Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Mmmmm he says things are fine.....but the governors don't seem to agree

President Trump, state governors at odds over coronavirus response

Governors from across the U.S. whose states are at various points in the coronavirus pandemic response spoke out this week, with some critical of the absence of a sweeping federal policy. - Bloomberg
Many governors have been tempered in their criticisms, acknowledging the need for a solid working relationship with the president as the crisis continued to grow. – The New York Times
Trump first fueled the flames of suspected partisanship last month when he urged Vice President Mike Pence not to call governors in affected states if they criticized the federal response. – ABC News

Nikki Haley: Focus on Your Governor, Not Trump

Overheated critics of President Trump accuse him of being an authoritarian. Of not caring about checks and balances, civil rights, and constitutional limits on executive power. And yet, today, many of these same critics demand that he nationalize supply chains, deploy the military on our shores and shut down every town in America. It’s a curious thing.

The coronavirus presents enormous national challenges that call for a strong federal response. But we should not lose sight of the essential role that states and governors must play. America is better served when presidents respect the diversity of states instead of dictating uniform solutions.

I was a Republican governor with a Democrat in the White House. We disagreed on most policy matters, but we put those differences aside to serve the immediate needs of our joint constituents. You don’t serve your people if you let politics get in the way.

If you know a crisis is coming, one of the first things a governor will do is reach out to the White House to coordinate F.E.M.A. relief before it hits. Then, when the trouble arrives, everyone is on the same page.

F.E.M.A. typically sends a liaison who coordinates efforts and assesses vulnerabilities. It’s technical stuff. It requires knowing your own state and building a relationship with those on the federal level who apportion resources. It takes time, effort and foresight.

As our highest nationally elected leader, of course President Trump has enormous responsibility in this unprecedented crisis, and he is marshaling the federal response on a massive scale. But in implementing plans to save people’s lives and keep our economy afloat, look no further than the governors.

Trump is desperately seeking to avoid blame

President Donald Trump has royally screwed up the federal government's coronavirus response, and he knows it. And he's doing what he always does: Instead of fixing any of the many problems he's caused, he's trying to weasel his way out of blame and doing all he can to dodge oversight and responsibility.

On Tuesday, Trump demoted Glenn Fine, the man tapped last month to independently oversee spending on the $2 trillion federal coronavirus stimulus package. Because Fine, who was the acting inspector general from the Defense Department, was removed from that role, he also lost his chairmanship of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (only inspectors general are eligible to be on that committee). No explanation was offered.

This isn't just about the specter of the President potentially attempting to assert free rein over the outlay of taxpayer-funded relief. American lives are at stake. The health of our economy -- not just Wall Street winnings, but the livelihoods of tens of millions of Americans, and our basic ability to put food on our tables and care for our families -- is at risk.

Fine's role -- the one that will now be assumed in an "acting" capacity by Sean W. O'Donnell, who will do this along with his other job as Environmental Protection Agency Inspector General -- was to make sure that an enormous stimulus package was being spent as allocated, with minimal waste and no abuse or corruption.

It's disturbing that Americans now may have to worry that our President and his cronies could turn a relief package into a vehicle for self-dealing and a sweetheart deal for the rich, but here we are.

Fine had been picked by a group of independent federal inspectors general who determined he would do the best job. According to The New York Times, the former Justice Department inspector general "earned a reputation for aggression and independence in scrutinizing the FBI's use of surveillance and other law enforcement powers in the years after the September 11, 2001, attacks."

But in Trumpland, such competence and expertise aren't a requirement but a barrier, especially when it comes to oversight duties. The incompetent man at the top is desperate not to have his inadequacy revealed.

Fine's head is just the latest to roll as the President has been systematically guillotining watchdogs across the federal government. In a transparently vindictive move, he also removed Michael Atkinson last Friday as the Intelligence Community inspector general. Atkinson had done his job in informing Congress about the whistleblower complaint that led to Trump's impeachment. Trump doesn't like being held responsible for his actions, so Atkinson was out.

On Monday Trump also attacked Health and Human Services Inspector General Christi Grimm for doing her job. Grimm's office had reported what Americans already know: That there are widespread delays in testing for coronavirus, and serious supply shortages at the nation's hospitals. None of this is news to anyone. But Trump nonetheless tweeted that the report was "Another Fake Dossier!"

