Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Will it matter in your support? Really?
If hydroxychloroquine becomes an accepted treatment, several pharmaceutical companies stand to profit, including shareholders and senior executives with connections to the president. Mr. Trump himself has a small personal financial interest in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine.

Not a very strong counter argument. It also doesn't address question 3. If Trump had any inkling that it worked, he was TOLD that it works. Now how do you suppose just anyone would know that it might work? It was fairly early on when Trump mentioned it, You really think Trump is that smart? Or maybe they have already been testing it??? What is even worse is the left refuses to OK it's use simply because Orange man bad. How many could possibly be saved if it was tried? I simply don't think it should be ignored, Doctors all over the country have posted good results.
James Carville predicts 'Democratic wipeout' in November after Trump's coronavirus response

Democratic strategist James Carville predicted on Wednesday that Democrats would easily achieve victory in November because of the way President Trump handled the coronavirus pandemic.

"I am totally, totally unimpressed by President Trump's political powers. I have absolutely no fear ... if we go to post in November with anything close to a level playing field, it's going to be a Democratic wipeout. People are not going to vote for four more years of this," he said in an interview with MSNBC, adding that Trump's approval ratings are low given that a national crisis is unfolding.

“First of all, he won with 46.1 percent. He’s literally lost 95 percent of the elections that have taken place between the time of his election and right now. His polling numbers are going down, and they’re awful. Usually, in a crisis – I mean, Jimmy Carter was at 67 percent in the Iran hostage crisis. The prime minister of Italy is over 70 percent. I’ll bet you 30 governors in the United States are over 70 percent," Carville pointed out.

MSNBC anchor Brian Williams had asked about the political implications of the president's response, which has faced repeated criticism from Democrats and left-leaning media figures.

Williams also asked former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele if Trump's base would stick with him through the virus.

"This virus doesn't recognize red or blue. It doesn't respect state lines, it doesn't respect states that have stay-at-home orders versus those who don't. How does this affect the Donald Trump base and is it going to be enough for his base to hear him say the World Health Organization made the wrong call?"

Steele said that messaging would work with Trump's base. "Every week, there's a new villain that can be propped up to go after and to castigate for the shortcomings and the problems and the failures that are in the narrative this particular week," Steele said.

James Carville predicts 'Democratic wipeout' in November after Trump's coronavirus response

Democratic strategist James Carville predicted on Wednesday that Democrats would easily achieve victory in November because of the way President Trump handled the coronavirus pandemic.

"I am totally, totally unimpressed by President Trump's political powers. I have absolutely no fear ... if we go to post in November with anything close to a level playing field, it's going to be a Democratic wipeout. People are not going to vote for four more years of this," he said in an interview with MSNBC, adding that Trump's approval ratings are low given that a national crisis is unfolding.

“First of all, he won with 46.1 percent. He’s literally lost 95 percent of the elections that have taken place between the time of his election and right now. His polling numbers are going down, and they’re awful. Usually, in a crisis – I mean, Jimmy Carter was at 67 percent in the Iran hostage crisis. The prime minister of Italy is over 70 percent. I’ll bet you 30 governors in the United States are over 70 percent," Carville pointed out.

MSNBC anchor Brian Williams had asked about the political implications of the president's response, which has faced repeated criticism from Democrats and left-leaning media figures.

Williams also asked former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele if Trump's base would stick with him through the virus.

"This virus doesn't recognize red or blue. It doesn't respect state lines, it doesn't respect states that have stay-at-home orders versus those who don't. How does this affect the Donald Trump base and is it going to be enough for his base to hear him say the World Health Organization made the wrong call?"

Steele said that messaging would work with Trump's base. "Every week, there's a new villain that can be propped up to go after and to castigate for the shortcomings and the problems and the failures that are in the narrative this particular week," Steele said.

Who cares about James Carville. His opinions mean Zip.
Wow, trying to reply to my post while burying your reply in the middle of several other posts from you AND not using the site's reply feature so it wouldn't flag in my feed as having been replied to...that's seriously lame Skippy!
So now I'm part of the conspiracy and it's to you? Like you're at some level that should concern you? I just ignore assholes who want to lie and argue. Ask Cpl2010co at your next Know-Nothing Party meetings.

