Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Everyone I talk to is sick of the media's ******* you'll see in November
You mean, in YOUR circle? We got a turnout of 100-120 million voters here. Is your circle a representative sample of that population. This may blow your mine but, I knew more people who voted for Hillary that tRump IN WISCONSIN. Still wasn't enough as less that one half or a percent put tRump over the top. Same in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Better hope that less than one half of one percent agrees with you. He honestly hasn't won over any new voters. Just lost a lot.
You mean, in YOUR circle? We got a turnout of 100-120 million voters here. Is your circle a representative sample of that population. This may blow your mine but, I knew more people who voted for Hillary that tRump IN WISCONSIN. Still wasn't enough as less that one half or a percent put tRump over the top. Same in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Better hope that less than one half of one percent agrees with you. He honestly hasn't won over any new voters. Just lost a lot.
We will see
Weather any group of people are Racist or not, it is an issue for each individual, at this day and age it is not like it was at the time of the civil war. I don't like Obama and it has nothing to do with the pigment of his skin or I would never have voted for him. I can't stand Hillary Clinton and it has nothing to do with her shade or sex, it is who that person is. I am not a republican but I can't call a whole party racist. By the way at what miraculous time or event did the Democrat party and Republican party switch and Democrats become righteous and the Republicans become Racist??? It would have to have been after Lyndon B. Johnson because he hated Blacks. As far as him stepping forward with the civil rights agenda, that was completely a move to bribe the blacks to join the Democratic Party strictly for political gain and it worked. I can assure you that ole Lyndon would never have opened his home to help a black person, anymore then Catholic Nancy Pelosi wants immigrants to live with her in her house.

you trying to justify something?
the rest of your statement is just speculation and your opinion

I have said this several times and you get pissed everytime…….
you support the republican party......

Republicans are Racists | …And they're not shy about it.
He gives his opinion on the Republican Party as a whole… In an email from May of this year, with the subject line “racism,” Powell reiterated a position he had taken in that past, writing, “Or as I said before the 2012 election, ‘There is a level of intolerance in parts of the Republican Party.’” – BuzzFeed

How the Republican Party Became The Party of Racism
Nearly half of the country (49 percent) believes Donald Trump is racist but 86 percent of Republicans say he is not, according to a recent Quinnipiac University poll.The same survey shows that 79 ...

you support Trump...……………..

A majority of American voters think President Trump is a ...
Aug 02, 2019 · A recent survey reveals that a majority of American voters believe President Donald Trump is a racist. Fewer thought Alabama segregationist George Wallace was racist when he ran for the White House...

you dislike Obama and have said so several times.....

Proof Republicans Are Racist Towards President Obama
Mar 15, 2016 · Proof positive that Republicans are racist when it comes to their treatment of President Obama, the first African-American president in history. There is no doubt that many Republicans are racist when it comes to President Obama. The president has been ****** to endure racism, hatred and malicious lies and rumors like no other American president.

now....got anything to show you are against racism?...…..that is 3 major reasons to show you support it
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Ah, you're back on THAT topic again, are you?
I believe it was Trump looking at a preteen on an escalator and commenting that someday he'd be dating her ... with photo to prove.
I also believe it is Trump with many photos of himself and his preteen & then teen ******* in his lap, lip kissing her in the back of a limo with hand on her rump. With many photos to prove which keep getting taken off the internet, when they're posted, of which I happen to have just to prove the pervert that he really is.
And, I believe it is Trump seen with his ******* friend, who recently hung himself, at his Mar a Lago resort. With, of course, photo to prove that as well.

So, before you go slinging mud pies around, of *******, at Biden, you best look at the PERV that's already IN the White House. You know ... the one that sleeps on the opposite side and floor of the White House as his wife because she got "too old for him" ... the one that tried to kiss his grown ******* on the lips with his hand on her ass, on stage, at his election announcement .... the one that can't go one day without telling at least 10-12 lies ... the one that's been married three times and cheated on all three wives .... want me to continue, ohhh Trumptard Drone?
Go ahead, sling another one of your mud pies! View attachment 3273387............... View attachment 3273388

Wow you must lead a really sick life. Oh have a really sick mind.

Those "ties" between Trump and Jeff were discredited. Hence why the media tried to burry it. They were only in pictures for a charity fundraiser and most in that circle said they hated each other.

But we could talk about Jeff the ******* and the way too many Democrats in that closet. Jeff and all his fundraising for only Democrats. Hence why he was locked up, on suicide watch, and "hung himself" in a democrat control jail that only gives paper sheets to those individuals. We could talk about the like 26 trips, many with out Secret Serv., to the island by a former Democrats Prez. We could talk about how his Sec of State Wife went there too, multiple times. That same island frequented by many democrats and known for ******* sex. That same island where they keep finding bones off a cliff and the bones are from young women.

