Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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wrong again....see me promoting any Chinese or fake news?
nope everything I post is news or facts off the net....where as that Russian bot ******* you came up with doubt most have ever heard of it....except the kremlin
Time to feed and walk the dog, and let him chase and flush out rabbits that are breeding like crazy in the city this year. Or, they are getting bolder because fewer people and threats are outside. ( They coyotes must be full on the river rats, squirrels and nasty possums). He's a Weimaraner and does not agree with Chicago's stay inside rule.
wrong….China does not grant trade marks very often....trump been trying for a few years to get some....he gets in the white house and all of a sudden gets several trademarks,,,,,,when all you look at is that pro Russian bot ******* it blinds you to reality and facts
Still don't know how bots work i guess it's just a buzz word you throw out there
Time to feed and walk the dog, and let him chase and flush out rabbits that are breeding like crazy in the city this year. Or, they are getting bolder because fewer people and threats are outside. ( They coyotes must be full on the river rats, squirrels and nasty possums). He's a Weimaraner and does not agree with Chicago's stay inside rule.
I was looking at Rhodesian ridgeback when my two old dogs pass 12 and 13 and 100lbs. Ridgeback s are similar to weimaramer
Still don't know how bots work i guess it's just a buzz word you throw out there

sure you do....it's where you post all that far right wing ******* people never heard of.....except the kremlin….
stuff you post ..never see on Bing...Yahoo or any other home page....got to be a reason....that is because it is NOT real news...….it is put out to create hate and division and stir discontent......just what Russia said their plans were in the last 2 elections

The Complete List: 19 Different Fraudulent and Unfounded ...
The Russians only wanted to stir up hate and discontent like they’ve always done: Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any conclusive or direct link between …

and just what you do with some of your posts...most of your posts
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With the head of the CIA, and SecDef, SecState, and others who run appropriate agencies.
Should he have been on horseback with sword leading the post midnight charge? He ain't a rough rider in San Juan with Teddy Roosevelt. He was the President commanding from a room that saw lots of operations succeed in protecting our freedom over the years.
Obama is not even 1/10000 th of the Pres that Teddy was and Obama is about 1/ trillionth the man.

And we know Hillary gave the order.

And we know how the system works. It was directed at you stating it like Obama did the killing himself.

Your welcome
your welcome.....

Russian Disinformation Bots, Fake News, Fox News ...
Few say what is so far obvious: the Russian bots merely stir a pot already boiling over with fantasy and fear fed by homegrown sources for decades. It’s not that Fox News is all-powerful and unique, but …

Were Russian Hackers Deterred From Interfering In America ...
I'm pretty sure that Russia - which has never abandoned their goal to rebuild the Soviet Union - has no particular interest in any candidate, but desires to cause the maximum in hate, discontent. and …

A Times Investigation Confirms What We Said: Russian ...
Oct 07, 2018 ·
The @SouthLoneStar account, which had amassed 16,500 followers, emanated from Russia and not from Texas which was the front cover used on the tweet. It was a deliberate attempt to …

Russian propaganda effort helped spread ... - Washington Post
PropOrNot’s monitoring report, which was provided to The Washington Post in advance of its public release, identifies more than 200 websites as routine peddlers of Russian propaganda during the …

Russian Influence Reached 126 Million Through Facebook ...
Oct 30, 2017 ·
WASHINGTON — Russian agents intending to sow discord among American citizens disseminated inflammatory posts that reached 126 million users on Facebook, published …
You have no case here. Biden and his boy were heavily involved in corruption. Trump and his children have not been accused of corruption. If you or I did what the Biden's have done without question we would be in prison. The law is different when you are in the inner circle. Not only that but a criminal is the Democratic choice for president. We have to love the corrupt United States Government.

From which farming enterprise do you secure all the BS you seem to like to spread on behalf of your anointed venerable leader! Gotta be a massive enterprise, eh!!!!
5 minutes To post a link to mess with you in between reading blue prints ordering stock and sending invoices. Breaks my day up nicely

first I don't read any of your right wing conservative *******...…..
blue prints...….you sure it is not a translation manual.....
sending invoices....you mean the translated stuff

say what you want...but everything you do and post falls right into that Russian bot *******...stirring hate and discontent.....pro trump...anti dem....coincidence?.....
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I think he is just looking for some kind of a diversion....something he does a lot of...….and the injection one did not go over well so he needs another...…..."cover" so he can Pardon Stone

Trump calls US Postal Service 'a joke' amid COVID stimulus
6 hours ago · Trump recently signed a law that allowed the service to borrow $10 billion from the Treasury Department, but it apparently won’t get the cash …

Trump: Postal Service Must Charge Amazon More, Or No Loan ...
10 hours ago · President Donald Trump said Friday that he won't approve a $10 billion loan for the U.S. Postal Service unless the agency raises charges for Amazon and other big …
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