Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Should be the country comes first - not their political agenda - jus sayin :|

another true remark...…..he wants everyone back to work and back to normal...….who knows who still has the virus and how many still sick and spreading it......he is not worried that there are not enough test kits to check people to know who is ok and who isn't....going back to work now could just compound the problem with more deaths again.....but he is unconcerned...his only concern is his re-election....which is probably already toast....people dying and most hold him responsible...…..economy in the tank....and 60% of the country blame him.....stimulous checks NOT in the mail...but they talk about getting the checks right out to biz....that not helping him...he gets air time every night....and all it does is show how little he knows and how little he is in control...no matter how many of his paid people praise him

you people on the right who worship this guy who is nothing more than a killer...are really pathetic...but then greed drives the right.....while the left worries about the country....you are yours is not worried about the country.....
You people are RIDICULOUS !!!!!!

You’re the SAME people calling him xenophobic for closing down travel from China!!!!!!

It’s hard to even comprehend your hypocrisy : |

more of your stupid and crazy statements....first he never did shut down china....he still let biz people in and out....second over 300,000 people had already came in and out of the country when he did that....several other countries that are know to have problems were allowed in and out.....……...

so he did not close the country...he still let his pals in and out......and even then waaaaay to ducking late was already here
another true remark...…..he wants everyone back to work and back to normal...….who knows who still has the virus and how many still sick and spreading it......he is not worried that there are not enough test kits to check people to know who is ok and who isn't....going back to work now could just compound the problem with more deaths again.....but he is unconcerned...his only concern is his re-election....which is probably already toast....people dying and most hold him responsible...…..economy in the tank....and 60% of the country blame him.....stimulous checks NOT in the mail...but they talk about getting the checks right out to biz....that not helping him...he gets air time every night....and all it does is show how little he knows and how little he is in control...no matter how many of his paid people praise him

you people on the right who worship this guy who is nothing more than a killer...are really pathetic...but then greed drives the right.....while the left worries about the country....you are yours is not worried about the country.....

I swear you people revel in this misery just to dog our President - pathetic !!!!
Just a reminder that voter fraud is shockingly rare, with an incidence rate of between 0.0003 percent and 0.0025 percent. One of the biggest voter fraud cases happened in North Carolina and involved an operative, Leslie McCrae, who was working for Mark Harris, Republican. Another big case of voter fraud was in Virginia and involved another Republican, Scott Taylor. It does seem there is voter fraud going on - but this is clearly another example of accuse others of what you are guilty of most.

It is so rare that you just proved it happens, again. In fact you have 'admitted' or proven it happens in three, maybe more, different posts now.

So your argument is it happens, but rarely, therefore we don't need to do anything to ensure the legitimacy of our elections. Then you try to site two local Republican examples and proved, again, that voter fraud happens, in your desire to paint Republicans as evil.

Actually, the biggest voter fraud, we have proof of, happened in 13 or 14 states by Democrat operatives working for Acorn and only benefited democrats. And possible got Obama in office. Thousands of fraudulent voter registrations with mail in ballots all going to Democrat operatives homes so they could vote countless times.

Tell us why you democrats don't want a legitimate fraud free election?

What about a fair and legitimate election scares you and your party so much?

What did you think, these two local cases made Republicans as a whole look bad and prove your point? Could it be blind hatred?
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facts are what they are...…….republicans nown racists....how many articles and facts you want?....same with trump!...…...not picking on you....but a lot of Christians believe in the 10 commandments also.....and yet look who they support....but then the religious right has always had a double standard when it comes to supporting a politician...…….but then that is why nationwide church membership is falling...….some just do not like politics in church....and do not believe in what the church is pushing....see articles here on it all the time trying to figure out the loss of membership...had some on the news telling their reason.....but guess it was not what the church wanted to hear so they keep looking for another reason....people go to church to talk and learn about the bible......not the best republican for office...….but then I have a lot of issues with the churches here...and nationwide....could go on about churches for a while........luckily you hear NONE of that ******* in a Methodist church!

First... how about you post some actual facts. …… You don't read the articles...You post based on headlines..... and none of these prove anything let alone have coherent argument.... or linkage with facts..... or any of their assertions…. You just keep posting talking points and pretend like, "Oh another Democrat said it so it must be true" "I have forty versions of the exact same story written by and copied from the AP so it must be true" "Me Thinks Dem always good never bad....Republicans always evil...me thinks... Dem Media Master's headlines to me….to tell me what to thinks...."
I swear you people revel in this misery just to dog our President - pathetic !!!!

You ever notice they are always envious, unhappy and mad about it. They always see evil in everything they don't agree with and in the people on the "other side." They never see how what they want should apply to them.

It truly is a death cult ideology where they feel themselves evil or lacking and project that on everyone else. They always want everyone else to give up what they have to satisfy the liberal world view, but they won't do the same. It is their religion- government and ****** "'fairness' for you but not them."

What makes no sense- Their world view is in place in like 20 countries why don't they move. If they hate America so much why do they stay?
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Not to say it is not coming,,,,just not when so many dying....I don't have that problem...he is a killer

Democrats tread carefully in attacking Trump on coronavirus

For weeks, President Donald Trump has dominated television coverage with daily White House briefings on the coronavirus pandemic, declaring himself a "wartime president" and touting his administration's response.
But Trump's tendency to pepper his news conferences with misstatements, untruths and scientifically questionable advice has armed Democrats with a wealth of ready-made sound-bites to use against him ahead of the Nov. 3 election.

The challenge for Democrats - and their presumptive presidential nominee, Joe Biden - is how to highlight what they see as Trump's failures in handling the crisis without appearing too crassly political when Americans are dying and losing their livelihoods as a result of the disease.

The coronavirus outbreak has upended life across the country, shuttering large portions of the economy. Some 94% of Americans are under stay-at-home orders to slow the spread of the respiratory virus, which had infected about 430,000 people in the United States and killed more than 14,700 as of Wednesday night.
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