Sorry...Border Patrol agent, not FBI that was killed by the gun Obozo let walk. Border Patrol agent lives are SO less valuable than FBI agents. You follow that with a copy & paste that never addresses the questions: How many US FBI Border Patrol agents were killed by guns allowed to walk under Bush's Operation Wide Receiver? How many other US attorney generals were found in contempt of congress for withholding gun walking documents under subpoena?
Are you going to insult me, and argue a point, or just insult me?
If you know all you proport, then you are aware that this was a program while yielding some results on gun runners, was corrupt and dirty. Rogue agents apparently tipping off cartels to raids. That Border Agent was not one. His ******* led to the investigation which broke it up, led to 16 people losing their jobs including the Director of the ATF (brief mentor of mine took over to clean up). The IG investigation found the AG was not knowledgeable of the project. He was found in contempt in a 100% political case. He testified, turned over all papers that weren't classified as EP. Congress tried to go after Obama, but had nothing, and took it out on the AG. The DOJ finally dropped the case last year. They had nothing on Holder, except him being close to Obama.
tRump is an impeached President over his abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. tRump is a President. Eric Holder was an Attorney General. Contempt is not Obstruction. I think you're playing fast and furious with facts and emotionally charged words.

Lots more deflection as usual. The Fast & Furious operation ended in Jan 2011 per the OIG report. Holder wasn't held in contempt of congress until a year and a half later.
I asked when did you consider it over. What you haven't explained is why is the timeline relevant to the contempt charge? And, just for the record, the OIG found that AG Holder had no knowledge of the program. It was a group of rogue ATF agents (GOP favorite), who worked to keep it contained within a group. BP Agent Terry was going to blow the whistle on the program's corruptness, and ended up dead in a shootout the day before, That's where the investigation should have been.

Funny how Obozo's withholding of documents from Congress was OK then but is somehow an impeachable offense when the Democrat Party has control of the House.
NO ONE was charged with withholding documents. Obama was not under investigation- why do you keep bringing him up? It was the Attorney General. Obama used executive privilege for a few papers related to identity and tactical strategy- why? Because he was advised that informants and their families would be put in danger, and exposing tactics would endanger future and ongoing operations that have nothing to do with Fast and Furious. Obama did not stop Holder from testifying or anyone else, and had him fire over dozen employees.
Holder turned over 40,000 pages of documents. Still held in contempt. tRump abused the power of the presidency and obstructed congress. Effectively giving him King status.

If you can't see the difference and danger to the republic between an out of control Attorney General and an out of control President, then you are a lost cause.

Yep, Obozo flew pallets of cash to Iran and bought hostages freedom.....glad you admit that. You can imagine we just HAD to give that money back to them if it makes you feel better...or if such babble makes your head bobble better.
Timing matters:
Hague Tribunals ended.
Hostages promised to be released.
Nuclear deal met.
Money release agreed to.
Obama stepped in and froze the money release, until the hostages were on a plane and in the air.
Maybe you prefer a good old fashioned Republican exchange of hostages for arms?

