Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Tax Rev per year Feds

FY 2020$3.71 trillion (estimated)
FY 2019$3.46 trillion (actual)
FY 2018$3.33 trillion
FY 2017$3.32 trillion
FY 2016$3.27 trillion
FY 2015$3.25 trillion
FY 2014$3.02 trillion
FY 2013$2.77 trillion
FY 2012$2.45 trillion
FY 2011$2.30 trillion
FY 2010$2.16 trillion
FY 2009$2.10 trillion
FY 2008$2.52 trillion
FY 2007$2.57 trillion
FY 2006$2.41 trillion
FY 2005$2.15 trillion
FY 2004$1.88 trillion
FY 2003$1.78 trillion
FY 2002$1.85 trillion
FY 2001$1.99 trillion
FY 2000$2.03 trillion
FY 1999$1.82 trillion
FY 1998$1.72 trillion
FY 1997$1.58 trillion
FY 1996$1.45 trillion
FY 1995$1.35 trillion
FY 1994$1.26 trillion
FY 1993$1.15 trillion
FY 1992$1.09 trillion
FY 1991$1.05 trillion
FY 1990$1.03 trillion
FY 1989$991 billion
FY1988$909 billion
FY 1987$854 billion
FY 1986$769 billion
FY 1985$734 billion
FY 1984$666 billion
FY 1983$601 billion
FY 1982$618 billion
FY 1981$599 billion
FY 1980$517 billion
FY 1979$463 billion
FY 1978$399 billion
FY 1977$356 billion
FY 1976$298 billion
FY 1975$279 billion
FY 1974$263 billion
FY 1973$231 billion
FY 1972$207 billion
FY 1971$187 billion
FY 1970$193 billion
United States cases
Updated Apr 15 at 3:36 AM local



it would seem trump is shooting for that 100,000 death number.....but he has learned that he may be president.....but he does not run each state.....he can threaten to cut off funding...….but then most states never saw the supplies he said he sent....what some states got in the way of supplies was rotten and un-useable

Oh look the CDC on the flu for last flu season:

18,000,000 – 26,000,000- flu medical visits

24,000 – 62,000
- flu deaths

410,000 – 740,000
- flu hospitalizations

And all of these, Covid and Flu, numbers are made up estimates. Can these 'experts' do anything right?

How come we didn't close down last year? Or the year before? And mind you this is flu season for 6 to 9 months. Since November what is that closing in on 5 for Covid?

Also why are the Flu and Pneumonia numbers dropping since Jan 2020 when the CDC told docs how to change death certs to Covid 19 for deaths they think MAY of Had covid involved, even auto accidents where the victims had no signs of Covid?

CDC Tells Hospitals To List COVID as Cause of Death Even if You're Just Assuming or It Only Contributed

And the Hospitals get extra money for every Covid case thanks to the stimulus bill.

Not how real and valid "science" works. You know like the kind that would put 23 Million workers on Unemployment. Seems like bribes to keep the nerd tyrants in the spot light and give Dems propaganda to destroy our country like Subhub and MacNfries want.
We need a greater understanding of basic economics and economic history most of all
Actually much simplier than that ... a "balanced budget" amendment would work wonders. Unfortunately, the party "in power" never wants it, and the party "not in power" wants it ... strange how it works that way.
Oh and look here is Federal Spending- http://www.polidiotic.com/by-the-numbers/us-federal-deficit-by-year/

2019 (Estimate)$2,526.542$3,620.287-$1,093.745
2020 (Estimate)$2,695.492$3,777.890-$1,082.398

Note Spending is the middle column of numbers and the last column is how much debt spending they 'reported'
Don't forget the Fed printing and making your money worthless

1) Dems and Republicans have not cut spending at all.
2) They spend more than the Gov't makes
3) This is 90% Unconstitutional Spending
4) And people like ed4mwf don't know this because they are taught by government... to serve government... and their 'government masters' and those who own the 'government Masters'.

Here is a graph of the same data and some details
Nope. Still relying on the ignorance of your fellow conservative to not remember history and the budget battles of Obama vs the Republican Congress.

After using up the swine flu emergency funds, the Obama administration tried to replenish the stockpile in 2011 by asking Congress to provide $655 million, up from the previous year’s budget of less than $600 million. Responding to swine flu, which the CDC estimated killed more than 12,000 people in the United States over the course of a year, had required the largest deployment in the stockpile’s history, including nearly 20 million pieces of personal protective equipment and more than 85 million N95 masks, according to a 2016 report published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.

“We recognized the need for replenishment of the stockpile and budgeted about a 10% increase,” said Dr. Nicole Lurie, who served as the assistant secretary for preparedness and response at the Department of Health and Human Services during the Obama administration. “That was rejected by the Republican House.”

Even in the aftermath of the swine flu pandemic, the stockpile wasn’t a priority for Republicans. Denny Rehberg (R-Montana) the chairman of the appropriations subcommittee responsible for overseeing the stockpile in 2011, introduced a bill that provided $522.5 million to the stockpile, about 12% less than the previous year and $132 million less than the Obama administration wanted. “Nobody got everything they wanted,” Rehberg said.

