Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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think about this for a minute...…..right now we ARE the largest producer of crude oil.....what do we need with more?....we don't!....some oil comp is getting his middle man cut to let Canada sell oil to others and he makes a little money....putting this country at risk....as for workers....if you notice Canada is supplying most of the technology workers......America just supplying the muscle.....again we get fucked....something the right specializes in......them making money avg American doing the work for little of nothing

but I am confident that you are your usual closed minded on this and do not see anything
And more support to China's economy.
See here you go- I never said they can vote- I said the Democrats keep TRYING to make it happen. And Pelosi said so her self, hence why you did this big production of trying to argue a strawman. And of course you are going to dismiss Townhall. They don't have to retract every other story like VOX.

And why did the Congress- defund Acron them? Voter Fraud in multiple states that only benefited Democrats. Strange how that happened And the Dems defuned because they have to have a scape goat for their criminal Democrat, and only Democrat benefiting mass criminal enterprise. The number of felonies should have been RICO for Acron and many Dems. Possible including the Sitting President.
You fucking did it again! We were talking about Democrats want ILLEGALS to vote! Pelosi talked about new CITIZENS being welcomed into the system. What Democrats are trying to get ILLEGALS to vote. Stay on topic. I've discredited the info so far. WHO? Show us your proof for that statement. NOT what people 'feel'.
Motherfucker! You did it again! YOU said "And Acorn was registering them in the Voter Fraud back to get Obama a second term."
ACORN was done in less than one year after Obama's first inauguration.
How were they registering illegals for a second term? How did this connect with the Democratic Congress who defunded them? And, now you stating the President, the President who led a scandal free administration is also involved in a conspiracy with ACORN?

Stay on topic and you won't find yourself in a deep rabbit hole full of your lies and deflection. Sorry I had to do this but, it's for you own growth and development.
Right - that's where the money is.

When was the last time anything was actually cured and eradicated? Polio?
Smallpox, 1980. Polio has not been eradicated. However, having a vaccine, is a different issue. It protects you from catching it again, not curing it. That's the best we can hope for at this point. We moved pretty quick with Swine Flu in 2009(H1N1). Six months for a vaccine from the first American case, and three months to create 100 million vaccine vials, enough for America.
And how do the Republicans react to a scientist backed by science? They threaten his life so much, he had to get armed protection for telling the truth. NEVER ever let the Right tell you they are concerned about truth and the American people. The care about one thing, not winning, but being right in their lies.
Fucking threatened to ******* the Infectious Disease Chief during a pandemic because he exposes the ignorant, feckless, incompetence of their cult leader, tRump. Fucking DEPLORABLE degenerates.
Coronavirus Expert Dr. Anthony Fauci's Personal Security Has ...
www.forbes.com › sites › isabeltogoh › 2020/04/02 › coronavirus-ex...

Wow all those post to share the exact same story and no proof of who is doing it. One or two propaganda "dog whistle comments about people on the right think he is undermining the president. And you try to concoct some vast right wing conspiracy there, Hillary.

Just Dumb- nuts are threating him and dumb- you try to turn it into Right Wingers.
No same argument that started this.

Democrats are the party against American. They are the party of illegals, party of replacement, the party of open boarders and the party trying to saddle the American Taxpayers to support illegals/ "Refugees" with free meals, free schools, free healthcare. Why? So the Dems can get the illegals and "refugees" the right to vote so the Dems can stay in power.

Well *******, let's take them out back and shoot those Democrats.
We don't love illegals. We are the only party trying to submit an Immigration Policy that addresses the issue. .

Refugees fall under a different category. The United States has a policy about this. You don't like it? Stop electing people who yell at Obama, and promise to protect your guns (which are not under any siege) and elect people who will actually make strong arguments for change and engage with others. You keep sending assholes to DC, we'll keep sending dicks, and your issues will continue to get fucked.

Again why are the dems pushing to bring in so many people from socialist and anti American countries? Why not farms from South Africa or Highly educated from Former Russian States? No middle eastern "Refugees" who go right on welfare and never come off, most appear to be literate in their own language? Why so many Democrat NGOs operate in Socialist South America and help those South Americans socialist to come here?
Getting a little racist or just showing your ignorance on a subject? Farms in S. Africa- that's some Tucker Carlson bullshit you'd better check out before making a fool of yourself. There is NOT one immigration policy. It is absolutely easier for Europeans to immigrate hear than Hispanics, Asians, and Africans. There are already different standards. An uneducated Swede, can get papers to be here much faster and easier than a well educated Mexican to stay and work here. It's also easier to round up 'dark' immigrants than the ones who blend in with white people. Anyone who gets around Chicago, New York, Toronto, Buffalo, etc can tell you where the European illegals who come here on a vacation visa and stay.

Why did Obama with Catholic Charities "import" so many Somalis into Minnesota? To the point they dominate politics in many areas now? Wonder why so many Red and Purple states received so many "refugees" under Obama? And why Democrat NGOs using tax payer funds educated them on democrat handouts?
The think about racist screeds, is that they usually short on factual details and full of emotional garbage.
There are about 40,000-55,000 Somalis in the Twin Cities area- an area with 4,000,000 people. Hardly taking over. 1-2% of the population.
Obama didn't bring ANY Somalis here. They have been going to Minnesota since the 1980's with many coming in the early 1990s. The President was Ronald Reagan and then George Bush- those fucking liberal pansies.
Obama was in Law School back then, but I'm sure it's still his fault.
Most are refugee status and cannot vote in most elections. Some are citizens now and have done exactly what people like you asked of them, learn english, get an education, and assimilate. How dare them become American and rise to political power!