Trump seems to fancy himself more of a king than a President. The same man who once pledged to "drain the swamp" seems to love mucking around in it, and attacks anyone who tries to clean it up.

No administration is perfect -- remember the Obamacare rollout debacle? Nobody expects error-free governance, but good leaders are able to deal with mistakes, swiftly correct them, and accept independent oversight. Anything else isn't democracy, it's dictatorship. Americans in urgent need of relief during and after the pandemic need to see this stimulus plan wisely and efficiently dispatched.

There are about 400,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and more than 12,800 dead -- and those numbers may be significant underestimates. Without effective oversight -- and there is no reason to believe that Glenn Fine would not have provided it -- it will be impossible to tell if the stimulus package is being used efficiently to help as many people as possible. Without immediate, unflinching feedback on how Health and Human Services is managing this crisis, it will be harder to know the ways to improve the stimulus in real time and stem the tide of disease, death and financial ruin.

Donald Trump could not care less about the health and well-being of the American people. He has no attachment to good governance, professional ethics, or public service. He doesn't like independent watchdogs because they're inconvenient for him; he prefers lapdogs. And so he is exploiting the pandemic to sack anyone who might point out just how terribly he has mangled the response.

The result won't just be a swampier and more corrupt White House. We Americans may pay with our lives.
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Hahaha! I've been waiting for you to take a bite.
Fast and Furious is a continuation of Operation Wide Receiver under Bush. It's where they sell guns (undercover of course) to Mexican ******* dealers and then trace then to the bigger fish. Neither program was particular successful but in F&F a border agent was killed by one of those guns (a known danger when doing undercover stings with dangerous psychotic ******* dealers). The project like this is called 'gun walking'. It works, just not in this case.
Not sure what previous gun walking operations has to do with Obozo's Fast & Furious....oh yeah deflection. Should have expected as much. How many US FBI agents were killed by guns allowed to walk under Bush's Operation Wide Receiver? How many other US attorney generals were found in contempt of congress for withholding gun walking documents under subpoena?
AG would not give up information that could endanger ongoing cases because ******* lords aren't known to be forgiving. However, I'm sure your a RWN who mouths support for law enforcement until it gets messy or runs against your politics. The AG eventually turned over the casework and the administration was not found to be at fault. But, you keep yelling fast and furious. I'm sure you have more information than the Tea Party Republicans (Louis Gomert) and the Republican Majority Leader or Speaker who could have brought an investigation against Obama.
Bullshit. Holder wasn't held in contempt until a year and a half after fast & furious was ended. Obozo even claimed executive privilege over the documents trying to hide them from congress. Funny how withholding documents requires impeachment for Trump, but not for Obozo.

If you'd pop over here into reality land, you'd know the documents were NOT even fully turned over until two years AFTER Obozo left office. Hell the court case over the documents just ended last year.
What pallets of cash? Can you explain? That wouldn't be the one tied to pushing Iran off their Nuclear projections would it? Their money that we froze many years ago in our banks with sanctions. They get cash because of still ongoing sanctions, banks could not carry the money and just wire it to them.
That would be the pallets of cash Obozo chose to fly to Iran....of course it was just a complete coincidence the pallets arrived as Iran was freeing our hostages....yeah....that's it.
That's a pretty cool pic of Obama looking like Bruno Mars. But you got him! His only vice, smoking cigarettes.
Oh yeah that's just a cigarette...right! I wouldn't do this for just anyone, but given what I've seen in your posts here I'll make you a deal....I have some wonderful oceanfront property here in Kansas I'll be happy to sell you. You''ll love the view of the unicorn dolphins as they frolic in the waves!
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Most New York Coronavirus Cases Came From Europe, Genomes Show

New research indicates that the coronavirus began to circulate in the New York area by mid-February, weeks before the first confirmed case, and that travelers brought in the virus mainly from Europe, not Asia.

You have no clue.