Republicans took over the House of Representatives in the 2010 midterms on the Tea Party wave of opposition to the landmark 2010 health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. The new Republican House majority was intent on curbing government spending, especially at HHS, which administered Obamacare.

Congressional Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell in the Senate and House Speaker John Boehner, leveraged the debt ceiling — a limit on the government’s borrowing ability that had to be raised — to insist that the Obama administration accept federal spending curbs. The compromise, codified in the 2011 Budget Control Act, required a bipartisan to find additional ways to reduce the deficit, or else it would trigger automatic across-the-board cuts known as “sequestration.

This is the kind of dicks republicans can be. They threw a hissy fit over Congress legally passing Obamacare (still crying about it), and passed laws to try and tie the Presidents ability to do line item vetos and used the sequestration and threats of a shut down to get their way. They didn't and don't care about lives, unless it's a fetus. Even now, they are willing to ignore science and do whatever it takes to make Trump look good. You are exactly what's wrong in America and thank goodness the people have been voting against Trump since 2017.

https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/3070/text (the Republican bill with cuts)
And every year Obama tried to get more dollars to address the stokpile issue- every year republicans rejected it:
And you're still deflecting. You keep trying to point to FY2012. I was clearly talking about FY2011. Obozo and the Democrat Party still had a trifecta in 2010.....which is when the FY2011 budget actually begins. I was assuming you knew the difference between fiscal and calendar years....Sorry, I should not have done that. My assumption may have made an ass out of you and Mac.

In the CDC FY2011 congressional budget justification, they specifically mention distribution of "....75 percent of the remaining N95 respirators contained in the stockpile."

In the very same document, after saying they had raided 75% of our N95 respirator supply.... with the Democrat Party having a trifecta in DC, Obozo's budget request was:


Still waiting for your answer....should the ? be a + or a - ?????

FY2010 Actual SNS funding = $595,749,000
FY2011 SNS funding requested by Obozo = $523,533,000
The difference between those is $72,216,000

So given this equation: $595M ? $72M = $523M
Actually much simplier than that ... a "balanced budget" amendment would work wonders. Unfortunately, the party "in power" never wants it, and the party "not in power" wants it ... strange how it works that way.
Actually the party in power DID very much want it back in 1995. Unfortunately the Democrat Party of NO managed to block it in the Senate by just one damn vote:

A balanced budget amendment was one part of the Contract With America. Republicans passed the balanced budget amendment with the needed 2/3 majority in the House. It lost by just one damn vote in the Senate. ALL 34 Senators who voted against it were in the DEMOCRAT PARTY OF NO. (with exception of Doles procedural no vote which he made to allow him to bring it back up at a later date if could have gotten just one more Dumascrap to support it)

Actually much simplier than that ... a "balanced budget" amendment would work wonders. Unfortunately, the party "in power" never wants it, and the party "not in power" wants it ... strange how it works that way.
Actually u are confusing a household budget with a national budget. Nations can and do ap3ns their way out of financial crisis. That is happening is a ******* corrupt and ine sided way now
Actually u are confusing a household budget with a national budget. Nations can and do ap3ns their way out of financial crisis. That is happening is a ******* corrupt and ine sided way now
I'm not confusing them at all, QoSeeker ... budgets are budgets, just add a lot more zeros to the numbers. Its for sure we, as a country, can't or shouldn't spend more than we have coming IN in INCOME.
Capitalism simply isn't being managed because of all the outside "influence money". I imagine it wasn't all that easy to see the corruption of capitalism a hundred or so years ago, but its pretty easy to track it now. Another thing we need to do is ******* can the "citizens united" bullshit. No doubt whoever attempts it will be stepping on a few major TOES ... Teddy Roosevelt, however, showed it could be done.
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Actually much simplier than that ... a "balanced budget" amendment would work wonders. Unfortunately, the party "in power" never wants it, and the party "not in power" wants it ... strange how it works that way.

Who are you trying to kid-- first there are already balance budget laws, why do you think they use 'Ominous' bills and don't have budget.

The dems are the only party to have a super majority and the white house 5 times Since FDR.

Where is that balanced budget Amendment? Why is Medicare, Immigration, Social Security, ERA, Gay rights, and "worker rights' all fucked up? Those are dem talking points/ claims you and many others have highlighted.

The last super majority was under Obama. All they did was make medical cost sky high, raise premiums and make millions of real tax payers uninsured. How did those pious sanctimonious communist, oops Dems, with 5 supermajorities and defendable power bases since the 1930s, let us get into $144 Trillion in unfunded liabilities (including Social Security and Medicare/cade)? How did these sanctimonious Commies, oops Dems, let us get $24 Trillion in debt and not have the supplies for a pandemic since 2010? How did they let us get to be $73,000 per USA Citizen in Federal debt and $195,945 per tax payer in Federal debt?

You and Dems can't have a balanced budget. All the dem spending and dream spending ideas could never, ever happen.

Not to mention the double whammy of the fed "printing" $626 Trillion making your spending power worthless.