Governors and Mayors work together to accept refugees. If they are going to red states and purple states (as you see the world), talk to those governors. The President can open the door but a state has to agree to accept refugees.
Wouldn't it help to administer vaccine to those that didn't have antibodies
Yes. My concern is the administration of the vaccine. I'm not trying to be a partisan, really, I like chatting normal but, I get the fucking willies thinking about how this administration will distribute a vaccine that will be limited initially. Honestly, we are not even testing in the best manner.
Wow all those post to share the exact same story and no proof of who is doing it. One or two propaganda "dog whistle comments about people on the right think he is undermining the president. And you try to concoct some vast right wing conspiracy there, Hillary.

Just Dumb- nuts are threating him and dumb- you try to turn it into Right Wingers.
tRump supporters M.O.
republicans normally always vote....dems...so-so...have to be inspired and pushed......last time a lot of people did not like either candidate....overkill on the negative press.....do not see that happening this time...with trump you either love him or hate him....and for that reason a lot more votes this time.....but then what about the electorial college...…..I think this time there will be a lot of hell raised on both sides and be a very bitter election

Bernie sanders never stood a chance from the start....and he should have known or at least suspected last time.....first he pulled some ******* with the DNC and Hillary...supporters..money….a lot...so they dumped him but he kept on....rallying all kinds of people...but his message is a big deal with the youth...free college...healthcare and etc....problem there is......the youth likes to go to rallies in a group....but they don't usually vote when the chips are down.....with the fans he amassed last time.....and the work this time...he should have been a shoe in.....but if you look at states last time where he got 40% of the vote....and this time barely 20%....tells you something wrong

I don't know what I consider myself....I believe in some freebies....but not all......health insurance by employer or gov...is nothing more than most other countries already have.....education is an issue....for all the ******* no matter what age or grade.....and we need to fix our infrastructure...that will cost at first...but just an investment.....and people are hired to do the work...they will pay more in taxes...something the gov needs....most...even your die hard libbers have a limit on the freebies....but then again with the infrastructure...repairing needed things in America......increases job and pay...more will go to work

again...well the right stopping or trying in a couple of red states to stop college ******* from voting...….but in most states....******* do not vote
I pretty much agree with you on everything except the last line. There just isn't any freebies and the press and others do not make that clear to the *******. I didn't know that some states, right or left have tried to stop college ******* from voting, that doesn't make sense.

The infrastructure is an issue. With all the large paving and construction companies we have in America it would put people to work but here is where I admit ignorance, how do we as a people pay for this without having to go through the government? There needs to be money spent to repair our infrastructure, our government being the middle man in any situation will never use taxpayers money the most effective way to get it done.
Nope. Lived on base, and near bases when I was young, before my family moved here. My ******* served, starting during Vietnam. Grandfathers were WWII. Segregated Army, but still proudly served.
I spent 03 to 04 in Iraq my ******* was peace time and grandfather's Korea some great uncles in Vietnam
I pretty much agree with you on every except the last line. There just isn't any freebies and the press and others do not make that clear to the *******. I didn't know that some states, right or left have tried to stop college ******* from voting, that doesn't make sense.

The infrastructure is an issue. With all the large paving companies we have in America it would but people to work but here is where I admit ignorance, how do we as a people pay for this without having to go through the government? There needs to be money spent to repair our infrastructure, our government being the middle man in situation like this will never use taxpayers money the most effective way to get it done.

there has to be a certain amount of freebies...….unemployment and etc....also when you have companies such as wal mart getting by fucking us on both ends...we pay them to hire disadvantaged workers...and then they pay them nothing so we have to help the workers because they don't make enough to live on.....little problem there!...but some down and out because of no fault of their own....

2 states passed laws on college students trying to prevent them from voting

infrastructure is a big deal....always talked about and nothing done.....just like this little stimulus check now...….similar for infrastructure.....the gov hires a bunch of companies to fix this and that highway ( takes bids from companies)....repair these bridges...that airport...on and on.....those companies will hire workers at good paying jobs to do that work.....with that good paying job comes taxes back into the gov......plus they will spend on the house the car and etc....just one big chain reaction....all putting more money into the economy...and a lot more back in taxes...repaying the gov......creating a good economy and etc.....giving tax break to corps does nothing for the economy.....they reinvest and buy back stocks and other ******* ….where as you invest in small biz and local biz.....raise the working wages...….a well paid worker is what makes the economy grow......not some corp sending money over seas...….invest local...it stays local.....you have to look at infrastructure as an investment in america

true...our whole system of government is so corrupt anymore....WE have to take control....ever see a politician go to Washington....and not retire wealthy?....problem is we never do anything more than talk....every election we go in and listen to our politician tell us what all he is trying to do for us...and we believe him......it always the other guy......so we vote him right back in....same thing happens in every state...nothing changes.....we are going to have to hit rock bottom before change comes...….who knows we may be there now...but don't think so...….this virus fucking things up...but will most likely survive it...although still some economists saying not a sure thing.....I am not wishing bad luck on anybody....i'm just saying it is going to take something extreme to turn things around
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