Not a good idea to try to use this one. This one really runs deep into the democrat party, hence why the media dropped it so quick. If Trump was in this one it would have never come of the feeds.
Just a reminder that voter fraud is shockingly rare, with an incidence rate of between 0.0003 percent and 0.0025 percent. One of the biggest voter fraud cases happened in North Carolina and involved an operative, Leslie McCrae, who was working for Mark Harris, Republican. Another big case of voter fraud was in Virginia and involved another Republican, Scott Taylor. It does seem there is voter fraud going on - but this is clearly another example of accuse others of what you are guilty of most.
Covid isn't naturally occurring. Look at the numbers
documented stupidity

bottom line is....we need to impeach for leadership mal-practice.....
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In the 1994 version of its annual publication, Service and Casualties in Major Wars and Conflicts, the Pentagon put Korean War battle deaths at 33,652 and "other deaths" meaning deaths in the war zone from illness, accidents and other non-battle causes at 3,262. That yields a total of 36,914.

The following tables were generated from the Vietnam Conflict Extract Data File of the Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS) Extract Files, which is current as of April 29, 2008.The Vietnam Conflict Extract Data File of the Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS) Extract Files contains records of 58,220 U.S. military fatal casualties of the Vietnam War. These records were transferred into the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration in 2008. The earliest casualty record c...

killer trump est casualties.....60,000....without any way of defending them selves....and some no supplies in hospitals to save them....guess he just told them ….stay home ..I'm coming for you

The Dems were tell people to go to China Town, and the parades and go out an eat into March 15th. Don't lie there is videos of the interviews- Including NYC Mayor and Nan Pelosi.

So killer democrats est casualties…….are your made up 60K.
wonder if we can impeach him twice.....different charges this time....probably get more support

give him something else to talk about during his self gratitude hour

if we could get it...…. would like it to take effect halloweeen...kind of fitting for a pumpkin....a fucking rotten one at that
"The entire US economy only added a total of 6.2 million jobs from the beginning of Trump’s presidency through November of 2019. So Trump was effectively claiming that, but for the tireless efforts of his *******, the United States would have lost nearly 8 million jobs before the coronavirus pandemic even began."
wonder if we can impeach him twice.....different charges this time....probably get more support

give him something else to talk about during his self gratitude hour

if we could get it...…. would like it to take effect halloween...kind of fitting for a pumpkin....a fucking rotten one at that
YES, but there isn't enough time. All the effort has to be put in place to make sure people can vote this year.
Then we don't have to fuck around with impeachment, we can arrest his corrupt ass. And his family. Not to mention the AG. Impeach a bunch of judges. Make him stand trial in all of the sexual assault cases.
Getting him out of power is the only thing that matters.
things that make HIM go ouch......

Biden leads Trump by 8 points in Quinnipiac poll

Former Vice President Joe Biden is leading President Donald Trump by 8 points among voters nationwide, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released on Wednesday.

The survey shows Biden with the support of 49 percent of voters, while Trump trails at 41 percent. The former vice president also leads Trump with key voting blocs, including independents, women and black voters, according to the poll.

Still, the poll shows Trump with his highest approval rating since at least last fall. Forty-five percent of respondents said they approve of the job Trump is doing in office, up 4 points from 41 percent last month and 7 points from his low of 38 percent in October 2019.

George Conway group endorses Joe Biden

An anti-President Trump conservative group that includes George Conway, husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, endorsed Joe Biden on Wednesday in the 2020 presidential race.

The Lincoln Group endorsed the former vice president's campaign shortly after Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) withdrew from the contest, paving the way for Biden to become the Democratic nominee.

The organization said it is "committed to ensuring that Joe Biden is sworn in on January 20, 2021."

"Joe Biden has the experience — in politics, in government and in life — to lead the United States out of our current crisis," said co-founder Reed Galen. "As America contends with unprecedented loss, we need a leader who can steady our ship of state, bind up our common wounds, and lead us into our next national chapter. Joe Biden has the humanity, empathy and steadiness we need in a national leader."

Conway, a frequent critic of Trump, revealed in March that he had made the maximum allowable donation to Biden's campaign after the candidate picked up multiple primary victories on Super Tuesday.

The Lincoln Project, a super PAC founded by a number of conservatives last year, aims to gather enough disenfranchised Republicans and independents to prevent the reelection of Trump in 2020.

Last month, the group slammed the president's response to the coronavirus pandemic in a video titled "Unfit."

George Conway group endorses Joe Biden | TheHill
Joe Biden has the humanity, empathy and steadiness we need in a national leader.” George Conway, a frequent critic of Trump, revealed in March that he had made the maximum allowable donation to...

The Lincoln Project, George Conway, Back Joe Biden For ...
4 hours ago · The Lincoln Project, led by anti-Trump conservatives including George Conway and Rick Wilson, announced after Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) dropped out of the 2020 race Wednesday morning they will ...
wonder if we can impeach him twice.....different charges this time....probably get more support

give him something else to talk about during his self gratitude hour

if we could get it...…. would like it to take effect halloweeen...kind of fitting for a pumpkin....a fucking rotten one at that

You sore LOSERS are pathetic


WAH WAH WAH :cold:
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