Oh add in state and local debt of $3 Trillion. And them not funding pensions and it is ~$6 Trillion of unfunded liabilities for public and private pension plans that the Feds will have to cover. So save it- the bs rhetoric of "balanced budget" what a joke from a dem.
I'm not confusing them at all, QoSeeker ... budgets are budgets, just add a lot more zeros to the numbers. Its for sure we, as a country, can't or shouldn't spend more than we have coming IN in INCOME.
Capitalism simply isn't being managed because of all the outside "influence money". I imagine it wasn't all that easy to see the corruption of capitalism a hundred or so years ago, but its pretty easy to track it now. Another thing we need to do is ******* can the "citizens united" bullshit. No doubt whoever attempts it will be stepping on a few major TOES ... Teddy Roosevelt, however, showed it could be done.

You are mixing up your terms.

You mean corporatism, statism, marxism, communism are corrupt.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

You know voluntary transactions between free people for mutual benefit of the parties. Haven't really been a Capitalist country since Wilson started "managing" Capitalism. And really closed it down with FDR. Some could argue earlier or with the Fed.
ou and Dems can't have a balanced budget. All the dem spending and dream spending ideas could never, ever happen.
Oh give us a break, cpl ... geesh, both parties are equally guilty in the lack of frugality. There's no difference between "spending beyond revenue" and "cutting tax revenue below existing spending" .... both cause the same exact results. Republicans cut taxes (mainly on the corporations & wealthiest Americans) WITHOUT adjusting their spending, and when they DO adjust their spending, its ALWAYS on the backs of the poorest Americans. So, please spare us your blame game. There was hardly no national debt until President "walks on water" Reagan blessed us with Supply Side "Trickle Down" and its been proven time and time again that Supply Side Economics does NOT work, yet that is STILL the platform the so-called "conservative" party. There's simply too much outside influence, corruption and miss-management to allow our country. Hell, we have a President NOW that not only thinks he's above the laws, but says he can do anything he wants because HE'S PRESIDENT. We can start any corrections of government THERE.
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Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
yeah, ohhhh yeah, then you attach vulture & crony to capitalism and you're pretty much where we are TODAY. As I said, Teddy Roosevelt broke up the "giants" at the turn of the 20th century as they had to much influence on government, and had too many of our politicians in their back pockets.
Oh give us a break, cpl ... geesh, both parties are equally guilty in the lack of frugality. There's no difference between "spending beyond revenue" and "cutting tax revenue below existing spending" .... both cause the same exact results. Republicans cut taxes (mainly on the corporations & wealthiest Americans WITHOUT adjusting their spending, and when they DO adjust their spending, its ALWAYS on the backs of the poorest Americans. So, please spare us your whining. There was hardly no national debt until President "walks on water" Reagan blessed us with Supply Side "Trickle Down" and its been proven time and time again that Supply Side Economics does NOT work, yet that is STILL the platform the so-called "conservative" party. There's simply too much outside influence, corruption and miss-management to allow our country. Hell, we have a President NOW that not only thinks he's above the laws, but says he can do anything he wants because HE'S PRESIDENT. We can start any corrections of government THERE.

Did I say Republicans were better? I believe I said, "1) Dems and Republicans have not cut spending at all." Oh yeah point number 1. See now you look really fuck stupid.

And saying tax cuts are the same as over spending is just plain stupid. This is a weak attempt to justify your beliefs that government *******, stealing, borrowing and spending to satiated your hatred of the rich and your ideology is valid.

The funds and property of the tax payers belong to the tax payers And this argument, in terms of the Federal Level, shows your lack of understanding of America and how it was meant to work. It further shows your envy. The idea that people don't have a right to keep their property, as long as it isn't your property being taken, envious and stupid?

How much extra funds, over your tax bill, do you pay each year to the Treasury? How many checks a year do you write to the Treasury? How many dollars do you send to help the poor?

Lastly, your other weak point. The adjusting spend does not fall on the poorest. Their funding has not been cut in any real way for a very long time. The top 20% pay almost all of the taxes per the IRS. So the poor don't get tax cuts because they don't pay taxes. The funding for social spending has not changed in any meaningful way as a percent of the overall spending. It is all a show.

Funny how you Dems always want the government guns to ******* the "rich," your neighbors, to pay for your beliefs.
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yeah, ohhhh yeah, then you attach vulture & crony to capitalism and you're pretty much where we are TODAY. As I said, Teddy Roosevelt broke up the "giants" at the turn of the 20th century as they had to much influence on government, and had too many of our politicians in their back pockets.

No, you dems/ marxist made those up to try to scare people and sell government control. We are here because of Government and even more the Fed. And Covid just might make it show how fake it all is.

Don't forget, you don't have to buy from companies. Unless Government makes you

Government you don't have that choice, you have to 'pay them.'
Yeah, everyone just go BACK TO WORK ... no worries. Go back to "business as usual" ... then you can REALLY watch the potential of this virus.

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You do realize what flattening the curve means, right?
You do understand what the supposed point of this is, right?
You did hear the 'experts' say it could take 18 months to have this virus die, or longer? And it could come back.
You did hear the 'experts' say it could come back in Sept or never die in this summer?
You did see the starts of the flu?
You do understand the survival rate is almost 99%?
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