The virus started in Wuhan China and went to Europe and then across Europe and each time it changes in each host.
Mmmmm he says things are fine.....but the governors don't seem to agree

President Trump, state governors at odds over coronavirus response

Governors from across the U.S. whose states are at various points in the coronavirus pandemic response spoke out this week, with some critical of the absence of a sweeping federal policy. - Bloomberg
Many governors have been tempered in their criticisms, acknowledging the need for a solid working relationship with the president as the crisis continued to grow. – The New York Times
Trump first fueled the flames of suspected partisanship last month when he urged Vice President Mike Pence not to call governors in affected states if they criticized the federal response. – ABC News

Nikki Haley: Focus on Your Governor, Not Trump

Overheated critics of President Trump accuse him of being an authoritarian. Of not caring about checks and balances, civil rights, and constitutional limits on executive power. And yet, today, many of these same critics demand that he nationalize supply chains, deploy the military on our shores and shut down every town in America. It’s a curious thing.

The coronavirus presents enormous national challenges that call for a strong federal response. But we should not lose sight of the essential role that states and governors must play. America is better served when presidents respect the diversity of states instead of dictating uniform solutions.

I was a Republican governor with a Democrat in the White House. We disagreed on most policy matters, but we put those differences aside to serve the immediate needs of our joint constituents. You don’t serve your people if you let politics get in the way.

If you know a crisis is coming, one of the first things a governor will do is reach out to the White House to coordinate F.E.M.A. relief before it hits. Then, when the trouble arrives, everyone is on the same page.

F.E.M.A. typically sends a liaison who coordinates efforts and assesses vulnerabilities. It’s technical stuff. It requires knowing your own state and building a relationship with those on the federal level who apportion resources. It takes time, effort and foresight.

As our highest nationally elected leader, of course President Trump has enormous responsibility in this unprecedented crisis, and he is marshaling the federal response on a massive scale. But in implementing plans to save people’s lives and keep our economy afloat, look no further than the governors.

Trump is desperately seeking to avoid blame

President Donald Trump has royally screwed up the federal government's coronavirus response, and he knows it. And he's doing what he always does: Instead of fixing any of the many problems he's caused, he's trying to weasel his way out of blame and doing all he can to dodge oversight and responsibility.

On Tuesday, Trump demoted Glenn Fine, the man tapped last month to independently oversee spending on the $2 trillion federal coronavirus stimulus package. Because Fine, who was the acting inspector general from the Defense Department, was removed from that role, he also lost his chairmanship of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (only inspectors general are eligible to be on that committee). No explanation was offered.

This isn't just about the specter of the President potentially attempting to assert free rein over the outlay of taxpayer-funded relief. American lives are at stake. The health of our economy -- not just Wall Street winnings, but the livelihoods of tens of millions of Americans, and our basic ability to put food on our tables and care for our families -- is at risk.

Fine's role -- the one that will now be assumed in an "acting" capacity by Sean W. O'Donnell, who will do this along with his other job as Environmental Protection Agency Inspector General -- was to make sure that an enormous stimulus package was being spent as allocated, with minimal waste and no abuse or corruption.

It's disturbing that Americans now may have to worry that our President and his cronies could turn a relief package into a vehicle for self-dealing and a sweetheart deal for the rich, but here we are.

Fine had been picked by a group of independent federal inspectors general who determined he would do the best job. According to The New York Times, the former Justice Department inspector general "earned a reputation for aggression and independence in scrutinizing the FBI's use of surveillance and other law enforcement powers in the years after the September 11, 2001, attacks."

But in Trumpland, such competence and expertise aren't a requirement but a barrier, especially when it comes to oversight duties. The incompetent man at the top is desperate not to have his inadequacy revealed.

Fine's head is just the latest to roll as the President has been systematically guillotining watchdogs across the federal government. In a transparently vindictive move, he also removed Michael Atkinson last Friday as the Intelligence Community inspector general. Atkinson had done his job in informing Congress about the whistleblower complaint that led to Trump's impeachment. Trump doesn't like being held responsible for his actions, so Atkinson was out.

On Monday Trump also attacked Health and Human Services Inspector General Christi Grimm for doing her job. Grimm's office had reported what Americans already know: That there are widespread delays in testing for coronavirus, and serious supply shortages at the nation's hospitals. None of this is news to anyone. But Trump nonetheless tweeted that the report was "Another Fake Dossier!"

Trump seems to fancy himself more of a king than a President. The same man who once pledged to "drain the swamp" seems to love mucking around in it, and attacks anyone who tries to clean it up.

