Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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they seem to be a little racist toward everyone that is not Chinese....and even some Chinese...a few months ago targeting Muslims….
they have been opening cities again...…..and now it seems the virus is poping back up again.....they have not told everything from the start...but that is china...…..only wants people to know what they want you to know...…….although look at what we have...….a liar n thief...unwilling to let the facts out... and will lie to cover

our intelligence did have it all pretty much pegged....but his "gut feeling" was willing to override what they and other experts told him

not speaking for china...….just saying not much in the way of difference in what we have....maybe that is why he praises so many dictators...

hard to believe that china and Russia have had their status in the world elevated lately …..while ours has gone down...….Mmmm wonder how that happened
Ditch trump. Quickly
Donald Trump - Most Hated President Ever | Top 10 Reasons ...
Jan 25, 2018 · Be the judge as we present to you, a list of 10 legitimate facts why Donald Trump, who is holding the most influential position in world politics, is considered to be one of the most undeserving ...
  • Author: Stardom
  • Views: 79K
Go dance with Ellen and Barry, We could care less what the world thinks, we live in America, Of course they don't like Trump, he says it like it is and hit them where it hurt, Good Job President Trump.
Americans swallowing trump's every word, like a
Besides seeds I don't need your country and Canada sells them to. So I'm glad he tells other countries to fuck off cause you need it
He doesn't though does he. He has his tongue so far up the Queen's arse it's a fucking embarrassment to the British, never mind Americans. They took the piss out of him when he came over. Fucking clown.
I don't know how you put up with it.
I'm cringing for you right now.

My favorite holiday. Come over I'll show you the freedom trail
Was the destruction a routine procedure, since it was done long before there was an issue?
Your claim is bullshit. The tapes were destroyed AFTER subpoenas and the legal preservation order was in place. This is all well documented for anyone interested in educating themselves....
Coming before the Republicans she pled the Fifth. During the Obama years it was no secret that Darryl Issa and his oversight committee were turning over stone looking for dirt on Obama.
Sure, OK for people to withhold evidence from congress when Republicans run the House. Funny how obstructing investigations suddenly became impeachable recently. Hypocrisy knows no bounds with the Democrat Party!
Is Lois Lerner in prison???
They chose not to go after her with criminal charges.
Bullshit. They charged her with Contempt of Congress....of course Obozo's justice department chose not to prosecute....hard to imagine why....they had their best investigator on the case:
Here's the speculation and sensalization. Complete bullshit. You put out factual statements, then twist those into bad play. You ever stop to think, what was the big story of 2010? The rise of the Tea Party. Dozens of organizations and even churches suddenly in the nonprofit political game on the Right. So, maybe, just maybe, because there were more of these new groups on the Right, there are more organizations that are scrutinize than the Democratic side. Occupy Wall Street spun off some other groups but, the activism fervor was definitely on the Right in the years of this so called scandal.
You're the one who tried to play whataboutism claiming Obozo's IRS targeted both liberal and conservative groups....gee Skippy, sorry the facts showed they targeted mostly conservatives.
Again, an insight in your selective comprehension. Regardless of politics, is Barack Obama a good family man and successful individual? That's what we want for our sons. You can't bend yourself enough to point out his flaws, by going back over 40 years to show as a minor, smoked weed. It's a good display of your poisonous perception of the world.
No selective comprehension....just insight into my ability to call out your BS strawmen......so sorry you can't get those past those of us who engage more than a few neurons. Have another roof hit on Obozo...it'll expand your mind dude!
Is that middle phrase your attempt at racism by framing the way I speak as ignorant. Shocking- not.
I don't give a ******* if you're white, black or lavender. It is a comment on the level of intellect and hypocrisy you've demonstrated. Now losing a debate you want to cry racism. Shocking- not.
You: He's a pos because he smoked weed in high school
More strawmen....read slowly....maybe take the neurons out of neutral. I said I don't want my ******* being potheads who honor their ******* dealer but not their mom....If you feel otherwise, I feel sorry for your progeny.
Non-germane. Deflection attempt. Lame AF. In other words, typical.
Very much germane since YOU claimed Obozo's administration mobilized troops within the hour. Unfortunately for you, here in reality land the facts say Obozo's administration had the troops practicing changing clothes...or as the FAST team commander testified: "So we were told multiple times to change what we were wearing, to change from cammies into civilian attire, civilian attire into cammies, cammies into civilian attire. " and "during the course of three hours, he and his Marines changed in and out of their uniforms four times."

Wait...I get it...in the Democrat Party loony land, "mobilizing troops" is a euphemism for prepping them as runway models: And here we see Lt. Dan showing off his lovely "blue dress" uniform with gold epaulets and a slightly crusty white stain.
Americans swallowing trump's every word, like a

He doesn't though does he. He has his tongue so far up the Queen's arse it's a fucking embarrassment to the British, never mind Americans. They took the piss out of him when he came over. Fucking clown.
I don't know how you put up with it.
I'm cringing for you right now.

he is pissed tonight in his nightly self praise hour......he has been found out about his lies...…..and trying to cover while showing us how great he is....some will buy it....doubt most will
just more of the right wanting to take care of big biz while letting America go to pot and do without

Pelosi, Schumer say they're not backing down on coronavirus relief demands
Schumer and Pelosi said in their statement Monday that Republicans must stop their “political posturing” in offering legislation that they know won’t pass either chamber.

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Monday that they would not back down from their demands over an interim coronavirus relief bill in Congress, continuing a standoff with Republicans on the additional aid.

In a joint statement, the pair of Democratic leaders said the measure must include money for hospitals and states, support for families who rely on food stamps and aid to small businesses that they say are currently excluded from a government program.

“Small businesses, hospitals, frontline workers and state and local governments across the country are struggling to keep up with this national crisis. They need more help from the federal government and they need it fast – our nurses, doctors and health care workers need it as much as anyone else,”
they said.

The funding included in the $2 trillion stimulus package signed into law last month, which was the third installment of coronavirus relief from Congress, “will not be enough to cover the tremendous need,” they said.

Pelosi and Schumer said further changes must be made to the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program because many eligible small businesses are being excluded by big banks. They're also seeking to direct some of the proposed increase in funding for the program, which provides forgivable loans to cover things like payroll and overhead, to small businesses owned by families, women, minorities and veterans.

“Funding for Covid-19 SBA disaster loans and grants must be significantly increased to satisfy the hundreds of billions in oversubscribed demand,” they said.

The impasse comes after the Trump administration requested that Congress pass $250 billion in emergency funding for the small-business loan program, and Democrats responded with their proposal outlining their additional demands. Senate Republicans, however, failed to pass the original GOP proposal by unanimous consent last week and then promptly blocked the Democrats’ alternative plan.

On Saturday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said in a joint statement that they weren’t interested in negotiating.

“Republicans reject Democrats’ reckless threat to continue blocking job-saving funding unless we renegotiate unrelated programs which are not in similar peril,” they said.

Schumer and Pelosi said in their statement Monday that Republicans must stop their “political posturing” in offering legislation that they know won’t pass either chamber.

The Democratic leaders also suggested that the U.S. is nowhere near a situation where the country can reopen, saying, “there is still not enough testing available to realistically allow that to happen

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