Oh yeah....that's a cigarette....not one of his doobies from the choom gang. I've got a nice bridge I'll throw in with the oceanfront property....you'll love being able to walk out and shake flippers with the unicorn dolphins!
So, I state that Obama was a good president, is a good husband and good *******. A decent man that you wouldn't mine your ******* looking up to. You show me a picture of him smoking when he was 20? What is it with you Republicans and selective history when we talk about the here and now? You're lost in your own absurd stupidity and entertained by your own dullness.
Wow! This is tRump's State Department?
Must be trying to hide something. And what about the domestic white supremacists? I guess that's the DOJ's territory.
For now, I'll say good for the State Department. Sounds promising.
Just saw a clip on the news about Biden choosing a woman as VP. They showed a picture of Kamala Harris....LMFAO. Now there's a dream team!
Senator Harris is a former prosecutor in a liberal area that took violent crime convictions up to the highest they've been. Three times elected to statewide office in the most populous state in the nation. Young for a US Senator. No scandal of corruption or ineptness. Qualified woman, who is not Hillary.
She works. Could have been better than Biden with more time to campaign.
Governor Whitmere of Michigan is also a very good choice. She is immensely popular and very good at her job. Also young and inspiring. Joe needs help there. Plus carrying Michigan cuts into tRump's last surprise victory.
Elizabeth Warren? Not a good choice. AOC? Death Blow.
Finders keepers
Imagine a country setting up colonies for its own good
Ha! i'm from the school of if there is no policy on it, do it. The rules of space are just that, finders keepers within reason. Just don't bring any advance life forms back that can you know, wipe us out.
If Covid is an indication of our readiness, we should probably keep interesting finds on the space station before coming back to Earth.
Ha! i'm from the school of if there is no policy on it, do it. The rules of space are just that, finders keepers within reason. Just don't bring any advance life forms back that can you know, wipe us out.
If Covid is an indication of our readiness, we should probably keep interesting finds on the space station before coming back to Earth.
Maybe this covid came from Chinese mining darkside not long ago
Acquitted, esponged soon not worried
Still now, and forever impeached. Expungement is not an option for impeachment. Nothing is.
You think the Dems would not have cleared Clinton? It's a pipedream on re-writing history by Republicans. Can't happen. Well, unless you once again find the Constitution inconvenient. Then I guess you'll try. IF you win a majority.
We have time but there is one big piece of information missing:
The poll, conducted April 3-6, was commissioned by the conservative pro-market Club for Growth, which generally supports Republican candidates.
This was not a poll of Democratic voters. It was Democrats, Republicans and Independents. 60% of the respondents were not Democrats.
Republicans really really really do NOT want tRump to run against Biden.
Didn't they just put a southern minister in jail for refusing to stop service?

but then right wing Kansas has never been real sharp.....and republicans just make it worse...the height of stupidity

Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly sues GOP lawmakers for revoking ...
4 hours ago · Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly, D, sued a Republican-controlled legislative council on Thursday after it revoked her executive order that limited church gatherings, marking the latest chapter in an...
Kansas dude.
They rolled their state into the shitter trying to prove they can be more conservative than any other. After Brownback screwed it up, they turn to a Democrat to try and bring them back.
Not a very strong counter argument. It also doesn't address question 3. If Trump had any inkling that it worked, he was TOLD that it works. Now how do you suppose just anyone would know that it might work? It was fairly early on when Trump mentioned it, You really think Trump is that smart? Or maybe they have already been testing it??? What is even worse is the left refuses to OK it's use simply because Orange man bad. How many could possibly be saved if it was tried? I simply don't think it should be ignored, Doctors all over the country have posted good results.
Honestly, a broken clock is right twice a day.
There is promise in the *******, for sure.
You are right, if tRump is strongly advocating for it, i am suspicious because his modus operandi has been to look out for his best interest overall. He's run too many associates under the bus. He's lied to our faces too many times. He hides too much of his business practices to be honest.
So, yes, I doubt the words that come out of his mouth. It's his own fault.
We have time but there is one big piece of information missing:
The poll, conducted April 3-6, was commissioned by the conservative pro-market Club for Growth, which generally supports Republican candidates.
This was not a poll of Democratic voters. It was Democrats, Republicans and Independents. 60% of the respondents were not Democrats.
Republicans really really really do NOT want tRump to run against Biden.

