Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Your commentary is slightly arcane there Ed. If it’s true that Osama wanted to take out Obama because he felt Biden was incompetent I think that speaks volumes.
If only Osama could see ole Uncle Joe now - he’s prolly laughing his arse off right now with his 72 virgins 😝

the only thing here that speaks volumes is your ability to swallow a line of *******
It speaks volumes? Why? You laud and praise the words of a foreign fucking monster because he insulted the Vice President of the United States??? You give him credibility??? The architect behind the terror attack that killed 3000 Americans in one day?!? The founder and head of the most dangerous terrorist group in the world, Al Qaeda?!?

Al, Qaeda, who is responsible for attacks and the deaths of 1000s of Americans murders around the world both, civilian and military including the attack on the Blackhawk copters in Somalia, attacks on the American embassy in Kenya, the first World Trade Center bombing, a military installation in Saudi Arabia, the USS Cole in Yemen, and the American embassy in Tanzania. Not to mention the 2500 American troops and the more than 20,000 injured in Afghanistan alone.

This is how classless, sick, and fucked up you are. You side with the words Osama Bin Ladin over an honorable American because you don't like his politics, to support your political view. A political view that needs help, or gladly takes it from the worst murderer of American souls in our history.

One word for you- Traitor.

Gee Ed that seems an awful lot like a straw man argument to me. I’m not in anyway disputing that Osama was a real prick. All I‘m saying is that as the biggest baddest bad ass enemy of our country as you say - and I’m agreeing with ya - ya dumb fuck - if in fact he made that statement that he wanted to take out Obama because he thought Biden was incompetent that would be significant coming from our worst enemy at that time in history. If anyone are traitors it’s you incessantly whining Dems that attack our President and have since his election and often take the part of our enemies against him just for political gain. You’d be funny if you weren’t SO sad.
What I said was he assessed our country found the weak link to exploited being joe luckily we killed him first
I thought you were a good piece of gear, so I'll break it down Barney style.
1989-2011 Osama Bin Laden was the enemy of the United States with more of our ******* on his hands than anyone else.
He used plenty of money and propaganda to get the Al Qaeda message against the West, particularly the United States, out to the Islamic world.
Using any of his propaganda to highlight your distaste of an American politician, promotes his propaganda. It goes to far. He cost every American a lot.

I stand corrected, and apologize, for bringing your patriotism in this. That was not helpful for a real point I should have made.
No bidens Kidd only got placed there cause his dad was vp
Well, this happened while Trump was President (that's higher that VP right?) And, IVANKA WAS A GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE IN THE WHITE HOUSE! Oh, it was done at a dinner at Mara Largo with the Chinese President! Come on man!!!!
And more specifically to who is running:
Well, this happened while Trump was President (that's higher that VP right?) And, IVANKA WAS A GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE IN THE WHITE HOUSE! Oh, it was done at a dinner at Mara Largo with the Chinese President! Come on man!!!!
And more specifically to who is running:
For there own companies that were already established
Gee Ed that seems an awful lot like a straw man argument to me. I’m not in anyway disputing that Osama was a real prick. All I‘m saying is that as the biggest baddest bad ass enemy of our country as you say - and I’m agreeing with ya - ya dumb fuck - if in fact he made that statement that he wanted to take out Obama because he thought Biden was incompetent that would be significant coming from our worst enemy at that time in history. If anyone are traitors it’s you incessantly whining Dems that attack our President and have since his election and often take the part of our enemies against him just for political gain. You’d be funny if you weren’t SO sad.
Please name the foreign enemies Democrats have aligned with for political gain against the President. Give me just two.

Whining against the President??? He keeps providing the fodder, starting with his constant lying. Then refusing to withdraw from his business operations while being President, then appointing his baby and ******* in law to positions in the White House, while they still ran their international businesses serving themselves, or his cucking to Vladimir Putin- a proven adversary against the US, or his propping up of Kim Jong IL, on the national stage and kind words for the killer, or his embrace of China- well everyone knows now why that's not cool, or his defense and protection of Saudi Arabia who's money has funded terrorists plots around the world against the United States and the West. His close allies in prison and indicted are not helpful. And his constant whining about how everything is against him, his bragging about being the best at everything, his inability to show leadership, decisiveness, accountability, humility, equality, can't accept criticism, loves to appeal to the divisiness of human nature, his lying and other than that, I guess he's OK.

(I would ask you to explain a straw man argument but I am going to assume from all that you write, you slept through Logic class.)
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Damn *******!
You have no case here. Biden and his boy were heavily involved in corruption. Trump and his children have not been accused of corruption. If you or I did what the Biden's have done without question we would be in prison. The law is different when you are in the inner circle. Not only that but a criminal is the Democratic choice for president. We have to love the corrupt United States Government.
For there own companies that were already established
No, they were not. And please don't make me explain why that's not a factor. Biden's ******* was an attorney and consultant before hand too?
What's your point? The sitting president and his public employee children were conducting foreign policy at the same time conducting business in these countries. Now we find out that he has multi millions due in 2022 from the state fucking bank of China!
This is a road Trump supporters do not want to go down. Trump is too self centered openly in his actions and corrupt morally to be able to legitimately defend. Take another win elsewhere. Go back to the slow Joe *******.
You have no case here. Biden and his boy were heavily involved in corruption. Trump and his children have not been accused of corruption. If you or I did what the Biden's have done without question we would be in prison. The law is different when you are in the inner circle. Not only that but a criminal is the Democratic choice for president. We have to love the corrupt United States Government.

When Barron runs a Chinese company you got me
No, they were not. And please don't make me explain why that's not a factor. Biden's ******* was an attorney and consultant before hand too?
What's your point? The sitting president and his public employee children were conducting foreign policy at the same time conducting business in these countries. Now we find out that he has multi millions due in 2022 from the state fucking bank of China!
This is a road Trump supporters do not want to go down. Trump is too self centered openly in his actions and corrupt morally to be able to legitimately defend. Take another win elsewhere. Go back to the slow Joe *******.
Nope every aspect of Joe is wrong your theory of what he did is ok because everyone does is *******
Nope every aspect of Joe is wrong your theory of what he did is ok because everyone does is *******
What aspect of Joe did I talk about? You begin posting debunked stuff about his kid, I showed how the Trumps are ass deep in questionable business. What theory? What is OK?
Actually Navy Seals and the CIA did. He watched from the White House.
With the head of the CIA, and SecDef, SecState, and others who run appropriate agencies.
Should he have been on horseback with sword leading the post midnight charge? He ain't a rough rider in San Juan with Teddy Roosevelt. He was the President commanding from a room that saw lots of operations succeed in protecting our freedom over the years.
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