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?” the notes read.

One issue that FBI officials considered was whether to show Flynn that they already knew details of his conversations with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the U.S. at the time. That knowledge came from court-ordered intercepts of the ambassador’s communications, but those details are redacted from the records that were released on Wednesday.

“We regularly show subjects evidence, with the goal of getting them to admit their wrongdoing,” the notes add. “I don’t see how getting someone to admit their wrongdoing is going easy on him.”

However, the notes also reflect seesawing positions on the matter: “I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [redacted] if he didn’t admit,” they began.

According to the FBI’s official reports on the interview, the bureau’s agents never confronted Flynn with the intercepts during the session, although the then-national security adviser indicated that the FBI probably knew what had transpired. Nevertheless, Flynn denied discussing U.S. sanctions against Russia with Kislyak.

Acting Attorney General Sally Yates did go to White House counsel Don McGahn with evidence that Flynn’s statement on that account was false
. President Donald Trump later fired Flynn, saying he’d lied to Vice President Mike Pence and the FBI.

Flynn’s comments in that interview were at the heart of his decision to plead guilty in December 2017 to a felony false-statement charge brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. Flynn now insists he never lied, and he is trying to back out of that plea.

The newly disclosed notes show that FBI officials even appear to have considered Trump’s political worldview as they assessed whether maintaining cordial relations with the White House might help the bureau win support for its work aimed at combating the influence of foreign-government actors in the U.S.

“Admin’s economic emphasis could be good for our CI [counterintelligence] efforts,” a sentence scrawled at the top margin of the handwritten page says.

The public court filings that led to U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan’s order on Wednesday unsealing the records do not indicate who authored the handwritten notes.

A Justice Department spokeswoman declined to say who wrote them, but they appear to relate to a meeting with the deputy director of the FBI at the time, Andrew McCabe. He was the one who ultimately called Flynn that day to ask him to meet with two FBI agents, Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka.

The FBI’s top lawyer at the time, James Baker, was also involved in discussions about the interview, but a person with direct knowledge of the matter said the notes were not Baker’s. However, the source would not identify the author.

Though the notes appear to reflect an unsettled deliberation, Trump allies quickly insisted on Wednesday that they amounted to irrefutable proof that the Flynn interview was a setup.

“Flynn doesn’t need to be pardoned, he did nothing wrong, he needs to be fully exonerated with all charges dropped immediately!” Donald Trump Jr., the president’s eldest *******, wrote on Twitter.

The president himself tweeted out a Fox News story of the development.

Rep. Devin Nunes of California, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, tweeted: “Clear now that General Flynn was set up by dirty cops at the highest levels of our government.”

In a court filing last week, Flynn’s lead lawyer, Sidney Powell, called the documents “stunning” and said the new evidence “proves Mr. Flynn’s allegations of having been deliberately set up and framed by corrupt agents at the top of the FBI.”

Justice Department prosecutors agreed to a request by Flynn’s lawyers that the records be made public in the court file.

Prosecutors have previously defended the FBI’s work on the case and insisted that any mistakes or misjudgements by bureau personnel were immaterial to Flynn’s guilt.

It is unclear whether the Justice Department’s view on the case has shifted. Prosecutors have told Judge Sullivan that they are mulling a request by Flynn to withdraw his guilty plea on the grounds that he got bad advice from his previous defense lawyers.

The documents made public on Wednesday were obtained through a review that Attorney General William Barr ordered in January following persistent complaints by Flynn’s attorneys and supporters that the former national security adviser and Defense Intelligence Agency chief was framed.

Barr picked the U.S. attorney in St. Louis, Jeff Jensen, to oversee that review. No conclusion from Jensen has been made public, and Justice Department officials say his work is ongoing.

Last week, however, prosecutors began turning over to Flynn’s lawyers some of the records Jensen has turned up. A second set of documents, which Powell said totaled 11 pages, were given to defense lawyers on Wednesday.

On Twitter, the defense lawyer described the new batch as “even more appalling” than the material handed over last week.

guilty as fuck...but trying to work with trump wh....made things uncomfortable...so does he get off scott free for that?....only under a trump/republican administration

Treasury Refuses to Release Trump Tax Records, but ...
Treasury Refuses to Release Trump Tax Records, but Releases Hunter Biden’s Financial Records February 10, 2020 by Ed Brayton Treasury Refuses to Release Trump Tax Records, but Releases
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