Need to run against a worthy opponent for there's a decent outcome for country either way. Biden is a carear politician.
So now I'm part of the conspiracy and it's to you?
Nope, didn't say a word about any conspiracy. You might want to go look up the definition of conspiracy....lest you further demonstrate your ignorance.
I just ignore assholes who want to lie and argue.
You have an interesting idea of what "ignore" means given the volume of word salad you've spewed. You tried to reply to my post....but unlike all your surrounding posts you went to the trouble of copy & pasting my words rather than using the site's reply feature....hoping I wouldn't see it and point out all the BS in your post.
Are you going to insult me, and argue a point, or just insult me?
If you know all you proport, then you are aware that this was a program while yielding some results on gun runners, was corrupt and dirty. Rogue agents apparently tipping off cartels to raids. That Border Agent was not one. His ******* led to the investigation which broke it up, led to 16 people losing their jobs including the Director of the ATF (brief mentor of mine took over to clean up). The IG investigation found the AG was not knowledgeable of the project. He was found in contempt in a 100% political case. He testified, turned over all papers that weren't classified as EP. Congress tried to go after Obama, but had nothing, and took it out on the AG. The DOJ finally dropped the case last year. They had nothing on Holder, except him being close to Obama.
tRump is an impeached President over his abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. tRump is a President. Eric Holder was an Attorney General. Contempt is not Obstruction. I think you're playing fast and furious with facts and emotionally charged words.
Lots of deflection, but still won't address the questions: How many US FBI Border Patrol agents were killed by guns allowed to walk under Bush's Operation Wide Receiver? How many other US attorney generals were found in contempt of congress for withholding gun walking documents under subpoena?
I asked when did you consider it over. What you haven't explained is why is the timeline relevant to the contempt charge? And, just for the record, the OIG found that AG Holder had no knowledge of the program. It was a group of rogue ATF agents (GOP favorite), who worked to keep it contained within a group. BP Agent Terry was going to blow the whistle on the program's corruptness, and ended up dead in a shootout the day before, That's where the investigation should have been.
And I told you when it was over....per the OIG report. Then you spew more deflection.
NO ONE was charged with withholding documents. Obama was not under investigation- why do you keep bringing him up? It was the Attorney General. Obama used executive privilege for a few papers related to identity and tactical strategy- why? Because he was advised that informants and their families would be put in danger, and exposing tactics would endanger future and ongoing operations that have nothing to do with Fast and Furious. Obama did not stop Holder from testifying or anyone else, and had him fire over dozen employees.
Holder turned over 40,000 pages of documents. Still held in contempt. tRump abused the power of the presidency and obstructed congress. Effectively giving him King status.

If you can't see the difference and danger to the republic between an out of control Attorney General and an out of control President, then you are a lost cause.
Not sure why this is so difficult for you. It isn't clear if you're really this ignorant or just so deluded by your Democrat Party propaganda that you don't see it. Obozo and Holder worked together ultimately using executive privilege to withhold documents from a congressional investigation. Holder was held in contempt of congress for doing so and congress used the appropriate process of fighting the executive privilege claim in the court system. Trump also withheld documents claiming executive privilege. Suddenly with the Dumascrap party in control of the House....that became an impeachable offense. Hypocrisy knows no bounds with the Democrat Party.
Timing matters:
Hague Tribunals ended.
Hostages promised to be released.
Nuclear deal met.
Money release agreed to.
Obama stepped in and froze the money release, until the hostages were on a plane and in the air.
If you're that gullible...well, I suppose that does explain why the Democrat Party would have wanted you as one of their own. Maybe you've taken a few too many of Obozo's Choom Gang "roof hits"....you might want to roll down your window and get some fresh air.
Kansas dude.
They rolled their state into the shitter trying to prove they can be more conservative than any other. After Brownback screwed it up, they turn to a Democrat to try and bring them back.
as crazy as some of them are I am surprised Kobach did not get it

but as usual they know the state in a deep hole and need a dem to bail them out.....that is the way it is and history proves it.....the right writes checks they can't cash....the left has to clean up the mess...…..

Kansas did prove that trickle down does not work...….but they won't learn anything from it....never do...republicans are a sorry lot....see it on here all the time...show them they are wrong....they don't read...just came back with a statement even crazier than the first crazy statement they made

made the statement....( trying to make trump feel better since he is slipping a lot in the polls)….but he offered no proof of anything...just when asked he made the statement.....but just like the last time he went on his little tirade about the Mueller report....a lot of lawyers had to get on his ass....so he shut up for a while...….like I said he offered no proof ...let's see what he manufactures
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