No administration is perfect -- remember the Obamacare rollout debacle? Nobody expects error-free governance, but good leaders are able to deal with mistakes, swiftly correct them, and accept independent oversight. Anything else isn't democracy, it's dictatorship. Americans in urgent need of relief during and after the pandemic need to see this stimulus plan wisely and efficiently dispatched.

There are about 400,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and more than 12,800 dead -- and those numbers may be significant underestimates. Without effective oversight -- and there is no reason to believe that Glenn Fine would not have provided it -- it will be impossible to tell if the stimulus package is being used efficiently to help as many people as possible. Without immediate, unflinching feedback on how Health and Human Services is managing this crisis, it will be harder to know the ways to improve the stimulus in real time and stem the tide of disease, death and financial ruin.

Donald Trump could not care less about the health and well-being of the American people. He has no attachment to good governance, professional ethics, or public service. He doesn't like independent watchdogs because they're inconvenient for him; he prefers lapdogs. And so he is exploiting the pandemic to sack anyone who might point out just how terribly he has mangled the response.

The result won't just be a swampier and more corrupt White House. We Americans may pay with our lives.

This is all opinion and a weak attempt at propaganda and linkage to fit the liberal media narrative.
you just don't want to hear the facts...push your head a little deeper in your ass and you won't even have to see what is on here....or go back to Russia…..you seem to think it is ok for the pumpkin to tear this country to pieces

No. The people trying tear apart America are the Democrats and liberal Media partners.

Which party wants to fundamentally change America?- Democrats.
Which party is always saying America is bad, unless it is a political move, then tell us how America is bad?- Democrats.
Which part keeps saying other, socialist, places do it much better then America, but then don't move there?- Democrats.

Remember Captain China defender Subhub. You and MacNfries want America to fall to hurt Trump supporters.
I am and always have....that is why I supported impeachment...…..for once open your eyes and quit trying to defend the inept

you are more interested in covering for your hero than you are repairing america

People who support America can NOT have your ideology. Your Democrat ideology and American Principles can't coexist.

People who support America know you can't believe in what Democrats preach daily and be an American and support it. You can try to pretend but we smell you.
You got one anti-American thing he did? It seems to me that the Republicans went after him with everything they had. And still, he came through with no scandals.
Even when the republicans manufactured policy errors into criminal status, they went nowhere. So they talked about him in lies. He didn't take guns, increase abortions, close churches, outlaw Christmas (said it every year in official addresses Bill O' Reilly), bring in Sharia Law, deplete the military, make America a joke, cow tow to our enemies, etc etc.
You hate him because, first all you're from Maine and elected a fucking racist moron who didn't even maintain residence there through his term. Barack Obama came into office killing Somali pirates, rescuing American businesses, creating a stimulus for the economy that was growing until tRump crashed it last month, improved our standing in the world, killed Bin Ladin, delivered Health Care to more working Americans, brought Troops home (who should not have been in Iraq anyway) delivered health care, was a decent and thoughtful President, husband and *******, that you wouldn't mind your children being like (unlike the pussy grabber, wife cheating, corrupt, excuse maker in Chief there now). And, what really eats your craw is that people like Obama, and fucking hate tRump to the point, he won't be able to cheat and hold on to his seat.
I hate Obama because I am from Maine ? I never said I hate Obama, I believe I said I don't like him. You have mostly been respectful when responding to my posts. I do appreciate that and I can respect your opinion. It is not my desire to disrespect anyone on here, but I do admit that even I have become sour to many responses. Why, because I would rather not be called stupid or racist all the time, neither is true. I am an independent voter and I did not vote for Donald Trump because he ran as a republican, I voted for him for only two reasons really, because I wanted was sick of the same old political farce our government has become, and I don't like Hillary, I don't trust her motives in the least. You say you are a die hard Democrat, how could anyone support that woman who in 2007 ran against Obama and showed her true colors, she was a nasty vindictive opponent , everything changed after Obama defeated her and all for Party kicked in. How can any of us on a cuckold lifestyle web site judge Trump with being immoral before his life before political office. So he talked about pussy grabbing on a bus talking to other men, wife cheating is morally wrong but that happens in life.
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